OPEN SESSION: There were 5 members of the public present who were interested in items on the agenda. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PLANNING, TOWN & ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE Held on Friday 1st July 2016 at 10.00am PRESENT: Cllr Christopher Treleaven (Chairman) Cllr Tim Ward (Vice Chairman) Cllr Andrew Briers Cllr Philip Day Cllr Christine Ford Cllr Angela Wiseman IN ATTENDANCE: Jo Hurd, Deputy Town Clerk Nicola Vodden, Meetings Administrator P/5308 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE The Chairman reported that apologies for absence had been received from Cllr Debee Deane and Cllr Mark Steele. P/5309 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr Day, Treleaven and Ward declared a non-pecuniary interest in the Highways England agenda item as they know Mr Tony Ring, who wished to speak on the matter. P/5310 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meetings held on 25th May 2016 and 3rd June 2016, having been circulated, be approved and signed as a correct record. P/5311 PLANNING APPLICATIONS Members considered the planning applications as detailed in Annex A, attached, and noted applications dealt with under delegated powers. 16/10548 – 11 Coxstone Lane - Mr Nick White addressed the Committee, objecting to the retrospective application to use car parking area as garden curtilage and the re-siting of a boundary fence. He explained the neighbourly agreement which had existed since 1963 and although the land was owned by each of the houses, he understood from the title deeds that there was a qualifying rite to access the whole area. He detailed the difficulties resulting from the new positioning of the fence and the knock-on effects with parking on the grass verge and safety issues when exiting the area. Members referred to the Planning Officer’s report and concurred that land ownership was a matter for the County Court and it was noted that reports from the Conservation Officer and the Highways Officer were not available. The Committee concluded that the proposal limited Page 1 of 5 the amenity of neighbours, in that it made the use of the car parking area difficult and had resulted in a compromise of highway safety. The recommendation was to refuse the application, however the Planning Officer’s decision would be accepted. With the agreement of members, Highways England – Route Strategies agenda item was considered following this application, for the benefit of the members of the public present. The remaining planning applications were dealt with in list order. Cllr Wiseman declared a non-pecuniary interest in application 16/10631 9, New Road as her daughter lives in New Road. RESOLVED: That the observations summarised in Annex A be submitted and decisions made under delegated powers be noted. ACTION Nicola Vodden P/5312 HIGHWAYS ENGLAND – ROUTE STRATEGIES Cllr Day, Treleaven and Ward declared a non-pecuniary interest as they know Mr Tony Ring, who wished to speak on the matter. The Committee considered the draft response to Highways England’s consultation on route strategies (and an updated version provided at the meeting), which had been prepared by the Deputy Town Clerk and incorporated 45 responses received from the public, following a press release. Cllr Day thanked the Deputy Town Clerk for producing the draft response and acknowledged the amount of work that had been involved. Mr Ring spoke as a resident of Hightown Hill, and on behalf of a Better Ringwood Committee and Hightown Hill Residents Association, making representations in respect of the stretch of A31 that affects Hightown Hill, Hightown Common and Picket Post junction and a proposal to close the slip road off the A31, which leads across Hightown Common. He requested that concerns were included in the Town Council’s response to Highways England in respect of the safety of the junction, the fact that there had been a number of incidents that were not necessarily reported and how the road across the common is used as a rat-run when the A31 is congested. The Committee supported the proposal for the closure of the slip road and agreed that this be added to the Council’s response, along with a further note in relation to the consultation necessary in respect of the closure of West Street and an emphasis on the need for a relief road from the south to the east of Ringwood to support future housing proposals and the inability of the current roads network to cope with the increased traffic generated. RESOLVED: That the Town Council’s response to Highway’s England’s consultation on route strategies be finalised and submitted (Annex B – final version) ACTION Jo Hurd Page 2 of 5 P/5313 CHRISTCHURCH ROAD, KINGSTON The Deputy Town Clerk provided an update to the Committee in respect of correspondence with Mandy Ware, Team Leader, Traffic Management West at Hampshire County Council and the County Councillor Steve Rippon-Swaine, following the last meeting (P/5297 refers), where traffic control measures for Christchurch Road, Kingston, were requested by residents. She reported that HCC maintain that detailed responses have already been given as to why a 30mph speed limit and a double white line system cannot be introduced in this location, and that the County Council’s position on these matters remains unchanged. There are funding cuts and the County Council’s capacity to investigate and implement highway improvements has reduced, with remaining limited resources being focussed on addressing the causes of injury accidents to reduce the number of people killed and injured on the roads. At this stage, they are not prepared to attend a site meeting, as requested. However, the Traffic and Safety Team are in the process of developing a ‘Community Funded Initiative’ that will enable Parish/Town Councils or community groups to fund minor traffic management measures in the future. Details are still being worked up, but the Town Council’s interest has been registered and will be contacted when further details are available. She explained that the County Council has another initiative that enables Parish/Town Councils to purchase portable speed limit reminder signs and manage an agreed programme of short term (2-3 weeks) deployments over a number of sites. The cost of such a scheme was being looked into and Members were asked if they wished her to pursue this. It was noted however that the likely cost is in the region of £4,000 and this Council has no provision for such expenditure in its current budget but, if supported by members, it could be included as a bid for next year’s budget. The Deputy Town Clerk had informed Susan Carter, the main contact for Christchurch Road, Kingston residents, of the response received and would keep her informed of future developments. Members supported further investigations being undertaken in terms of costing and the possibility of sharing the cost of a device jointly with another town, approaching the District Council with a request to locate their speed limit reminder signs in this area and the initiatives, as mentioned. It was hoped that the following agenda item, which proposed a reduction of the speed limit into Ringwood, if implemented, would have a knock on effect and the residents of Kingston would benefit from this. RESOLVED: That further investigations be undertaken in respect of: 1) options to purchase a portable speed limit reminder sign, 2) approaching NFDC requesting that they locate their devices in Christchurch Road, Kingston, and 3) initiatives that allow Town Councils to fund or obtain funding for minor traffic management measures ACTION Jo Hurd Page 3 of 5 P/5314 TRAFFIC ORDER PROPOSAL – B3347 RINGWOOD TO SOPLEY The Committee was asked to consider making representations to Hampshire County Council in relation to the proposal to reduce the current national speed limit on B3347 between Ringwood and Sopley to 50mph (Annex C). All members agreed to support the proposal. RESOLVED: That the Traffic Order Proposal, to reduce the speed limit on B3347 Christchurch Road/Ringwood Road from national speed limit to 50mph, be supported ACTION Jo Hurd P/5315 FLOOD ACTION WORKING PARTY The Committee received the notes from the meeting of the Flood Action Working Party on 6th June 2016, and agreed the actions therein (Annex D). The Deputy Town Clerk reported that the cost of cutting back the hemlock water dropwort would be £300 and the expenditure would need to be approved by Committee. In respect of Moortown Lane flood relief drain, the mapping had been completed and the pipes across Christchurch Road and down into Hampshire Hatches, which were larger than originally thought, could be brought back into use for under £10,000, subject to no further works being identified by CCTV and level surveys, still to be carried out. As soon as Linden Homes were on site, an application would be made to the District Council for release of funds, from the £50,000 promised for drainage works, in order for this work to be undertaken. RESOLVED: 1)That the notes of the Flood Action Working Party meeting on 6th June 2016 be received and the actions therein be agreed 2) That expenditure of £300 be approved for cutting back hemlock water dropwort from the Elm Tree to Stocks Green ACTION Jo Hurd P/5316 GENERATORS AND SAND BAGS Members were asked to note the report being considered by Recreation, Leisure and Open Spaces Committee on 6th July 2016 (Annex E), as it deals with flood matters. RESOLVED: That the report in respect of generators and sand bags to be considered by the Recreation, Leisure and Open Spaces Committee on 6th July be noted ACTION Jo Hurd Page 4 of 5 There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 11.57am.
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