Old Bolsover Town Council Minutes of the Meeting of Old Bolsover Town Council Held on Tuesday 8th December 2009 at the Town Hall, Cotton Street, Bolsover, Chesterfield Present : Coun. R. Bowler Councillors L. Anderson, T. Bennett, M Bowler, D. Bratt, C.P. Cooper, J.E Dixon, R. Fulleylove, M Reed, T. Rodda, J. Woodhead In attendance : No Members of the Public Derbyshire Times Reporter D Kee – Town Clerk Open Forum No questions or comments were received. 65. Apologies for absence Councillor K. Bowman 66. Members’ Interests Members were reminded by the Chair of the need to complete and keep up to date the Register in-keeping with the Town Clerk's letter, verbal instructions and the need for Members to register interests related to the formal requirement of the Standards Board ‘Code of Conduct’ document. Members made a formal declaration of interest in respect of the items agended. 67. Confirmation of Minutes 67.1 The minutes of the meeting held in the open section, pages 60-66, held on 10th November 2009 be approved as a true record. 67.2 Matters Arising Page 66, 62 (2) Additional Planning Applications Cllr Reed drew attention o the policy of the District Council not supplying “hard copy” planning applications because applications could be viewed on the Council’s web site. However Cllr Reed advised that the additional applications were not listed on their site. Resolved (1) Cllr Reed write to the District Council querying why the applications did not appear. (2) Cllr. Reed advise the Council accordingly. 68 Police Matters No Police Officer present. 72 A Member drew attention to vehicles continuing to park on the pavement or other inappropriate places, creating a danger for pedestrians and/or other vehicles. Further that given that the matter had been identified during the priority setting exercise it remained a concern. Resolved The Clerk advise the police of the Council’s concerns and request feedback on the progress being made to address and remedy the problem. 69. Town Clerk’s Report (Document A) (1) Allotment Management The Clerk referred to a recommendation to invite the East Midlands Allotment Initiative Mentor to visit the Council’s allotment sites. Further that in support of this visit that three strategic documents be developed, an action plan, database and risk policy based on a best practice publication. In addition the Clerk recommended that tenants be asked to complete a simple check list to aid development of the above. In conclusion the Council insist on the removal of glass from allotment structures and also various water conservation measures. Councillor J. Woodhead declared a personal interest in this matter. Resolved (1) The East Midlands Allotment Initiative Mentor be invited and appropriate expenses met. (2) Three strategic documents, as outlined, be developed. (3) Tenants be asked to complete a simple check list subject to the amendments and additions suggested. (4) Tenants be advised to remove glass from garden plots and individual structures. (5) Push button water taps be introduced as appropriate to various allotment site water supplies. (2) Winter Working The Clerk referred to the Manual Worker Team priorities, taking account of the continuing long term absence of one employee. Resolved The report be received. (3) Cemetery The Clerk referred to the need to extend cemetery grave plot premiums and the need to take back a 20 linear metre strip from a current agricultural tenant. Resolved The tenant be issued with the appropriate one year crop notice to withdraw the land appropriated for cemetery use. (4) Land Valuations The Clerk referred to the need to update certain rental site values. Resolved (1) The District Valuer Service be engaged to prepare rental valuations. (2) Such rental be implemented subject to proper notice. 73 (5) Vision Project The Clerk advised members on the progress made to date. Councillor R. Bowler and M Bowler declared a Personal interest in this matter Resolved (1) The Clerk determine the District Council’s viewpoint on the project in consultation with the District Council’s regeneration team. (2) Members be subsequently advised on the vision plans to enable appropriate decisions to be taken. (6) Section 17 Crime & Disorder Act 1998 – Community Safety Partnership The Clerk advised members on the progress made in response to a funding request made by the Police Officer responsible for the Community Safety Team. Resolved The action taken in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair, including a donation of £150 for the purpose identified be approved. (7) Hornscroft Park The Clerk referred to a request received from the Friends of Bolsover Parks to plant a Hawthorne hedge adjacent to the Parish Rooms’ rear security fence. In addition the Clerk updated members on the progress of the Teen Park installation expected to be completed by end March 2010 proposing also that a local contractor and Council supplier be asked to sponsor a floor maze to link the existing and new Teen play areas. Councillor J. Woodhead declared a personal interest in this matter. Resolved (1) The Friends of Bolsover Parks be advised that a Hawthorne hedge was not thought to be suitable, given the Council’s assessment of possible risk but a hedge of more suitable hedging plants would be considered. (2) The Teen Park installation arrangement be confirmed and approved. (3) The recommendation to approach a local sponsorship contractor to install a floor maze be approved. (8) Incidents The Clerk referred to an incident which had occurred at the Assembly Hall resulting in serious injury to a user. Resolved The matter be noted and the Council’s insurers response and advices awaited. 70. Bolsover Local Strategic Partnership The Council’s Representatives circulated a detailed report commenting on three topics. 70.1 The Budget Consultation exercise and the District Council’s difficulties given the constraints which exist and the methodology employed by the District Council’s Finance Officer John Brooks. 74 70.2 The Bolsover Apprentice Programme, the District Council’s lead Officer, Natalie Price had advised that the project was under subscribed and that there were difficulties in communicating with the various employment agencies; hopefully these problems were now resolved. 70.3 Members were advised that a draft questionnaire had been circulated and discussed. This was part of the L.S.P.’s strategy to determine the public awareness of the duties and representation issues relating to Town and Parish Councils. Based on this questionnaire exercise it was observed that the funding was likely to be made available to support the Council’s newsletter policy and ideas. Resolved The various matters be noted. 71. DALC The Clerk drew attention to:- Circular 61/2009 The Derbyshire County Council Parish and Town Forum, topics “You report it – we’ll sort it” service and the desire to produce a community response plan via Town and Parish Councils. Circular 64/2009 Section 137 expenditure limits. Resolved The reports be received. 72. Correspondence Received The Clerk drew attention to:- 2. Letter from Derbyshire County Council regarding speed limits Shuttlewood Road The Clerk also advised that the County Council were likely to suggest and provide a pedestrian route(s) to the redeveloped park. Resolved The scheme’s details and proposed improvements be approved. 5. Letter from Bolsover Sports Action Group requesting a £25 donation. Resolved A section 137 donation of £25 be made. 6. Request for a grit bin to be situated a Hyndley Road in the vicinity of Davey Court. Resolved (1) No grit bin be provided. (2) The Council support Cllr Dixon’s suggestion to investigate highway drainage improvements. (Cllr Dixon promised to follow up the matter). 11. Freedom of Information request. Resolved (1) The Clerk’s actions in referring the request to DALC for an opinion be approved. 75 (2) The request be subsequently answered drawing attention to the Council’s scheme (model) in addition to any DALC advices within the 21 day statutory timescale. 73. Chair’s Correspondence No items of Chair’s correspondence were tabled for debate. 74. Planning Councillor T Rodda stated that as a member of the District Council’s Planning Committee he would take no part in the debate. 1. 09/00569/FUL Change of use to coffee shop and to use for art courses at 4 Station Road, Bolsover by Mrs Karen Smith Resolved No objections. 2. 09/00588/FUL Erection of single storey dwelling on Land to Rear of 53 Clowne Road, Stanfree, Chesterfield by Mr Paul Rippon Resolved The matter be left to the District Council to decide. 3. 09/00598/FUL Erection of conservatory to rear of 101 Shuttlewood Road, Bolsover, Chesterfield by Mr and Mrs. Hogan. Resolved No objections. Additional Planning Applications 4. 09/00627/FUL Erection of two storey extension to rear of dwelling and canopy over ground floor front windows and small gable dormer features over first floor windows at 163 Hill Top, Bolsover by Mrs. Samantha Ahmed Resolved No objections. 75. Allotment Committee No items were tabled for debate. 76.1 Minutes of the Assembly Hall Trustees Meeting The Clerk confirmed the letting situation applicable to minute 4. 77.2 Minutes of Bainbridge Hall Management Committee No minutes were presented. 78.3 Henton Memorial Hall No minutes were presented. ………………………………………… CHAIR 76 .
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