Schur Multiplier of Central Product of Groups

Schur Multiplier of Central Product of Groups

Schur Multiplier of Central Product of Groups Sumana Hatui (Joint work with Manoj K. Yadav and L.R.Vermani) Harish-Chandra Research Institute (HRI), India Groups St Andrews 2017 University of Birmingham Sumana Hatui (HRI) Groups St Andrews 2017 August 5-13, 2017 1 / 28 Overview 1 Introduction 2 Preliminaries 3 Results 4 Examples 5 References Sumana Hatui (HRI) Groups St Andrews 2017 August 5-13, 2017 2 / 28 Introduction 1 Introduction 2 Preliminaries 3 Results 4 Examples 5 References Sumana Hatui (HRI) Groups St Andrews 2017 August 5-13, 2017 3 / 28 2 2 H (G; D): the second cohomology group of G with coefficients in D. Here D is a divisible abelian group regarded as a trivial G-module. ∼ 2 × ∗ 3 H2(G; Z) = (H (G; C )) is known as Schur multiplier of G. Introduction 1 H2(G; D): the second homology group of a group G with coefficients in D. Sumana Hatui (HRI) Groups St Andrews 2017 August 5-13, 2017 4 / 28 ∼ 2 × ∗ 3 H2(G; Z) = (H (G; C )) is known as Schur multiplier of G. Introduction 1 H2(G; D): the second homology group of a group G with coefficients in D. 2 2 H (G; D): the second cohomology group of G with coefficients in D. Here D is a divisible abelian group regarded as a trivial G-module. Sumana Hatui (HRI) Groups St Andrews 2017 August 5-13, 2017 4 / 28 Introduction 1 H2(G; D): the second homology group of a group G with coefficients in D. 2 2 H (G; D): the second cohomology group of G with coefficients in D. Here D is a divisible abelian group regarded as a trivial G-module. ∼ 2 × ∗ 3 H2(G; Z) = (H (G; C )) is known as Schur multiplier of G. Sumana Hatui (HRI) Groups St Andrews 2017 August 5-13, 2017 4 / 28 Definition (External central product) Let H, K be two groups with isomorphic subgroups A ≤ Z(H), B ≤ Z(K) under an isomorphism φ : A ! B. Consider the normal subgroup U = f(a; φ(a)−1) j a 2 Ag. Then the group G := (H × K)=U is called the external central product of H and K amalgamating A and B via φ. Introduction Definition Definition (Internal central product) Let G be group. A group G is called internal central product of its two normal subgroups H and K amalgamating A if G = HK with A = H \ K and [H; K] = 1. Sumana Hatui (HRI) Groups St Andrews 2017 August 5-13, 2017 5 / 28 Introduction Definition Definition (Internal central product) Let G be group. A group G is called internal central product of its two normal subgroups H and K amalgamating A if G = HK with A = H \ K and [H; K] = 1. Definition (External central product) Let H, K be two groups with isomorphic subgroups A ≤ Z(H), B ≤ Z(K) under an isomorphism φ : A ! B. Consider the normal subgroup U = f(a; φ(a)−1) j a 2 Ag. Then the group G := (H × K)=U is called the external central product of H and K amalgamating A and B via φ. Sumana Hatui (HRI) Groups St Andrews 2017 August 5-13, 2017 5 / 28 2 (K.Tahara, 1972) If G is the semidirect product of a normal subgroup H and a subgroup K, then H2(G; D) =∼ H2(K; D) × Hc2(G; D), where Hc2(G; D) is the kernel of res: H2(G; D) ! H2(K; D). 3 Let G be a central product of two groups H and K. We study H2(G; D), in terms of the second cohomology groups of certain quotients of H and K. Introduction 1 (I. Schur, 1907) H2(H × K; D) =∼ H2(H; D) × H2(K; D) × Hom(H ⊗ K; D). Sumana Hatui (HRI) Groups St Andrews 2017 August 5-13, 2017 6 / 28 3 Let G be a central product of two groups H and K. We study H2(G; D), in terms of the second cohomology groups of certain quotients of H and K. Introduction 1 (I. Schur, 1907) H2(H × K; D) =∼ H2(H; D) × H2(K; D) × Hom(H ⊗ K; D). 2 (K.Tahara, 1972) If G is the semidirect product of a normal subgroup H and a subgroup K, then H2(G; D) =∼ H2(K; D) × Hc2(G; D), where Hc2(G; D) is the kernel of res: H2(G; D) ! H2(K; D). Sumana Hatui (HRI) Groups St Andrews 2017 August 5-13, 2017 6 / 28 Introduction 1 (I. Schur, 1907) H2(H × K; D) =∼ H2(H; D) × H2(K; D) × Hom(H ⊗ K; D). 2 (K.Tahara, 1972) If G is the semidirect product of a normal subgroup H and a subgroup K, then H2(G; D) =∼ H2(K; D) × Hc2(G; D), where Hc2(G; D) is the kernel of res: H2(G; D) ! H2(K; D). 3 Let G be a central product of two groups H and K. We study H2(G; D), in terms of the second cohomology groups of certain quotients of H and K. Sumana Hatui (HRI) Groups St Andrews 2017 August 5-13, 2017 6 / 28 Theorem (Eckmann, Hilton and Stammbach, 1973) Let W be central in A = H × K with quotient G. Let U and V be the images of W under the projection of A onto H and K respectively. Then H=U ⊗ K=V is a quotient of H2(G; Z). Introduction Theorem (Wiegold, 1971) Let H; K be finite groups, let U; V be isomorphic central subgroups of H; K respectively, and let φ be an isomorphism from U onto V . Then the multiplicator of the central product G of H and K amalgamating U with V according to φ contains a subgroup isomorphic with H=U ⊗ K=V . Sumana Hatui (HRI) Groups St Andrews 2017 August 5-13, 2017 7 / 28 Introduction Theorem (Wiegold, 1971) Let H; K be finite groups, let U; V be isomorphic central subgroups of H; K respectively, and let φ be an isomorphism from U onto V . Then the multiplicator of the central product G of H and K amalgamating U with V according to φ contains a subgroup isomorphic with H=U ⊗ K=V . Theorem (Eckmann, Hilton and Stammbach, 1973) Let W be central in A = H × K with quotient G. Let U and V be the images of W under the projection of A onto H and K respectively. Then H=U ⊗ K=V is a quotient of H2(G; Z). Sumana Hatui (HRI) Groups St Andrews 2017 August 5-13, 2017 7 / 28 2 Then we have the exact sequence, 0 ! Hom(N \ X0;D) !tra H2(X=N; D) !inf H2(X; D) χ ! H2(N; D) ⊕ Hom(X ⊗ N; D); Preliminaries Preliminaries 1 Consider the following central exact sequence for an arbitrary group X and its central subgroup N: 1 ! N ! X ! X=N ! 1: Sumana Hatui (HRI) Groups St Andrews 2017 August 5-13, 2017 8 / 28 Preliminaries Preliminaries 1 Consider the following central exact sequence for an arbitrary group X and its central subgroup N: 1 ! N ! X ! X=N ! 1: 2 Then we have the exact sequence, 0 ! Hom(N \ X0;D) !tra H2(X=N; D) !inf H2(X; D) χ ! H2(N; D) ⊕ Hom(X ⊗ N; D); Sumana Hatui (HRI) Groups St Andrews 2017 August 5-13, 2017 8 / 28 Preliminaries 1 tra : transgression homomorphism 2 inf : inflation homomorphism 3 res : restriction homomorphism 4 χ = (res; ), defined by Iwahori, Matsumoto, where (ξ)(¯x; n) = f(x; n) − f(n; x) forx ¯ = xX0 2 X=X0 and n 2 N, where ξ 2 H2(X; D) and f is a 2-cocycle representative of ξ. Sumana Hatui (HRI) Groups St Andrews 2017 August 5-13, 2017 9 / 28 2 2 ν :H (G; D) ! Hom(H ⊗ K; D) is a homomorphism defined as follows: If ξ 2 H2(G; D) is represented by a 2-cocycle f, then ν(ξ) is the homomorphism f¯ 2 Hom(H ⊗ K; D) defined by f¯(h¯ ⊗ k¯) = f(h; k) − f(k; h); where h¯ = hH0 and k¯ = kK0. 3 θ0 is indeed a homomorphism. Preliminaries 1 Define a map θ0 :H2(G; D) ! H2(H; D) ⊕ H2(K; D) ⊕ Hom(H ⊗ K; D) θ0 = (res; res; ν) Sumana Hatui (HRI) Groups St Andrews 2017 August 5-13, 2017 10 / 28 3 θ0 is indeed a homomorphism. Preliminaries 1 Define a map θ0 :H2(G; D) ! H2(H; D) ⊕ H2(K; D) ⊕ Hom(H ⊗ K; D) θ0 = (res; res; ν) 2 2 ν :H (G; D) ! Hom(H ⊗ K; D) is a homomorphism defined as follows: If ξ 2 H2(G; D) is represented by a 2-cocycle f, then ν(ξ) is the homomorphism f¯ 2 Hom(H ⊗ K; D) defined by f¯(h¯ ⊗ k¯) = f(h; k) − f(k; h); where h¯ = hH0 and k¯ = kK0. Sumana Hatui (HRI) Groups St Andrews 2017 August 5-13, 2017 10 / 28 Preliminaries 1 Define a map θ0 :H2(G; D) ! H2(H; D) ⊕ H2(K; D) ⊕ Hom(H ⊗ K; D) θ0 = (res; res; ν) 2 2 ν :H (G; D) ! Hom(H ⊗ K; D) is a homomorphism defined as follows: If ξ 2 H2(G; D) is represented by a 2-cocycle f, then ν(ξ) is the homomorphism f¯ 2 Hom(H ⊗ K; D) defined by f¯(h¯ ⊗ k¯) = f(h; k) − f(k; h); where h¯ = hH0 and k¯ = kK0. 3 θ0 is indeed a homomorphism. Sumana Hatui (HRI) Groups St Andrews 2017 August 5-13, 2017 10 / 28 ∗ 0 / Hom(H=A ⊗ K=A; D) λ / Hom(H ⊗ K; D) µ∗ Hom(H ⊗ A; D) ⊕ Hom(K ⊗ A; D) Preliminaries • We have the exact sequence µ (H ⊗ A) ⊕ (K ⊗ A) −! H ⊗ K −!λ H=A ⊗ K=A ! 0: which induces the exact sequence Sumana Hatui (HRI) Groups St Andrews 2017 August 5-13, 2017 11 / 28 Preliminaries • We have the exact sequence µ (H ⊗ A) ⊕ (K ⊗ A) −! H ⊗ K −!λ H=A ⊗ K=A ! 0: which induces the exact sequence ∗ 0 / Hom(H=A ⊗ K=A; D) λ / Hom(H ⊗ K; D) µ∗ Hom(H ⊗ A; D) ⊕ Hom(K ⊗ A; D) Sumana Hatui (HRI) Groups St Andrews 2017 August 5-13, 2017 11 / 28 Preliminaries 2 1 X1 = H (A; D) ⊕ Hom(H ⊗ A; D) 2 2 X2 = H (A; D) ⊕ Hom(K ⊗ A; D) 3 X3 = Hom(H ⊗ A; D) ⊕ Hom(K ⊗ A; D) 2 2 4 Y = H (A; D) ⊕ H (A; D) Sumana Hatui (HRI) Groups St Andrews 2017 August 5-13, 2017 12 / 28 Preliminaries 0 0 (res;res) Hom(A \ G0) −−−−−! Hom(A \ H0) ⊕ Hom(A \ K0) tra (tra;tra;0) H2(G=A) −−−−−!θ H2(H=A) ⊕ H2(K=A) ⊕ Hom(H=A ⊗ K=A) inf (inf;inf,λ∗) 0 H2(G) −−−−−!θ H2(H) ⊕ H2(K) ⊕ Hom(H ⊗ K) (res; ) (res; );(res; ),µ∗ 2 H (A) ⊕ Hom(G ⊗ A) X1 ⊕ X2 ⊕ X3 ∼ ∗ ∗ = (4,α ,α ) * Y ⊕ X3 ⊕ X3: Diagram 1 Sumana Hatui (HRI) Groups St Andrews 2017 August 5-13, 2017 13 / 28 1 2 We have an exact sequence 0 ! H0 \ K0 −!α1 (A \ H0) ⊕ (A \ K0) −!α2 A \ G0 ! 0; which induces an exact sequence Results Results Lemma Ker(θ0) = finf(η) j η 2 θ−1 Im(tra; tra; 0)g.

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