Project1:Layout 1 6/10/2014 1:13 PM Page 1 NHL: Bolts stay hot on the road, beat Blackhawks / B1 MONDAY TODAY CITRUSCOUNTY & next morning HIGH 70 Mostly sunny LOW and breezy with low humidity. 42 PAGE A4 www.chronicleonline.com MARCH 8, 2021 Florida’s Best Community Newspaper Serving Florida’s Best Community $1 VOL. 126 ISSUE 151 INSIDE Food programs City: Several organizations Celebration for ‘Coach’ and churches operate free food giveaways weekly; some offer help People with household items and more./Page A7 COUNTY want a COVID-19 UPATE Citrus County new COVID cases still going up According to the ramp Florida Department of Health, 19 positive cases were reported BUSTER in Citrus County since THOMPSON the latest update. Staff writer Two new deaths Crystal River officials were reported, for a say support is there for total of 414. the city to replace its To date in the boat ramp at the end of county, 9,882 people Northwest Third have tested positive Avenue. (including 80 non- City Manager Ken residents). Frink told the Chronicle No new hospitaliza- Editorial Board on Wednesday, March 3, a tions were reported, JEFF BRYAN/Chronicle for a total of Flocked by dozens of balloons, "Coach" Archie Dabney, a long-time Citrus County educator, was lauded Sunday, majority of preliminary 645 hospitalized. March 7, for his 93rd birthday with a drive-by parade outside of New Horizon Assisted Living Residence in Inverness. public response in city surveys wants to have a DOH-Citrus new boat ramp within vaccine the Crys- County educator, icon honored with special birthday parade tal River registration Preserve system open JEFF BRYAN recognized by his former students, others, he “appreciated” them State Staff writer as well as family members of those coming by. Park, DOH-Citrus’ prereg- modify- istration system to one-time pupils. “My Lord,” he said as the vehi- “Coach” Archie Dabney, a long- Between 70 and 80 vehicles cles continued to roll by. ing the schedule COVID-19 time Citrus County educator, was passed by the facility on Forest Melody McDaniel, one of park’s vaccine appointments existing lauded Sunday, March 7, for his Drive, near the entrance of Whis- “Coach’s kids” — those whose lives Ken for individuals 65 and boat 93rd birthday with a drive-by pa- pering Pines Park. Most stopped to have been touched by Dabney — Frink older and frontline rade outside New Horizon Assisted offer a birthday card and in-person and perhaps his most ardent cheer- ramp at health care workers is Crystal River the end Living Residence in Inverness. greeting to the beloved Citrus leader, organized the event, calling city manager. now available. Dabney, who is recuperating County icon. The event took more out to his former students and oth- of North Individuals can now from pneumonia and a bad kidney than 40 minutes, with Dabney often ers in the community to participate Sailboat Avenue. be added to a waiting infection and COVID-19, was telling his former students and in the parade. “We’re going through list for vaccine ap- the numbers now,” Frink pointments and be no- said about compiling tified when appoint- feedback taken before and during an informa- ments are available in tional open house Citrus County by visit- March 4 at the George ing myvaccine.fl.gov Washington Carver Com- or by calling 866-201- munity Center. 0442; TTY is Opposition, Frink said, 833-476-1036. came from the residents As part of the state- who live along West State wide preregistration Park Drive and ex- system, each county pressed concern about has a designated an increase of traffic on number that individu- their main roadway. als can call and Frink said roughly pre-register with if they 2,000 vehicles travel State Park Drive daily, do not have internet ABOVE: Melody McDaniel, who organized the event, holds signs, cards and access. Citrus Coun- and the city reached out balloons passers-by handed to her to give to “Coach” Archie Dabney. to Citrus County officials ty’s designated num- LEFT: Caitlin Wilcox proudly holds a sign for “Coach” Archie Dabney. Her to see how traffic could ber is 833-540-2058. parents, Dee Dee and John, both members of the Crystal River High School be better controlled to in- Vaccine supply re- Class of 1978, had Dabney as an instructor. “He just brought so much crease pedestrian safety. mains limited and ap- camaraderie to the school and spirit to the community,” said Dee Dee. “They’re ready to coop- pointments may not erate with us,” he said. be available for sev- City staff said the eral weeks. “Third Avenue boat When calling, get ramp" within the Dock- the name of the oper- side Shoppes plaza can’t ator and do not hang BOCC to discuss sewer project coexist with the King’s up until you receive Bay Riverwalk board- walk, planned to run confirmation the ap- MICHAEL D. BATES along the northern pointment has been Staff writer made, including the shores of Cedar Cove, date, time and location County commissioners Tuesday and looked for a new lo- cation within city limits of the appointment. will discuss spending between to build a replacement. — From staff reports $1.75 million and $2.25 million in available CARES Act money to in- A pair of sites within the preserve was identi- POLL stall a sewer within the Suncoast Parkway Interchange Management fied as possibilities: the GO ONLINE: Area (IMA) off West Cardinal Mullet Hole, a popular Street in Homosassa. cove off of Sailboat Ave- What do This would be a force main and nue and the Indian River you think? require no individual assessment Canal, or the current for property owners in the area. boat ramp. With the Legislative The county considers the IMA to Crystal River began so- liciting public input after session now underway, drive economic development be- /Chronicle file MATTHEW BECK the Florida Department what should lawmakers cause of the proximity to the toll This aerial view of the West Cardinal Street intersection with the Suncoast of Environmental Protec- focus on the most? road under construction. Parkway looks from north to south. County commissioners backed a plan to The sewer line would run about tion (FDEP), which owns A. Economic stability/ prepare Cardinal Street for growth from the parkway. 1.5 miles west to U.S. 19 and re- the 27,500-acre preserve, growth. wanted to gauge commu- quire a lift station. It would take Also at Tuesday’s meeting: the environment and economy. nity opinion. B. The pandemic. about one year to complete. Once I Board members will consider The projects include the Once they get FDEP C. Education funding. done, it is expected to enhance the applying for a $500,000 federal $8.6-million King’s Bay Riverwalk and City Council ap- D. Environmental issues. marketability of the area. grant to establish new educational project to form one continuous proval, city staff will E. Hurricane season. The county is planning a mas- programs at the Inverness Airport path from the Best Western Crystal move forward with ap- F. Road projects. sive change to Cardinal — mixed- that teach technical skills used in River Resort to Kings Bay Park. plying for grants to fund use development with 10- and aviation maintenance, repair and I Also in the hopper is the Old To vote, visit www. the new ramp’s design 20-acre minimum buildable lots to flight skills. Homosassa Heritage Park project, chronicleonline.com. and permitting. go with the management plan that, I Commissioners will discuss which will include the purchase of Scroll down the home Crystal River is lobby- if successful, will vastly change county projects currently ap- 2.02 acres of waterfront property page and look for the ing Florida lawmakers rural Cardinal to a mini-town proved for RESTORE Act funding. on the Homosassa River. poll box in the right- for the final $1 million to center. That’s federal funding that Citrus The county commission meeting break ground on its Riv- hand column. County commissioners in Janu- County and 22 other counties re- starts at 1 p.m. Tuesday, March 9, at erwalk boardwalk later Results will appear ary voted 3-2 to send the town cen- ceived from the 2010 BP Deepwa- the Citrus County Courthouse, this year in time to finish next Monday. Find last ter proposal to the state for review. ter Horizon oil spill disaster and to 110 N. Apopka Ave., Inverness. by March 2022. week’s online poll It will have to come back for a final be used for programs, projects and For information about the results./Page A3 vote once that review is done. activities that restore and protect agenda, visit https://bit.ly/389U1T0. See RAMP/Page A7 Classifieds ............... B8 Editorial ....................A6 Horoscope ................A4 Movies ..................... B7 Comics .................... B7 Entertainment ...........A4 INDEX Lottery Numbers ...... B3 Nation/World ............A8 Crossword .............. B10 Extra Puzzles . .......B5 Lottery Payouts ........ B3 TV Listings ............... B6 A2 MONDAY, MARCH 8, 2021 CITRUS COUNTY (FL) CHRONICLE Se Habla Español INVERNESS HOMOSASSA 2036 Hwy 44 West 5699 S. Suncoast Blvd. (352)726-1916 (352)621-8000 HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 9am - 4:30pm Sat. by Appt. www.floridahearing.com CC-000ZTN6 Page A3 - MONDAY, MARCH 8, 2021 STATE &CITRUS L COUNTYOCAL CHRONICLE Around the COUNTY Historic replica vessel to set sail Equality Caucus to host events CR Boat Builders invite public to March 9 launching of the Silver Tide The Democratic Equality Caucus of Citrus County BUSTER plans two events for the THOMPSON month of March. Staff writer I 7 p.m.
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