East Village Magazine August 2021 Photograph By Located inside the Flint Farmers’ Market FREE Home Warranty Flint’s Resident Realtor The Name Trusted in More Neighbohoods Ryan Eashoo (810) 234-1234 www.RyanEashoo.com 2 Commentary After the water crisis and the pandemic, what’s next? By Paul Rozycki It looked like the Flint water The pandemic crisis was over…and it wasn’t. Vol. LIX No. 8 August 2021 It looked like the pandemic As we entered the summer was over...and it wasn’t. many of us were ready to drop our Founder Gary P. Custer masks, get out of the house, and Managing Editor Tom Travis The water crisis resume something that resembled Consulting Editor Jan Worth-Nelson a normal life. The dramatic drop in Consulting Editor Ted Nelson In Flint, as July ended, nearly the number of new COVID cases Reporters Harold C. Ford all of the lead pipes in the city had and hospitalizations seemed to justi- Madeleine Graham been replaced, a court settlement fy that view. Patsy Isenberg Melodee Mabbitt was on track, lead levels were at Then along came the delta Coner Segren record lows, and it seemed that the variant, which is more contagious, Columnist Paul Rozycki seven years of the Flint water crisis that began to infect those who had Photographer Edwin D. Custer might be behind us. not been vaccinated. A surprising Then the newly installed number of young people were being Distribution Staff hit with the virus, in sharp contrast Director: Edwin D. Custer. Staff: Sue Bailey, Kim pipes on Court Street began fail- Bargy, Jacob Blumner, Connor Coyne & Ruby ing, flooding the neighborhood to last year, when it was mostly Coyne, Casey Custer, Caroline Fechik, Christine with water, and creating huge sink- older individuals who had to worry. & Patrick Figgins, Marabeth Foreman, Charlie & Linda & Patrick & Terrance & Christan & Jillianne holes in the middle of the newly As vaccination rates lagged, there Goldsberry, Patsy Isenberg, Carol Larzelere Kell- paved road. Arguments over who was a fear of a fourth wave of the ermann, Stephen Kellermann, Jo Larzelere, Mary LeRoy, James & Lillian & Livia Londrigan, Alan & is to blame, and who is to pay may virus. Distrust caused as many as Julie Lynch, Ron & Mary Meeker, Robert & Nancy go on for some time. a third of all Americans to remain Meszko, Ted Nelson, Dave & Becky Pettengill, Dick & Betty Ramsdell, Julian Rodriquez, Paul Then a group of Flint resi- hesitant about getting the vaccine. Rozycki, Mike Spleet, Kim & Ronan & Jude Streby, dents, led by former Mayor Karen Los Angeles and other cities began Holly West, and Karen Wilkinson. Weaver, objected to the proposed to require masks again, and many Board of Trustees • FaLessia Booker • Edwin D. Custer $641 million water crisis settlement worried about what the start of the • Alec Gibbs • Jack D. Minore as it went to U.S. District Court new school year might bring for • Paul Rozycki • Jan Worth-Nelson Judge Judith Levy for approval. young students, who hadn’t, or 720 E. Second St. couldn’t, get the shot. Flint, Mich. 48503 They felt that the amount of money (810) 233-7459 allocated wasn’t truly enough to The distrust between the Website: compensate those Flint residents Democratic governor and the eastvillagemagazine.org who had been harmed by the water Republican state legislature caused E-mail: the lawmakers to approve proposals [email protected] crisis. They also objected to the proposed $202 million in fees for that would limit the governor’s abil- Layout by Patsy Isenberg. Printing by Riegle Press Inc., 1282 N. Gale Rd., Davison, Mich. 48423. the attorneys who led the lawsuits ity to react to future emergencies or against the city and others involved pandemics. East Village Magazine is a program of the Village Information Center Inc., a nonprofit corporation. We in the litigation. It looked like the pandemic welcome material from readers, but all submis- was over … and it wasn’t. sions become the property of the publication and if Recently, when announcing published will be edited to conform to the editorial the positive news of lower lead style and policies of the publication. All inquiries about the publication should be mailed to East Vil- levels for Flint water, Liesl Clark, What’s next? lage Magazine, Village Information Center, 720 E. director of the Michigan Depart- Second St., Flint, Mich. 48503. Distribution is the first Thursday of each month. Display advertising ment of Environment, Great Lakes With those things in mind, rates are $34 a column-inch plus any other costs. and Energy (EGLE) said “We it may be even more unsettling to Unclassified ads are $2.50 a printed line or part of a printed line. Rates subject to change without notice. know that trust was broken.” look at other worries on the hori- The deadline for advertising is 10 days before each It looked like the water zon. And as we try to move beyond publication date. crisis was over … and it wasn’t. the pandemic, and the water crisis, © 2021 East Village Magazine (Continued on Page 16.) Cover: Charles W. Parker Carousel at Crossroads Village 3 Photo of the Month: Battle Alley, Crossroads Village (Photo by Edwin D. Custer) Education Beat Mott Foundation CEO White pauses, then restores, grants to Flint Schools. Public comments at packed ed board meeting signal community division. By Harold C. Ford The dramatic twists and turns White then reversed himself and from Board members relating to her reflected by and from the leadership announced a restoration of FCS grant communications with, and dissemi- teams — elected and appointed — funding the next day on July 22. nation of information to, the Board of at Flint Community Schools (FCS) Education members …” deepened when Ridgway White, CEO FCS board’s restrictions on The board “further resolved of the Flint-based C. S. Mott Founda- its superintendent leads to that the Superintendent must cease all tion, announced a pause of FCS grant grants pause communication, as well as meetings funding on July 16. (in-person, virtually, or over the tele- A plan titled the Flint Educa- “We must reluctantly pause phone), with all partners and commu- tion Continuum (FEC), spearheaded all grants,” wrote White in a July 16 nity foundations as well as affiliates of by the Mott Foundation, aiming to memo to Carol McIntosh, FCS board partners and community foundations, renovate or replace all of Flint’s president. without the presence of the Board school buildings and provide sup- White reasoned that “commu- President and his or her designee.” portive programming, led indirectly nity partners must be able to commu- During a July 1, 2021 interview to the pause. nicate with district leaders to ensure with East Village Magazine, Steward The Flint Community’s division smooth and effective programming.” said: “I am extremely disappointed over these developments was evident A June 16, 2021 document titled that we are in this space that we are during a five-hour FCS Board of Edu- “Flint Expectations of Superinten- now. I have been completely transpar- cation meeting in a packed auditorium dent” signed by McIntosh, indicated ent … I’m in a difficult space with at of some 200 persons at FCS’ Acceler- “Superintendent (Anita Steward) may least four board members.” ated Learning Academy on July 21. not fully understand the expectations (Continued on Page 5.) 4 Clause, Jack the Ripper, Batman and • Sonyita Clemons, Flint ... School Grant the Joker by herself … And if you Central HS grad: I implore each of the (Continued from Page 4.) can’t come together President McIn- (board) members to come out to the A July 20, 2021 memo posted tosh, with the superintendent being schools to see what the school direc- by Steward at the district’s website your blood, and you all can’t agree, tors are doing, to understand from the titled “FCS Programming Update,” there’s something wrong with that mouths of children how the program- acknowledged that, “Grants that sup- … If you don’t get on the ball and ming is impacting them … We just ported four of the district’s programs put your pride and egos aside, you’re want an opportunity for the children and services have been paused.” As a gonna’ lose, and these babies are that attend Flint Community Schools result, programming provided by the losing … Care about our babies!” … that matches, that rivals, that equals Crim Fitness Foundation and Youth- • Malique Forward, 18: everything else that is going on in the Quest would not be available for county.” the 2021-22 school year that starts • Margaret Fox, Flint on Aug. 4 for FCS students. Education Foundation board member; former FCS educator: Divided public packs “I’ve watched Flint’s student board meeting enrollment decline from 25,000 students to under 4,000 students. Some 200 persons packed Students have left for other dis- the July 21 meeting of the Flint tricts and charter schools causing school panel at FCS’ Accelerated the district to close buildings Learning Academy (formerly … Currently, 10,000 kids, or Scott School). The FEC may not 78 percent of the City of Flint’s have been on the agenda but it students are choosing to attend was on the minds of citizens who A packed house of 200-plus crammed into the other schools … We must stop chose to address the board at the auditorium of Walter Scott School on a hot and allowing this district to bleed five-hour meeting. sticky July 21 evening. students and funding … We can Speakers supportive of (Photo by Tom Travis) create a solvent district but we a FCS-Mott Foundation part- have proven time and again we nership: cannot do it without commu- • Marla Settle, grand- nity partners willing to help.
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