J ' ^m iD AY, OCTOBER 1968 PAG«TWE!»Tt T/w^e Daily Net Press Ron For the Week Ended The Westlier Oot tZ, 1960 FoveeMt efC . ■. W m O m B m w # 13,250 Fwtly dandy, eeoler tMUgliib Member of-Ow Andlt Ixtw near '46. Snadny moeflir 4Ur, s Uttle orilden High i».6 «. JBurenn of Cnrenlntten. \ City o/ Village Charm • ' ' --I- r --1 ■ 1-1-11 —I n—^ 'Hi VOL. LXiX, 25 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER,'C01W„ SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29. 1960 (ClauUled AdTerttalng on i ) PRICE FIVE CBNIB m m „ m^ m ill 4, all cash 3 in Union Raises GOP Hopes State News Convicted Ike Launclies Drive un i L ! .LAST 81/4 SALE HOURS AT O f Bribery For Nixon Triumph Lodge May Tour Indianapolis, Oct. 29 (A*)— State Once More Three top officials of the Car­ . Philadelphia, Oct. 29 (4>)— fhe wt9 act first and act fast. Hartford, Oct, 29 </P)— Re­ penters Union were convicted A free-swinging assault by America needs a man who will thinK first, and the act wisely.” i U. S. Ready to last night of bribing an Indi­ President Eisenhower on publican National Chairmap -Pennsylvania GOP leaders— once Thniston Morton flays Henty ana highway official in quicK- what he called Democratic confident of Keeping their state’s Cabot Lodge, the‘ Republican profit right-of-way deals, cli­ "irresponsibility” raised Re­ 32 importaiit electoral votes In the maxing a Jiighway scandal Republican column but recently vice presidential candidate, I ■., publican hopes . today ' for case that dated bacK nearly homestretch vigor in the final concqrned at signs of rising Ken­ may malte another campaigrn nedy strength. — were Jubilant tour in the'atate. 1 ,4 5 0 M o r e .three years., i, 10 days of the presidential r _ AMaurlce A. Hutcheson, presi­ oyer Eisenhower’s speewh and the Morton, also senator from Ken­ dent of the 860,000-member Inter­ campaign. ( . warmth of his reception fropjAhou- tucKy, said yesterday another visit national imlon; O. William Blaler, Elsenhower flew here last night semds on midto'n'n Philadelphia here by Lodge was being considered Marines at vice president, and FranK Jil. for a nationally televised ipeech in stfeets. ‘ by 'GOP leaders, but no final de­ ALL FUR-TRIMMED, Chapman, treasurer, displayed no hl.s drive to maKe his vice pre.s- -In his speech to a dinner spon­ cision had fieen made. IMPORTED WOOL S pecif Group Men’s emotion as Criminal Court Judge Ident, Richard M. Nigon, his suc­ s o r ^ by the Nixon for President Lodge, former United States am­ M. Walter Bril read the verdict^ cessor., Nixon was r.eported “ex­ Committee of Pennsylvania, Ei- bassador to the United Nations, Cuban Base Bell ordered a presentence liP tremely exhilarated” by. the Pres­ (Continued on Page Two) campaigned In Fairfield County CASUAL AND vestlgatibn and set Nov. 28 for ident’s words of praise. several weSK.s ago and addresses a Ckiro, Egypt, Oct. 29 (4 V -> Winter JacKets sentencing. The conviction carries Eisenhower sparKed bursts of mammoth Republican rally In' Fidel Castro Was qitoted today MEN’S TOPCOATS a 2-to-14-year prison sentence and' applause at the rate of more than Hartford. j ,a maximum fine of glS.OOO each. one per minute as he hammered Another visit by Lodge would be I as saying Cubans are not sneh The defendants were tb appear hard at Sen. Jphn F. Kennedy’s Back!. Back! intended to lessen the possible Im -' ‘idiots” Ks to try to taiKe the ' DRESS COATS .late today to sign documents per­ charges that Republican leadership pact of the planned visit by Sen. U.S. Naval Base at Gaimtana- 3 0 % OFF mitting them to remain free dur­ ha.s damaged American prestige John F. Kennedy, the Democratic mo by force. ing the investigation. Turn Clock abroad and steered the country presidential candidate, here Nov. Instead. Cuba will demand ■ <1 The jury of seven men and five into economic doldrums.- 6 and 7. requiarly 45.00 2 0 % OFF "*“'* . women deliberated less than three Meeting with newsmen, Morton through the United Natlona The President drew cheers with hours bqfore finding all three giuil- BACK Tonight said the Kennedy tour, coming so that the base be cyacnated, ty o f bribing,.apd cortspiracy to this shaft at the Democratic nomi­ nee: “My friends, anyone who ^eeK.s late in the campaign, might swing the Cuban prime minister waa regularly 10.95 to/ bribe Harrj’ A, Doggett of Greens'-' some votes in Connecticut; SPECIAL burg, former right-of-way pur­ to grasp the reins of world leader- New YorK, Oct. 29 (m — quoted as telling an interview­ .ship should not spend .all his time There’s an extra hour of sleep He declined, to maKe a flat pre­ regularly 39 <99, to 39.95-^SPECIAL chasing director for the Indiana diction of victory for the Republi­ er for the weeKly AKhbar el • Highway Department, wringring his hands.” coming up tonight if your And, declaring Nixon “by long area is going off daylight can ticKet in this state, but said Yom, Said Sonhol. He recently The onlj display of emotion in the GpP would wrest some of Con­ visited Cuba. 169'l99— SPECIAL the small crowd of spectators odds’.’ the best qualified man to oe time. president, Eisenhower strucK the The return to standard time necticut's sLx congressional seats came from (^apman’s wife, who •from, the Democrats. 7 ^ t o 2 7 E burst Into tears when Judge Bell familiar GOP theme that Ken­ from ■' “ fast” time formally Havana, Oct. 29 (fl*)— ^The nedy is Immature and brash. taKes place at 2 a,m. Sunday.. “We are doing well here," said read the y'erdict. She was the oqly Morton, who also commended his arrival of a contingent o f U.S. 35.90 relative present. Though he never mentioned Ken­ When you go to bed, turn Marines at Guantanamo Na­ nedy by name, Eisenhower said: bacK — repeat BACK — your party’s organization in Connecti­ The three were charged with cut. 1 giving Doggett a $15,800 checK J"1 hear that one candidate says clocK one hour. val Base today for the weeK­ 3 1 S » 1 3 5 2 for advance .Information about end was expected to launch checks, tw««di, herring* proposed ..routes ■ for highways in 3/c|Lei'y Unchanged | Prime Minister n d el Cafitro Wgyne and LaKe Counties. The Bridgeport, Oct. 29 (/P)—Jasper into a new round of charges bpnes, all imported wool, all fine and beautiful prosecution contended they bought At a Critical Time McLevy, who served 12 consecu-'- land along the proposed routes that the United States is tlve terms as Socialist mayor of grooming an invasion force. olive, gray or brown then sold It to the.state, maKing Bridgeport, was reported in fairly fabrics! furs include $81,000 profit. , Cuban officials showed great in­ many styles . waist length good condition today after suffer­ terest In the announcement from Reporters crowded around *t'he ing a gastric disorder apd a slight tones, sites 35 to 44. black dyed red foxi dyed President’s •orl Washington that 1,460 Marinaaon jackets, suburbans, car- thrM defendants after the verdict, stroKe. regular, short and long. but could get little comment. McLevy, 82, ha.s been ,to Bridge­ maneuvers In the Caribbean will white fox, norwdgian "... Haven’t yoU already done port Hospital since 'Thursday. land at the east epd of Cuba for coats,. quilt lined gabar­ '•nough,” was the only response His physician described Mc- a few days of ■rest"'and .recreation. blue fox, natural rac­ from the three. And that came e s Levy’a condition as critical early Mailman Waits for Mail The Cuban officials did not com­ dine. from Hutcheson, who is fighting yesterday but said he showed im­ ment. But Castro was to.maKa a coon, natural and royal a contmpt of Congress conviction provement last night. Neither snow rior rain can st^y the postman, but here is an unidentified Omaha letter carrier wait­ nation-wide television speech to- - wool with quilt and* orlon pile linings, orlon pile and satin for refusing to answer Senate McLevj'. mayor from 1933 ing for the trucK that was late for its rendezvous at the storage bo.x. His pouch nearly empty, the day, tha time of which was in­ With Nixon in Illinois, Oct. ances after, a morhing rally at through 1957, is a candidate for postman taKes advantage of the shade In the'open'storage box whilb he catches up on hie read­ definite. pastel mink! fall fashion ing. (AP Photofax). lined carcoats, dacron fiber filled quilted nylonSi son^e re­ (Goatinned on Page Two) Vice President Richard the Quad City Airport near RocK Congressman from Cpnnecticut’s The Washington announcement colors! complete range Nixon rolled his presidential id. 111. Fourth District. coincided with other developmentn paign into Chicago’s suburl s said Nixon hoped to stir The hospital reported today that in plummeting U.S.-Cuban rela­ versible!'brown, gray, red and tan. sites 36 to 46. tions. , of sites! day with a glowing endorael the suburbs the .kind of Re- McLevy had spent a bomfortable Tug at Rug Und^r Castro?\ Bonn Deputy j P lan e Crashes from Presideilt Eisenhower. ;|^1Wcaq and independent support Bight but that .hin: 'ronoitibfi’' Hh " ' Thegovermnent-controUeS preaa 4 ! The Republican presidential lie needs, to offset an expected roalned uhehang^. In war-type banner lines said tha nominee made it clear he believes large Democratic majority -in Chi­ 800 Marines already a t Guanta­ Upsicfe'Down, the send-off the President gave cago.
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