CO}DCTICUT ARCHIVES SUSQUEHANNAH SETTLERS SEC0} SERIES, 1771-1797 WESTERN LANDS SECOND SERIES, 1783-1819 ONE VOLUME AND INDEX Hartford Connecticut State Library 1944 Note Among the Connecticut Archives are files of the General Assembly up to 1820. About 1845 Sylvester Judd, author of the History of Hadley, Massa- chusetts, selected and arranged documents from these files up to the year 1790 in one hundred and twenty-two volumes. The documents from 170 through 180 were transferred from the office of the Secretary of State when our new State Library and Supreme Court building was occupied. It is principally from the last mentioned documents that the material on Susquehannah Settlers and Western Lands, Second Seri, was taken, with the addition of a few documents of the earlier period, omitted by Mr. Judd from the First Series. The earliest date in the material on Susquehannah Settlers is May 1771, on a resolve which concerns the collecting of evidence in regard to Connecticut’s title to lands west of the Delaware River; and the latest date is October 1797, on a resolve authorizing the comptroller to draw an order in favor of commissioners for-receiving the college grant. The earliest date in the material on Western Lands is January i785, on a resolve concerning cession of this state’s rights to the Western Lands to the United States; and the latest date is May 1819, on an act relative to the books, records and papers of the late Connecticut Land Company. There are one hun- dred and sixty-ne documents in the Second Series of Susquehannah Settlers and Western Lands. The table of contents not only furnishes a convenient calendar of legis- lation on Susquehannah Settlers and Western Lands for the period covered, but gives a digest of the subject atter. The work on the arrangements of manuscripts for this volume and on the Index was done by Jessie A. Parsons. The same compilation of the spelling of surnames was followed as in previous volumes, usinE the spelling which is found most often,with reference made from unusual spellings. Full names of members of the General Assembly have been filled out from authentic rolls of the Senate and House in possession of the State Library. The typing of the Index was done by Jessie A. Parsons and was completed January 18, I44. Connecticut State Library, Hartford, Conn. March 5, 1944. State Librarian. Abbreviations. (A) autograph. capt. captain. CO1. colonel. COm, committee. con. continued. d. pence (English money) ens. esign. gen. general. gov. governor. gr. granted. Jr. Junior. (English money) -s-d Pounds, shillings, pence neg. negatived. shilling (English money) sec’y secretary. seas. session. treas. treasurer. -1- Abbe, Shubael, com. on Conn.land company petition, 1800 II6L , . " Western Reserve bond, 1797 74a Abel, Elijah (A) Fire lands grantee, petition, 1795 48c Adams, John, president of U.S. mentioned, 1801 128a Aliens. Resolve empowering com. on sale of Western lands to sell these lands to foreigners if they cnnsider it expedient, 0ct.1795 Alleghany ountains. Mentioned, 1794 44b Allen, Henry, com. on sale of Western lands " John, " " Gore land, 1805 154c Austen, see Austin. Austin, Austen. Aaron, com. on private petition, 1797-99 72d,94d . " sale of Western lands, 1795-95 55a,56a,50a . (A) " . " 1794-95 41b, 54h ,’ Elijah (A) New Haven, letter to Thomas Seymour, speaker lower house, offering to purchase the whole of the lands owned by Conn. lying west of Penn. 0ct.16,1791 " (A) New Haven, letter to com. on sale of Western lands in regard to purchasing these lands, Nor.l,1791-- (A) New Haven, letter for himself & his associates to com. on sale of Western lands, 0ct.24,1792 . " offer to purchase Western lands, mentioned, 1792 Backus, Sylvanus (A) clerk lower house 144149,152-154,1S8,158 . com. on Gore land, 1805 155b,156c Bankruptcy. Ogden, Jacob, Hartford, made no payments on his bond for purchase of land in Western Reserve, 1801 15lab, 140a, 141,142,144a, 145a Williams, Joseph, Norwich, insolvent estate mentioned, 1808 I57ab Barnes, Barns. " Jonathan, com. on Corm.land company petitions,1799-1800 96a,llSL Barns, see Barnes. Barstow, John, com. on private petition, 1800 lOld . " Western Reserve bonds, 1800 102a Bellamy, David, " " Corm.land company petition, 1800 ll6L " " sale of Western lands, 1797 74b Benedict, Thaddeus, com. on sale of Western lands, 1795 55bd Bissell, Hezekiah (A) clerk lower house S,47,48,55 . " (A) Gore land agent petitions, 1800 107a,ll4c,120a Boardman, W.W. (A) clerk upper house 160 Bonds. Phelps, Oliver, 8uffield, bond (copy) with others given to the state for the Western Reserve, 1795 64 Bonds, see also material under Western Reserve. Brace, Jonathan, appraiser of Western lands, mentioned, 1800 104a . com. on Gore land, 1805 156c " " sale of Western lands, 1791-95 18a,54b . " (A) Corm.land company trustee, petitions, 1798,1799 1800 65c,9c,95j ,l16k " (A) Corm.land company trustee, representation,1799 91d Brewster, Jonathan, bond mentioned, 1806 157a Brlnsmade, Daniel N. (A) clerk lower house 119,125-125 . com. on Conn.land company petition,17%9 96a . " Gore land, 1802 152p Bristol, Simeon com. on Corm.land company petition, 1799 96a British raids, see D__bury. British raid; Ea_st Haven. British raid; Fai___rfield. British raid; Fi_re lands; Gr___geen- wich. Britis raid; Gr__.gton. British raid; Ne__w Haven. British raid; Ne__w Uondon. British raid; No___alk. British raid; Ridgefield. Brit- ish raid. 104a Bronson, Mr. N.Y. mortgage mentioned, 1800 Brown, Daniel, com. on Gore land, 1804 Elias, Conn. land company, 1799 96a . " Nestern Reserve bonds, 1800 102a John] U.S. enator from Ky. mentioned, 1798 86a Buddington, Walter (A) Fire lands grantee, petition, 1795 48c " William (A) " " " " 1795 48c Bull, Caleb, Hartford, decease mentioned, 1806 iSTa George (A) " petition showing that he is in an embarrassing situation because he became security for Gen. Jo- seph Williams, since deceased, for payment on lands in the Western Reserve & praying that the state may relinquish to him the remainder of his debt. May 1806 No action 157 " Michael bond mentioned, 1804 147a Thomas, Gore land agent, petitions, 180,804,1805 156a, 1 9a, 146a, 154a, 156a (A) " " " " 1805,1804,1805 107a, i14c, 120a, iS5a, lTa,lSSb,iSgc,146b, 148c, 154b (A) " agent, proposal for discharge of their claim, 1804 145a (A) agent, statement, 1801 iSOd (A) petition showing that the state treasurer held a bond, executed by Michael & Thomas Bull, for $i,000, for which they gave collateral & that afore- said partnership has been dissolved & praying for cancellation of the bond when the state takes over sufficient property for satisfac- tion or that the school fund com. stay execu- tion until the claim on the state by the Pro- prietors of the Gore is adjusted. Neg. Oct. 1804 147 Burr, David, Fire lands grantee, decease mentioned, 1795 48b jr. (A) petition with other grantees of the 500,000 acres of land lying at the western end of lands reserved by this state in their cession to the U.S. show- ing that, as their numbers are large & their mem- bers widely scattered, it would be to their ad- vantage, in ascertaining the boundaries of lands granted to them, to be incorporated & praying for relief. Petition admitted, Apr-June (May sess.) 1795 48 " Gershom, (A) Fire lands grantee, decease mentioned, 1795 48b " Thaddeus administrator on estate of Gershom Burr, Fire lands grantee, petition, 1795 48b Fire lands grantee, mentioned, 179S Sa (A) " petition, 1795 48b Cable, George, (A) Fire lands grantee, petition, 1795 48c Caldwell, John, com. on Gore land, 1804 159c (A) Gonn.land company trustee,petitions,1797,1798, 1799,1800 65c,95c,95j,l16k (A) Corm.land company trustee,representation, 1799 91d Carson, Walter (A) Fire lands grantee, petition, 1795 48c Cession of Jurisdiction, see Ne York (state Jurisdiction in Gore land; Un___ited States. Jurisdiction in Western lands; Un__ited States. Jurisdiction in Western Re- serve. Cession of jurisdiction, see also S_in. Champion, Epaphroditus, com. on Gore land, 1805 1S4d " Henry, jr.or d. (A) Colchester, Corm.land company director, petitions, 1797,1798,1799 65c,95c,95j . " " " (A) Colchester Corm.land company director, representation, 1799 91d . " Colchester, Western eserve bond, men- tioned, 1800 llabc . , " " com. on Gore land, 1804 189c Chapman, Aas, lieut, appointment, 1780 "5- Chapman, Zachariah, Lebanon, purchaser of bond for Western Reserveland, mentioned, 1804 140a,141,142,144a,145a " " purchaser of bond for Western Heserve land, petition, 1801 15lab Charles If, charter mentioned, 1771-1802 1,10d,44a,Sla SSa,55a,S6a,60a,61a,62a,79a,85a,8?a,9e,l14a,15a Charter, see Charles II, charter. Chester, John, com. on sale of Western lands, 1791 19a " " " to search titles to land granted by the Crown, l?T1-- 1 Clark, Asahel, Lebanon, purchaser of bond for Western Reserve land, mentioned, 1804 140a,141,142,144a,145a " " purchaser of bond for Western Reserve land, petition, 1801 ---151ab " James (A) Fire lands grantee, petition, 1795 47a .Cleaveland, Cleveland. " Moses com. on sale of Western lands, 1795 56a " (A) Conn. land company director, motion for hearing on their petition, 1800 llSa " " (A) land company director, petitions, 1797,1799, 1800 65c,gSj,l16k " " (A) land " " representation,1799 91d proposal to purchase the Western Reserve, 1795 54e Cleveland, see Cleaveland. Clothing. Petition of Eliphalet Dyer of WinOham showing that he agreed with oth- ers to pay for certain tracts of land near Penn. which had been purchased by Samuel Holden Parsons & that he made payment in state bills & other se- curities & expected to have the interest discount- ed & that he was disappointed not only in this particular but by the omission of the state to re- imburse him for money loaned to buy clothing for the troops during the Revolutionary war & praying for relief.
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