Tunable Laser Positron Source A. Sahai (PI), V. Harid, M. Golkowski, University of Colorado J. Cary, Tech-X, A. Thomas, Michigan, S. Palaniyappan, LANL, H. Chen, LLNL T. Tajima, UCI, V. Shiltsev, Fermilab 22nd Accelerator Test Facility (ATF) Users' Meeting Funding source: DOE / NSF December 3-5, 2019 - Brookhaven National Laboratory Funding status: proposed 2 Key Scientific Questions § Can tunable positron beams be produced using laser wakefield accelerators ? § Is it possible to control the interaction between ultrashort positron-electron jets / showers and laser wakefield plasma wave ? § What are the limits of the range of tunability of laser produced positron beams ? § Which applications can benefit from an unprecedented ultrashort positron beam ? 3 BNL-ATF - Tunable Laser Positron Source BNL-ATF BNL-ATF primary beam secondary beam sub-picosecond stable 1-5 Joule synchronized e- beam high-Z CO2 laser pulse e-beam & CO2 laser e+ target plasma plasma stage # 1 stage # 2 e+ BNL-ATF BNL-ATF many Tesla sub-picosecond e+-e- plasma Superconducting Nano-Coulomb PHYSICAL REVIEW ACCELERATORSshower ANDreflector BEAMS 21, 081301 (2018) 75 MeV e-beam PHYSICAL REVIEW ACCELERATORS AND BEAMS 21, 081301 (2018) magnet BNL-ATF laser, plasma and particle diagnostics PHYSICALQuasimonoenergetic REVIEW ACCELERATORS laser plasma AND BEAMS positron21, 081301 accelerator (2018) Quasimonoenergeticusing particle-shower laser plasma plasma-wave positron interactions accelerator using particle-shower plasma-wave interactions Aakash A. Sahai* Quasimonoenergetic laserAakash plasma A. Sahai positron* accelerator Department ofusing Physics particle-shower and John Adams Institute plasma-wave for Accelerator interactions Science, Blackett Laboratory, Department of PhysicsImperial and John College Adams London, Institute for SW7 Accelerator 2AZ, United Science, Kingdom Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College London, SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom Aakash A. Sahai* Department of Physics and(Received(Received John Adams 15 15 January January Institute 2018; 2018; for publishedAccelerator published 8 Science, August 8 August 2018) Blackett 2018) Laboratory, Imperial College London, SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom AnAn all-optical all-optical centimeter-scale centimeter-scale laser-plasma laser-plasma positron positron accelerator accelerator is modeled is modeled to produce to produce quasimonoe- quasimonoe- nergeticnergetic beams beams with with tunable tunable (Received ultrarelativistic ultrarelativistic 15 January energies. 2018; energies. published A new A new 8principle August principle 2018)elucidated elucidated here describes here describes the the trapping of divergent positrons that are part of a laser-driven electromagnetic particle-shower with a large trappingAn all-optical of divergent centimeter-scale positrons that laser-plasma are part ofpositron a laser-driven accelerator electromagnetic is modeled to produce particle-shower quasimonoe- with a large energynergeticenergy spread spread beams and and with their their tunable acceleration acceleration ultrarelativistic into into a a quasimonoenergetic energies. quasimonoenergetic A new principle positron positron elucidated beam beam in ahere laser-driven in describes a laser-driven plasma the plasma wave.trappingwave. Proof Proof of of divergent of this this principle principle positrons using that are analysis analysis part of and aand laser-driven particle-in-cell particle-in-cell electromagnetic simulations simulationsdemonstrates particle-shower demonstrates that, with under a that, large limits under limits definedenergydefined here, spread here, existing existingand their lasers lasers acceleration can accelerate accelerate into a quasimonoenergetic hundreds hundreds of MeV of MeV pC positron quasi-monoenergetic pC quasi-monoenergetic beam in a laser-driven positron positronplasma bunches. bunches. By providing an affordable alternative to kilometer-scale radio-frequency accelerators, this compact Bywave. providing Proof of an this affordable principle using alternative analysis and to particle-in-cell kilometer-scale simulations radio-frequency demonstrates accelerators, that, under limits this compact positron accelerator opens up new avenues of research. positrondefined accelerator here, existing opens lasers up can new accelerate avenues hundreds of research. of MeV pC quasi-monoenergetic positron bunches. By providing an affordable alternative to kilometer-scale radio-frequency accelerators, this compact DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.21.081301 DOI:positron10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.21.081301 accelerator opens up new avenues of research. MonoenergeticDOI: 10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.21.081301 positron accelerators intrinsic to positron- − Monoenergeticelectron (eþ − e positron) colliders accelerators at energy intrinsic frontiers to[1,2] positron-have electronbeenMonoenergetic (e fundamentale−) colliders positron to accelerators many at energy important intrinsic frontiers to discoveries positron-[1,2] have þ − − beenelectron[3–6] fundamentalthat (eþ underpin− e ) collidersto the standard many at energy model. important frontiers Apart[1,2] from discoverieshave high- been fundamental to many important discoveries [3 6]energythat underpin physics (HEP), the standard monoenergetic model.eþ-beams Apart from of mostly high- – [3sub-MeV–6] that energies underpin are the also standard used model. in many Apart areas from of material high- energy physics (HEP), monoenergetic e -beams of mostly energyscience physics[7,8], medicine (HEP), monoenergetic[9] and appliedeþþ-beams antimatter of mostly physics sub-MeVsub-MeV[10]. Applications energies energies are are have also also however used used in in not many many had areas areas ready of of material access material to sciencesciencepositron[7,8][7,8] accelerators, medicine, medicine and[9][9] haveandand applied had to antimatter rely antimatter on alternative physics physics [10]. Applications have however not had ready access to [10].sources Applications such as β haveþ-decay however[11], (p,n) not reaction had ready[12] and access pair- to positronpositronproduction accelerators accelerators[13] of and and MeV-scale have have had photons to to rely rely on from on alternative alternative—fission sourcesreactors such[14] as, neutron-captureβþ-decay [11], (p,n) reactions reaction[15][12]or MeV-scaleand pair- sourcesproduction such as[13]βþ-decayof MeV-scale[11], (p,n) photons reaction from[12]—fissionand pair- e−-beams impinging on a high-Z target [16]. productionreactors [14][13], neutron-captureof MeV-scale reactions photons[15] or from MeV-scale—fission Positron accelerators have evidently been scarce due to reactorse−-beams[14], impinging neutron-capture on a high-Z reactions target [16][15]. or MeV-scale e−-beamscomplexitiesPositron impinging accelerators involved on a inhave high-Z the evidently production target been[16] and scarce. isolation due to of complexitieselusive particles involved like inpositrons the production[2,16] in and addition isolation to of the Positroncosts associated accelerators with the have large evidently size of radio-frequency been scarce due (rf) to complexitieselusive particles involved like in positrons the production[2,16] in addition and isolation to the of costsaccelerators associated[17] with. The the size large of size conventional of radio-frequency rf accelerators (rf) elusiveacceleratorsis dictated particles by[17] like the. The distance positrons size of over conventional[2,16] whichin charged rf addition accelerators particles to the FIG. 1. Schematic of all-optical centimeter-scale schemes of quasimonoenergetic laser-plasma positron accelerator using the costsisgain associated dictated energy by under with the distance the the largeaction over size of which breakdown of radio-frequency charged limited particles[18] (rf)FIG. 1. Schematic of all-optical centimeter-scale schemes of interaction of e e− showers with plasma-waves. acceleratorsgaintens of energy MVm[17] under−.1 Therf fields the size action sustained of conventional of breakdown using metallic rflimited accelerators structures[18] quasimonoenergeticþ − laser-plasma positron accelerator using the − is dictatedtensthat of reconfigure MVm by the−1 rf distance fields transverse sustained over electromagnetic using which metallic charged waves structures particles into interactionFIG. of 1.eþ Schematic− e showers of with all-optical plasma-waves. centimeter-scale schemes of gainthatmodes energy reconfigure with under axial thetransverse fields. action Thiselectromagnetic of breakdown limit also waves complicates limited into[18] thusquasimonoenergetic produced have to be laser-plasma captured in positron a flux concentrator, accelerator using the − tensmodesefficient of MVm with positron−1 rf axial fields production fields. sustained This[2,13] limitusing, which also metallic has complicates required structures a thusturnedinteraction produced around have and of e to transportedþ − bee capturedshowers back in[19] witha fluxfor plasma-waves. concentrator, reinjection into efficientmulti-GeV positrone−-beam production from a[2,13] kilometer-scale, which has rf required accelerator a turnedthe same around rf and accelerator. transported back [19] for reinjection into that reconfigure transverse electromagnetic waves into multi-GeV[17] to interacte−-beam with from a target. a kilometer-scale Furthermore, rf the accelerator positrons the sameAdvancements rf accelerator. in rf technologies have demonstrated modes with axial fields. This limit also complicates
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