Features does Mavs Page 6 Valentine’s Day fall Page 4 at home The CMesariterion State College u criterion.mesastate.edu Feb. 11, 2009 The voice of the students Vol. 78 Issue 14 This issue... Opinions: Page 3 Accessibility around campus addressed by administrators Sean Johnson Feb. 9 to make it easier for students News Reporter to walk on. The walk was conducted before A walk around campus on Feb. any serious complaints came in from 6 showed only a few problem areas students in order for Marsh to fix the that affected student’s accessibility problems. With construction areas around campus. Director of Facilities making things more cramped, Marsh Services Kent Marsh plans to address and Geraw wanted to make sure the these issues in an effort to be proac- areas that were open stay open and tive. His goal for the walk was to ex- clear. amine any potential problems that With the construction continuing could be fixed. to change and new projects and exist- Marsh explained that “with such a ing projects finishing, the layout of diverse group of students” he wanted the campus will change. Geraw stated Sports: Page 5 to see for himself if there were any ar- that she wanted to look at the areas eas that students had a hard time get- with fencing to see if construction ting through. services needed to rethink any of the Development Construction fencing in the future. Services Jana Geraw and Shaw Another concern is one area that Construction’s Bart Dickson accom- seemed to affect driver’s sight dis- panied Marsh. Dickson stated that tance, which is the stop sign locat- the doors for the Maverick Pavilion ed at lots G14 and G16 due to cars would be fitted with automatic doors parked up to the edge. Marsh said for the students, and two parking they would correct the problem to en- spots outside the pavilion would be sure student safety by not allowing marked as handicapped spaces. cars to park within two spots of the A few main areas that were noticed edge of the curb on both sides of the during the walk was the sidewalk lo- street. cated on College Place that had three Students can contact Marsh with sections of concrete missing and the any concerns or suggestions referenc- concrete and walkthrough for Walnut ing problem areas on campus. Danielle Stomberg/Criterion Ridge Apartment C that needs to be u Kent Marsh and Bart Dickson walk with students around campus to filled in with mini ramps so students [email protected] find any problem spots that need to be fixed. with wheelchairs can go through. The sidewalk on College Place was fixed Tragedy hits Mesa State Student dies in car accident on I-70 Amanda Friar Mesa State President Tim Foster said News Editor in an e-mail sent out to students. “My condolences go out to her family and Samantha Loy liked to live by the friends. “I know you will join me in tattoos on her wrists. One stood for keeping them in our thoughts.” dream and one said believe. She be- Fruita Police reportedly had con- lieved in following her dreams and tact with Loy half an hour before the doing what made her happy. accident, according to Chief Mark Loy, 18, died in a car accident Angelo. Fruita’s contact occured Sunday morning on Interstate 70. about 1 a.m. and the accident oc- She was a freshman at Mesa State cured at 1:30 a.m. and while she was an undeclared “Details of that contact will not be major, she was interested in Social released,” Angelo said, according to and Behavioral Sciences. She was a the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel. Central High School graduate and Fruita police are currently working also represented Grand Junction in with the Colorado State Patrol to in- the 2008 Miss Teen Colorado con- vestigate whether alcohol and speed Courtesy Photo test. Samantha Loy as featured in the were a factor in the accident. Friends remember Loy as ath- 2008 Miss Teen Colorado con- Loy was not wearing a seat belt letically active and one that enjoyed test. at the time of the accident. She was snowboarding. She was a competitive ejected from the car when her east- cheerleader throughout her childhood thing negative and she had a lot of bound sedan went out of control. The and had been a Central High cheer- friends.” car rolled into westbound lanes near leader. She was very hard working in Texas Roadhouse held a candle- mile marker 23. There were no other Brian Erickson/Criterion school and very out-going. light vigil in her memory Sunday injuries. 22-year-old Fine Arts major Michael Garlitz grinds on a bronze “She was really open-hearted and night, according to Cox. u moose sculpture for his foundry class. free-spirited,” Mesa State student and “I am always at a loss for words [email protected] fellow employee at Texas Roadhouse when such a tragedy occurs and it Ashley Cox said. “She never said any- is a loss for our college community,” Phi Beta Lambda prepares to host fifth annual Distinguished Executive Program dinner Students discover what they really love and learn to get an edge in business find what they really love and really of PBL,” Vice President of Marketing Business.” It will feature a panel dis- tion which local businesses have do- Amanda Friar enjoy.” Nicolle McCown said. “We’re not just cussion with panelists Laurie Kadrich, nated materials for. News Editor PBL advisor Deb Parman de- getting to learn it; we’re getting to ex- Grand Junction City Manager; Bryant Tickets are on sale now and are scribed the club as the “grown up ver- perience it as well.” Smith, Shaw Construction; and Mary sold individually for $45 or by table As students go through college sion of Future Business Leaders of The main event that PBL puts Jo Rakowski, Mothers Against Drunk sponsors of ten for $425. All dona- wondering what they’re going to do America.” Its purpose is to help stu- on for the community and stu- Drivers. Panelists will discuss ways to tions are tax deductible and pro- after they graduate, worry and fear dents transition from school to career dents, however, is the Distinguished achieve a competitive edge in today’s ceeds go to support the students of can set in. Students of Phi Beta and emphasize professional develop- Executive Program (DEP) dinner and market. PBL to travel to National Leadership Lambda Future Business Leaders of ment. PBL fundraises quite a bit to panel discussion. The DEP dinner is “Getting an edge in business is Conference to compete in academic America feel comfortable with where fund their trips to state and nation- set-up, organized, and run complete- really important this year, especial- competitions. For more information they are going and are learning skills als, as well as volunteer with different ly by the students alone. They usually ly in this economy,” Parman said. or to purchase tickets contact Deb now that will help them in the busi- organizations and events such as the start working on the dinner in the fall “Businesses are looking at tomorrow’s Parman at 970-248-1170. ness world. March of Dimes and Adopt-a-Family. and the dinner is usually held around labor pool, so it’s a win-win on both u “It’s a really good building experi- The Mesa State chapter of PBL con- March. sides.” [email protected] ence,” PBL president Alexa Williams sists of about 60 members. This year’s DEP dinner has a In addition to the panel discussion, said. “It’s really good for students to “There’s so many different aspects theme of “Getting the Edge in the dinner will include a silent auc- 2 The Criterion u Feb. 11 u News Amanda Friar, editor News [email protected] MavPav causes mixed opinions Sarah Fast classes,” Mesa State student Kristine Guest Reporter True said. Even some of the Sodexo employ- Whether you prefer to call it the ees say that the Maverick Pavilion has Maverick Pavilion, the tent, the pa- been an inconvenience. vour, or the ever-popular MavPav, the “The concrete floors are much new dining facilities are impacting harder to clean because they get very the lives of students at Mesa State as dirty and dusty, but it is almost im- well as the employees of Sodexo. possible to mop because the concrete Coming back to campus after sucks up all of the water from the Christmas break, many students were mop,” Sodexo cashier Diana Pierce excited to check out the big white said. tent just west of the old student cen- Changes are still being made to ter. The Maverick Pavilion is the new improve the Maverick Pavilion. The home of the cafeteria, Bookcliff Cafe, floors are scheduled to be finished and the college bookstore. The caf- in the near future and banners have eteria and Bookcliff Cafe took the been added to give the enormous move as an opportunity to make some white room some color. changes, The cafeteria got rid of their Resident Dining Manager Steve serving trays and the Bookcliff Cafe Rider was very positive about the got rid of the Sub Connection sand- move to the Maverick Pavilion. “The wich station, but they are now offer- cafeteria was so old and disrepaired, ing an entirely new grill menu includ- but this is a nice building and we ing a breakfast menu and several new have lots of new equipment to use,” Roldan Chandler/Criterion lunch and dinner options.
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