Minutes BOARD OF MUSEUMS AND HISTORY September 11, 2015 Location The Lost City Museum 721 S. Moapa Valley Blvd. Overton, NV 89040 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT BOARD MEMBERS EXCUSED Robert Stoldal, Chairman Seth Schorr Bryan Allison Alicia Barber Sarah Cowie * Renee Diamond Pete Dubé * Doris Dwyer * Daniel Markoff Robert Ostrovsky Anthony Timmons DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS STAFF PRESENT Claudia Vecchio, Director, Department of Tourism and Cultural Affairs Peter Barton, Administrator, Division of Museums and History Rebecca Palmer, Historic Preservation Specialist II, State Historic Preservation Office Carrie Edlefsen, Administrative Services Officer II, Division of Museums and History * Deborah Rabe, Administrative Assistant III, Division of Museums and History * Jerry Clarke, Director, Lost City Museum Molly Fierer-Donaldson, Curator, Lost City Museum GUESTS IN ATTENDANCE Jim Bertolini, Historic Preservation Specialist II, State Historic Preservation Office Elyse Jolly, Historic Preservation Specialist II, State Historic Preservation Office Tom Fransway, Berry House, Humboldt County, Winnemucca (Teleconference In) Transcribed By: Always On Time 1 STOLDAL: Good to get rolling right now, now that you’re on 2 board. I’d like to call to order the public meeting of the Board 3 - Nevada Board of Museums and History for Friday, September the 4 11th at 9:00am. Has this meeting been properly posted? 5 RABE: Yes. 6 STOLDAL: Please call the roll and determine that we have a 7 quorum. 8 RABE: My name is Deborah Rabe, I’m secretary. Robert 9 Stoldal? 10 STOLDAL: Here. 11 RABE: Bryan Allison? 12 ALLISON: Here. 13 RABE: Alicia Barber. 14 BARBER: Here. 15 RABE: Sarah Cowie. 16 COWIE: Here. 17 RABE: Renee Diamond? 18 DIAMOND: Here. 19 RABE: Pete Dube? 20 DUBE: Here. 21 RABE: Doris Dwyer. 22 DWYER: Here. 23 RABE: Daniel Markoff? 24 MARKOFF: Here. 25 3 1 RABE: Robert Ostrovsky? 2 OSTROVSKY: Here. 3 RABE: Seth Schorr? [No response]. Anthony Timmons. 4 TIMMONS: Here. 5 STOLDAL: And the last here is our newest board member. 6 TIMMONS: That’s me. 7 STOLDAL: Welcome. 8 TIMMONS: Thank you. 9 STOLDAL: And take an hour or so and introduce yourself. 10 TIMMONS: Don’t throw anything at me, please. My name is 11 Tony Timmons, I’m the head of communications for Wells Fargo in 12 Nevada and Utah. And I’m a SHPO volunteer, I’m actually a site 13 steward. And I’m also a cultural resource chair for the Friends 14 of Red Rock Canyon. So that’s my background. 15 STOLDAL: The site story is one of the great programs that 16 we’ve got. It really is a wonderful - where roughly is your 17 site? 18 TIMMONS: Well, I can’t tell you because of SHOP 19 regulations, but I can tell you they are generally in Red Rock 20 Canyon. 21 STOLDAL: Okay. 22 TIMMONS: And the fun thing about being a site steward as I 23 do with my 14-year old son was the youngest site steward there 24 was up until last year in the program as well. So we go 25 4 1 together, a lot hiking, a lot of fun, a lot of rock art. 2 STOLDAL: Does everybody know what a site steward does? In 3 ten seconds tell us. 4 TIMMONS: A site steward is assigned an archeological or 5 historical site in Nevada, and what they do is they monitor that 6 site on a quarterly basis to make sure that there’s no graffiti 7 or anything is disturbed or that sort of thing. And we file 8 reports to the SHPO office about the condition, and just monitor 9 it to make sure that those resources are preserved. 10 STOLDAL: Thank you. 11 DIAMOND: Mr. Chairman? 12 STOLDAL: Yes. 13 DIAMOND: Renee Diamond, for our newer members, the reason 14 that he can’t tell us where his site is, it’s because those sites 15 are kept confidential and secret for a reason. The minute you 16 publish anything they’re gone. Somebody just attacks. So we 17 appreciate the fact that you’d have to shoot us if you told us. 18 TIMMONS: Some are public sites that you can go to, but I 19 still don’t want to divulge which ones I have but some are very, 20 very public sites that you can go to in Red Rock Canyon, and look 21 at rock art and historical art that there is. 22 STOLDAL: Correct, thank you for that as well. 23 TIMMONS: Thank you. Item 3, Public Comment. Public 24 comment is welcomed by the Board. Our period of public comment 25 5 1 will be allowed discussion of each item on the agenda, but before 2 voting on the item. 3 Because of time considerations, the period for public 4 comment by each speaker may be limited to three minutes. At the 5 discretion of the Chair, speakers are urged to avoid repetition 6 of comments made by previous speakers. 7 Do we have any members of the public online? 8 JOLLY: Elyse Jolly, Carson City. 9 STOLDAL: Thank you. Any members of the pubic that here at 10 the meeting. For the record, we hear none. 11 Item 4, acceptance of the minutes of June 19, 2015. Renee 12 Diamond? 13 DIAMOND: Renee Diamond for the record. I found one error 14 and I want to dedicate it to Janice Pine, the searcher of all 15 errors, Janice this is for you. Number 31 regarding the 16 property, it should be 711 South Seventh Street, the easiest 17 Nevada address to remember. We lost the “1”. 18 And when I read it, I don’t quite understand “Sarah did not 19 indicate a letter sent regarding the property”, maybe she means 20 “was sent”. So that’s my only correction on the minutes. 21 STOLDAL: I think she said that she did not - a letter had 22 not been sent. But that we - I thought we asked them to - I 23 thought the action was that we asked them to send a letter. 24 DIAMOND: Yes, I think that’s correct, but it doesn’t say 25 6 1 that her. It says “Las Vegas per Henna Rasul, Sarah did not 2 indicate that a letter sent regarding the property”, was sent, 3 had been sent, would be more apt. 4 DWYER: Doris Dwyer, for the record. Also in the spirit of 5 Janice, on number 32, line three, it should be “effective”, not 6 “affective”, after Division museums affective… 7 STOLDAL: We may have created a new verb, if we Pine these. 8 DIAMOND: Yes. That’s a good one. 9 STOLDAL: Any other comments? 10 DIAMOND: Renee Diamond, I move that we accept the minutes 11 as corrected. 12 OSTROVSKY: I second that, Bob Ostrovsky. 13 STOLDAL: Further comment? All those in favor say aye. 14 [ayes around] Those opposed? Motion carried unanimously. 15 Item No. five is the calendar for the next meeting. 16 TIMMONS: Mr. Chairman? 17 STOLDAL: Yes. 18 TIMMONS: I’m sorry, Tony Timmons for the record, I’d like 19 to abstain, since I was not present at the meeting. Thank you. 20 STOLDAL: Thank you. Item No. 5, Calendar for the Next 21 Meeting. We have three items, December 3rd and 4th, a two-day 22 meeting for the Nevada State Museum, that’s where we’re schedule. 23 Would anybody like to change that? Hearing none, Item 5B. I 24 don’t believe we have to - we already voted on the December 3rd 25 7 1 meeting in Las Vegas, so item 5B, March 2016, consideration of a 2 date and a venue. Peter, do you have any recommendations? 3 BARTON: Mr. Chairman, for the record, Peter Barton, I do 4 not for the March meeting of - this is a non-legislative year, it 5 seems like it’s time to go back north, generally we meet the June 6 meeting in Carson City for the budget. So there’s - we’ve 7 discussed a little bit about the desire to go to Ely, but I think 8 we wanted to push that to perhaps September of next year, so we 9 can accommodate those additional costs to the development of the 10 2017 budget. 11 So I guess we could - we haven’t been to Railroad Museum in 12 Carson in a while. 13 STOLDAL: Other than for dedications. 14 BARTON: Correct. We met there at the Wabuska Depot. 15 SPEAKER: March might be cold though in the depot. 16 BARTON: Well, that tends to move the meetings along. 17 SPEAKER: Would it out in the back building, is that where 18 you meet? 19 BARTON: Typically, we do it in [Wabuska] Depot, but… 20 SPEAKER: Oh the [inaudible 00:07:52]. 21 BARTON: I think Carrie’s right, I mean if we’re going to 22 do it in March, we’re going to meet in the annex of the shop 23 where there’s reliable heat. 24 STOLDAL: Did we talk at one point about doing Boulder 25 8 1 City? I know there was some discussion about that. When was the 2 last time we were at Boulder? 3 BARTON: June of 2014. 4 SPEAKER: Do they have staff for that? 5 SPEAKER: That’s the thing. 6 BARTON: That would put us three meetings in a row in the 7 south. 8 STOLDAL: No rule against that but - any other thoughts? 9 SPEAKER: I think Railroad Musuem Carson City is fine. 10 STOLDAL: Okay, any other… 11 SPEAKER: I want [inaudible 00:08:48] 12 STOLDAL: It sounds like we can bear the brunt of the Ides 13 of March.
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