International Ammunition Association Journal Index From Cartridge Trader #1 through International Ammunition Journal # 483 Plus ICCA Annuals and the IAA Guide to Ammunition Collecting (2nd & 3rd Editions) About This Index This "subject-matter" index is in two parts. The first is an alphabetical list of cartridge articles and information. The second, is a list by author of the major articles published over the years. The issue references are in the form issue # / page # (e.g.: 401/38) except where the ICCA “Annuals” and the Guide to Ammunition Collecting are concerned. The references to the annuals is by Volume, Number and page. E.g.: Vol 2 No 3/18. The reference to the Guide to Ammunition Collecting is Guide 2nd Ed./page #. For ease of use, we have tried to be consistent with caliber names. For example: 9mm Luger and 9mm Parabellum have been abbreviated to 9mm Pb.. 7.62 NATO is 7.62 x 51; .223 is 5.56 x 45 Etc.. Metric designations have been coded with a space either side of the "x". Accents have been omitted for ease of electronic searching (apologies to our non-US members). The elements in this index have been sorted into ascending sequence with numbers before letters. This index is available on the IAA website - it will be updated as new IAA Journals are published. ......Chris Punnett, Editor, IAA Journal Article/Information Issue # .17 Bullets by Sisk 467/45 .17 Cal Ball 430/43 .17 Caliber Rimfire Cartridges 439/10 .17 High Standard 440/49 .17 High Standard Rimfire 1950 437/12 .17 HMR Proof 441/36 .17 HMR Spitfire Box 446/31 .17 Hornady Mach II 440/28 .17 Hornady Magnum Rimmed (HMR) 440/28 .17 Hornady Sectioned 437/46 .17 Libra 447/52 .17 Libra Headstamps 443/59 .17 PMC Box 446/31 .17 Rimfires Sectioned 458/32 .17 S&W/Fiocchi Centerfire 443/58 .17 Sharps (.17/.222 Magnum) Box 330/19 .20 Wingo Shotshell 248/6 .219 Gipson Wasp 455/44 .22 (.230) CF Loads 315/4 .22 Air Gun Pellet Packet "Bigua" 483/28 .22 Brat 460/18 .22 Cal Rimless 53/2 .22 Carbine 265/15 .22 CCM 421/34 .22 Cooper Centerfire Magnum 390/11 .22 DSH 442/17 .22 Eargersplitten Loudenboomer 462/38, 464/47 .22 Francotte Semi-rimmed 399/18 .22 Frankford Arsenal Board 466/12 .22 Hornet Headstamp checklist 410/39 .22 Hornet Military Contract boxes 326/cover .22 JGR (inc. Magnum) 462/50 .22 Krag Frankford Arsenal Drawing 472/12 .22 Newton 221/3, 271/30, 477/47 .22 Newton (long case) 426/47 .22 Picra 452/10 .22 PPC 379/5, 460/18 .22 PPC Coyote 457/25 .22 rf 5000-Round Mini Mailing Package C-I-L 481/29, 482/44, 483/46 .22 rf Aluminum Cases 246/7 .22 rf American Metallic Amm. Co 415/33 .22 rf Argentina 172/2 .22 rf Argentina - Orbea 180/3 .22 rf Argentine Boxes 483/60 .22 rf Australian military box 401/18 .22 rf Automatic Eley Drawing 398/24 .22 rf Bio-chem Ctgs 427/26 .22 rf Blanks for Syringe Dart Ctgs 246/2 .22 rf Boxes 407/30, 422/27, 432/27, 434/26, 435/35, 436/25, 438/27, 439/9, 440/30, 442/29, 444/62, 444/69, 453/1 .22 rf Brand & Trade Names 309/8 .22 rf British Boxes 424/26, 469/60 .22 rf Canadian Beaver Boxes 309/6, 312/8 .22 rf Canadian Boxes 324/Back .22 rf Casemouth Letters 65/2, 100/4, 104/1, 107/1, 108/4, 111/3, 113/2, 122/1, 129/2, 296/7, 464/50, 466/44 .22 rf CCI AR-Tactical 482/21 .22 rf CCI Christmas 2009 Box 473/31 .22 rf CCI Christmas 2010 481/59 .22 rf CCI Retirement Ctgs 464/59 .22 rf CCI Short Range Green 480/59 .22 rf CCI/Mexico 123/1 .22 rf Clay Bird box 409/32 .22 rf Czech DYN 400 450/28 .22 rf Dominion Arsenal Boxes 432/26 .22 rf Dominion Cartridge Co Boxes 309/6 .22 rf Dominion Cartridge Co Early Sleeve 449/33 .22 rf Dominion Cuff Links 477/30 .22 rf Dutch Military Contract 433/40 .22 rf DWM 1943 Box 477/26 .22 rf Early CCI 93/2 .22 rf Early Kynoch Box 432/7 .22 rf Early UMC Boxes 333/2 .22 rf Egyptian Box 442/29 .22 rf Eley Win Auto Drawing 448/1 .22 rf Extra Longs Vol 1 No 2/29 .22 rf Federal Primer Co 66/3 .22 rf for Stevens 336/13 .22 rf Gaidos Propelling Charges 429/34 .22 rf Gallery Practice 1907 132/2 .22 rf German Boxes, Modern 476/33 .22 rf Government Contract Specs 435/16 .22 rf Gully Bullet 448/33 .22 rf Headstamps Vol 1 No 2/12, Vol 1 No 3/20, Vol 1 No 4/5, Vol 2 No 1/9, 305/14 .22 rf Headstamps 483/59 .22 rf Hoagland Spotlight Bullet 450/54 .22 rf Holme Bayern Express 464/60 .22 rf ICI 1953 Product Description 477/25 .22 rf ICI Australia 141/1 .22 rf ICI Military Contract 454/31 .22 rf ICI Special Issue 461/3 .22 rf Indian Military Box 450/31 .22 rf Introduction 429/12 .22 rf Ken Kees Retirement 481/59 .22 rf King's Norton 440/17, 444/81 .22 rf King's Norton Early Brass Case 454/41 .22 rf King's Norton Variations 127/2 .22 rf Kirkee Arsenal Box 446/31, 449/53 .22 rf Kynoch Axite Box 438/30 .22 rf Long Conical Breech Cap boxes 480/30 .22 rf Long Unknown ("X" headstamp) 440/49 .22 rf Magnum by Remington, 1960s 477/35 .22 rf Magtech Subsonic 384/29 .22 rf Mark 1 Variations 475/25 .22 rf Mauser 232/3 .22 rf Micro-ball & Flechette 400/9 .22 rf Middle East 448/28 .22 rf Midland Gun Co Box 378/32 .22 rf Mongomery Ward & Co 379/20 .22 rf Montgomery Ward Staclean 410/3 .22 rf National Match Camp Perry 2007 458/7, 459/48 .22 rf News 1984 323/16 .22 rf Nobel's Boxes 456/60 .22 rf North Korean 444/83 .22 rf Old Western Scrounger box 401/11 .22 rf Olin for Israel 385/23 .22 rf Orbea Box 473/23 .22 rf Patents 304/8 .22 rf Peters 1927 Rustless Issue 455/60 .22 rf Peters Boxes 316/Back, 404/30 .22 rf Peters Target 379/21, 380/40 .22 rf Peters Thunderbolt box 418/3 .22 rf Remington Christmas Tins 461/1 .22 rf Remington Dogbone & Wishbone Boxes 473/40 .22 rf Remington Products 258/2 .22 rf Remington Sabotted 389/37 .22 rf Remington Windsor Ontario 379/21 .22 rf Remington/Federal "F." headstamp 245/12 .22 rf Remington-UMC Pill Box 385/10 .22 rf Robin Hood / Austin Ctg Co 419/22 .22 rf Robin Hood / Meriden 419/23 .22 rf Robin Hood Gov't Contracts 419/22 .22 rf Russian Boxes 405/33, 421/38, 480/32, 481/28 .22 rf Russian Republic labels 401/7 .22 rf Russian Safari Boxes 397/23 .22 rf RWS Boxes 384/23 .22 rf SHOT Show 1994 376/4 .22 rf Smith, Hall & Farmer 415/33 .22 rf Sniper Subsonic 409/12 .22 rf Sobol Box 465/30 .22 rf Southern Cartridge Co 386/16, 438/26 .22 rf Spatterless 122/1 .22 rf Spotlight Bullets 132/2 .22 rf Steel Case by Western 74/3 .22 rf Steel Case Checklist 112/4 .22 rf Steel Cases 245/12, 271/20, 291/8 .22 rf Stinger 260/26 .22 rf Stinger Development 358/6 .22 rf Swiss Boxes 477/60 .22 rf Teleshot Sectioned 447/13 .22 rf Thailand 444/82 .22 rf Tools 415/30 .22 rf U headstamp with Dot 120/3 .22 rf USCCo Gov't Contract 135/1 .22 rf USCCo NRA boxes 382/31 .22 rf Winchester 416/8 .22 rf Winchester 1/2 box 469/32, 471/46 .22 rf Winchester 200-Year Anniversary 475/32 .22 rf Winchester Australia 411/26 .22 rf Winchester Contract for England 435/37 .22 rf Winchester Contract Specification 477/51 .22 rf Winchester Draw Set 377/45 .22 rf Winchester Magnum 239/7 .22 rf Winchester NPE Box 375/32 .22 rf Winchester Price Setting 375/28 .22 rf Winchester Semi-Wadcutter 389/37 .22 Savage Hi-Power 258/14 .22 Savage imp 258/14 .22 Sisk Wartime Box 449/47 .22 Waldog 460/18 .22 WCF / Hornet 416/28 .22 WCF Headstamp Checklist 410/39 .22 WCF Improved 386/41, 387/37 .22 Winchester Magnum h/s 412/39 .22 Wotkyns 386/41 .22 WRF by Ward's 390/27 .220 Swift Drag Experiments 171/5 .220 Swift Wildcats 444/97 .221 IMP 254/8 .221 Saboted Ctg 2-piece case 254/9 .221/.17 Plastic Steel 254/9 .22-10 Maynard M1882 Box 340/34 .22-100 rf 408/3 .22-10-45 Maynard Steel Case 373/28 .22-15-60 Stevens 336/28 .222 Headstamp Checklist 407/39 .222 Magnum (SAW Development) 289/4 .222 Remington Experimental Box 444/82 .222 Remington Prototype 430/29, 432/40 .222 Super Rim Box 482/35 .22-20 Harwood Hornet 336/21 .222R Box (Dominion cases) 440/30 .223 JGR 462/50 .223 Voere UCC 370/7 .22-3000 (2 R Lovell) 260/16 .224 BOZ 423/30 .224 E2 Experimental 414/20 .224 MODOC 293/13 .224 VOB 423/30 .224 Weatherby Rocket 371/12 .224 Winchester E5 456/17 .230 Francotte 467/47 .230 Morris Short, Greenwood & Batley 467/49 .236 Blake Rifle 91/2, 93/2, 111/2 .236 Durst Rifle 383/42, 415/9 .236 Luger 415/8 .236 Luger Rimmed 415/9 .236 Remington 316/21, 318/25 .236 Remington Rimmed 409/8 .236 US Navy (USN) 415/8 .236 USN Semi-rimmed 317/11 .240 Apex 426/36 .240 Orphan 456/35 .240 Super Express 426/36, 429/9 .242 Rimless NE of Vickers 427/38 .243 Winchester (6mm) 465/50 .243 Winchester headstamp checklist 406/39 .244 Halger 428/6 .244 HV Magnum Halger 84/1 .244 Ultra 428/7 .244R Halger 428/6 .25 ACP Argentina 269/21 .25 ACP Boxes 477/1, 478/29, 479/30 .25 ACP Brazil 319/7 .25 ACP Japan 317/17, 331/19 .25 ACP Loads for Schouboe Pistol 472/52 .25 ACP Savage Box 483/32 .25 ACP Shot Cartridges 352/26 .25 ACP St Etienne Box 345/21 .25 ACP Unknown Mfr 433/42 .25 ACP Yugoslavia 314/3, 322/12 .25 Bacon & Bliss 84/2 .25 G&H Roberts 459/32 .25 Homologous (Project Salvo) 265/15 .25 JGR 462/50 .25 Lipfire 444/119 .25 Niedner 459/32 .25 Rimfire Hilti Industrial Blanks 163/2 .25 Rimfire Tool Blank 241/16 .25 Roberts 459/32 .25 Steven Short Carton 381/39 .25 Stevens Boxes 481/29 .25 Stevens Rimfire 336/16 .25 Stevens Short Rimfire 336/31 .25 Stevens Special Rimfire 353/6 .25 Whelen Box 472/49 .250 Savage (SAW Development) 289/5 .250-3000 Savage 258/14 .250-3000 Savage Box 449/53 .25-06 461/40 .25-06 Headstamps 411/39 .25-20 Draw Set by BELL 359/cover .25-20 Headstamps 416/39 .25-20 Stevens Single Shot 336/15, 405/29, 474/30 .25-20 Win headstamps 413/39 .25-21 Stevens 336/26 .25-21-86 Stevens by Eley 319/15 .25-25 Stevens 336/24 .25-35 Remington Rimless 136/1, 137/1 .25-35-117 Savage 428/21 .25-35-86 Savage 428/21 .255 Cartridges (Navy & Army Trials) 476/25 .256 (6.5 x 59) Unknown (Poss.
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