The Library FRIDAY EDITION ®lu' Nrut femuahtr? ‘‘A Live College Newspaper’ VOL. 26. Issue No. 47. UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, DURHAM, NEW HAMPSHIRE, APRIL 24, 1936. PRICE THREE CENTS BA SEBALL FIELD OPENS TOM OR R O W COMING EVENTS Junior Prom Queen Weir Faces Bates Float Parade Will Be Friday, April 24 8:00 Commons organization room. Voting to be Held in New Hampshire Commons dorm term dance. Saturday, April 25 Next Wednesday Baseball Opening Sponsored by Blue Key 1:30 Intramural track meet. 2:00 Varsity baseball game with Six Sorority Girls Are Bates. Wildcats take Field with Loving Cup to be Presented Berzunza Lectures 8:00-11:50 Trophy room. Theta Up- Nominated—Voting Experienced Team by Junior Prom Queen silon spring term house dance. at T Hall Sunday, April 26 Tomorrow to Winning Frat to Sociology Club 10:45 “Does God Care?” Sermon by Voting for Junior Prom Queen will the Rev. George Gilchrist, for­ The varsity baseball squad will be Sociological Processes in be held under “T” hall arch next W ed­ In an attempt to inaugurate a new merly of Tilton, N. H., and now invaded by a powerful Bates team. tradition on campus, and to stimulate of Quincy, Mass. nesday. The candidates are “Jackie” New Spain Subject of Saturday at 2 p.m. on the new ball outside interest in the University the 6.30 University group meeting. Talk to Group Dondero, Phyllis Gale, Jane Wood­ park. This is the opening game for Blue Key, senior honorary society, is Tuesday, April 28 bury, Josephine Stone, Betty Hixon, the Wildcats, and it will be broadcast sponsoring a float parade on Saturday P rof. Julius Berzunza lectured 'to the 7:00 Fraternity meetings Dorothy Coleman. over station WHEB. M ay 9. Sociology club on Monday in the Com­ 7:00 Regular meeting of the Arc- “We ought to win it,” remarked All fraternities and sororities are mons trophy room on “Sociological turians in the organization “Jackie” Dondero is a member of Coadh Swasey, this week. “ If we were eligible to enter one float in the com­ Processes in New Spain.” room Chi Omega. She played a leading role playing the game two months from petition for the Blue Key Loving Cup, Professor Berzunza treated his sub­ in a current Mask and Dagger pro­ now, I would smile and say we will the prize for the best float. This lov­ ject historically, explaining why Spain duction, and is a member of the win it easily,” Coach Swasey further ing cup will be presented to the win­ found it impossible to support ma­ Women’s Athletic Association. com m ented. ning house by the Junior Prom Queen chinery designed to run a world em­ Laborer Critically Phyllis Gale is an Alpha Chi Omega \“I was walking on the new field at the new Athletic field after the pire when the empire no longer ex­ and a member of Pan-Hellenic. She this morning,” he added, “and it is parade. isted. He said that the former king Injured in Fail belongs to the Women’s Athletic As­ still soft. The boys will probably not Floats are not to he expensive, the was a white elephant, drawing $5,- sociation, Women’s Student Govern­ have their first practice on it until maximum amount to be spent on each 000,000 a year and owning 17 cars From R.R. Bridge ment, and the Outing club. Friday afternoon. Up to the present one is five dollars, but they will be and 1,600 suits. The growth of free Jane Woodbury, a member of Alpha they have been practicing on an old judged as to originality, beauty, sub­ thinking and the subsequent loosing Xi Delta, was recently elected presi­ rough field.” Heavy rains have also ject and workmanship. of the church’s control has added to George Methot of Jamaica dent of Women’s Student Government. handicapped practice. This is a decided The parade will start at the inter­ the recent development of Spain. The Plains Near Death in She is class secretary, and a mem­ disadvantage and Bates will undoubt­ section of Ballard Street and Garrison church in Spain is the most richly en­ ber of the Blue Circle in the Outing Dover Hospital edly be in better condition since they Avenue at 1:15 p.m. From there it dowed institution, having $10,000,000 club. have been practicing in their cage all will proceed along Garrison to Mad- worth of jewelry alone, given by the Josephine Stone is a member of Phi George Methot, a steel foreman for winter. bury Road, and then down Madbury various kings and queens. Mu, and Psi Lambda, honorary home “Bates is a veteran club; they have to Main Street. It will then go along “The most serious problem of Spain th& Central Construction Company, economic society. six letter men returning. Captain Main Street, through town tQ the new is illiteracy,” said Mr. Berzunza, “as was critically injured Wednesday when Betty Hixon, a member of Alpha Darling of Bates a pitcher, will be athletic field, on the other side of the forty percent of the people neither he fell from the old railroad bridge, Xi Delta, as well as Psi Lambda, is New Hampshire’s greatest opponent,” railroad bridge. Here the loving cup read nor write.” He said that the re­ prominent in Christian Work and which crosses the Boston and Maine Coach Swasey remarked recently. will be awarded. publican government is attempting to Mask and Dagger. railroad tracks at the end of Main Landry, New Hampshire’s heavy Also at the end of the parade, the solve this question as well as the land Dorothy Coleman was recently Baseball Junior Prom Queen will be presented question. All the land which was once Street. elected president of W. A..A. She is (continued on page four) with the Blue Key of Durham. owned by one hundred nobles is being Methot was placing steel dn the a member of Theta Upsilon as well The parade committee, which is divided among the peasants. There is abutment of the new bridge when he as the Outing club and the Women’s composed of Walter Mirey, chairman; plenty of land for all, and this wins slipped. He fell down onto a heavy Student Government. Parade popular support for the republicans^ dowel which is used to hold the sec­ The Prom Queen will be crowned (continued on page four) which they are destined to keep. tions of concrete together, the dowel luring the intermission at the dance. piercing clear through him just below M ay 8. the abdomen. Dr. George G. Mac­ The services of a famous decoratoi ENTOMOLOGY EXPERIMENTS Gregor was called immediately, and have been secured to decorate the he administered first aid, until the Gym. RECEIVE WILD ACCLAIM ambulance from Dover could arrive. The orchestra will be announced in Methot was then removed to the a later issue. It used to be unwary dietary habits tion to New Hampshire to view the Wentworth Hospital lin Dover. The research in process and to study the that killed pestiferous insects, but injured man did not lose consciousness technique of Professor O’Kane and his now they are threatened with poison and was reported as holding his own. fellow researchers, Messrs. L. C. Architects Sponsor Methot is a resident of Jamaica through their skins, according to Pro­ Glover, J. G. Conklin, and W. A. Plains, Mass. He is thirty-eight years it fessor Walter Collins O’Kane, emi­ W estgate Lectures on Friday a t old, and single. Believe me nent entomologist who holds forth in The research is not concluded and The accident happened at twenty will continue to unravel detailed facts, “T” hall, and scientists in seven dif­ minutes of three, according to the If you have to shave in bed, or many of which will be presented in Dean Emerson of M. I.T. ferent foreign countries are asking timekeeper on the project. just want to, you can get a quick, “How come?” another bulletin which is almost ready Will be One of Two Experiments with contact insecti­ for the printer. So far, the New Hamp­ Speakers clean shave with a Schick Shaver. cides, poisons which are similar in shire entomologists have revealed There's no messiness, for you use effect to the lead poisoning of indus­ clearly that when some arsenic com­ Sphinx Elects Two The New Hampshire Society of NO LATHER. You cannot cut try and the mustard gas of the World pounds are applied to the body of an to Executive Board Architects will hold their next regular War, conducted at the New Hamp­ insect, the arsenic can be regularly yourself, for it has NO BLADES. shire experiment Station for the past recovered from the internal organs The weekly meeting of the Sphinx meeting on Friday, April 24, in the And it makes you look years A number of related problems re­ lecture room of DeMerritt hall. The seven years, have revealed that some Society was held at the Theta Chi younger by doing away with the types of chemicals will penetrate the quired solution before the original program will consist of two lectures house on Wednesday, April 22. shell of an insect's body and annihi­ purpose of the study could be achieved open to anyone interested. old, blade-calloused skin. Tough Paul O’Brien and James Ballock late him quite as effectively as a meal The surface tension, surface activity The first lecture will be held at 4:15 beards and tender skins are all of arsenic, sulphate, or lead spread on and wetting ability of many liquid? were elected to the Executive Board p.m.
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