Table S1. mpkCCD Cell Transcriptomes. Correlati on Ori. Ratio Coefficie Gene Symbol Gene Title GeneID Clone 11 Clone Clone 2 (11/2) nt Copg coatomer protein complex, subunit gamma 54161 1.99 1.81 2.48 0.80 -0.49 ns Atp6v0d1 ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal V0 subunit D1 11972 3.37 2.87 3.00 1.12 0.74 ns Golga7 golgi autoantigen, golgin subfamily a, 7 57437 3.03 3.40 3.58 0.84 -0.34 ns Psph phosphoserine phosphatase 100678 0.38 0.66 0.64 0.59 -0.61 ns Trappc4 trafficking protein particle complex 4 60409 1.17 1.12 1.08 1.08 0.64 ns Dpm2 dolichol-phosphate (beta-D) mannosyltransferase 2 13481 0.74 0.87 0.81 0.91 -0.31 ns Psmb5 proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, beta type 5 19173 2.92 3.00 2.92 0.99 0.32 ns Dhrs1 dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) member 1 52585 0.74 0.68 0.88 0.83 -0.18 ns Ppm1a protein phosphatase 1A, magnesium dependent, alpha isoform 19042 2.43 2.60 2.96 0.82 -0.53 ns Psenen presenilin enhancer 2 homolog (C. elegans) 66340 2.52 2.88 3.80 0.66 -0.77 ns Anapc1 anaphase promoting complex subunit 1 17222 1.16 1.33 1.61 0.72 -0.33 ns Mrpl43 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L43 94067 2.15 2.15 1.84 1.16 0.91 * Nmt1 N-myristoyltransferase 1 18107 3.21 2.71 3.36 0.95 0.31 ns Atg5 autophagy-related 5 (yeast) 11793 0.70 0.73 0.66 1.05 -0.23 ns Mtif2 mitochondrial translational initiation factor 2 76784 1.16 1.29 1.19 0.97 -0.36 ns Psap prosaposin 19156 8.07 7.25 8.37 0.96 0.02 ns Ube2g1 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2G 1 (UBC7 homolog, C. elegans) 67128 4.02 3.60 3.88 1.03 -0.22 ns Zkscan3 zinc finger with KRAB and SCAN domains 3 72739 0.88 0.86 0.92 0.96 0.22 ns Mrpl27 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L27 94064 1.88 1.59 2.05 0.91 -0.22 ns Dlg1 discs, large homolog 1 (Drosophila) 13383 4.74 4.06 3.63 1.30 0.52 ns Canx calnexin 12330 8.75 8.46 8.92 0.98 -0.63 ns Psma1 proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, alpha type 1 26440 3.18 3.02 4.04 0.78 -0.67 ns Sar1a SAR1 gene homolog A (S. cerevisiae) 20224 2.69 2.17 1.88 1.43 0.88 * Gps1 G protein pathway suppressor 1 209318 3.26 2.83 3.10 1.05 0.47 ns Ctbp1 C-terminal binding protein 1 13016 3.99 4.83 5.02 0.79 -0.69 ns Huwe1 HECT, UBA and WWE domain containing 1 59026 2.05 2.28 3.13 0.65 -0.18 ns Cdv3 carnitine deficiency-associated gene expressed in ventricle 3 321022 4.01 3.89 3.12 1.28 0.84 * Copa coatomer protein complex subunit alpha 12847 3.95 3.57 3.27 1.20 0.80 ns Anapc2 anaphase promoting complex subunit 2 99152 2.20 2.00 1.61 1.36 0.77 ns Cox18 COX18 cytochrome c oxidase assembly homolog (S. cerevisiae) 231430 0.76 0.82 1.07 0.71 -0.82 * Arfgef1 ADP-ribosylation factor guanine nucleotide-exchange factor 1(brefeldin A- 211673 6.19 5.53 4.52 1.36 0.15 ns inhibited) Zranb1 zinc finger, RAN-binding domain containing 1 360216 0.62 0.59 0.66 0.94 -0.28 ns Ddx24 DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 24 27225 1.06 0.89 0.98 1.07 0.48 ns Tmem129 transmembrane protein 129 68366 0.38 0.53 0.61 0.61 -0.94 ** Rps27 ribosomal protein S27 57294 21.87 20.97 15.03 1.45 0.71 ns Sap30l SAP30-like 50724 1.13 1.20 1.77 0.64 -0.54 ns Mad2l1bp MAD2L1 binding protein 66591 0.76 0.75 0.52 1.46 0.92 ** Vta1 Vps20-associated 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae) 66201 1.72 1.50 1.69 1.01 -0.30 ns Eif5 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5 217869 7.61 7.15 7.25 1.04 0.19 ns Rrn3 RRN3 RNA polymerase I transcription factor homolog (yeast) 106298 0.69 0.72 0.94 0.73 -0.92 * Apoa1bp apolipoprotein A-I binding protein 246703 3.97 4.27 3.45 1.14 0.40 ns Pdpk1 3-phosphoinositide dependent protein kinase-1 18607 2.48 2.14 1.53 1.62 0.92 ** 5730453I16Rik RIKEN cDNA 5730453I16 gene 269061 2.48 2.62 2.08 1.19 0.78 ns Bat5 HLA-B associated transcript 5 193742 1.01 0.75 0.54 1.86 0.92 ** Rab7 RAB7, member RAS oncogene family 19349 4.25 4.78 4.91 0.86 -0.46 ns Ddb1 damage specific DNA binding protein 1 13194 5.39 5.93 4.75 1.13 0.72 ns Txndc12 thioredoxin domain containing 12 (endoplasmic reticulum) 66073 1.53 1.59 1.93 0.79 -0.41 ns Psmc5 protease (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, ATPase 5 19184 2.80 2.42 2.30 1.21 0.70 ns Tmem165 transmembrane protein 165 21982 3.13 3.10 3.66 0.85 -0.84 * Aup1 ancient ubiquitous protein 11993 1.06 1.07 1.00 1.05 -0.08 ns Hdac5 histone deacetylase 5 15184 0.62 0.56 0.95 0.65 -0.24 ns H2-Ke2 H2-K region expressed gene 2 14976 2.51 2.55 1.94 1.28 0.87 * Dscr3 Down syndrome critical region gene 3 13185 1.27 1.12 1.46 0.87 -0.37 ns Cic capicua homolog (Drosophila) 71722 0.70 0.82 1.00 0.69 -0.71 ns Riok3 RIO kinase 3 (yeast) 66878 1.35 1.33 1.45 0.93 0.29 ns Dctn5 dynactin 5 59288 0.91 0.86 1.13 0.80 -0.71 ns Rragc Ras-related GTP binding C 54170 1.56 1.52 1.48 1.05 -0.22 ns Tbl3 transducin (beta)-like 3 213773 0.62 0.70 0.51 1.21 0.72 ns Hp1bp3 heterochromatin protein 1, binding protein 3 15441 2.20 2.25 2.56 0.86 -0.29 ns BC031181 cDNA sequence BC031181 407819 1.49 1.70 1.66 0.89 -0.02 ns Polr2f polymerase (RNA) II (DNA directed) polypeptide F 69833 2.21 2.45 2.86 0.77 -0.48 ns Gbf1 golgi-specific brefeldin A-resistance factor 1 107338 0.89 0.90 0.76 1.17 0.18 ns Fryl furry homolog-like (Drosophila) 72313 1.28 1.07 1.19 1.07 -0.04 ns Atox1 ATX1 (antioxidant protein 1) homolog 1 (yeast) 11927 1.44 1.66 2.33 0.61 -0.62 ns 2510006D16Rik RIKEN cDNA 2510006D16 gene 76799 1.55 1.57 1.58 0.97 0.25 ns Zc3h11a zinc finger CCCH type containing 11A 70579 6.72 6.04 6.02 1.11 0.83 * Ube2r2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2R 2 67615 1.62 1.50 1.57 1.03 0.02 ns Itch itchy, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 16396 1.93 1.89 2.32 0.83 -0.39 ns Ncl nucleolin 17975 9.80 11.07 7.21 1.35 0.63 ns Aldh3a2 aldehyde dehydrogenase family 3, subfamily A2 11671 0.41 0.36 0.47 0.87 -0.26 ns Actg1 actin, gamma, cytoplasmic 1 11465 25.73 24.15 21.65 1.18 0.72 ns LOC672381 672381 21.93 20.28 18.54 1.18 0.96 ** LOC675440 675440 21.93 20.28 18.54 1.18 0.96 ** Sumo2 170930 21.93 20.28 18.54 1.18 0.96 ** Vps35 vacuolar protein sorting 35 65114 6.87 6.05 6.64 1.03 0.45 ns Cct8 chaperonin subunit 8 (theta) 12469 4.12 3.97 4.91 0.84 -0.77 ns Ganab alpha glucosidase 2 alpha neutral subunit 14376 1.97 2.24 2.10 0.93 -0.67 ns Ublcp1 ubiquitin-like domain containing CTD phosphatase 1 79560 1.00 1.11 1.19 0.84 -0.40 ns Rnf34 ring finger protein 34 80751 0.79 0.87 0.72 1.10 0.01 ns Rbck1 RanBP-type and C3HC4-type zinc finger containing 1 24105 1.11 1.10 1.24 0.90 -0.50 ns Pnpo pyridoxine 5'-phosphate oxidase 103711 0.39 0.40 0.41 0.93 -0.44 ns Dazap2 DAZ associated protein 2 23994 7.50 7.47 8.84 0.84 -0.76 ns Wbp11 WW domain binding protein 11 60321 1.67 1.73 2.04 0.81 -0.85 * Slc16a1 solute carrier family 16 (monocarboxylic acid transporters), member 1 20501 6.17 6.01 4.84 1.27 0.26 ns Cx3cl1 chemokine (C-X3-C motif) ligand 1 20312 0.57 0.52 0.63 0.91 -0.58 ns Plat plasminogen activator, tissue 18791 0.08 0.15 0.52 0.16 -0.89 * Uhrf1 ubiquitin-like, containing PHD and RING finger domains, 1 18140 5.40 5.35 4.14 1.30 0.88 * Atp6v1b2 ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal V1 subunit B2 11966 1.52 1.47 1.43 1.06 0.39 ns Cct7 chaperonin subunit 7 (eta) 12468 5.26 6.19 6.55 0.80 -0.15 ns Anxa6 annexin A6 11749 1.37 1.29 1.51 0.91 0.30 ns Nptn neuroplastin 20320 4.51 3.53 3.51 1.28 0.83 * Scd2 stearoyl-Coenzyme A desaturase 2 20250 20.29 18.95 15.63 1.29 0.39 ns Atp6v1h ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal V1 subunit H 108664 1.30 1.41 1.28 1.01 -0.42 ns Lbr lamin B receptor 98386 3.08 3.89 3.39 0.91 0.30 ns Orc5l origin recognition complex, subunit 5-like (S.
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