Booklet of the 56th Science Conference of Ruse University, Bulgaria, 2017 ABSTRACTS 44 Copyrights© http://conf.uni-ruse.bg Industry 4.0. Business Environment. Quality of Life. MAY RESEARCH CONFERENCE IN SILISTRA FRI-239-1-LTLH(S) FRI-239-1-LTLH(S)-01 CROSS-CULTURAL KNOWLEDGE IN THE CHINESE ‘CULTURAL BACKPACK’ Diana Bebenova-Nikolova, PhD Student Department of Business and Management, “Angel Kanchev” Univesity of Ruse Рhone: 082-888 212 Е-mail: [email protected] Prof. Juliana Popova, PhD Department of Business and Management, “Angel Kanchev” Univesity of Ruse Рhone: 082-888 212 Е-mail: [email protected] Associate Professor Lyudmila Mihailova Department of Business and Management, “Angel Kanchev” Univesity of Ruse Рhone: 082-888 212 Е-mail: [email protected] Abstract: The article contributes to the set of cross-cultural and linguistic knowledge by presenting some pragmatic failures in intercultural communication with Chinese, when Lingua franca is used. Communicators using a foreign language often unconsciously ‘transfer’ the forms and rules from their native language and culture into the target language. The generated message, although linguistically correct, might be interpreted wrongly by the receivers, based on their different cultural values and thus might lead to a cultural misunderstanding. Such cases raise the question of how to achieve a better competence in intercultural discourse. The presented communication situations were collected by the author of the article as a result of the implementation of an Erasmus + mobility project at the Hubei Technological University in Wuhan, China. The discussion on the cases follows the model of intercultural competence, described in a previous article "Integrated Process Model on Intercultural Competence" by the same author. The mentioned structure suggests what competencies are needed in interpersonal communication so that the culturally specific behavior of the participants is "decoded" and understood against a comparison with their own cultural values. Furthermore, the article tries to analyse the situations against the assumptions of Chinese communication as highlighted by Shi-xu. It also searches for explanations of the possible causes for the communication difficulties in the characteristics of Chinese Facework, presented in the works of Ting-Toomey. Another concept used in this article is that of Hofstede introducing the 6D model of cultural measures: power distance, avoidance of insecurity, masculinity / femininity, individualism / collectivism, long / short term orientation, restraint / indulgence. The speech examples and related reasoning can help ESL teachers improve their intercultural competence as well as all anybody who relies on English as a Lingua franca. Such an approach also reflects the idea of ‘the cultural backpack’, in which the holder can optionally ‘store’ acquired cross-cultural knowledge and use it when needed. Keywords: intercultural competence, cross-cultural, Chinese culture. JEL Code: I29 Copyrights© http://conf.uni-ruse.bg 45 Booklet of the 56th Science Conference of Ruse University, Bulgaria, 2017 REFERENCES Bebenova-Nikolova, D. (2016). Integrated Process Model on Intercultural Competence, Journal of Danubian Studies and Research. Vol 6, No 1 (2016). Hofstede, G. (2013). Values Survey Module 2013, Manual, https://geert-hofstede.com/- china.html (Accessed on 16.12.2016). James, Joyce E. (1996). The Language – Culture Connection. Singapore: SEAMEO, Regional Language Centre. Shi-xu (2009). Cultural Assumptions of Chinese Communication. http://www.shixu.com/- shixu/webenglish/index.php (Accessed on 16.03.2017). Ting-Toomey, S. (2015). Facework/Facework negotiation theory. In J. Bennett (Ed.), Sage Encyclopedia of Intercultural Competence, Volume 1 (pp. 325-330). Los Angeles, CA: Sage. Tiono, N. (2002). Language and Culture in Relation to Intercultural Communication in a Business Context, Volume 4, Number 1, June 2002: 36 – 41. FRI-239-1-LTLH(S)-02 CREATING A MODEL OF THE AREAS OF THE CONCEPT OF BEAUTY BASED ON THE 21 CENTURY ENGLISH LITERATURE Principal Assist. Prof. Liliana Slavianova, PhD Department of Foreign languages, “Angel Kanchev” Univesity of Ruse Tel.: 082 888 816 E-mail: [email protected] Abstract: The complex approach to modeling the BEAUTY concept allows for a more complete description of the structure-content expression of the concept under consideration. In building up this model we are guided by the fact that the concept of BEAUTY is a mental representation with a clear structure consisting of macro and micro areas. To present this model and prove the relevance of the claim that the concept is a complex structured entity with closely linked components, which are induced and activated together, we will analyze the structure of the concept by creating its respective fields which implies an analysis of the linguistic realization of a concept. It is accomplished using a clearly defined spectrum of verbalisers - words and word combinations that represent an object as beautiful as a result of an evaluation (assessment) process. Evaluation is a thought-based operation aimed at determining the characteristics of objects, actions, phenomena, etc. by comparing them with conventional ideals or norms. In the most general sense, evaluation takes place at two levels: emotional and rational. In the first case, it has an unconscious character, manifested in the form of satisfaction or dissatisfaction, and in the second, it is realized, as the significance, usefulness, importance or futility of the objects, the actions and the events that are considered. Emotional evaluation, in its turn, is seen by researchers as sensual and aesthetic. The difference between the two types of assessment is that an aesthetic assessment, unlike the sensual one, implies the synthesis of the sensory and intellectual/psychological characteristics expressed by the subject in the assessment. Aesthetic assessment is not purely sensory, because it is also thought-based. It is related to the satisfaction of being beautiful and as such requires a certain inner readiness in the subject to embrace beauty. However, this division is considered conditional, as both the emotional and rational evaluation take place in interaction. On the other hand, each evaluation is able to categorize different objects. For example, physical beauty is based on emotional evaluation, while moral qualities meet moral ethical criteria. Aesthetic appreciation is given to works of art, and quality assessment is mainly associated with artifacts. It is important to note that the boundaries between the different types of assessments are quite contingent, so they are interrelated. The article examines beauty as one of the key concepts of culture possessing an existential significance for the individual and the linguistic community as a whole. A model of the Beauty concept has been built up and the macro and micro areas of its structure presented. As a result of the undergone analysis the idea of the concept of Beauty in the English consciousness has been created. Keywords: concept, areas of the concept, beauty, evaluation JEL Code: I29 46 Copyrights© http://conf.uni-ruse.bg Industry 4.0. Business Environment. Quality of Life. REFERENCES Ahern, С. P.S. I love you. London, Harper Collins, 2008. 395 p. 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