>& ,*.\N>0l rftf'«•? ' ,) •**' 40 THE EAGLE IS MORE WIDELY OIHOULATBD THAN* ANV OTHF.lt NEWSPAPER IN NORTH KOOTE­ NAY—IT WILL BE FOUND A.N EX­ CELLENT ADVEIITISINII .MEDIUM. Vol. IV, No 24. Ferguson, ft fej JULY 24, 1903. $2 a Year ed the EAGLE on Saturday of a good Coke output for June. find on the property last week, our re­ Manager Tonkin has glvon out the porter looked them up to get particu­ following In regard to tho coke output lars and found that a new tunnel had of the Crow's Nest collieries for the been started a fortnight ago, and ln month of Juno: this a small lead of silver-lead ore was Fernie 0,568 tons found during the week that gives good Michel 0,057 tons values in gold, silver and lead. The luoky owners are feeling very pleased Total 13,225 tons as the property is so conveniently situ­ The disposition of this coke was as Information Obtained ated and only about one mile above tbe Ferguson the Best Town follows! There May Be a General smelter. Tons. from Mining Men Who A GOLD PROPERTY. in the Province Today Trail smelter 3,146 Federal Election Next Are Developing Our Dollard Barselou is working steadily —Machinery Is Being Greenwood smelter 1,002 October—So Say Dis­ on a location that he made on the Lar­ Granby smelter. 4,709 District's Resources. deau river a mile below Ferguson a Installed. Nelson 363 patches. month since. The lead is four feet in Sunset smelter 1,771 width and is a free milling gold propo­ Northport smelter. 1,244 sition. It is showing up well with de­ Ferguson's period of good times has An EAGLE reporter had a talk with velopment and the owner thinks he has Total 13,225 There is talk, according to late tele­ set in-and tho lethargy ofthe spring ManagorJ. A. McCrossan of the Tri­ a good thing. The quartz Is of the The coal output for the month of grams from Ottawa, of an early disso­ months has given way to activity and lution of the Dominion house and an une on Wednesday. Mr. McCrossan same nature as that on Poplar creek June was as follows: progression that is good to see and appeal to the country in October next. appears very well satisfied with the and the lead Is a fine one, having good Coal Creek 24,580 tons way things are going at this rich prop­ that has infused confidence into the OUR DELEGATES. free walls and contains pretty fair MorriBsey 18,124 tons erty. He says while they are not at­ breasts of those who through long values. Michel 28,542 tons Ottawa, July 18,— The British Co­ tempting to mine on a big scale for the waiting had got to the point where lumbia members, Messrs. Smith, Mac present, the work that is being done is they believed this district would not be pherson, Morrison, Eai'le and Galliher, Ylllted Poplar Creek. Total 71,252tons of a highly satisfactory nature. They prosperous till direct railway transpor­ Mr. S. Shannon returned Tuesday met Messrs. Green and Wilson, the are working all the men Underground tation was obtained or smelters built morning from Poplar and Rapid creeks, Lent. Bounty. British Columbia delegates, yesterday, that they have room for, their plans for treatment of our ores at home. where he has spent several days exam­ To the Editor ol tlie Lardeau EHRIC: and had a talk with them over their for the present being to develop the Nothing definite has been learned of ining the quartz veins over which there DEAR SIR—Before leaving Ottawa, mission to Ottawa. Messrs. Green anil property to a good state before heavy railway construction this season, and has been so much sonsational newspa­ the British Columbia Silver-Lead Min­ Wilson admitted that their principal shipments are attempted. However, no smelter is to be built that we are per talk fdr the past month. Mr. Shan­ ors' delegation desire to publicly ex­ object in coming here was to endeavo: they are sacking from three to four aware of, but we havo men coming non 'was sent for particularly to exam­ press their appreciation, not only of the to get more money to carry on tho tons per day and are packing this down who want our idle high grade proper* ine some ground recently located by action of the government in acceding affairs of tho provinco, although thc 'tho'mountain to Ten-Mile, employing ties, and it is Been and believed that to their request for a bounty on lead, Japanese question was talked over. Ferguson and Trout Lake prospectors. when more capital comes ln and thei their own pack animals. Five or six but also of the unvarying sympathy and The Liberals of Greenwood have To an EAGLE reporter he said that splendid leads of the district are open­ more horses will be added to the train consideration which they have receiv hold a convention and nominated a law­ the published reports were for the ed up the transportation problem will next week, The first ore from this ed from the members of the cabinet yer of that town by the name of J. most part not exaggerated, but of work out of itself. There is certainly season's work reached Ten-Mile on during the necessary investigation of R. Brown to be their standard bearei course a few fairy tales had reached enough business here to justify the C. Tuesday, though over 100 tons are lying this important question. in the provincial election. some of the newspapers over in Wash­ P. R. In their own corporation Interest at Ten-Mile awaiting shipment. I. Ogle and A. R. Stebbings are ir. ington that were misleading*. It may to build around Trout lake and into Too great credit cannot be given to the field at Vancouver as Socialist can­ The short tram line is being switch­ be said, however, that seldom has a Ferguson this season, and the business Senator Templeman and our British didates, and John Kierdan of Grand ed over to the mouth'of'the lower tun- rich discovery been made in any coun­ would increase many times over after Columbia members, especially tbe Forks, will run on the Socialist ticket - nel for convenience in lending down try where there were not men who, the road was built, but they are un­ member for' Yale-Cariboo, for their un* in that town. ore and taking up timbers for uso in through excitement, or something akin willing to make the outlay this year. wavering support of a cause which we the mine. to It, their eyes became magnifying Some of the large mining companies are confident will work as much to the The Conservatives of Revolstoko glasses though generally their inten­ LARDEAU A WINNER, will not wait on the slow movement of interest of the provinco as a whole, as have chosen Thos. Taylor, ox-M. P. P., J. A. Darragh, who operates the tions were honest- the C. P. Ii., but are making the best to the mining districts In particular. as their candidate. Western Star and Copper Dollar min­ Mr. Shannon said the camp certainly of the situation that tbey find exists. The Insertion of this letter in your ing properties on Fish creek, with looked very promising, and many of paper will greatly oblige, The lllliul Entertainer. headquarters at Camborne, spent the leads show plenty of gold. There The Silver Cup mines have a large Yours truly, There was an attendance of about 80 Tuesday night in Ferguson. Accom­ are two distinct belts about three- force of men building a reduction JOHN L. RETALLACK, at Miners' Pnion hall Wednesday night panied by an EAGLE representative, he quarters of a mile apart. The upper works, a saw mill and an aerial tram, Chairman Silver-Lead Delegation. to hear tho entertainment given by tooll a' walk to' the site of the new con­ belt has some good veins of gold quartz the latter to carry the ore to the con­ Ottawa, Ont., July 8th, 1003. J. M. MeCloskey, the unfortunate man centrator that is* being built by the Sil­ which run with the formation, while centrator. The same company will who lost his eyesight by an explosion the lower belt has a perfect network ver Cup Mining company above Fergu­ also erect a chlorln*-.tion plant for the Platinum at Poplar Creek. at the Knob Hill'mine in June, 1002. of fissure veins cutting the formation son. Mr. Darragh seems a very con­ treatment of tailings' from the concen­ The stage was) Very late in arriving, and with splendid free walls. Consid­ If the report that platinum has been servative gentleman, but on his return trator. These plants will also treat and it was thought the entertain**!* erable work has been done In both found ln the veins at Poplar creek be to town he expressed himself as being the ores of the Nettie L. mine, and confirmed on full Investigation,-then would not arrive in time, but members belts which gives evidence that the another tram to carry this ore down amazed at the amount of work being the most remarkable find ever known of the Miners' Union did their best to leads retain their values and tbeir the hill is either started or about to be done about our town. in minerology will havo to be placed to have it known that the ontcrtainmem good features. started. "Why,"said he, "your..town should the credit of the Lardeau.
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