BANK REGISTER !P ^ i in t ; VOLUME LXVIX, NO. 23. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28,1946. SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16 '• Eatontown Youth Sanitary Code' New Optician Dr. H. E. Williams, Sea Bright Fire Red Bank Man Xmas Seal Opens In Training For To Be Revised In Red Bank Addresses Little Auxiliary Plans Opens Office Dr. P. Clark Mltterway of Staten Dr. Lloyd L. Vaccarelll, son of The Ministry For Fair Haven Island this week announced the Silver Club Christinas Party Mr." and Mrs. John Vaccarelll. has Thanksgiving Day opening of his offices at 8 Mon- opened a dental office at 120 Maple mouth street for the examination avenue. Malcolm I. Fary At Public Hearing of , the eyes and dispensing o( Community Group Officers Installed 1 glasses. Proceeds Will Be Used Bible Institute Of Oh ThcMatter Plans Monte Carlo At Busy Session Of t Los Angeles, Cal. Held Monday Night Night For Dec. 14 Group At Firebouse To Fight Tulbrcultms. ••- Malcolm I. Fary, son of Mr. and The proposed sanitary, plumbing Little Silver Community club was Officers were Installed and plans The annual Monmouth county Mrs. iialcolm M Piry of Irving ' and drainage code for the borough addressed by Dr. Herbert E. Wil- jfor a covered dish and Christmas Christmas seal campaign opens place, Eatontown, is one of a clxas of Fair Haven as presented by the liams of Red Bank at the monthly I party December 18 were made at Thanksgivlng>day, sponsored by the Dougherty Joins Of 850 students at the Bible Insti- Fair Haven board of health at an meeting held last Thursday night last week's meeting of the Ladies' county-wide tuberculosis committee. , tute of Los Angelas, Cal., where he open meeting Monday night was at Wlllowbrook restaurant, Fair auxiliary of the Sea Bright flre For the past two weeks volunteers J. H. Mount Firm l» studying for the ministry. laid over for revision after the Haven. company held at the flre house. have been working at the offices o; board heard a dozen or more In- Introduced as "The Sage of Red Mrs. Viola Fitcher, past president, the Monmouth County^ Organiza- terested taxpayers. Bank," "Ambassador of Good Will' Installed Mrs. Emily Stevens as tion tor Social Service in Red Bank To Sell Tires, It was the unanimous opinion of and "The Will Rogers of Dentis- president; Mrs. Mildred Kanehl, getting seals ready for mailing this those who spoke on the subject that try" Mr. Williams chose as the j vice president; Mrs. Florence week. Automotive Supplie*- Fair Kaven needed such a code but title of his Informal t*fk, "Barn- I Welch, treasurer, and Miss Mae Mrs. Robert E. Mertens of Locust, that Just at thW time It would in- yard Philosophy." His many wit-[Welch, secretary. Mrs. Fitcher, chairman of Monmouth County Tu- Edward A. Dougherty, 'son terfere with home construction and ticisms were interspersed with bits Mrs. Sarah Layton and Mrs. Rita berculosis committee, of which the bring about added financial bur- of homely philosophy and sound ad- 'Douglas were named as new-trus- M. C. O. S. S. is the county branch, dens on those desiring to build a vice. Speaking of opportunity, h« ! tees. Mrs. Fitcher, Mrs. Grace Pe- Is general seal sale chairman. Mrs. moderate priced residence, and pointed out that nothing in life rotti and Mrs. Selma Swenson were George L VanDeusen of Llncroft is Mount company on the sales would particularly affect the G. I. in just happens, but all things are | appointed members of the finance serving as chairman of the County his endeavor to get a home of his made to occur. I committee and Mrs. Adeline Co- Seal committee. own. Thc business meeting of the club vert, Mrs. Jennie Altman, sick "The Christmas seals, sold an- Much of the discussion dwelt was conducted by Vice President icommittee; Mrs. Sarah Layton, nually to support the health pro- around the Installation of the asp- ] Paul Hemschoot in the absence of 'publicity chairman, and Mrs. Selma gram of the tuberculosis associa- tic tanks and cesspools, and the E. E. Roehl. Mr. Hemschoot also | Sweason, chaplain, tion, will go on sale Thanksgiving reported on the last meeting of the i Mrs. Leila Reed and Mrs. Eliza- DR. LLOYD L. VACCARELLI day," said Mrs. VanDeusen, "and majority of those who spoke on the board of education which he at. ' Mace were proposed as new subject lelt that the home owners DR. P. CLARK MITTERWAY Deth An offlcir in the United S'ates We are preparing for one of the should be allowed' the option ol tended an observer. i members and will be received at Navy Reserve corps, he was called |largest sales in our association's having a septic tank or cesspool He was recently discharged from Tentative plan s „wer, e announced 'the next meeting. Repdrted on the t i d , h^t ThThe countty tuberculositbculosis as 1 for a Monto Carlo M tQ be h Dou |a8 to active duty January, 1943. After the drainage condition of his the Nav) , where he served in the at the Little Silver srhoo] M q»t ' ,f ., T^ ="' *** S being stationed at the amphibious soclation has accomplished wonders premises being the main factor. hospital corps for two and a half at the Little Siher school on Sat- and Mrs. Lvda Ramsay. Mrs. Ade- | training base at Little Creek Va I'" advancing the control of the dis- There wag also a question as to years, attached to eye, ear, nose urday evening, December 14 The line Covert was voted a life mem-| ne WJ sent "verseL and served ease, and we know that the con- the size of soil pipes called for In and throat clinics and optical repair thousands expected to change | ber for her faithful service to the ' with the 52nd Naval Constructio"n ' tinuation of the association's work the proposed ordinance and this units. hands at the gaming tables will ue (auxiliary. | battalion at Pear! Harbor and depends upon a successful sale so, •n stage money, so the losses will j The treasurer reported the aux- ' therefore, we are appealing to Mon- will be revised to meet the profes- Dr. Mltterway attended the Unl- bo painless Details will be an- Guam. He then was transferred to sional opinion of master plumbers Iliary has $800 in government the U. S. Military Government hos- mouth county residents to start versity of Alabama and the Penn- ' nounced later bonds and $470.59 In cash in the MALOOIAf I. FARY who spoke on the subject. |aylvanili a StStatte collegll e of optometryt , ' A 15-pound turkey, disposed of pital at Guam. Dr. Vaccarelli was buying their seals now, so that the The matter of grease traps was where he received his degree of treasury at the close of the second discharged at Washington, D. C, association can continue its much- on the co-operative plan was won year. The auxiliary donated $50 and his terminal leave expired needed service to the residents of Th« Eatontown boy, who was 18 also considered and in all probabil- doctor of optometry in 1940. UbyJ ^Louis R. Lowry of Rumson to the flre company for the annual last October 25, has started a (our- |ty this part of the proposed ordln- j He practiced for three and a half road. February 16, 1916. this county" treat, for the children Christmas A graduate of Red Bank High The first Christmas seal appeared year courso and is paying his way anCe will be eliminated. years in Perth Amboy, prior to en- Hury Schnabel of North Sunny- morning. through by working at a oifeterla. ' After revision of the ordinance, terlng tho service. jcrjat drive was elected to member- school In 1934, he attended pre- In Denmark In 1903, and proceeds He was graduated from Eatonlown based upon the suggestions of the ship. Visitors were A. Trumbull Casagrande, wife of the dental school at the University of from this sale were used for chil- grammar school four years ago and experts present, there will be an- jiuinson physician, gave an Instruc- Florida. He attended the Virginia dren's hospitals. In 1904 the Dan- [Smi.h, Adiian Rcsc and Air. Dcn-tive. talk on blood plasma and I dentistry at Richmond from Long Branch high school last other public hearing on same. | nc- I. school of ish Christmas seal was used in the I Air Corps Group signed up several members as blood June. He was active in dramntics The majority of those who spoke , Members in attendance w*re L. Va., and served his internship at United States, and in 1907 through and showed such talent In the ploys donors, the efforts of Jacob Rils, proceeds in relation to the proposed code ^Q pO|*lT| III JR. Lowly. \!. H. S'.alVrg, H:-.i\Ly the Crippled Children's Hospital al presented that his dramatic Instruc- felt that it would be advisable to Miner. F »nk Mcrritt, R. L. Dain- Mrs. Fitcher, Mrs. Louise Fowler j Rlchmon'dRihd. for the seal sales were placed in tor became interested in him and delay passing same until such time and Mrs. Vivian Emmons, com- a fund to help those suffering from EDWARD A. DOUGHERTY ^ ton G. F. J-uller. William Sir. d, Z. prised the refreshments committee recommended that he attend a dra- ,,s plumbing material Is more plen- I.. T .ton. F. M. Jieior>, Paul tuberculosis, and to promote a pre- Rumson Men Chosen for last week's meeting. A veteran of five and a hair matla school.
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