Planning Committee Report 27th November 2019 LA01/2018/0508/F PLANNING COMMITTEE Linkage to Council Strategy (2015-19) Strategic Theme Protecting and Enhancing our Environment and Assets Outcome Pro-active decision making which protects the natural features, characteristics and integrity of the Borough Lead Officer Development Management & Enforcement Manager Cost: (If applicable) N/a No: LA01/2018/0508/F Ward: ROESIDE App Type: Full Planning Address: Limavady High School and St Mary’s, Irish Green Street, Limavady Proposal: Front and side extensions to both schools and associated siteworks including upgrading the existing car parking provision and replacement front walls/gates to Irish Green Street. Vehicular and pedestrian entrances from Irish Green Street will be retained, and a new shared pedestrian entrance linking both school sites will be provided either side of the existing Blackburn Path (which currently divides the school sites). Con Area: n/a Valid Date: 02.05.2018 Listed Building Grade: n/a Agent: Hamilton Architects, 20 Queen Street, Derry Applicant: Limavady Shared Education Campus, Education Authority, 1 Hospital Road, Omagh, BT79 0AW Objections: 0 Petitions of Objection: 0 Support: 0 Petitions of Support: 0 191127 Page 1 of 25 Executive Summary The proposal is considered acceptable in this location having regard to the Northern Area Plan 2016 and other material considerations. The site is within the settlement limits of Limavady and partly within an area of archaeological potential. There are no adverse impacts upon archaeology, listed buildings, flooding, wastewater network and natural heritage. The principle of development, siting, scale, layout, design and use of materials, Access, Movement and Parking, Habitat Regulation Assessment are acceptable. No objections have been received in relation to this application. No statutory consultee have raised any concerns with this proposal. The proposal complies with all relevant planning policies including the Northern Area Plan, SPPS, Policy DES 2 of Planning Strategy for Rural Northern Ireland, PPS 2, PPS 3, PPS 6, PPS 15. 191127 Page 2 of 25 Drawings and additional information are available to view on the Planning Portal- www.planningni.gov.uk 1 RECOMMENDATION 1.1 That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in section 9 and the policies and guidance in sections 7 and 8 and resolves to APPROVE planning permission subject to the conditions set out in section 10. 2 SITE LOCATION & DESCRIPTION 2.1 The site is located on Irish Green Street and comprises the Limavady High School and St Mary’s Limavady. The site is fairly flat and level and is predominantly existing buildings , tarmac from the existing playground and parking areas. The proposed site has a total area of approximately 5.48 ha. 2.2 The western boundary for Limavady High School is defined by a 1 metre high wall with 1 metre high rail on top. The western boundary of St Mary’s is defined by a 0.5 metre high wall with 1.5 metre rail above. Limavady High School Northern boundary is defined by a 2.2 metre high palisade fence. Limavady High School southern boundary and St Mary’s Northern Boundary which are adjacent the Blackburn path are defined by a 2.4 metre metal palisade fence and mature hedges. Eastern boundaries of each school are also defined by existing 2.8 metre high metal palisade fencing. The southern boundary of St Mary’s is defined by 2 metre high mature hedges / walls a side wall of a neighbouring domestic garage. 2.3 The character of the surrounding area is mixed, comprising residential, educational and religious uses. The immediate character of the area surrounding the application site is educational, set within the wider context of Limavady town. To the east of the site is public open space. To the North of the site is a Presbyterian Church which is a listed building. To the west of the site on the opposite side of Irish Green Street is a Terrace row of domestic dwellings, a Methodist Church and a Parochial House. To the south of St Mary’s is Dunmore Place, Grange Park and St Mary’s Close which are a mixture of terrace and semi-detached dwellings. There is one detached dwelling along this boundary which accesses Irish Green Street. 191127 Page 3 of 25 2.4 In the Northern Area Plan 2016 the site is located within the settlement of Limavady. Part of the site is within the Limavady Area of Archaeological Potential. The Old Railway Local Landscape Policy Area, Designation LYL 09, is located to the rear of the site outside the site boundary. 3 RELEVANT HISTORY LA01/2017/1616/DETEI – Provision of a pre-application EIA screening opinion - Limavady High School and St Mary’s, Limavady – ES Not required – 16.03.2018 LA01/2017/1615/PAD - This project concentrates on the provision of shared education facilities at St. Mary's, Limavady and Limavady Hogh School with shared 6th Form/Careers/Media/Drama on the St.Mary's Limavady site and shared STEM ( Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics ) facilities on the Limavady High School site. The Project also seeks to address accommodation deficiencies at both schools through the improvement of areas of sub standard existing school accommodation. In particular, deficiencies with the existing main entrance and adjacent administration arrangements at both schools will be addressed through the provision of new/ reconfigured entrance and administration accommodation. Associated site works are also proposed including upgrades to the existing car parking provision and replacement front walls/gates. - Limavady High School and St Mary’s, Limavady – PAD Concluded. LA01/2017/1180/F - Sports facility incorporating Main 4 court sports hall, office, gym, classroom, changing rooms, associated toilets, plant rooms and storage - Limavady High School, Irish Green Street, Limavady – Permission Granted – 29.03.2018 LA01/2017/0703/PAN - Sports Facility incorporating: Main 4 Court Sports Hall, Office, Gym, Classroom, Changing Rooms, associated Toilets, Plant Rooms and Storage – Limavady High School, Irish Green Street, Limavady – Proposal of application notice acceptable – 12.06.2017 LA01/2017/0368/PAN - This project concentrates on the provision of shared education facilities at St. Mary's Limavady and Limavady High School, with shared 6th Form/Careers/Media/Drama on the St. Mary's Limavady site and shared STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) facilities on the Limavady High School site. The project also seeks to address accommodation deficiencies at both schools 191127 Page 4 of 25 through the improvement of areas of substandard existing school accommodation. In particular, deficiencies with the existing main entrance and adjacent administration arrangements at both schools will be addressed through the provision of new/reconfigured entrance and administration accommodation. Associated site works are also proposed including upgrades to the existing car parking provision and replacement front walls/gates. - Limavady High School and St Mary’s, Limavady – Proposal of application notice is acceptable – 31.03.2017 LA01/2016/0783/PAD – Shared Education facilities - Limavady High School and St Mary’s High School, Limavady – PAD Concluded – 08.02.2017 LA01/2015/0394/PAD – Shared education facilities – Limavady High School and St Mary’s High School, Limavady – PAD Concluded – 11.12.2015 B/2012/0010/F - Creation of a new 8m x 2.4m Vehicular gate to the car park, to enable a one way traffic system into the school through the existing gates and exiting through the new gates to improve pupil safety - Rear entrance to Limavady High School, Irish Green Street, Limavady, Leading onto Connell Street, directly opposite 88 Connell Street. Permission Granted - 27/09/2012 B/2011/0127/F - Stand alone technology block located in the grass area to front of existing school with connecting link. Limavady High School, Irish Green Street, Limavady - Permission Granted - 04/11/2011 4 THE APPLICATION 4.1 Full Planning Permission is sought for “Front and side extensions to both schools and associated site works including upgrading the existing car parking provision and replacement front walls/gates to Irish Green Street. Vehicular and pedestrian entrances from Irish Green Street will be retained, and a new shared pedestrian entrance linking both school sites will be provided either side of the existing Blackburn Path (which currently divides the school sites). 191127 Page 5 of 25 5 PUBLICITY & CONSULTATIONS 5.1 External All neighbours identified for notification within the terms of the legislation where notified on 10th May 2018 and 13th February 2019. The application was advertised on 16th May 2018. 5.2 Internal Environmental Health Department: No objections DFI Rivers: No objections Shared Environmental Services: No objections DAERA – Drainage and Water: No objections. DAERA – Natural Environment Division: No objections DAERA – Land, Soil and Air: No objections Historic Environment Division – Historic Buildings: No objections Historic Environment Division – Historic Monuments: No objections NI Water: No objections Loughs Agency: No objections DFI Roads: No objections Proposal of Application Notice 5.3 The proposal falls within the Major category of development and as such the applicant entered into pre-application community consultation including the submission of a Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) under application LA01/2017/0368/PAN. The applicant organised and facilitated a public event, with appropriate community notification and advertisement. The applicant submitted a pre- application community consultation report with the application and there were no written public comments from members of the public in reference to the proposed development. 191127 Page 6 of 25 5.4 The applicant advertised a pre-application public information event for the application by placing an advertisement in the Limavady Chronicle and Northern Constitution which where published week commencing 3rd April 2017. The applicant also put an invitation in the Shared Education Newsletter which was distributed by Royal Mail to 9000 properties, sent text messages to all parents of pupils and posted on the schools facebook page.
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