A Review of Salmon Escapement Estimation Techniques •... J"'. ;:J; -00 M 8B. F. Cousens, G. A. Thomas, C. G. Swann, ~j M. C. Healey _l!') M M Department of Fisheries and Oceans Fisheries Research Branch Pacific Biological Station Nanaimo, British Columbia V9R 5K6 Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Scien"ces No. 1108 Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences These reports contain scientific and technical information that represents an important contribution to existing knowledge but which for some reason may not be appropriate for primary scientific (i.e. Journal) publication. Technical Reports are directed primarily towards a worldwide audience and have an international distribution. No restriction is placed on subject matter and the series reflects the broad interests and policies of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, namely, fisheries management, technology and development, ocean sciences, and aquatic environments relevant to Canada. Technical Reports may be cited as full publications. The correct citation appears above the abstract of each report. Each report will be abstracted in Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts and will be indexed annually in the Department's index to scientific and technical publications. Numbers 1-456 in this series were issued as Technical Reports of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada. Numbers 457-714 were issued as Department of the Environment, Fisheries and Marine Service, Research and Development Directorate Technical Reports. Numbers 715-924 were issued as Department of Fisheries and the Environment, Fisheries and Marine Service Technical Reports. The current series name was changed with report number 925. Details on the availability of Technical Reports in hard copy may be obtained from the issuing establishment indicated on the front cover. Rapport technique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques Ces rapports contiennent des renseignements scientifiques et techniques qui constituent une contribution importante aux connaissances actuelles mais qui, pour une raison ou pour une autre, ne semblent pas appropries pour la publication dans un journal scientifique. II n'y a aucune restriction quant au sujet, de fait, la serie reflete la vaste gamme des interets et des politiques du Ministere des Peches et des Oceans, notamment gestion des peches, techniques et developpement, sciences oceaniques et environnements aquatiques, au Canada. Les Rapports techniques peuvent etre consideres comme des publications completes. Le titre exact paraitra au haut du resume de chaque rapport, qui sera publie dans la revue Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts et qui figurera dans l'index annuel des publications scientifiques et techniques du Ministere. Les numeros 1-456 de cette serie ont ete publies a titre de Rapports techniques de l'Office des recherches sur les pecheries du Canada. Les numeros 457-714, a titre de Rapports techniques de la Direction generate de la recherche et du developpement, Service des peches et de la mer, ministere de l'Environnement. Les numeros 715-924 ont ete publies a titre de Rapports techniques du Service des peches et de la mer, Ministere des Peches et de l'Environnement. Le nom de la serie a ete modifie a partir du numero 925. La page couverture porte Ie nom de l'etablissement auteur ou l'on peut se procurer les rapports sous couverture cartonnee. J lJ. C. Lee and Associ.ates Ltd. Nana i.mo, Bri t ish Columbia V9S 5N7 Introduction Review of Techniques Annotated Bibliography Interview Summaries Review of Techniques Foot Surveys Hethodology Areas of Use Effective Use and Problems Accuracy, Precision and Technique Comparison Snorkle and River Floats Dive Surveys Observation Towers Methodology Areas of Use . Effective Use and Problems Accuracy, Precision and Technique Comparison. Aerial Counts . Methodology . Areas of Use . Effective Use and Problems Accuracy, Precision and Technique Comparison Photographic Enumeration Methodology . Areas of Use, .. ... Effective Use arid Problems Accuracy, Precision and Technique Comparison Fence Counts Methodology Areas of Use Effective Use and Problems Accuracy, Precision and Technique Comparison Mark/Recapture Methodology Areas of Use Effective Use and Problems Accuracy, Precision and Technique Comparison Index Streams . Methodology Areas of Use Effective Use and Problems Accuracy, Precision and Technique Comparison Electronic Counters . Introduction . ............. 1. Pulsar Conductivity (Resistivity) Multiple Tunnel Fish Counter ........ Methodology . Areas of Use Effective Use and Problems Accuracy, Precision and Technique Comparison. 2. Bendix Side Scan Sonar Fish Counter 55 :1ethodology . 55 Areas of Use 56 Effective Use and Problems 56 Accuracy, Precision and Technique Comparison 58 3. Bendix Fan Scan Sonar Fish Counter. 59 ~. Biosonics Doppler Sonar Fish Counter 59 Hydroacoustic (Sounder) Surveys 60 ~ethodology . .. 60 Areas of Use .. .. 60 Effective Use and Problems 60 Accuracy, Precision and Technique Comparison 61 Catch Per Unit Effort and Test Fishing 63 Hethodology 63 Areas of Use ... 64 Effective Use and Problems 64 Accuracy, Precision and Technique Comparison 65 Annotated Bibliography 66 A. General .... 68 B. Foot Surveys 72 C. Snorkle and River Floats 77 D. Dive Surveys 77 E. Observation Towers 77 F. Aerial Counts ... 78 G. Photographic Enumeration 79 H. Fence Counts 80 I. Hark/Recapture 84 J. Index Streams. 97 K. Electronic Counters 102 L. Hydroacoustic (Sounder) Surveys 105 M. Catch Per Unit Effort and Test Fishing 107 N. Addendum 111 Interview Summaries 114 British Columbia 114 Alaska 117 Washington 118 Oregon 119 California 120 Idaho ... 120 121 List of abbreviations used to identify U.S. and Canadian government agencies . Cousens, N.B.F., G.A. Thomas, C.G. Swann and M.C. Healey. 1982. A review of salmon escapement estimation techniques. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 1108: vi + 122 p. This report was prepared to provide a review and assessment of salmon escapement estimation techniques used in the Pacific :Northwest by Canadian and u.S. government agencies to enumerate spawning salmon popula- tions. Pertinent information was collected from a literature survey and during interviews with fisheries scientists and biologists in the Pacific Northwest. The review portion of this report is subdivided by techniques. Topics covered for each technique include a short discussion of methodology, locations where these techniques have been used, an outline of effective use and related problems, and a summary of available accuracy and precision data, as well as any information providing comparison of techniques. An annotated bibliography and list of persons interviewed are also included. Cousens, N. B. F., G. A. Thomas, C. G. Swann, anrlM. C. Healey. 1982. A review of salmon escapement estimation techniques. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 1108: vi + 122 p. Le present rapport vise a passer en revue et a evaluer les techniques pour l'estimation du nombre de saumons de remonte que les organismes canadiens et americains emploient dans Ie nord-ouest du Pacifique pour denombrer les populations reproductrices de saumon. L'information pertinente a ete recueil1ie dans une serie d'ouvrages et au cours d'entrevues avec des scientifiques et des biologistes des peches dans Ie nord-ouest du Pacifique. Pour chaque tecnhique passee en revue, les details suivants sont donnes: br~ve discussion de la methode, endroits o~ cette technique a ete utilisee, expose des aspects pratiques et des probl~mes s'y rattachant, et resume des donnees disponibles sur la precision et l'exactitude. On inclut aussi toute information permettant de comparer les techniques, ainsi qu'une bibliographie annotee et une liste des personnes interrogees. Mots-cles: estimation des saumons de remonte, fraie, saumon, passage en revue, bibliographie. This review of salmon escapement estimation techniques was conducted to provide a comprehensive report which compiles and reviews information on the principal techniques currently used in the Pacific Northwest by Canadian and/or U.S. government agencies. Information was compiled by literature search and interviews, and was reviewed over a three month period. Literature dating from approximately 1930 to the present was searched while interviews were held with persons currently involved with salmon escapement estimation. Consequently, both historical and current state of the art information has been included. While the literature search is considered to be complete, it may not be exhaustive, and it is possible that some papers may have been inadvertently omitted. This is most probable for references not in the primary literature, several of which were identified but could not be located. Telephone interviews were conducted with a number of prominent workers in the field of salmon escapement estimation from Alaska to Calif- ornia. Much pertinent information was obtained from these conversations and has been incorporated in technique discussions. Discussion of each technique is subdivided into several sections, as follows: a brief summary of methodology, a listing of areas where this technique is used, a discussion of effective use of each technique with consideration of related problems and limitations (as well as the applica- bility of different techniques to different stream conditions), and a summary of available information dealing with the accuracy and precision of the technique (including technique comparisons where available). General comments on the suitability of a technique
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