TWUH.PAY. MPTiTMtoa tt. 1B41 TORRANCC IHFRAID T.rranc.. C.IIfornl. OAOE K.* ? Harbor Cffy Crossing Guard 8 Classes of Exhibits COUNCIL SESSK)N STRICTLY BUS INESS AFTER ! Fights Dump Controversy Is Wanted for Torrance flan by L. A. Still Unsettle* FIVE MONTHS 0F POLITICAL "FI1REWORKS" (Coninued' from 1-A) Show Opening Sept. 25 (Coninued from 1-A) For the first time in five the program, is the sentlme (Coninued from 1-A) duits would be installed. The DEFENSE MOVE OKAYED .; been employed by the city ar months since April 8 to be land company's president A. G. On recommendation of Pa- s of local taxpayers. Mrs. Cedilla Young of 2355 Hi tions: largest collection, be exact the city council meet Walker, informed the council it lice Chief John Stroh, the With the winter season a dorado at., at the Intersection o collection of flowering plan* ing last Thursday night .VM? de­ was no longer interested In the re- '• preaching, Western ave. Is u Carson and Martlna; Mrs. Ray best succulents, best tubero voted strictly to buSines? with beach tract, that Clifford F. quest of tlfe Los Angeles Co'un- i finished and if left 'In its pr Dnctte Brown of . 1008 Crensha\ begonias and others. WUllan no "fireworks" of any kind in­ Reld and'F. W. Marlow were the ty Civilian Defense Committee^ sent condition will mean t blvd., at Cronshaw and Tonranc VVylam and W. E. Bowcn terrupting the steady flow of developers. Walker blamed the washing charge. to allow use of the city fire sta- ] of mud and flood wa Dlvds.; Mrs. Lena Basile of 182illiPP civic action from the time Mayor depression for halting the plan- tions and authorize both the po- ;) private property. Arlington ave., and Mrs. Lei nil Peno'l": Classes are as fo ening pledge of allegiance, to and stated that the operators dei aid outside of the city limits i 'Complaint has been made th Mcltpn of Walteria at Higowa, 1 fi$BiKm$Bmid£*^&i$- •— /T lows: original oils, original wa adjijurninent. .now rnurt sell the land, .keeping n time of emergency war an- ',, letters to the councilman a 101 and Walteria school. f l»THBPjK^^^B^P^T^r*^ " // er colors, copied oils, copl The session, attended by only the cost of Improvements to a proved. In the future the two ' i ^m^~^LsS^f^ ^P "^ . / water colors, drawings, etching either unanswered or very mu crossing guard '-white caps an etc., originals and copies. relief from the- bickering, argu> .further tax delinquency. the council's permission for ! delayed in the answering. cany paddle signs readloj PHOTOGRAPHY "Leas an mcnts and speech-making that emergency service performed "stop." No iJUMSff Bark Kn-um Magic": Portr BUS ..SERVICE- LIMITED . uniforms have bee W^^^jg': : turned the last dozen or more outside the city. , Read our Want-Ads. eccivcd as yet -but the city hai and figure, landscapes, table to meetings into a political fre- A copy of the order of the Los industrial classifications. for-all. Angeles Board of Public utilities SUMP HOLE CLEANUP . ' .'i ^^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV- ' HOBBIES "In Pursuit Mayor McGuire, Councllmen limiting the Torrance municipal About thr only way the city' ng for the guardians. ; 'HP^ £!«& ^--^^^^^mfmimmemiamm • James Hitchcflck, Vern ^abooaH bus system to picking up pass­ can eliminate the oil sump hole j w.;*****. '•' : • •••^rS^^fi^^^'^ Prri, '• cludn work in metal, work George V. Powell and Kenneth engers south of the intersection hcznrd'; hero, subject of a po- \ Read our Want-Ads. leather, work in wood, decora of Manchester and Hoover was lice and fire department invest!- X^^j^QO HAS IMPORTANT ROLE . Plunging Into his life wo live painting, collections wi H. Kail, the latter tw.o being a^L tft m ^ • J * ^MaaJatalai various awards to be made f stamps, coins, dolls, etc., a ra THt^is 1 FOX In Wart pisney's "The Reluctant Dragon," solves the world Sept. 10 special election, wil time the Los Angales .board has Aug. 26 by Mrs. Rernice David- ; problems while being groomed by his nurses. Most of the pictur novelties. handed down such a limitation son, secretary of the South Bay HANDICRAFT "With Nee meet again next Tuesday night CABRILLO which opens at the Grand theatre tonight (Thursday), is in go Sept. 23. Business transacted despite the city's effort to allow Humnne Society, is' to declare '-, REDONDOpHONM^.J le and Thread": Entries are d Torrance buses to pick up them "nuifances," City Attorney T I^ FREE PARKING EABi-MONtS sired in embroidery, quiltin passengers as far north HcCall informed the council., as 69th SONJA HENIE JOHN FAYNE swlngy musical starring tho famed Merry Macs. crochet and knitting, sewing ant V GLFNN MILLER ond HAND NOW UNTIL SATURDAY been serving since July 29 when at. He said the city has never Police Chief Stroh and Fire; M "Sun Valley Serenade" OREER CARSON WATEI PIDOION rtipulated that Los Angeles has Chief McMaster reported the; JUVENILE EXHIBITS Powell and John V. Murray BRtND* « COBINA ANN MILLER 'BLOSSOMS IN THE DUST were recalled, included the fol­ any right fo limit the Torranoe holes had claimed numerous dogs i ^( "Tim* Out For Rhvthm" "Voung Weas": Entries FILMED IN TECHNICOLOR Hit Festival Romero, Landis open lowing: service, however, the municipal and one cow as victims and m. HERMUoA PHOU! KIRMOSAHS 1 GUY KIBBEE In 'Dance Hall" age. In addition to merit ce CHURCH SEEKS O.U4MT&$$ fenced off. The rest are danger- : BROADWAY" Starting at . Because their church was ^1 IN TECHNICOLOR special awards will receive box $5,000 bond put up by oil drill­ ERROl FIVNN - FUD M<*MUMM of candy. The classifications a almost totally destroyed by fire .". Having purchased the pro­ m "DIVE BOMBER" STARTS SUNDAY last Thursday afterngon,.ojficers perty at 949 South Hill st., ers for cleanup of well sites M MELVVN DOUGLAS - RUTH HUSIIV Local Theatre At the Plaza Novelties, plants and flower a JOAN CRAWrOID IOBUT TAILOR of the Walteria Full Gospel where Torrance municipal after explorations are abandoned V "OUR WIFE" OREIR OAUOM HBRMRT MARSHAL! rangemcnts, paintings and draw buses holds no value to the city, At- "UfUEIJ i AniCC UEET" Leading off with two typical When the Casanova of Par Ings, snapshots, hobbies, i church appealed for the use of have .their northern terminus, WHEN LAvlCj Mill hits, the Torrance tBcatre disc Pavilion meets the Won the Los Angeles Railway Corp., wil eluding handicrafts and colle many of the firms are in bank- L 0 1 HAND PHONi SfCbW !3[,o| HILARIOUS 2ND FEATURE III. Inaugurate Its "Fall Festival o Venus (with arms!), a new r ing as temporary quarters. No __ , tions of all kinds. A specia notified the council that rent on uptcy and thus "beyond reach" Hits" (his coming Sunday and mantle comedy starts on i award will be given for the be the property due since July 10 o" have not officially reported ^H DEAD END KIDS "WHISTLING IN continue the parade of 1941' merry way. With tall, dartc an ,y was available, they reported. ^ "HIT THE ROAD" exhibit by a cJiild under seve s now demanded. The communi­ their wells as abandoned. Mayor THE DARK" outstanding pictures over a per handsome Cesar Romero as t years of age. The request was granted,' sub­ cation d,id not mention the rent- «ICHARO ARLEN _ ANOr DIVINE ject . to approval pf the Recre­ McGuire instructed McCall to V "Men of tho Timberland" lod of two weeks. great lover in "Dance Hal Youngsters collecting phono el fee and no action was taken which is due today at the Plaza graph records of the late ation .department.- - by the council on the demand. 'Continued on Pag' 6-A) \ dcr to give movie-goers of Tor .theatre in Hawthorne, the fir joogy-woogy musjc are Invitee WITHDRAW "HOLD" 6RDER : L L A MARp«»««»A J Foxpnmyinji rahce an opportunity to see works begin when he race to enter their albums In th WO LOTS SOLD . Two blonde and beautiful Caro (again if not observed on firs classification. Ion Land and Improvement Co., adjoining lots on Srcnshaw blvd. ^1 30c Inc. lo, -bnflBfllJfl run) the movies that made mo Landls. Among the "Hobbies-In-Ac Cedar st.) north of Torrance 2 ANN SOTHIRN OEO. MURPHY that 632 Avalon Blvd., Wilmington .ion" to be seen at the sho installation .of .underground f "RINGSIDE MAISIE" Wilmlnqton 968 tion picture history of '1941. The fun starts' when Romer conduits for additional- street blvd., were purchased at the tax BOXING ^| JA_< BtNNr KAY FRANCIS For example, the Sunday dou will be knitting, demonstratin lighting in Hollywood Riviera sale auction which has become 8 BIG BOUTS ^ -CHARLEY'S AUNT" . WED., THROUGH SATURDAY ble- feature- program will have ager, is attracted to a preti the use of different wools am was "utterly impossible ' a't 'the a regular feature of coun.cll se's- "Santa Fe Trail," starring Erro blonde (Carole Landis) who : stitches by Mrs. Pal Mar present time" for financial rea­ ions since the city acquired tit- New Redondo "HOLD THAT GHOST" Flynn and Olivia DeHavllland a spectator at ar brawl in whic Henry Anderson, Mrs. Chr sons; and by the Southern 'Cali­ e to delinquent properties by ABBOTT ( CVSTEUO AND and "Turnabout," that unique he is a participant. When, ah wo brothers-in-law. Robert B. Athletic Club THi ANDRtWI SISTIR1 and daughter, Carolyn; flowe fornia Edison Co., that the ques­ "CHARLIE CHAN and hilariously funny comedy refuses to accept a date wit tion of whether underground or Trezlse bought Lot 17, Block 89, 'TUESDAY NIGHT .starring Carole Landls and John him, he is very much upset an arrangement by Mrs.
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