COUNCIL OF Brussels, 12 November 2007 THE EUROPEAN UNION 14978/07 OJ CRP1 40 PROVISIONAL AGENDA for : 2205th MEETING OF THE PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVES COMMITTEE (Part 1) date : Wednesday 14 (9:45) November 2007 1. Adoption of the provisional agenda I (1) 2. Replies to written questions put to the Council by Members of the European Parliament (+) (a) n° E-4656/07 put by Marco Cappato and Marco Pannella "Persecution and intimidation directed at Namibian National Society for Human Rights" 14112/07 PE-QE 829 (b) n° E-4855/07 put by Maria Martens "Implementation of the European Programme for Action to Confront HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis through External Action (2007-2011)" 13821/07 PE-QE 810 14978/07 sp 1 CAB EN (c) n° E-4878/07 put by Hannu Takkula "Pursuit of recreational hunting and shooting by young people" 13740/07 PE-QE 804 (d) n° P-4910/07 put by Luisa Morgantini "Rebuilding of the Nahr El Bared refugee camp" 13936/07 PE-QE 817 (e) n° P-4914/07 put by Marco Cappato "Rejection of the Commission plans concerning the new common side of the euro" 13801/07 PE-QE 809 (f) n° E-4929/07 put by Elly de Groen-Kouwenhoven "Building for the commission disclosing the files of the former totalitarian secret service Darzhavna Sigurnost in Bulgaria" 13961/07 PE-QE 818 (g) n° E-4930/07 put by Elly de Groen-Kouwenhoven "National Reform Programme for Growth and Jobs in Bulgaria and the situation of Bulgarian teachers" 14085/07 PE-QE 826 (h) n° E-4960/07 put by Sajjad Karim "Ukraine FTA and weapons to Burma" 14050/07 PE-QE 823 (i) n° P-5046/07 put by Elena Valenciano Martínez-Orozco and n° E-5197/07 put by Emilio Menéndez del Valle "Blackwater mercenaries" and "Blackwater and Iraq" 14371/07 PE-QE 840 (j) n° E-5054/07 put by Guy Bono "Abuse of dominant position by the big distributors in the fruit and vegetable sector" 14072/07 PE-QE 825 (k) n° E-5067/07 put by John Bowis and Georgs Andrejevs "Tuberculosis in Eastern Europe and Central Asia" 14163/07 PE-QE 831 (l) n° E-5092/07 put by Mario Borghezio "Authorisation to cultivate GM potatoes - health risks of GMO products" 14089/07 PE-QE 828 (m) n° E-5120/07 put by Proinsias De Rossa "Establishment of EU-Israel Subcommittee on human rights" 14167/07 PE - QE 833 (n) n° E-5121/07 put by Proinsias De Rossa "Financing the Special Court in Sierra Leone" 14168/07 PE-QE 834 (o) n° E-5240/07 put by Georgios Georgiou "Pupils belonging to the Greek ethnic minority in Tirana deprived of their democratic right to education" 14382/07 PE-QE 844 14978/07 sp 2 CAB EN 3. Draft minutes of Council meetings (°) - 2803rd meeting (Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs) of 30 and 31 May 2007 10155/07 PV/CONS 30 SOC 237 SAN 118 CONSOM 78 + COR 1 + COR 2 (es) + COR 3 (lv) + COR 4 (lv) + COR 5 REV 1 + ADD 1 4. Working methods with respect to the preparation of meetings of the Energy Community Ministerial Council - Information note 14623/07 ENER 258 5. Governing Board of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions - Appointment of the members 13637/4/07 SOC 359 REV 4 6. Proposal for a Council Decision amending Decision 2003/17/EC on the equivalence of field inspections carried out in third countries on seed producing crops and on the equivalence of seed produced in third countries - Adoption 14287/07 AGRILEG 155 14291/07 AGRILEG 156 7. Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council banning the placing on the market and the import to, or export from, the Community of cat and dog fur and products containing such fur (LA+S) (First reading) - Adoption of the legislative act PE-CONS 3632/07 AGRILEG 92 COMER 104 CODEC 711 + COR 1 (ga) + COR 2 (lv) 14262/07 CODEC 1121 AGRILEG 154 COMER 175 + ADD 1 REV 1 8. Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council repealing Council Regulation (EEC) Nº 954/79 concerning the ratification by Member States of, or their accession to, the United Nations Convention on a Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences (LA) (First reading) - Adoption of the legislative act PE-CONS 3660/07 MAR 79 CNUCED 5 RC 16 CODEC 1064 14268/07 CODEC 1124 MAR 84 CNUCED 6 RC 18 14978/07 sp 3 CAB EN II 9. Preparation for the Council meeting (Transport, Telecommunications and Energy) on 29-30 November and 3 December 2007 1. Setting of the provisional agenda 2. European e-Inclusion (a) Communication from the Commission on Ageing well in the Information Society - An i2010initiative - Action Plan on Information and Communication Technologies and Ageing - Adoption of Council conclusions 10971/07 TELECOM 90 SOC 258 RECH 194 SAN 137 (x) 14278/1/07 TELECOM 124 SOC 395 RECH 276 SAN 183 REV 1 (b) Communication from the Commission on European i2010 initiative on e- Inclusion : "To be part of the Information Society"/Ministerial Debate on European e-Inclusion - Presentation by the Commission / Information from the Presidency 14872/07 TELECOM 134 SOC 439 EDUC 207 RECH 350 REGIO 46 +ADD 2 3. Review of the EU Regulatory Framework for electronic communications networks and services - Presentation by the Commission 4. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and social Committee and the Committee of the Regions - Strengthening the Internal Market for Mobile TV - Adoption of Council conclusions 12028/07 TELECOM 99 AUDIO 30 MI 188 COMPET 227 (x) 14398/07 TELECOM 127 AUDIO 36 MI 257 COMPET 309 + COR 1 5. Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council repealing Council Directive 87/372/EEC on the frequency bands to be reserved for the coordinated introduction of public pan-European cellular digital land-based mobile communications in the Community (LA) - General approach (Public deliberation pursuant Article 8(1)(a) CRP) 12273/07 TELECOM 100 CODEC 850 (x) + COR 1 (x) 14182/07 TELECOM 122 CODEC 1102 14978/07 sp 4 CAB EN 6. Renewed EU Sustainable Development Strategy - Policy debate 14583/07 TRANS 335 ENV 574 AGRI 354 ECO 136 ECOFIN 431 ENER 257 DEVGEN 217 MI 267 PECHE 319 RELEX 786 SAN 191 SOC 423 RECH 312 POLGEN 102 EDUC 190 7. External Relations (a) Draft Decision of the Council and the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States of the European Union, meeting within the Council, authorising the Commission to open negotiations with the Kingdom of Jordan for establishing an Euro-Mediterranean Aviation Agreement - Adoption 6258/04 AVIATION 39 RELEX 66 RESTREINT EU (x) 14875/07 AVIATION 192 RELEX 817 RESTREINT EU (x) (b) Draft Decision of the Council to authorise the Commission to open negotiations on an agreement regarding aviation security audits/inspections and related matters between the European Community and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) - Adoption 11789/07 AVIATION 128 RELEX 560 RESTREINT EU (x) 14380/07 AVIATION 179 RELEX 764 RESTREINT EU (x) 10. (poss.) Siberian overflights - Preparation of the draft reply 11. Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on common rules in the field of civil aviation security and repealing Regulation (EC) Nº 2320/2002 (LA)(Second reading) - Presidency briefing on the outcome of the informal trilogue - Preparation for the conciliation (This item will be dealt in restricted session) 12. Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a Framework for Community Action in the field of Marine Environmental Policy (Marine Strategy Framework Directive) (LA) (Second reading) - Preparation for the next informal trilogue 13678/1/07 ENV 505 MAR 75 CODEC 1051 REV 1 14978/07 sp 5 CAB EN 13. Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe (LA) (Second reading) - Preparation for the next informal trilogue 14869/07 ENV 591 ENER 261 IND 108 TRANS 346 CODEC 1199 14. Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the export and import of dangerous chemicals (LA) (First reading) - Presidency briefing on the outcome of the informal trilogue - Analysis of the final compromise text with a view to agreement 14843/07 ENV 589 WTO 233 MI 282 CODEC 1195 15. Preparation for the Council meeting (Agriculture and Fisheries) on 26 and 27 November 2007 1. EC/Norway: annual consultations for 2008 - Information from the Commission 14923/07 PECHE 333 N 64 RESTREINT EU (x) 2. Proposal for a Council Regulation establishing a multi-annual recovery Plan for Bluefin tuna in the Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean (LA) - Political agreement 8308/07 PECHE 100 (x) 13844/07 PECHE 290 + COR 1 3. Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament - 2006-2008 Action Plan for simplifying and improving the Common Fisheries Policy - Information from the Commission 14801/07 PECHE 330 4. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on a new strategy for the Community to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing Proposal for a Council Regulation establishing a Community system to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (LA) - Information from the Commission - Information from the Presidency (Report from the Lisbon Conference) 14237/07 PECHE 306 14236/07 PECHE 305 14410/1/07 PECHE 315 REV 1 14978/07 sp 6 CAB EN 16.
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