CASTOR OIL AND THE INTELLIGENTSIA LA INTELIGENCIA Y EL ACEITE DE RICINO by JOSÉ CARLOS MARIÁTEGUI translated from the Spanish by JUAN CARLOS AGUIRRE 1. The source of this When fascism won over the state and the Eter- quotation about D’An- nunzio is not clear. Else- where, however, Mariáte- nal City, it also won over most of Italy’s intellec- gui quotes at length from the historian Adriano tuals. Some yoked themselves without reserve Tilgher’s analysis of D’An- nunzio’s cultural impact on Italian nationalism. to its wagon and fortunes; others gave it their For more information on Gabriele D’Annunzio, see footnote 4 in Mariátegui’s implicit consent; still others, the most prudent “Scenes from a Civil War” of the lot, adopted a benevolent neutrality to- in this collection. ward it. The Intelligentsia takes pleasure in 2. Filippo Marinetti letting itself be taken by Force. Especially when founded the futurist movement with the pub- lication of “Fondazione e force, as in the case of fascism, is young, dar- Manifesto del futurismo” on the front page of the ing, warriorlike, and adventure-seeking. Parisian daily Le Figaro in February of 1909. This manifesto, which would There was, moreover, a convergence of come to be influential across Europe, demanded a break with the compla- specifically Italian factors in the backing that cency of tradition, and envisioned a new, revo- artists and intellectuals gave fascism. All the lutionary aesthetic em- bracing speed, dynamism, industrialism, aggression, latest chapters of Italian history are steeped war, and misogyny as in the discourse of Gabriele D’Annunzio: “The some of its guiding values. spiritual origins of fascism are in D’Annun- 3. The Guerra di Libia 1 was a year-long conflict zio’s literature.” And Futurism—which was with the Ottoman Em- pire beginning in late 1911 under prime minister merely an aspect, an episode of the D’Annun- Giovanni Giolitti. On the Italian side, the venture zian phenomenon—is another psychological was driven by an agenda of expansionist, colonialist 2 nationalism seeking to ingredient in the fascist mix. The futurists occupy the once Otto- man-ruled territories that greeted the Italo-Turkish War3 as the start of now make up Libya. CASTOR OIL AND THE INTELLIGENTSIA / 73 a new era for Italy. Later, D’Annunzio would become the spiritual condottiere of Italy’s in- tervention in the World War. Futurists and D’Annunzians alike fostered in Italy a mood combining grandiosity, anti-Christianism, 4. Labriola (1843-1904) romanticism, and grandiloquence. To the was a philosopher, poli- tician, and one of Italy’s new generations—as Adriano Tilgher and foremost Marxist critics. Tilgher (1887-1941), whom Antonio Labriola have noted—they preached Mariátegui cites in other writings, was a philoso- the cult of heroism, violence, and war.4 In a pher, essayist, journalist, and literary critic who op- warm, southerly, and prolific nation such as posed the fascists. 5. Giovanni Gentile Italy, ill contained and ill fed by its meager (1875-1944), philosopher and literary critic known territory, there was a latent tendency toward for what he termed ide- alismo attuale or “actual expansion. And so these ideas found a favor- idealism,” that is, an ideal- ism identifying absolute able climate. Demographic and economic reality with the act of thinking. Transcending factors aligned perfectly with the ideas that the Hegelian framework of his early years, Gentile literature was inspiring. The middle class asserted the convergence of subjectivity and ob- made particularly easy prey for the D’An- jectivity in the “thinking thought” or pensiero pen- nunzian spirit (the proletariat, led and kept sante, without which the object loses all meaning. in check by socialism, was less vulnerable to Mussolini appointed him to head of the education these influences). This literature had collab- ministry from 1922 to 1924. Benedetto Croce orators in the idealist philosophy of Giovan- (1866-1952) was a histori- an, critic, and philosopher ni Gentile and Benedetto Croce, and in all often grouped with Gentile as a neo-Hegelian the other imports and variations on German idealist. The two were 5 close friends until ongoing thought. political disagreements caused a definitive rift Idealists, futurists, and D’Annunzians all between them in 1924. Though Croce was critical perceived in fascism a work of their own mak- of Mussolini, Mariátegui sees fascist undercurrents ing. They embraced this motherhood; an um- in the idealist tradition to which he belongs. Croce bilical cord perceptibly joined fascism to most served as Italy’s minister of education from 1920 of the intellectuals. D’Annunzio didn’t join up to 1921, before the fascists took power. with fascism, as he couldn’t be one of its lieu- 74 / JOSÉ CARLOS MARIÁTEGUI tenants; but he kept cordial relations with it and did not snub its platonic affections. The fu- turists voluntarily enrolled in the fascist ranks. The most extremist of the fascist dailies, the 6. Mario Carli (1889- 1935), novelist and journal- Roman L’Impero, is still run by Mario Carli and ist associated with both Futurism and arditismo, Emilio Settimelli, two survivors of the futurist a movement influenced 6 by Gabriele D’Annunzio experiment. Ardengo Soffici, another ex-fu- that emphasized adven- ture-seeking, physical turist, contributes to Il Popolo d’Italia, Mussoli- toughness, and danger. Arditismo takes its name ni’s mouthpiece. Nor did the idealist philos- from the arditi, an Italian attack unit in World War I ophers hold back in surrendering to fascism: famed for their dangerous incursions into enemy Giovanni Gentile, having implemented his fas- lines. Together with the writer Emilio Settimelli cist educational reforms, produced an idealist (1891-1954), Carli founded and ran the fascist daily defense of the bludgeon. Finally, the solitary li- L’Impero from 1923-1933. terati, in want of a school and a following, also 7. Sem Benelli (1877-1949), playwright. demanded a place in the fascist cortege of vic- Staunchly pro-interven- tion, he fought in the First tory. One of this category’s foremost represen- World War and was later elected to parliament in tatives, Sem Benelli, leery of donning the black 1919. In a 1922 interview with Il Popolo d’Italia, shirt or camicia nera, collaborated with the fas- Benelli counts himself among the forerunners of cists and, though not grouped with them, he fascism. He broke public- ly with fascism after the approved of their praxis and their methods. murder of the statesman Giacomo Matteotti (see In the latest elections, Benelli was one of the note 9). most distinguished candidates for the prime ministry.7 But this was happening at a time when the fascist geste was, or seemed to be, at its peak and plenitude. Once fascism went into decline, the intellectuals set about rectifying their stance. Those who met the March on Rome with silence now feel the need to put it on trial and CASTOR OIL AND THE INTELLIGENTSIA / 75 8. The Marcia su Roma 8 was a decisive insurrec- condemn it. Fascism has lost a great deal of its tion of fascist paramilitary forces coordinated by intellectual clientele and following. The after- Mussolini in October of 1922. The threat of armed math of the Matteotti assassination has has- conflict as the fascist mili- 9 tias approached the Italian tened these defections. capital pressured prime minister Luigi Facta to At present, this anti-fascist current is ask the monarch Vittorio Emanuele III to approve a taking hold among the intellectuals. Roberto declaration of martial law. The king refused to de- Bracco is one of the leaders of the democrat- ploy the army against the fascists, instead installing ic opposition. Benedetto Croce also proclaims Mussolini as prime minis- ter and asking him to form himself an anti-fascist, despite sharing both a government. the responsibility for and the laurels of idealist 9. Giacomo Matteotti was the lawyer and so- philosophy with Giovanni Gentile. D’Annunzio, cialist deputato whose June 1924 abduction and seeming reclusive and ill-humored of late, has murder at the hands of squadristi set off a announced that he’s retiring from public life to months-long political cri- sis for the fledgling fascist be, once again, the “solitary and prideful artist” regime. In a May 30 ses- sion of parliament, Mat- he was before. Finally, Sem Benelli, along with teotti had denounced the violent methods of some dissidents of fascism and philo-fascism, the squadristi and disap- peared soon after. has founded the Italic League with the aim of inciting a moral upheaval against the methods of the camicie nere. Recently, fascism won the backing of Lu- igi Pirandello. But Pirandello is a humorist. What’s more, Pirandello is a petit bourgeois. Provincial and anarchistic, he’s endowed with great literary talent and meager political sen- sitivity. His stance could never be symptomatic of a situation. In spite of Pirandello, it’s clear that Italian intellectuals have fallen out with fascism. The intelligentsia’s love affair with castor oil has ended. How did this rupture come about? It seems 76 / JOSÉ CARLOS MARIÁTEGUI fitting to discard one hypothesis right away: the one claiming that intellectuals distance themselves from Mussolini because he hasn’t valued or made use of their contributions. Fascism does tend to dress up in imperialist rhetoric and mask its lack of principles behind a few literary commonplaces; but it loves men of action over the wordsmiths. Mussolini is too sharp and too sly a man to surround himself with professors and literati. He is better served by a military council of demagogues and guerrilla fighters, experts at assault, tumult, and agitation. Be- tween the bludgeon and rhetoric, he opts without hesitation for the bludgeon.
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