AFRICA 339 Lafayette Street

AFRICA 339 Lafayette Street

E EPISCOPAL CHURCHPEOPLE for a FREE SOUTHEBN AFRICA 339 Lafayette Street. New York. N.Y. '00'2-2725 C (2'2) 4n-0066 FAX: (212) 979 -1013 ~S A #119 10 December 1991 The South African Council of Churches , its component churches and individual churchpeople have long been targetted by the apartheid regime. Pretoria regards the religious opposi­ tion - of all faiths - fully as t~atening as its political opponents and has used its security forces," clandestine killer units and disinfonnation campaigns against them. Pretoria - touted as devoted to democracy - has concocted a new scheme: a fake pamphlet aimed to discredit the SACC's firm stand in support of sanctions and to direct a flood of hungry and impoverished people toward SACC headquarters in central Johannesburg (the original Khotso House was destroyed by a secretly placed bomb just over three years ago). The Rev Dr Frank Chikane, SACC general,secretary, who was nearly poisoned to death twJ r~ J.l1le~: Africa~···· - -.-... ~ ,Councd Of, Churches, • TO THE'.POOR AND UNEMPLOYED' " ".. " ' ,t' .' , , ',_AI 'fOU ,know !ht Sot.ith Afr1cin 'Coun=1 of Church.. btfitv•• in U\t " ,~:GosPtt'of U'le Poor, 'God earu f~:~'Poer IfId w. bt/i.v. M Wi': h...... ~.I e:amng ~g cart fer ttl.l.poor of our CIt';. , '. " , We Weri bl.n.d during Jilt YI.r and rKINId no Jtu ttl." R254 O!9 from ,our btlovtd ov"'..... donora',;for h\lngtr .nd ;'11..,. (Our tota!, ~orni wu juSt ov" "29 miU+Cnl. ~Iy It180 106 w•• uMd cturil'lO ~t 'fur ,and ~'3 8!3 wa. IMt to, help .11 of yOu, \lYho are, poor 'tid "nlmpleyed, . '~'::; ,'. How.vtr, w. hlv. a confualon to Ift,lte. Fer many'VNta ~•.:' =m~lg~ fer ~net!~r.s I~Mrt. ~_'!h Afrlt! !M ~..1)nyjl'le~ ~ , O..,.,..U comp'l'Iiu not fa build nlw 'aetorf.. and do ~sln.... fn Solnh Af"". ,",0.. who had b~"euu and faC1Cnll In So",ttI Africa wt fc,* to cloll down ,nd I.a~. me counVy;' Ut'l'OIl1.In.~tly ~s put ",.ny Black workerl out of their jobs and II • rNult of thn lOCS.y "'anv ara uMfI"lplo'rtd an~ vetV DOOr. W. al$.o lU~td tn. Itly aWl'II 0' IN Mde unio". thtt cauUd • Io~ of B1.~ work.r. to 10M "tir job•• ~ w, c6nfH' to eM f.ct, that -. cauMd I ,rut dul Of unam~l¢yment and ~~ In Sou., Africa. W. now want to 1rY and helD Itll poor aM unem~. WI wi" gJv. you • I~I Chrinma& oarctl of foue tnd clothing to maJc.e 'to" Md you, IUf't'inQ family hippy. Wt off., eN. &I, tokft' of 04Jt rtC*'tlt\Ot. ' Chrirm\all ~I W\ be ob1:iNd MI1t d\. off'toeI of N SolIf, A,",,*, CouncJ of C),u!"CNs It' lChoao )biN. 12 Mltll\eu hwt in JoNmMtaurg. (The Churctt of en. Pro¥fra of ~ Africa wP\o has offIcM in the ume builcr."Q It'd ~ .ito IY&>OO~ aan~on. ,t\d Itrik.. "'0 off., ~a1 Chriftmu rood he,",*" for t\t .I.Ifttm~vtd,) IOlITH ARUCAH COUNCIL 0' CHU*:HU CDtpat'a'nlnt of Hung.,. ."d Rtlltf) uIUThuay t) uecemoer l~l THF; INDEPENDENT 2.. Amnesty begins investigation of SA police A V!smNG Amftesl'\ lnterna· Donal I<&Ill wo1uch t>cpzi 1Il"C>1.", F'nJm Job CartiJl bon, l'nterdo~ inlO allegallOns in Pretoria tNl the South Afncan "'C'lln!) folU> an Ilill ....11Ii • c:amp&lpl Too.~ tbc witnca wbo will be ~ ... open licld aod lOId that if abe .,aln" blad ac1J',1Sl.S Deed I"~"lli befon: tbc COlI1IIliKio[l, 110 alJcglliom that appeared i!l tbc 1D JIIDC this )'Uf. havula CDlltinued with ber 'Ilomem<' 01 fu.nt>cr than tbc capital which" pr=ded O'o'tr by I bIacl _n J'fC". The 0llC: lWIled oft:icrr with tbc AN C abe wwId Hen: a commlMKm of ioquil\ barnsl... ;. Is...I Mlt<ol<. 24. All If'&IlIed IIIlDC$l)' by tbc 10"'=' ~. ~Wul wbom Mr Mabel' ;. bnn,' be killed. orl:ucb ;. o:zacUy what -waln'ed AC1 of parlwnen' in IINC offlClll from TotOUl. He IDeOI. be returned home. eacer 10 ~ Se'lUtlI 0-;. bappeDed 10 aDOCber JIDWl& Jill) io ~.into prCCl>C~ web will be n:admg from an aJf>davlI in cIwt.." " _ what "!be ""' Soulb AfricI" alleg."oru.. cono<Dlralltl~ on OIMer. wllo W&! appointed 10 - !be Soulb AfricI wbcn: tbc ...,.,.." from !be Al'C Ihree ,,-tllch be ""'"" thll OD JO Scp­ bead tbc investipticD allo tbc weeh 110" rvtIlU in the COUlltl\", blood.e" Irmbc r h, .....,. Inesled and taien Al'C W&! """ unbanne<:l aod po­ .....«j'12ttoD of NI~I~ t::,~ '-&f"" ...illi ~Il p",,.•.tap du",,* u.. p&>1 18 10 old dwnp. IiIQJ acu<ll) .... an mine wbcn: poUct Edd.. f>abL wbo W&! wilb Mr bladt !DCn ,till prooo1 tbc IOWDIIup monln., Hundred> of I Me - .... uk<. "rm mon: VlliDerabie ....-appcd the inner cube of Mabet. IS an observer II the com· aod It Ilicb I pan oullid< tbc alfulo'iu ha", been produocd 1m. around iii> faa. poured br< ok . aDd more IllIioui. more afraid of plic.allD~ the paoo. dl1U'tt-. or in· misoion prcacdlnp )"C$lerdo). bein& killed !Iwl wl>en I lett. Be:. Ilomes of aaivisu.. be aid "TIle OuJd inlO hi> Ill'" aod beat him ~ direct~ m lets of vioJcne.. E,i· laid lbal the ,;cullion in bame fore. II least ~ alUId ideotity tbc dfect ;. 10 iIllimidate. ckmoraIise for """ bour>. aU alJcgoticn, ~Yllp approlimate, mon: ev· aod dlsnIpl !be Al'C in ToLoza. elener hI..' also emefJC'd of Ibe wlucb ,u~uelll medICI! rca>1'lh poIJcr opeoly .. tbc eDem). Now e" do, to wbal be called "the low· ~ IIld ill this tbcy bvt beeo ""'Y pooo. f.w&f adc<lualcl~ 10 in'n· IUppon. Th, object. Mr Mlbel< fuDctioo lXlVeft1y in wcIJ-ora' 1UClOCSIfuJ... inierui" amfucts·· of utin Amer· IIIlioed hil-<quoch.· lIIal< tbc bUmg,. aUegollOns oaJd...... to beal au' 01 him I COD' ia Mr' f>abL wbe ;. abo 24. fled The IDOII moartabIe thizli. be ..tllcb lb. four-pcr>or> Amn.." leMion tha, be had ..........ted NolJUo,. be &aid, had c:IIqcd lum oaJd 11 ""llWd be ICI'\l1in~ 10 London m 1980 after the potice. IiDce tbc COIIllnisIioo a.aned iIJ IUd, .... thaI aU this IbouId hap­ tb< lINC oaMs' Sam NlIw on 2\l wbo we n: I<loluli for him, bad pen ill ToLoza. whidl ;. a partJal. ~d iDquiries """ MCb 110. No 0Ilt .September aod taiCll pan m I burn r dovon ~ bome. fUviDg ob­ IatIy IIIlI!J 10WllI0hip. wilen: lbcre ......rn of 2.' Inbtha wpponcr> bad been -mated ill w pe. l&ined ref",.. IUtw be ""'" a riod. but tbc point .... llw the cIi· ia I permaoent poIJcr sutioo aod 00 8 Sept.mber. Il:bol&tWp to &fUel) in Devoe. ill tbc be&n of whidl tbc South Mr Mlbol. b.. laid <barges IIIate 01 tcrmr aod inllmidaUOll Africao anrn' hal ClIUbilIIlcd I IIJ.=I tbc paller for ...uh aod ftm&iDed. MUs! "'CCk I frioAd from tbc Al'C Youth but camp. Mi.-, amazioa. Here ;. ia planlUDS 10 tmn, dcfllUl>On Lea,ue. wbere !bey bvt lbc _ 1lIClrit\' chug., .,aWl tbc M=ter of DIodu Lmu., ... tidoappcd by low au-n bla<t ....... IatalIO forces aalioDcd in lbc wboIC U .. aod Order ill CXlIll>CCtDl WlllJ ClOWlU) IIld wilen: ... aperieDae tbc _ terror.· Aglimpse ofthe 'new South b~ through discussion and legal re­ ~i~~e~dfe~I::Ja:e~SUCH been the UDCtrtainty, Afr- 't k course. And Mr Sithole yesterday lea a cenainJy looked the part - a man wor tall ud heralded the end of apartheid with bark as well as bite. A in­ in February last year, that the dividual with a deep voi~. a dark tenn -new South Africa" has blue suit, red "power" tie and. red tended to evoke boUow laugh!; John Carlin reports from Pretoria about Ute start "power" handkerchief, he came among the utioo's inhabitants. across as unqueslionably tbe com· of an unprecedented inquirJ' into the political presen~ panicuJarly the black sector. BUI 1 affli~.,ed manding in the chamber. iDe 1pC<.'1&Cle )'C6lerday al a \AJtn­ kj !i'1gs which have Tokoza township • tnlUl who wuuld bruoa. no Don· IDilsK>n of inquiry appointed pre­ sense, whose wralh no lawyer or c:iady to combat these fun. to in· this year. the date unk.nOWD gun­ political conlext - is coDlidered witness would ",ish to incur. ¥CStigaIe the causes of political men opened fire on an lnkatba by all side5 as jusl and impanial. Over an anticipaled three-week violence, offered a tantalising and rally, killing 24. Justi~ Goldstone ordered as a period, more than 40 witnesse~ unprecedenled vision of what the This panicular investigation finl step the appointment of a wilJ testifv, all of them to be cros~· future might yet bold. rom~ under the aegis of a broad­ IUb<OlIlJllitlee to look into the vi· eumiIled by' lawyers representin~ The presiding chairman of the er, II&Uonwide effort to be con· olence in Tokoza. And be ap­ the Tokoza Civic Association. the commission was a black barrister. ducted by tbe Commission of in­ pointed one of his four feUow ANC. lnkatha. the police and ~1r On bis righI-band side sat a black quiry into the Prevention of Public commissioners, SoUy Sithole, Ii Sitbole and his two assistanls. B\ lawyer, OIl his left a liberal while ViQlence and 1ntimidalion, a body chairman.

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