'EBRUARY 1948 25s s i www.americanradiohistory.com 1 -Arthur C. Haysler, president of Index Em- 2- Audrey Totter, Metro -Goldwyn -Mayer star, ployment Company, receives congratulations all smiles for Dick Smith, chief of the WE from Kansas City's Mayor William E. Kemp as special events department. Index opens America's largest employment office. 4-Commander -in -Chief Ray H. Brannaman 3- Winning basketball plays are a subject of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, tells WHB liste discussion by Harold Howey, ace scorer for Kan- ers that universal military training is essenti sas State College, and his coach, Jack Gardner. to national security. www.americanradiohistory.com foreword IN these United States the color of February will be forever red, white and blue - thanks to Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Washington. February, 1948 Vol. 4 No. 2 It is strange to think that it wasn't always so, that once February C O N T E N was just another month, too late for TS winter, too early for spring, im- ARTICLES patient, full of whimsical weather, QUEEN LYDIA Stanley S. Jacobs 3 enlivened only by Valentines and FAMOUS LAST WORDS Joseph A. Murray 7 an occasional leap year (arranged ADVENTURES INTO PAIN Robert Wood 9 to keep pace THE NIGHT MY FATHER DIED Dan Halligan 13 by man in his efforts VULTURES AT YOUR MAILBOX....Roger L. Cathcart 17 with the stars) . But that was be- MEET THE HILL HOPPERS Frank Gillio 21 fore the two great Americans had PERFECTLY BEASTLY Barrett Nelson 25 lived, placed their mark on history, A FORTUNE WITH DOLLS Rosalind Lee 27 died, and become traditions. Forever HANDMADE MIRACLES Frank J. Ford 31 after, February is their month, and SWISS FAMILY HOLIDAY Jan Norris 43 we are reminded punctually of HOW TO SLAM LIKE A DOOR Derek Carter 47 BLESS BOBBY Bob Downer 51 patriotism in its only legitimate YOU, MY SOXERS' sense - not patriotism to one coun- DEPARTMENTS try only, but to humankind. It is FEBRUARY'S HEAVY DATES 2 this which made - and makes - MAN OF THE MONTH 37 the great men great - that they SWING IN WORLD AFFAIRS 55 work for the common good. They SWING SESSION 57 may work through the medium of CHICAGO LETTER 59 one nation, yes, as Washington and CHICAGO PORTS OF CALL 60 NEW YORK LETTER 62 Lincoln did, but through that NEW YORK THEATRE 64 medium because it is the instrument NEW YORK PORTS OF CALL 66 at hand. What each of them en- KANSAS CITY PORTS OF CALL 67 visioned for his country he en- visioned for the world : freedom, se- curity, and peace. It's as Mr. Lin- Editor coln said, on his birthday 87 years MORI GREINER ago, when he spoke of "that senti- ment in the Declaration of Inde- Art Editor pendence which gave liberty not DON FITZGERALD alone to the people of this country, but hope to all the world, for all Business Manager future time." JOHNNY FRASER, JR. That hope, like a candle in the wind, has faltered many times since Publisher then, but it never has gone out com- pletely. We may feel encouraged DONALD DWIGHT DAVIS by that fact and work a little harder to fulfill Mr. Lincoln's faith. It's Contributing Editor: Jetta Carleton. Associate Edi- the least we can tors: Rosemary Haward, Evelyn Nolt, Verna Dean do to commemorate Ferril, June Thompson. Chicago Editor: Norton his birthday and the principles he Hughes Jonathan. New York Editor: Lucie Brion. stood for. We can send, by word Humor Editor: Tom Collins. Music Editor: Bob and deed, a Valentine Kennedy. Circulation Manager: John T. Schilling. to the race Photography: HA/an-Millard, Sol Studna, of man with love. - Art: Don Fitzgerald, F. E. Warren, Hugh Broad - ley, Rachael Weber, John Whalen Frank Hensley, Vic Zimmerman, David Hunt, Tom Hobbs. Front Cover: Harold Hahn. Back Cover: Courtesy Trans World Airlines. www.americanradiohistory.com FEBRUARY'S JJeav1t 2a lei IN KANSAS CITY Art . Special Events . Ice Hockey . (The William Rockhif Nelson Feb. 9, Robert St. John, NBC (United States Hockey League Gallery of Art and the Mary London correspondent, Music All games at Pla -Mor Arena Atkins Museum of Fine Arts.) Hall. 32nd and Main.) Loan Exhibitions: Steuben Glass Feb. 14, Veloz and Yolanda, ball- Feb. 1, St. Paul. and paintings by Cleveland ar- room dance team, matinee and Feb. 4, Dallas. tists. evening performances, Music Feb. 8, Omaha. Masterpiece of the Month: "Por- Hall. Feb. 15, Tulsa. trait ar- of Queen Elizabeth," Feb. 16, Alfred Wolff, travelogue Feb. 22, Minneapolis. tist unknown. "Mexican Mosaic," with tech - Motion Pictures: On February Feb. 25, Dallas. nicolor pictures, Little Theatre. Feb. 29, Omaha. 20th and 22nd, William Tell, Feb. 19, Shrine Dance, Municipal featuring the late Conrad Veidt, Auditorium Arena. Basketball . will be shown. Admission free. Feb. 22.24, Kansas City Flower Lectures: Wednesday evenings, 8 Feb. 6.7, High School Basketball Show, Municipal Auditorium Municipal Auditorium Arena. o'clock in the Gallery Audi- Arena. torium, a continuation of a Feb. 13, High School Basketball Feb. 28, Big Seven Track Meet, Municipal Auditorium Arena. aeries by Paul Gardner on Municipal "Italian Painting." Admission Auditorium Arena. Feb. 20, High School Basketball free. Municipal Auditorium Arena. Dancing . Feb. 4, "Painters of North Italy." Boxing . Feb. 11, "Venetian Painters of (Pla -Mor Ballroom, 32nd and Feb. 9, Golden Gloves, Municip:, the 15th Century." Main.) Dancing every night Auditorium Arena. Feb. 18, "Venetian Painters of but Monday. "Over 30" dances Feb. 10.11, Golden Gloves, Mt the 16th Century." Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- nicipal Auditorium Arena. Feb. 25, "The Bolognese School." day. Feb. 14, Golden Gloves Final, Concerts: 4th annual concert by Feb. 18, Tex Beneke. Municipal Auditorium Arena. THE MADRIGALIANS, from Feb. 21, Carmen Cavallaro. Conventions Kansas State Teachers College, Feb. 28, Charlie Spivak. Feb. 1-3, Fact Finding Congres under the direction of Orville Institute of American Poultr Borchers, to be given February Industries, Auditorium. 29th, at 3:30 p.m. Feb. 5.6, Missouri Valley Ele. Music trig Association Power Sali (Music Hall) Conference, Hotel President. Feb. 1, Philharmonic Pop Con- Feb. 8-10, Ralston- Purina Con cert. pany, Dealers Sales Confereno Feb. 2, Philharmonic Matinee Hotel President. for young people. Feb. 12.13, Johns Manville Sal, Concert Corporation, Hotel Phillips. Feb. 2, Igor Gorin, baritone. Feb. 14.15, B'Nai B'Rith Regul. Feb. 3, Philharmonic Matinee Bowling Tournament. Concert for young people. Feb. 17.19, Fitts Dry Goods Cot Feb. 9, Philharmonic Matinee pany, Hotel Phillips. Concert for young people. Feb. 19.20, Midwest Feed Man' Feb. 10.11, Gregor Piatagoraky, facturera. cellist, in concert with Phil- Feb. 24-27, American Associatic harmonic. Wrestling . of Junior Colleges, Hotel Pre/ Feb. 15, Philharmonic Pop Con- dent. cert. Wrestling every Thursday night, Feb. 26.28, Academy of Oste Feb. 22, Philharmonic Pop Con- Memorial Hall, Kansas City. pathic Orthopedists, Hotel Co cert. Kansas. tinental. Feb. 24.25, Philharmonic Sub- Feb. 17, Professional Wrestling, Feb. 26.28, Eagle Picher Sal scription Concert. Municipal Auditorium Arena. Company, Hotel Phillips. SINEW is published monthly at Kansas City, All rights of pictorial or text content reserv. Swing Missouri. Address all communications by the Publisher in the United States, Gre to Publication Office, 1102 Scarritt Building, Britain, Mexico, Chile, and all countries pa Kansas City 6. Missouri. 'Phone Harrison 1161. ticipating in the International Copyright Co 333 North Michigan, Chicago 1. Illinois. 'Phone vention. Reproduction for use without expre Central 7980. Price 25c in United States and permission of any matter herein is forbidde Canada. Annual subscriptions, United States, Swing is not responsible for the loss of u $3 a year ; everywhere else, $4. Copyright solicited manuscripts, drawings or photograpl 1948 by WHB Broadcasting Co. Printed in U. S. A. www.americanradiohistory.com IA by STANLEY S. JACOBS Gone but not forgotten is Mrs. missionaries, are convinced she sym- Pinkham of Lynn, whose vegetable bolizes American womanhood today. compound gathered fortune, fame During her lifetime, Lydia received and female followers. more mail than any other individual .j in the nation -not excepting the Pres- ident -and counted her letters from pDITORS published photographs ailing females in the tons rather than of her tombstone to prove to her thousands. Children were named Ili followers that she was really dead. after her; women aped her hair -do; On many occasions, her picture was and she inspired more music hall jokes , used in publications as a substitute and wisecracks than the Model -T for the likeness of Queen Victoria, Ford ever provoked. Lillian Langtry, and Susan Anthony. 4 Despite her position as America's M Doctors excoriated her, but mil - first big business woman, Lydia's , lions of women chanted her praises- throaty voice was heard in the tem- and bought her highly alcoholic "veg- perance movement, greenback meet- 6 etable compound." ings, anti -slavery crusades, spiritualist a i She started her business career with circles and in the drive against vacci- 14 one dollar and recklessly spent 15 nation. For Lydia Pinkham, wife of h' cents of it on advertising. By unof- a bankrupt business man and mother ay ficial estimate, the company she of four children, fervently believed o4 founded has since spent $ 50,000,000 herself to be the salvation of woman- on promotion of her product and face. kind and she lavished her vitality and 53 oThe firm has grossed hundreds of passionate voice on every tiny current millions of dollars purveying the same or personality within the "emancipa- compound which was originally tion" movement for women. cooked up in the kitchen of a drab Her dollar- spangled success story Lynn, Massachusetts, house.
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