Volume 109 | Number 42 www.arkansas-catholic.org Arkansas NOVEMBER 21, 2020 Arkansas hospitals Bishop Taylor reacts putting emphasis on to Vatican report on ministry to employees eodore McCarrick CATHOLICCATHOLICTHE DIOCESE OF LITTLE ROCK WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PAGE 3 PAGE 3 NO MORE SNOW DAYS? Catholic schools have learned how to make a quick switch to learning at home Page 3 O cial: No spread of COVID cases in Catholic churches a ‘stunning’ feat Gov. Asa Hutchinson is asking all congregations to follow the guidelines issued in May and updated in November to stop the spread of the coronavirus. e dio- cese was praised for how well its churches have prevented the spread of the virus. See page 9 Arkansas Catholic | November 21, 2020 2 | BRIEFS RENOVATIONS Bishop Anthony B. Taylor blessed St. John Newman Uni- versity Parish in Jonesboro Nov. COMING EVENTS 15, after several long-overdue CHRISTMAS BAZAAR updates to the sanctuary. St. Paul School in Poca- Brandon Weisenfels, director hontas will have a “Stay At of Catholic Campus Ministry at Home Christmas Bazaar” Arkansas State University, has Nov. 23 through Dec. 6. at been working toward renova- stpaulbazaar.givesmart. tions for three years. After their com. Visitors can buy ra e original air conditioning unit tickets, bid on silent auction began leaking, an assessment items or make a donation. was completed and it was deter- Supporters can also text mined the ooring and ceiling stpaulbazaar to 76278 to needed to be replaced. e participate. building is 26 years old. “While we’re doing this (air conditioner replacement) let’s look at everything in the sanctu- BISHOP’S DATES ary and update everything,” Saturday, Nov. 21 Weisenfels said. ey set out to raise $300,000 4:30 p.m., Mass, Cathedral for renovations, after an insur- of St. Andrew, Little Rock ance claim of $62,000, Weisen- fels said. Monday, Nov. 23 Renovations began in De- 6 p.m., Mass with Mission- cember 2019 and were com- Dario Ponce ary Catechists of the Poor, pleted Nov. 14. e new features Bishop Anthony B. Taylor blesses the newly renovated sanctuary of St. John Newman University Parish in Jones- St. John Center, Little Rock include hardwood ooring at boro Nov. 15. The sanctuary received several updates including new ooring and donated statues and cruci x. the altar; carpet throughout the sanctuary, sacristy and confes- of the board of governors of the Father Luyet said many mem- VOLUNTEERING sional; a new ceiling and a com- Canon Law Society of America bers are laywomen and men. e Parishioners and friends of mercial AC unit; and new paint ON THE COVER e Canon Law Society pro- vice president/president-elect, Christ the King Church in Little on the walls. Looking out the window vides continuing education for who will become the president Rock volunteered Nov. 7 for A family donation from the canon lawyers through regional next year, is a laywoman from First Saturday Workday. Ser- to check for snow won’t trust of parishioner Bernard workshops and responds to re- Canada, Dr. Linda Robitaille. vice projects included putting mean quite the same thing “Mickey” Bridger, 74, who died quests from the Holy See and the “It is an honor to serve on together sack lunches for people for students of most Catho- Sept. 3, 2019, went toward new U.S. bishops for collaboration. the board of governors, but it is in need, supply packs for Jericho lic schools in Arkansas. The Joseph and Mary statues, a sus- e society works with authors also a responsibility to assist our Way and beautifying the garden schools’ ability to quickly pended cruci x and a back altar to publish books on canonical society to truly ful ll our mission and grounds. It was the rst of for the tabernacle. e parish switch to online learning topics and to produce webinars to serve the Church,” Father a monthly event the parish will did not previously have a cruci- means snow days are becom- and podcasts about Church law. Luyet said. host at the parish and in the x, but a risen Lord cross with a ing obsolete. See story, page 3. community. Shutterstock photo metal outline of Jesus. “Our goal is to have First “He was a very big supporter Saturday Workday opportuni- of the students,” often bringing ties out in the community as 18 years and older at St. eresa snacks for them, Weisenfels said. well as volunteer opportuni- received the free shots after two “(Bridger) and Father (Francis ties for those persons who are Sunday Masses. Several nurses, Madanu, the former pastor) had homebound so we are able to including Debbie Meiklejohn, a just talked about the need to x keep them connected to parish retired nurse who is trying to ex- the church the night he passed outreach,” parish life/outreach pand the parish nurse program away,” Weisenfels said. coordinator Teri Tribby said. in the diocese, volunteered for Another major donor also the u shot clinic. contributed to the renovations. FLU SHOT e parish has about 80 St. Vincent Health System NEW PRINCIPAL registered families and averages donated 1,000 u shots to ve Father Stephen Elser, pastor about 40 people at Mass, primar- parishes in central Arkansas. On of St. Paul Church in Pocahon- ily college students. Nov. 8 shots were administered tas, announced Nov. 12 that at St. Edward Church in Little St. Paul School principal Maria ELECTION Rock and Our Lady of Guada- Dickson will leave in May. She Father Greg Luyet, judicial lupe Church in Glenwood. On has been the principal since vicar for the Diocese of Little Nov. 15 shots were administered 2012. Rock and pastor of Our Lady of Malea Hargett at St. eresa Church in Little He thanked her for her ser- Good Counsel Church in Little Amanda Matkovic, a registered nurse and pre-postulant with the Rock and St. Mary and St. John vice and announced that assis- , was elected in October to Rock Daughters of Charity originally from Philadelphia, administers a free u churches in Hot Springs. tant principal Rebecca Steimel a three-year term as secretary shot Nov. 15 at St. Theresa Church in Little Rock. On Nov. 15, 150 parishioners will take over as principal. ARKANSAS CATHOLIC | NOVEMBER 21, 2020 ON THE WEB Mailing address: P.O. Box 7417, national holidays and holy days. Arkansas Catholic (USPS 853-320 ISSN 1057-8439) is published weekly www.arkansas-catholic.org Ad services: Information and rates Little Rock AR 72217-7417 Arkansas Catholic welcomes sub- (except the rst Saturday in January, Photo gallery: See more photos for advertising on multiple platforms. Subscription orders: P.O. Box 7869, missions of news articles, obituaries, June, July, August and September, taken by Arkansas Catholic photog- Follow us on Twitter: Little Rock AR 72217-7869 letters and columns. The deadline and the last Saturday in December), raphers and order prints if you like. arkcatholic Location: Morris Hall, St. John for these and for advertising is noon by the Catholic Diocese of Little Rock, Free digital edition: Get the com- Find us on Facebook: Catholic Center, 2500 N. Tyler St., Wednesday, 10 days before publica- Arkansas Catholic, Inc., P.O. Box 7417, Little Rock, AR 72217-7417. An annual plete digital edition of the newspa- Arkansas Catholic Little Rock, AR 72207 tion. subscription is $28, or $26 for persons per, online by Tuesday night. Follow us on Instagram: Phone: (501) 664-0125 News, obituaries, letters and columns over age 65. Periodicals postage paid Today’s top national and interna- arkansascatholic or 664-0340 can be mailed to P.O. Box 7417, Little at Little Rock, Ark. Rock, AR 72217, faxed to (501) 664- tional news and movie reviews www.dolr.org Fax: (501) 664-9075 Postmaster: Send changes of address from Catholic News Service. Diocese of Little Rock website 9075, e-mailed to mhargett@dolr. and copy of label to: Arkansas Catholic, O ce hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. org or submitted on our website, at P.O. Box 7417, Little Rock, AR 72217- Subscription services: Order a sub- Calendar of events: Find out what’s Monday through Friday, except www.arkansas-catholic.org/contact. 7417. 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November 21, 2020 | Arkansas Catholic NEWS | 3 No snow days: Schools master pivot to virtual Comission: In pandemic, schools Keeping hope learned to switch to online learning while healing By Aprille Hanson Health care leaders Associate Editor talk with bishop CONWAY — About two years for annual meeting ago, Amber Tran, 16, woke up to a snowy morning in Conway. “My mom was like, ‘Hey, you By Aprille Hanson don’t have school today’ and my Associate Editor friends started calling me and we met up and we just hung out for While care and compassion are the rest of the day,” she said, re- hallmarks of health care facilities calling one of her favorite snow around the country, Catholic hos- day memories. pitals and health care institutions But thanks — or no thanks — have something more: prayer. to online learning, the snow day And in a global pandemic with a will be obsolete. deadly, ever-changing virus, par- “You won’t make memories ticipants agreed prayer and being on a snow day. Yeah, it’s sad,” said present in faith is important. Tran, a junior at St. Joseph School “We always have to remem- in Conway. ber that a huge part of that hope, “You know they probably are, that ministry of Jesus Christ, is just because with the technology that promise of his presence, of a that’s available and the di erent Aprille Hanson brighter future ahead of us,” said platforms that schools can use Junior Amber Tran, 16, a St.
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