DRIVE IT Tenn., Lucinda Williams, Vjfe, ¦ 759 Pounds, Matching the World Gatta

DRIVE IT Tenn., Lucinda Williams, Vjfe, ¦ 759 Pounds, Matching the World Gatta

THE EVENING STAR 3, Italy. 5.892. 4. United ftatea (Meew B-14 Sports D. C., Wednesday, September 7, 1960 Waihington, OLYMPIC SCHEDULE AND SUMMARIES WOMEN’S GYMNAOTIC 7 562: a. W. Meier, Germany. 16.0. 593; inesi. ROME, Sept. (AP).—The • mint in 3. Brenda M. , Jones, key: 3. Bashir, Pakistan: 4 (tie). t’"l, ,>, "l“ . 4. H. Bloergvln, Iceland. 16.2. 557. C. De of events in Uie 1960 Australia. 2:11.0. 3. Zinaida Motls- Vescovl. Italy; G. Hablbl Iran, Beam E‘ve"t schedule 1 Discus tovlch. Russia, 2:11.«. 4. Marie and J. Kaneko. Japan. Olympic Games for tofiaorrow Dupurfur. Franco, 2:12.3. 6, Diane Doris Fuchs. Rochester, N. Y.. 0.066; ( 1. Kuznetsov 166 feet 3¥« inches, Charles. Orest Britain. 2:14.1. 0. FENCING Muriai Davis Grossfeld, Urbana. 111., (Washington time), followed ?on,». 6 B J Zofia Walasek, Poland. 2:16.3. 7, . lafilvMwal Epee Final Maycock. Parma. Ohio. 1 W’4! fc ?$8: Hwak 5 8.600; Teresa Montefusco. Peoria. cc.%?< Ja Lee. Korea, 2:28.4. 1. Delfino, Italy. victories and a 111., results: 10. 797. 5, Kutenko 14»-8>/ a . 795. 6, 8.533; by Second heat —1. Ursula Donath. S,rK*e ’•• J,)’' Britain. 5 victories; Sharon Richardson. Jacksen, Kahma 147-5. 7«3. 7. Kamerbeek i 8.366; 2 am.—Eau.itrlan: Thr.a-day , Germany. 2:07.8. (Olympic, record. 3. Khabarov. Russia. 4 victories and Mirh., Gall Bontgerath. West ’ 145-5, 753 8. Thomas 133-9. 648. Fla.. event. Old record 2:10.8. by Antis Gleichfeld, a barrage; 4. Sakovlts. Hungary. 4 Palm Beach. 0.000. Total. 44.090. 9, Lalpenleks 132-10. 640. 10. Groso- Germany 3:30 a m—Pendns: Saber Individ- In first heat). 2, Beta victories; 5. Achten. 3 vic- Free Standing Ezerelaa - reng 131-7)4. 630. 11. Yang 130-8, Belgium, Zblkowska, Poland. 2:00.5. 3. Fllrlca tories (eight hits In ual. 622. 12. BJorgvln 120-7, 612. 13. Meier received victories); Fuchs. 8.866; Grossfeld, wL 4 Ladle*' tree, Greceso. Romania. 2:10. 4. Olea Kasl, Dreyfus. France. 3 victories 0.4M: w I <JH a.m.—Ormnaitlct: • 128-654. 603. 14, Timme 128-2)4. 001. (ntne hits Maycock. 8.833; Montefuaco. team and Hungary, 2:10.0. 5. GHda Jsnnsc- received victories. 14 8.866; individual exerdiet. 15. Suutari 124-5’4. 571. 16. Dlachkov In hits scored In Richardson. 9,033; 4 a m.—Welehtllftlne: Llehtweieht. cone. Italy. 2:13 6. 6. Phillis Per- losses); 7. Mouyal. France, 3 victories Sontggratb. 9.333. (nine Total. 45.564. a m Small bore rifle kins. Great Britain, 2:15.3. Blllee hits In 10 4 —ahootlne: Daniels. received victories. hits Milbrae. Call!., tell and was in Leng Horse final. 20. 122-6', scored losses); 8. Breda.. Italy. 1 Automatic plitol, second , 123-214. 661. Stulac i. 655. disqualified. Fuchs. 9.066; Shoo tine: 1 21. Vogelsang 121-5’,«. 547. 22. Epitro- victory. Grossfeld. 8.400; round. Third heat—l, LJudmtla Shevcova. Maycock. 8.633; Montefusco. 8.633; poulos 113-854, 487. 23, Marlen 112- Russia. Csoka. 4 a.m.—Shootlnr clay nleeon. firstt 2:00.2. £, Glzella YACHTING Richardson. 9.200; Soiugerath. 0.166. ‘ 954. 457. 24, Mulkey 111-11 V«. 473. 3. round (James Clark, Bartleevllle, Hungary. 2:00.6. Krystyna Nowa- Total. 44.698. (Randahawa withdrew.) Overall Point standing After Sii Races Okla.; Arnold Rleeger, Castle Rock.[ kowska. Poland. 2:09 7. 4. Eleanor n K Bars . Meter Class Wash.) Haslam. Canada. 2:10. 5, Bedrlska 1. ..United States Fuchs. 0 400: Grossfeld. 9.233; May- Pole Vault Kulhava. Czechoslovakia. 2:10.1. 6, . (Minotaur, skippered 10 ' a.m.—Track and field: Ladles' O of cock. 9.06(1: Montefusco, 8.566; Rich- 1. Yang. feet Gerda 5’,,,?"’.1", Day Dover. Mass ). 400-meter relay semifinals. Formosa, 14 154 Inches, Kraan. Netherlands, 2:10.6. 7. 6.055. 2. Switzerland. ardson. 8.601. Bontgerath. 9.066. Total. ¦ 915 points. Kutenko. Russia. Nicole Goullleux. 5,122. 3. Den- 10 a.m.—Track and field: Ladles' 2. 13-0, France, 2:13.4. mark. 4,970. 4. Argentina. 40.v*506. 855. 3. Dixie Aus- 4.203 5. high final. Brodnik. Yugoslavia. 13-554, Fourth heat—l. WlUis. Sweden. ¦~ lump 3,934. 6. Great Britain. 3,381. Team Totals Individual1 795. 4. Tie between Hock. Germany, tralia. 2:05.9 (Olympic record. Old 7. C'nmonlserr Exercise 10 a.m.— Fencing: Saber Norway. 3.096 8. Bahamas. 3.024 and Kuznetsov. 695. Donath. Ger- (Women) final. Russia. 12-9'4. record 2:07.8 by Ursula ». AustraUa. 2.959. 10, Germany. s 6. Tie Bar. In 2', Jordan. 1, Russia. 100693 points. 2. Canoh- 10 a.m.— Gymnastics: Ladles’ free among Italy. Dlachkov, many second heat). Joy JB * osiovakia.j 3. SW Br team and individual exercises. Russia. Johnson. Klnssburg, Calif., Great Britain. 2:07.2. 3. Veronika 186.395. Japan. 185.395. Dragon Class 5. - \ 10:16 a.m.—Track and field: Menos Kamberbeek. Netherlands. 12-5%, 645. Kummerfeldt. Germany. 2:07.2. 4. 4, Romania. 185.093 Poland. 183 1. Greece. 6.150. 2, 0, 10, Tie and Ekaterina Russia. 5. Italy. 5.674. 958. Germany. 183.561. 7. 400-meter relay semifinals. between Meier. Germany, Parljuk. 2:07.5. 3. Canada. Hungary. W .. 10:30 Oeslna Terlaak. Netherlands. Argentina. 5.283 4. 5.142. 183.103. 8. Bulgaria. 181 •>** . c i«L '. .* -WSR a.m.—Track and field: Men'es Grogorens, Germany. 12*154. 596. 12, SpUk re, t «. 328. 9. 2:10.2. 6. Gul Turkey. 2:11.4. V'tAtn. 4.423. Denmark. United states. 179.726. Italy. Vogelsang, Switzerland. 12-154. 745. Clray, S'ofi n 10. Javelin final. ~ , Tie .1,949. 7, Norway. 3.824. 8. Holland. 11:30 a.m.—Track and field: Meng¦ 13. among Paccagnella. Italy. 3.524. 9. relay final. Kahma. Finland. Stulac, Canada. 11- 1.500-Metora Final United States (Spirit IV. Individual Standings 1,600-meter ~. „„„ skippered by Eugene Walet of New 1. Noon—Weightlifting: Middleweight. 954. 556. 16, Suutari. Finland. 11-5’4, 1. Herb Elliott Australia. 3:35.6. Polina Astakhova. Russia. 38.432 rec- Orleans). 3.408. 10. Portugal. 3,257. jh 12:15 p.m.—Track and field: Menss 516. 17. MUares. Mexico. 11-154. 476. (World Olympic record: old world Points. .’. Larisa Lattnlna, Russia. 18, Tie among Marlea, Belgium. BJoerg- ord. 3:36, by Elliott in 1058. Old Finn Monotype 38.265. 3. Sofia Muratova. Russia, 10.000-meter final. , , 3:41.2. 12:55 p.m.—Track and field: Ladles vln, Iceland, Lalpenleks. Chile. Timme. Olympic record. by Ron Delany. 1. Denmark. 2. •18.165. 4. Tamara LJukhlna. Russta, Ireland. 1956> 2. Michel France. 8.171. Russia. 6.193. 400-meter final. Netherlands. 10-9’4. 438. 22, Tie be- Jazy. 3. Australia 5.214 Boni* lovan. Romania. relay . 3:38.4 3 Hun- 4. Belgium, 5,156. —'-i’J and field: Mens s tween Thomas-Martineg. Venezuela, Istvan Rossavolgyl. 5. Brazil. 4.962. 87.732. 12:10 p.m.—Track 3:30.2. 4 Dan Waern. Sweden. 6. Bahamas. 4.744. relay final. and Muchltseh. Austria. 10-6. 400. B.Franco. 4,301. 400-meter sard.:40. Zoltan Vamos. Romania. ,4.3M 4 5. Z' 71 4 p.m.—Basketball: Final round. 3:40.8. 6. 8 10 N,w z «- 1,500 Meters Dyrol Burleson 2, . Final round. Cottage land, 3.706. (15. United 5:30 p.m.—Basketball: First heat —1. Kahma. Finland. Grove. Oreg.. 3:40.0. 7. Mtchef Ber- States, Peter nard. Barrett. Madison, Wls.). TODAY’S RESULTS 4:22.8, 582 points. 2, Muchltseh, Aus- France. 3:41.5. 8. Jim Grelte. ¦¦ TRACK AND FIELD tria. 4:23.3, 575. 3. MUares, Mexico, Portland. Ores., end Arne Hamsrslsnd. Flying Dutchman HILLTOP HOUSE < Women's 100-Meler Relay 4:49.3, 339. 4, Paccagnella. Italy. Norway. 3:45.3 1 .Norway, 6,774. 2. Denmark. each 5.850. Harperg Ferry, W. Va. X. *?bHKa <3 Semifinal, first three teams In 3. Holland. 4. i> Great 1 4:65.4. 294. 6. Timme. Netherlands. Men’s Final 4.047. 100-Meters 5. Britain. 5:21.4, 137. 6, Thomas Martinez, 4.762. Rhodesia, 4.677* 6. RussH Open Every Day “MSM Britain. 45.5; 2. 1. Otis Davis Los Aneeles. :44 9. 4 %*. WaBWMHWB j!- .. • Venezuela. 5:25.2. 116. 7 6,290. 8. Switler- It's Cool, In the Mountains - ? i ', L, 3. 4. Hun- Second heat—l. Ger- (World record: old record. :45.2. by n <l. 45.8; Italy. 46.6; Grogorenz. !* 4.218. 9. 10 New Germany. ) Ireland. 4.059 810 Day (Three Meals) IfflMMß' ¦<, ¦ 5. many. 4:27.0. points. 2. Bock. Lou Jones. United States. 1956 2. (18. gary. 47.3; Canada, 47.9. J 536 Carl Kaufmann. Zealand. 3.928. United Stat" Weekend Enlertainment (Martha Hud- Marlen Germany :44.9. 3. Second heat—-1. USA ¦ Germany. 4:27.6. 530. 3, Bel- bj H,r" B,nd,e Mel Spence. South Africa. :45.5. 4. Drive up Sunday for a son. Mcßue. Oa.; Lucinda Williams., xlum. 4:40.0. 414 4, B’oergvin. Ice- atVßiu^ra* Mllkha Slnxh India. :45.6. 5. Man- Family-Style Tenn.; Barbara Jones. Nash- - land. 4:40.6, 409. 5. Jalpenleks. Chile, Dinner Nashville. fred Kinder. :45.0. >l. Earl Star Class 1 Clarka- - 4:57.5. 279. 6. Stulac, Canada. 5:59.6. Germany. - ville Tenn.; Wilma Rudolph. Calif :45 \ H. F. 3301 '] and Young. San Fernando. 9. 1.

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