1961 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 17889 long-range financing feature faces a tough will be- protected against expropriation or level, not by the Federal Government. But fight in the House and in the Senate which currency blocking; and what steps have youth crime is becoming so serious In many is now working on the a,id bill. been or will be taken to, remove aid officials areas that I have introduced a bill to help "The Senate opened debate on the aid bill 'whose performance is unsatisfactory.' local communities tack1e ·it. Attorney Gen­ last week. The House will take up the bill "Representative JOHN BRADEMAS, Demo­ eral Robert Kennedy and Secretaries Gold­ later. crat, of Indiana, spokesman for the group, berg of Labor and Ribicoff of Health, Educa­ "Senator KEATING said in a statement that said that although its members believe in tion, and Welfare have all testified in support long-range aid planning was of crucial im­ foreign aid, 'we are also convinced that our of the bill, which would: (1) finance pilot portance. aid program abroad can be conducted more projects to find better techniques to combat "BERLIN CRISIS CITED efficiently and effectively.'" delinquency, and make the findings available "Senator HUMPHREY declared in a separate The new Soviet feat of orbiting a man nationwide, (2) help train more specialists statement that the Berlin crisis had under­ around the world for 25 hours is more dra­ to deal with delinquents and youthful of­ lined the need for consistent long-term aid matic evidence that in the struggle with the fenders. planning. Communist world, brainpower is indispen­ During our visit, one 18-year-old girl told "The letter by the 30 Democrats pointed sable. That's why I feel those who insist on us it would take just "three steps from my up congressional concern about the long­ denying help to American education where stoop'' to find narcotics in New York. Few range feature of the President's aid pro­ it is really needed are playing Russian rou­ of us realize what jungles of crime exist in gram. Most of the group consider them­ lette with our national security. some of the towns and cities of our country. selves liberals and are firm supporters of It's therefore a tragedy that President . A new frontier in TV has been opened by the aid program. Kennedy's three education bills are still WNDU-TV with its "Washington Tie-Line" "But they told Mr. Labouisse there had mired down in the House and Senate. These series. At WNDU's request I have been re­ been 'documented instances of bad plan­ bills would: (1) provide grants to States for cruiting people with significant Jobs in ning, waste, and unsuitable projects.' They more classrooms and/or better teachers' sal­ Washington for interviews with questioners asked: 'What speciflcally will be done to aries; (2) provide loans and grants to col­ on the other end of a long-distance line In prevent the repetition of such instances?' leges for academic facilities plus scholar­ South Bend. First guest, appropriately, was ships for needy, able students; (3) extend Federal Communications Commission Chair­ "CONSTR"'O"CTIVELY CRITICAL the National Defense Education Act. man Newton Minow, fresh from his famous "The group, which represents 16 States, If Congress fails to get a chance to vote debut speech in which he described much of prefaced its query to Mr. Labouisse by say­ on these bills, the losers will be American TV as a "wasteland" and called for more ing it agrees that the President's foreign aid students and the national interest; the win­ public service programs--llke "Tie-Line." program 'is both essential to the security ners, Mr. Khrushchev and the Communist Next guest was the new U.S. Ambassador to of the United States and consistent with leaders, who are continuing to press their the Organization of American States, de­ the desires of the American people to en­ countries ahead scientifically and indus­ Lesseps S. Morrison. The Ambassador spoke courage economic development and strength­ trially. of the "incomplete revolution" In Latin en free political institutions in other na­ In New York City a few weeks ago, I America and the task facing the United tions.• stood on street corners talking to young States in helping bring both social reform "But they said their duty to be 'construc­ gang leaders who know-though still in their and economic progress to the rich but trou­ tively critical' prompted four questions, in­ teens-all about murder and robbery and bled continent south of us. Appearing on cluding the one on how waste will be narcotics. The night our congressional sub­ August 5, Miss Pamela Turnure, press secre­ stopped. committee visited Brooklyn, a 17-year-old tary to Mrs. Kennedy, talked of her exciting "They also wanted to know what- will be boy was beaten to death over a dime. job, which requires both long hours and done to make sure aid goes to the people I'm convinced that juvenile delinquency much tact in dealing with the White House who need it; how private business firms is a problem that must be solved at the local news corps. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT tain services to the Girl Scouts of the United HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES States of America for use at the 1962 Girl A message in writing from the Presi­ Scouts senior roundup encampment, and for FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1961 dent of the United States was commu­ other purposes; nicated to the House by Mr. Ratchford, H.R. 5518. An act to revise the boundaries The House met at 12 o'clock noon, and one of his secretaries, who also informed of the Fort Raleigh National Historic Site in was called to order by the Speaker pro the House that on the f qllowing dates North Carolina, and for other purposes; tempore, Mr. McCORMACK. the President approved and signed bills H.R. 7445. An act making appropriations The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, and joint resolutions of the House of the for sundry independent executive bureaus, following titles: boards, commissions, corporations, agencies, D.D., offered the following prayer: and offices, for the fiscal year ending June Philippians 4: 6: In everything by On AUg'1.St 14, 1961: 30, 1962, and for other purposes; H.R. 845. An act to amend title 88, United H.R. 7722. An act to amend section 3579, prayer and supplication, with thanksgiv­ States Code, to increase the rate of special ing, let your requests be known unto God. title 10, United States Code, to provide that pension payable to certain persons awarded commissioned officers of the Medical Service Almighty God, we thank Thee for the the Medal of Honor, and for other purposes; Corps may exercise command outside the refreshing and sustaining ministry of and Army Medical Service when directed by prayer when our spirit becomes languid H.R. 3279. An act to increase the maximum proper authority; and and faint and we are tempted to grow rates of per diem allowance for employees of the Government traveling on official busi­ H.R. 7851. An act making appropriations weary in well-doing. ness, and for other purposes. for the Department of Defense for the fiscal Help us to hold with increasing tenac­ On August 17, 1961: year ending June 30, 1962, and for other ity of purpose and fond affection to purposes. H.R. 181. An act to amend sections 3253 On August 21, 1961: those great promises in Thy Holy Word and 8253 of title 10, United States Code; which will inspire us to carry on with H.R. 2203. An act to authorize the Secre­ H.R. 5954. An act making appropriations renewed faith and hope. tary of the Interior to exchange certain for the Treasury and Post Office Depart­ property in Rocky Mountain National Park, ments, and the Tax Court of the United Show us that we may be able to sur­ Colo., and for other purposes; States for the fiscal year ending June 30, mount all our difficulties and meet life H.R. 2925. An act to amend the act of 1962, and for other purposes. courageously and victoriously if we have March 8, 1922, as amended, pertaining to On August 25, 1961: Thy grace in our hearts. isolated tracts, to extend its provisions to H.R. 1452. An act to authorize the sale of Grant that daily we may give encour­ public sales; a portion of the former light station prop­ agement and cheer to those who wander H.R. 4321. An act to amend section 308 of erty in Scituate, Mass.; the Career Compensation Act of 1949 to au­ H.R. 4786. An act to provide travel and in the region of despondency and whose thorize the transportation of dependents transportation allowances for members of lives, under the pressure of anxiety and and baggage and household effects of certain the National Guard and reserve components care, are like bruised and broken reeds. retired members; when travel is performed in an active duty In Christ's name we pray. Amen. H.R. 4323. An act to amend the Career or inactive duty training status in compli­ Compensation Act of 1949 with respect to ance with Federal directives; special pay for diving duty, and tor other R.R. 6597. An act to amend title 10, United THE JOURNAL purposes; States Code, to permit the crediting of cer­ H.R. 5228. An act to authorize the Secre­ tain minority service for the purpose of de­ The Journal of the proceedings of tary of Defense to lend certain Army, Navy, termining eligibility for retirement, and for yesterday was read and ·approved.
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