I Census of India, 1951 DISTRICT POPULATION STATISTICS UTTAR PRADESH 17-RAMPUR DISTRICT 315.42 ALLAHABAD: TING AND STATIONERY, UTTAR PRADESH, INDIA 1951 1953 RAM CPS -------- , Price, Re.1-S. FOREWORD THE Uttar Pradesh Goverrunent asked me in March, 1952, to supply rhem for the purposes of elections to local bodies population statistics with separation for scheduled castes (i) mohalla/ward-wise for urban areas, and (ii) village-wise for rural areas. The Census Tabulation Plan did not provide for sorting of scheduled castes population for areas smaller than a tehsil or urban tract and the request from the Uttar Pradesh Goverrunent came when the slip sorting had been finished and the Tabulation Offices closed. As the census slips are mixed up for the purposes of sorting in one lot for a tehsil or urban tract, collection of data regarding scheduled castes population by mohallas/wards and villages would have involved enormous labour and expense if sorting of the slips had been taken up afresh- Fortunately. however, a secondary census record, viz. the National Citizens' Register, in which each slip has been copied, was available. By singular foresight it had been pre­ pared mohalIa/ward-wise for urban areas and village-wise for rural areas. The required information has, therefore, been extracted from this record. 2. In the above circumstances there is a slight difference in the figu.res of population as arrived at by an earlier sorting of the slips and as now determined by counting from the National Citizens' Register. This difference has been accen mated by all order passed by me during the later count from the N ationa! Register of Citizens as follows:- (i) Count Ahirwars of Farrukhabad District, Raidas and Bhagac as 'Chamars'. (ii) Count Bhangi, Khakrob, Sweepers, Harijan, Mehtar, Jamadar and Achhut as 'Balmikis'. The fact, [hat some members of the scheduled castes had returned rheu casre by names which did not find place in the schedule as notified under section 341 of the Constitution of India. came to my notice during the course of the earlier sorting, but at too late a stage to enable me to pass definite and uniform orders. I have tried co rectify it by passing this order for the purpose of counting from the National Citizens' Register. The differences in the figures of the two counts have been clearly set out in the tables that follow. 3. The figures of total population of mohallas/wards have been arrived at by actual counting from the National Citizens 1 Register, while the figures of total population of villages are those determined by actual sorting of the slips and recorded in the Primary Census Abstract. 4. In the Summary of Urban Population the code number of each town has been given. The first element" of the code gives the code number of the district, the second the code number of the tehsil (or towns of over one lakh population), and the third the code number of the town (other than a town of one lakh population). The key to the code numbers of tehsils will be found in the Summary oj Rural Population. I RAJESHW AR J pItASAD, I.A.S., RAMPUR': Superihtendent, Census Operations, July 2Jl 1952 . Uttar Pradesh. LIS'! -oP 'ltRRATA TO nIsTlilcr-'}loPULATION STATlSTICS t>F RAMPUR DISTRICT A--Errata to -column ~, Code no. and name of village (Rural) (a) Corrections in existing names of villages For Read 8 15 -Banchiyal " 15-Bechhyai. 8 42-Biskanpur ., 42-Bishanpur Jagir. 8 79-Guleriyk Taela 79~Gulariya TeQ]u. 8 128 -Muhna.gar " .. w I 28-Mahunagar. 8 161-Nawalganj .. 161-Nawabg'anj, 9 232-Tehri Khuja 232-·-Tehd Khwllja. 9 44~Bayajnd I{herQ 44-Bandu Khera. 9 rl-Dudai 71-Dundai. 9 82~Itakeeganj .. 82 -Hakeemgallj. 10 97 -.Tithaniyan .. 97-Jit,haniyan Mulhiq :R11mpUril • 10 118-Khursheed Nayan_ I 18-Khursheed Nagar. 10 119-Kishanpur 119-Kishanpur Marya. 10 120-Ki$hanpur Jagir t20-Kishanpur Panchriki. to 172-Mahmudpur Shumali .. l,72-l\1:ohammadpuf Shutnali. 10 175-Motiyotpura 175-MQtiyapura Bajar Patti, 10 204-Patti 204-Patti :Kalyanpur. 11 24-Behta ?4-13heta, 11 36-Chak Shal'mupul't't 36-Chak :Bheta. 11 37-Chandharan 57___.Chak Dharamptirft. II 45-:!?haraupura 45-Dharmupura. 11 55-<;I-adadia Mulik E:arsu Nagla 55-Gadahia Mulik Hlli'su ~6g11l, II 56-Gadiya (neal' Binga Nagla) 56--Gadahia (near Hinga NaglR) 11 I 13-Lalpur 113-:t.arpur.. 12 191-Shilanagar near Naukaha 191-8heonagar near Naukaha. 13 28--DokpuriTanda 28-Dannkpul'i Tanda. 13 35-Milak Qazi j • 35--Fallilpur near l>U8wara. 14 99-Milak MalagBn 99-"Milak Malilngga.n. 14 100--Milak Moh,lmmud Kaqi 100-Milak Mohammad ~BqL 14 109-::'I.[andi yamar Peepli \ I09-MUndiya neaf Peep) i. 14 110-Mu!heq neal' Doankpuri 110 -Mustafabad neaf Doankpuri. 14 I 39-Saidnagar urf l\fadainipuri .-, 139-Saidnagar urJ Mandaiyan Poosejl 14 I44-Sarkari 144-Sllol'ltari Muetafabad. Population ScHeduled Code nO. and name of Town Males Females Total Muslims Castes Others 2 3 4 5 6 7 51--1-- 41 BlLASPUR TOWN AREA 2,862 2,221 5,083 3,059 112 1,912 S! 51--1--101 KEMRI TOWN AREA 2,688 2,337 5,025 3,963 48 1,014 , 51--3--127 MlLAK TOWN AREA 3,768 31 021 6,789 3,059 121 3,609 51----=(--207 S#AHABA1;>,II'OWN t.REA 4,912 4,'283 9,195 5,83'1 1,188 2,170 51--5---159 SUAR TOWN AREA 3,006 2,550 5,556 .4,345 41 1,170 51--6--102 TANDA TOWN 26 1,683 ., ARE~' .4,358 3,955 8,313 6,604 51--7 RAMPUR MUNICIPAL BOARD 69,633 65,~47 134,980 103,955 2,617 28,408 Total .. 91,227 83,714 174,941 130,822 4,153 39,966 \ . Population according to Primary Census Abstract" 90,716 83,626 174,342 I ) I Population of Muslims according to Table D·lI 131,476 f . I - C Population 0 Scheduled €astes aecording tblTable DUn .. 4,t71 '- 2 DIS"FRICT MMPU& Population of Town8 by Mohalla,s/Wards Popula.tion Scheduled Code no. and name of Mohalla Males Females Total Muslims Castes Others .-~~~---- ---. -~--- 2 3 4 5 6 7 -~---. .. ~- ------.~ - --~-~.-- BILASPUR (TOWN AREA) ~ I Bisharatnagar 72 61 133 III 22 2 Bazar Kalan .. 559 291 856 613 243 .3 Bhutti Tola ..• 313 258 571 336 18 211 4 Kayasthan 328 268 596 317 (4 265 5 Q<lsb .. Rajpur 155 117 272 191 42 39 6 Sahultara· 681 626 1,313 403 910 7 Tanda Hurmatnagar 339 270 609 532 31 46 8 Ziarat Shide Millon 409 '24 733 556 7 170 Total 2,862 2,221 5,083 3,059 112 1,912 Population according to Primary Census Abstract 2,625 2,204 4,819 KEMRI (TOWN AREA) I Chamaran 666 525 J,191 533 48 610 2 Singharan 410 373 843 508 3 Takiya 505 456 961 893 "568 4 Imambara 454 432 886 885 I .5 Maj uiianagar 59' 551 1,144 1,144 ----~----- ~~~ -_--- Total 2,688 2,337 5,025 3,963 48 1,014 ._-- Population according to Primary Census Abstract 2,688 2,333 5,011 MILAK (TOWN AREA) I Milak Nisoorabad .. 685 549 J,234 362 4.5 827 2 Abadi Railwa.y Station ... 65 47 112 31 81 3 Milak AsaduJlahpur 672 558 1,230 405 12 813 4 Chota Roura 542 324 866 348 I 517 5 Roura 437 327 764 235 57 472 6 Khata 191 704 1,501 1,144 357 7 N!1garia 466 432 898 534 364 8 Mehdinagar .• 104 80 184 6 118 ----- --_-_ _._------ Total 3,768 3,021 6,789 3,059 121 3,609 ---~---- - ----~ Population according to Primary Census Abstract 3,607 3,OZ2 6,6Z9 SHAHABAD (TOWN AREA) t Mangoli 361 331 692 21 455 216 2 Bhitar Gaon .. 703 519 1,222 129 268 825 3 NalaPar 178 182 360 202 .. 158 4 Diwan 55 33 88 40 2 46 5 Afghan an 353 320 673 448 2 223 ·6 Masjid Qazi .. 317 259 576 483 93 7 Khatpur 106 80 186 114 72 ·8 Vedan 180 163 343 317 26 9 Jilew Dara..n •. 238 108 346 289 51 10 Ba.rwala.n 184 172 356 84 227 45 II Hakoolllan .. 86 83 J69 58 III 12 Farrashau .• 338 313 651 609 42 13 Amir Ali Kha~ 545 535 1,080 932 121 27 14 Qanoongoy&ll. 451 418 869 703 38 128 15 Sadat 583 548 1,131 976 75 80 16 Qassaban 234 219 453 432 21 Total 4,913 4,283 9,195 5,837 1,188 2,1'10 Population according to Primary Census Abstract 4.916 4,35." 9,169 3> DISTRICT RAMPUR Population by TO:WDS MohaUas/Wards Population Code no. and name of Monalla Scheduled Males Females Total Muslims Castes Others 2 3 4 5 6 7 SUAR (TOWN AREA) Chak SUi'll' I 846 691 I,S37 1,076 3 458 2 Kashipur 438 396 834 788 Suar Khas 3 43 3 757 636 1,393 781 14 598 .. 4 Aglaga 284 248 532 509 Rasulpur 23 S 681 579 1,260 1,191 21 48 Total 3,006 2,550 5,556 4,345 41 1,170 Population according to Primary Census Abstract 3,004 2.550 5,554 TANDA (TOWN AREA) I Chak 'no. I 142 108 250 239 11 2 no. 2 95 86 181 181 no. 3 115 108 .3 " 223 210 13 4 no.
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