Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA Pt. 318 retain records for 6 months for review sects remain, the fruit must be re- by APHIS. treated or destroyed. (ii) The drain in the bottom of the (c) Three alternative treatments for sterilizer must be cleaned between plant material not tolerant to fumigation. each cycle to ensure proper heat cir- Treatments are based on the character culation. of the plant material and the type of (4) All reevaluations and adjustments pests that may be found. must be observed by APHIS. (1) T201–p–1: For plant pests, except (c) T415–c, grinding and discharge into scale insects, hand removal of pests or a sewage system. The sewage system infested parts of plants followed by a must be approved by the Administrator detailed inspection to ensure plants are upon his/her determination that the pest free may be employed; system is designed and operated in (2) See hand removal plus malathion- such a way as to preclude the discharge carbaryl chemical dip T201–p–2 of sewage effluents onto land surface or (§ 305.10(d)) for alternative treatment; into lagoons or other stationary waters or and otherwise is adequate to prevent (3) T201–p–3: Following the hand re- the spread of plant pests and livestock moval of the visible plant pests or in- or poultry diseases. fested plant parts, the plant material must be treated with hot water at 112 § 305.41 [Reserved] °F for 20 minutes. This treatment is not effective against mature scale in- Subpart—Miscellaneous sects. Treatments PART 318—HAWAIIAN AND § 305.42 Miscellaneous treatment schedules. TERRITORIAL QUARANTINE NOTICES (a) T102–b, T102–b–1, T102–b–2, soapy Subpart—Hawaiian Fruits, Vegetables, and water and wax. (1) The fruit must be Flowers immersed in a soapy water bath of one part soap solution (such as Deterfrut) QUARANTINE to 3,000 parts water for 20 seconds. Sec. (2) The soapy bath must be followed 318.13 Notice of quarantine. with a pressure shower rinse to remove 318.13a Administrative instructions pro- all excess soap. viding exemptions from specified require- (3) The fruit must be immersed for 20 ments. seconds in an undiluted wax coating RULES AND REGULATIONS (such as Johnson’s Wax Primafresh 31 Kosher fruit coating). The wax coating 318.13–1 Definitions. 318.13–2 Regulated articles. must cover the entire surface of the 318.13–3 Conditions of movement. fruit. 318.13–4 Conditions governing the issuance (b) T102–c, warm, soapy water and of certificates or limited permits. brushing for durian and other large fruits 318.13–4a Administrative instructions au- such as breadfruit. (1) Detergent (such thorizing the movement from Hawaii of as Deterfrut) must be added to warm frozen fruits and vegetables. water (110–120 °F) at the rate of one 318.13–4b Administrative instructions; part detergent or soap to 3,000 parts conditions governing the interstate movement from Hawaii of certain fruits water. or vegetables for which treatment is re- (2) The fruit must be immersed for at quired. least 1 minute in the warm detergent 318.13–4c Administrative instructions ap- water. proving methyl bromide fumigation as a (3) The fruit must be scrubbed with a condition for certification of tomatoes brush with stiff bristles to remove any for movement from Hawaii. insects. 318.13–4d Vapor heat treatment of (4) The fruit must be rinsed with a sweetpotatoes from Hawaii. 318.13e [Reserved] pressure shower to rinse the fruit free 318.13–4f Administrative instructions pre- of residue (detergent and dead insects). scribing methods for irradiation treat- (5) An inspector will inspect each ment of certain fruits and vegetables brushed and cleaned fruit. If any in- from Hawaii. 229 VerDate Nov<24>2008 09:42 Feb 11, 2009 Jkt 217016 PO 00000 Frm 00239 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\217016.XXX 217016 erowe on PROD1PC63 with CFR § 318.13 7 CFR Ch. III (1–1–09 Edition) 318.13–4g Administrative instructions gov- 318.58–2 Regulated articles. erning movement of avocados from Ha- 318.58–3 Conditions of movement. waii to Alaska. 318.58–4 Issuance of certificates or limited 318.13–4h [Reserved] permits. 318.13–4i Conditions governing the move- 318.58–4a Administrative instructions au- ment of bananas from Hawaii. thorizing the movement from Puerto 318.13–4j Administrative instructions gov- Rico of frozen fruits and vegetables. erning the interstate movement of cut 318.58–4b Irradiation treatment of regulated blooms of gardenia from Hawaii. articles from Puerto Rico and the U.S. 318.13–5 Application for inspection. Virgin Islands. 318.13–6 Container marking and identity. 318.58–4c Movement of sweetpotatoes from 318.13–7 Products as ships’ stores or in the Puerto Rico to certain ports. possession of passengers or crew. 318.58–5 Application for inspection. 318.13–8 Articles and persons subject to in- 318.58–6 Marking of containers. spection. 318.13–9 Inspection of means of conveyance. 318.58–7 Products as ships’ stores or in the 318.13–10 Inspection of baggage, other per- possession of passengers and crew. sonal effects, and cargo. 318.58–8 Articles and persons subject to in- 318.13–11 Disinfection of means of convey- spection. ance. 318.58–9 Inspection of means of conveyance. 318.13–12 Posting of warning notice and dis- 318.58–10 Inspection of baggage, other per- tribution of baggage declarations. sonal effects, and cargo. 318.13–13 Movements by the Department of 318.58–11 Disinfection of means of convey- Agriculture. ance. 318.13–14 Parcel post inspection. 318.58–12 Transit of fruits and vegetables 318.13–15 Costs and charges. from Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands 318.13–16 Withdrawal of certificates, transit of the United States into or through the permits, limited permits, or compliance continental United States. agreements. 318.58–13 Movements by the Department of 318.13–17 Transit of fruits and vegetables Agriculture. from Hawaii into or through the conti- 318.58–14 Parcel post inspection. nental United States. 318.58–15 Costs and charges. 318.58–16 Cancellation of certificates, tran- Subpart—Sweetpotatoes sit permits, or limited permits. 318.30 Notice of quarantine. 318.30a Administrative instructions author- Subpart—Sand, Soil, or Earth, with Plants izing movement from Puerto Rico of cer- From Territories and Districts tain sweetpotatoes grown under specified 318.60 Notice of quarantine. conditions. Subpart—Territorial Cotton, Cottonseed, Subpart—Guam and Cottonseed Products QUARANTINE QUARANTINE 318.82 Notice of quarantine. 318.47 Notice of quarantine. REGULATIONS 318.47a Administrative instructions relating to Guam. 318.82–1 Definitions. 318.82–2 Movement of regulated articles. RULES AND REGULATIONS 318.82–3 Costs. 318.47–1 Definitions. AUTHORITY: 7 U.S.C. 7701–7772 and 7781–7786; 318.47–2 Articles the movement of which is 7 CFR 2.22, 2.80, and 371.3. prohibited or regulated. 318.47–3 Conditions governing the issuance SOURCE: 24 FR 10777, Dec. 29, 1959, unless of certificates and permits. otherwise noted. 318.47–4 Shipments by the Department of Agriculture. Subpart—Hawaiian Fruits, Subpart—Fruits and Vegetables From Vegetables, and Flowers Puerto Rico or Virgin Islands QUARANTINE QUARANTINE § 318.13 Notice of quarantine. 318.58 Notice of quarantine. (a) Under the authority of sections RULES AND REGULATIONS 411, 412, 414, and 434 of the Plant Pro- 318.58–1 Definitions. tection Act (7 U.S.C. 7711, 7712, 7714, 230 VerDate Nov<24>2008 09:42 Feb 11, 2009 Jkt 217016 PO 00000 Frm 00240 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\217016.XXX 217016 erowe on PROD1PC63 with CFR Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA § 318.13–1 and 7754), the State of Hawaii is quar- further, That no restrictions are placed antined to prevent the spread of dan- hereby on the movement of cactus gerous plant diseases and pests, includ- plants from Hawaii to St. Croix, Virgin ing the Mediterranean fruit fly Islands of the United States, or on the (Ceratitis capitata (Wied.)), the melon movement of coconuts from Hawaii fly (Bactrocera cucurbitae Coq.), the ori- into or through the continental United ental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis States, Guam, Puerto Rico, or the Vir- Hendl.), green coffee scale (Coccus gin Islands of the United States. viridis (Green)), the bean pod borer (c) This subpart leaves in full force (Maruca testulalis (Geyer)), the bean and effect § 318.60 which restricts the butterfly (Lampides boeticus (L.)), the movement from Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Asiatic rice borer (Chilo suppressalis), or the Virgin Islands of the United the mango weevil (Sternochetus States into or through any other State mangiferae (F.)), the Chinese rose beetle or certain Territories or Districts of (Adoretus sinicus Burm.), and a cactus the United States of sand, soil, or earth borer (Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg.)), about the roots of plants. which are new to or not known to be (d) Regulations governing the move- widely prevalent or distributed within ment of live plant pests designated in and throughout other States. this section are contained in part 330 of (b) No fruits or vegetables, in the raw this chapter. or unprocessed state; cut flowers; rice [28 FR 13280, Dec. 7, 1963, as amended at 33 straw; mango seeds; or cactus plants or FR 14621, Oct. 1, 1968; 36 FR 24917, Dec. 24, parts thereof shall be shipped, offered 1971; 55 FR 38979, Sept. 24, 1990; 66 FR 21054, for shipment to a common carrier, re- Apr. 27, 2001; 71 FR 4461, Jan. 27, 2006] ceived for transportation or trans- ported by a common carrier, or carried, § 318.13a Administrative instructions transported, moved, or allowed to be providing exemptions from speci- moved by any person from Hawaii into fied requirements.
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