Jittmb. 44. 947 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. WELLINGTON. THURSDAY, MARCH 25. 1915. Di8trict constituted under the Marriage Act, 1908. a right line across that road and by the said Section No. 139 to the Wellington-Napier Railway line ; thence by that [ r.. s. J L f V ER P O O L, Governor. railway-line to the Hastwell Village Settlement ; thence by A PROCI AM ,\TION , that settlement to tho north-eastern corner of Section No. 130, ' ' • · Block XIII, Mangaono Survey District ; thence by Sections N pursuance and exercise of the power and authority Nos. 130 128 and 137 Block XIII aforesaid to the main I vested in the Governor by the Marriage Act, 1908, ' road ; thence'across th~t road and by Native ~eserve to the I, Arthur William de Brito Sa.vile, Earl of Liverpool, the , easternmost corner of Section No. 172 ; thence by the said Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby abolish I Section No. 172 and the production of its north-eastern the existing ~ar6age districts kno"."n as tho Newman and . boundary to the westorn side of Mount Bruce Road; thence Ekotahuna Drntr1cts, and do proclaim and declare that the [ by the said Mount Bruce Road to the easternmost corner of territory heretofore comprised within the said dist.riots is , Section No. 2, Block XIV, Tararua. Survey District; thence by hereby constituted one marriage district, the name and the north-eastern boundary of the said Section No. 2 and its boundaries whereof shall he as follow., :- i production to the northern boundary of Mauriceville County; EKET.AHUNA DISTRICT. thence· by Mauriceville County to the eastern boundary of Bounded towards the north-east generally by the Pahiatua Horowhenua County ; and thence towards the north-west by County from the summit of the Tararua Range to the Tiraumea Horowhenua County to the place of commencement. River ; thence by that river to its confluence with the Waita- And I hereby declare that this Proclamation shall come whiti Stream ; thence by the said Waitawhiti Stream to the into operation on the first day of April, in the year of our western boundary of Section No. 174, Block XI, Puketoi Lord one thousand nine hundred and fifteen. Survey District ; thence towards the cast generally by that section and Sections Nos. 175, 183, and 170, Block XV, to niven under the hand of His Excellency the Right the Taueru River ; thence by that river to the northern Honourable Arthur William de Brito Savile, boundary of Section No. 143, Block II, Mangapakeha Survey Earl of Liverpool, Knight Grand Cross of the District; thence by Sections Nos. 143, 144, 148, and 149, Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Member of the Royal Victorian Block II aforesaid, to the southern boundary of Section Order, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in No. 151 (education reserve); thence towards the south gene­ and over His Majesty's Dominion of New Zea­ rally by the southern boundary of the said Section No. 151 to land and its Dependencies ; and issued under the south-eastern boundary of Section No. 27, Block I, the Seal of the said Dominion, at the Govern­ Mangapakeha Survey District ; thence by the south-eastern ment House at Wellington, this fifteenth day of boundaries of Sections Nos. 27 and 22, Block I aforesaid, to March, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine the easternmost corner of Section No. 21, Block IV, Kopua­ hundred and fifteen. ranga Survey District; thence by Sections Nos. 21, 17, and H. D. BELL, 18, Block IV aforesaid, to the road forming part of the north­ Minister of Internal Affairs. western boundaries of Sections Nos. 18 and 101 ; thence by that road and by Sections Nos. 101 and 100 to.Daggs Road; Gon SAVE THE KING! thence by that road to Barton's Road ; thence by Barton's Road to the easternmost corner of Section No. 9, Block III, Kopuaranga Survey District ; thence by that section, part of District constituted nnder the Births and Deaths Registration the northern boundary of Section No. 19, Block II, by Section Act, 1908. No. 18, Block II aforesaid, and Section No. 65, Block XIV, Mangaone Survey District, to the Central Mangamahoe Road ; fL.S.l LIVERPOOL, Governor. thence by that road and the :\>fangaoronga Road to a point in A PROCLAMATION. line with the northern boundary of Section No. 67, Block XIV aforesaid ; thence by a right line to the north-eastern corner N pursuance and exerc.ise -of th~ power and authori_ty of that section; thence by the said Section No. 67 to the road I vested in the Governor by the Births and Deaths Regis­ forming~the eastern boundary of Section No. 139; thence by tration Act, 1908, I, Arthur William de Brito;Savile, Ea.rl of A 948 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. No. 44 Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, Proclaiming, Native Land to be Crown Land under do hereby abolish the existing registration district,, known Section 368 of tlte Nati"e Land Act, 1909. as the Newman and Eketahuna Districts, and do proclaim and declare that the territory heretofore comprised within tho : said districts is hereby constituted one registration district, ' [L.S.] LIVERPOOL, Governo,. the name whereof shall be tho Eketahuna District, and the .-\. PROCLAMATION. boundaries whereof shall be conterminous with the boundaries of the marriage dhtTict 1 bearing the ~ame name, as are set I ·w HEREAS by section three hundred and sixty-eight forth in a Proclamation of even date herewith, made under 1 of the Native Land Act, 1909 (hereinafter referred the provisions of the Marriage Act, 1908. to as "the said Act"), it is provided, inter alia, that the And I hereby declare that this Proclamation ,hall come ' Crown may purchase any Native land in pursuance of a into operation on the fir,,t day of April, in the year of our I resolution of the assembled owners passed and confirmed Lord one thousand nine hundred and fifteen. I in accordance with Part XV II I of the said Act, and on the resolution being adopted by the Native Land Purchase f;iven under the baud of His Excellency the Right Board it shall become a contract of purchase as between Honourable ,\.rthm William de Brito Savile, the Crown and all persons who are the owners of the Earl of Liverpool, Knight Grand Cross of the land ; and the Governor may by Proclamation, at any time Most Distinguished Order of Saint :Michael and after the contract of purchase has been so made, declare Saint George, Member of the Royal Victorian that the land so purchased is vested in His Majesty the Order, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in King, and it shall vest accordingly, and shall become and over His Majesty's Dominion of New Zea­ Crown land: land and its Dependencies ; and issued under And whereas a resolution was passed by a meetin1( of the Seal of the sairl Dominion. at, the Govern­ assembled owners, and duly confirmed by the Waiariki Dis­ ment House at Wellington, this fifteenth day of trict Maori Land Board, that the land set out in the Schedule March, in the y~ar of our Lord one thousand nine hereto be sold to the Crown : hundred and fifteen. H. D. BELL, A.nd whereas the Native Land Purchase Board duly Minister of Internal Affairs considered and adopted the resolution : ',' ow; therefore, in pursuance and exercise of the power Gon sA vE THE KING ' and authority conferred upon me by section three hundred and sixty-Pight of the said Act, T, Arthur William de Brito -------------------------- Savilc, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and dedare the land set, Allocating Land reserved 1and ta.ken /or a Rail1cay to the Purposes of a Road a.t l!Jketahu.na. out in the Schedule hereto to' he Crown land subject to the Land Act, 1908. [L.S.] LIVERPOOL, Governor. SCHEDULE. A PROCLAMATION. () AM Alff '.\ o. 2 H No. 7 Block : A pproximatc area. 1 8!l aeres HEREAS the land described in the Schedule hereto :1 roods 7 perehcs : \V'1ioelrn ~:urvey District. W forms part of land taken for the purposes of the Wellington-Napier Railway, and it is considered desirable <liven under the hand of His Excellency the Right to allocate such land to the purposes of a road : Honoun,hle ,\l'thur William de Brito Savile. And whereas it has been certified by the Minister of Earl of Liverpool, Knight Gr:ind Cross of the Railways that such land is not required for railway Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and purposes: And whereas such land is situated in the Saint George, Member of the Royal Victorian Borough of Eketah nna, the local authority of which has Order, Governor and Commander-rn-Chief rn assented to the issue of this Proclamation : and o,_",er His Majesty's Dominion of New Zea, · And whereas His Excellency the Governor is of opinion land and its Dependencies ; and issued under that the said local authority can conveniently construct the Seal of the ~airl Dominion, at the Govern­ and maintain the said road : ment House at Wdlington, this seventeenth day Now, therefore, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of of March. in the year of our Lord one thousand Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, nine hundred and fifteen, in pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities W. H. HERRIES. vested in me by section one hundred and ninety-seven of Native Minister.
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