Culture&Heritage Volume 4 | Number 1 | Winter 2018 News Update The College of New Jersey Art Gallery: CALENDAR OF EVENTS Check out the many things "Making Innovation: Artists, Engineers, to see and do in Mercer and the Sarnoff Collection" County. Pages 4-6 Opening February 7, 2018, a new exhibition Making Innovation will feature intriguing in the TCNJ Art Gallery will bring together historical artifacts - from computer chips COUNTY EXECUTIVE contemporary art and the history of 20th to vacuum tubes -- as well as artworks from century broadcast and digital technology. the Sarnoff Collection including works by A letter from Mercer "Making Innovation: Artists, Engineers, & Clarence Holbrook Carter, Philip J. Cianci, County Executive Brian the Sarnoff Collection," will explore the na- S. Hammer, Pietro Montana, and Vladimir M. Hughes. ture of corporate culture and the culture of Zworykin. invention that revolutionized modern tech- Page 3 Pittsburgh-based printmaker and installa- nology. The exhibition will feature high- tion artist Imin Yeh served as the Sarnoff’s lights from the Sarnoff Collection, and the MERCER'S HISTORY first artist-in-residence. Yeh spent several artwork of contemporary artists Imin Yeh days exploring the Collection with curator and Sandra Erbacher. Making Innovation Learn about local people Florencia Pierri, exploring the Collection's traces the impact of technology and labor and places. holdings of computer games, RCA publica- that transformed the world and continues Page 7 tions, and electronic prototypes and hand- to influence contemporary life. made models. As a printmaker, Yeh is fas- OPPORTUNITIES The Sarnoff Collection at TCNJ houses a cinated with the history of technological small, but significant group of artifacts innovation and the creative implications of For artists, historians, and connected to the history of communica- invention in the arts and sciences. Yeh was related organizations. tion and electronics in the 20th century. particularly struck by the prototype for the Page 6 first blue LED, which led to the creation of an installa- tion for the exhibition that features more than 50 paper replicas of that original LED. Through her painstakingly crafted and detail-oriented paper reproductions, Yeh draws attention to the invis- ible labor behind objects. Sandra Erbacher uses ob- jects and materials typically associated with institutional spaces and offices to mount a sly, often humorous cri- tique of corporate bureau- cracy. Erbacher transforms familiar aspects of office life -- the floor plans, texts, and objects designed to organize human activity and max- Clarence Holbrook Carter, David Sarnoff Research Center, 1967. Oil on canvas. The David Sarnoff Collection. Continued Page 3 and 7 pm. The 3 pm concert need a desire to play, to be Youth Orchestra of Central features the String Prepara- privately taught, and they tory Orchestra, the Pro Arte must remain a member of Jersey Celebrates 40 Years! Orchestra, and the Wind their school orchestra or The Youth Orchestra of Cen- to the public. This event will Symphony. The 7 pm con- band. The next audition will tral Jersey is celebrating its take place at 7pm and will be cert features the Saxophone be held in June. The YOCJ is 40th anniversary this year. hosted by the West Windsor Choir, the Symphonic Or- an award-winning, critically The organization has a rich Plainsboro School District chestra, as well as a perfor- acclaimed organization that history of cultivating many (location TBD). Drucker, mance from Senior Concer- has performed throughout forms of music making with who retired in 2009, spent to Competition winner. the eastern United States, the talented youth of our 60 years with the New York Canada, Germany, Austria, YOCJ aims to provide oppor- and the Czech Republic. surrounding communities. Philharmonic, and will re- tunities for talented young Unique to YOCJ are its cham- Accomplished YOCJ alumni turn to the stage on January musicians in central New ber groups for flute, saxo- include Rex Surany, the new 21 to play with YOCJ at their Jersey to participate in mu- phone, brass, woodwinds Principal Bass of the Metro- winter concert, which will sical performances at a level and percussion that offer politan Opera Orchestra in be held at Kendall Hall at beyond that which is tradi- an unparalleled opportuni- New York City. The College of New Jersey, 3 tionally offered by school ty for small ensembles that and 7 pm. The 40th Anniversary Re- bands and orchestras. The feature these instruments in cital and celebration will The YOCJ's spring concert organization accepts stu- performance. For more in- be held on March 25, 3 pm will be held at West Wind- dents from upper grade formation about audtions, at the Princeton Meadow sor-Plainsboro High School school through high school, concerts, and masterclasses Church, 545 Meadow Road North on May 20, at 3 pm through audition. Students visit YOCJ.org. in West Windsor. This event, open to the public, will fea- ture alumni, conductors and current students. Prior to the recital, on March 13 the legendary retired New York Philharmonic for- mer Principal Clarinetist Stanley Drucker will hold a master class for the YOCJ student players, an event which is also free and open Fiesta del Día de Los Reyes Magos: A Three Kings Day Celebration at Arts Council of Princeton is the last day of the Christ- Cake). Learn about Spanish with a mission of Building mas season and is celebrat- culture and end the holiday Community through the ed throughout the world by season in celebration! The Arts. Housed in the land- several different cultures. suggested donation is $10. mark Paul Robeson Center In many Spanish speaking for the Arts, designed by ar- The Paul Robeson Center countries, children leave chitect Michael Graves, the for the Arts is located at 102 their shoes out the night ACP presents a wide range Witherspoon Street, Princ- before Fiesta del Día de Los of programs including exhi- eton. Parking is available Reyes Magos, ready to be bitions, performances, free in the Spring and Hulfish filled with presents. community cultural events, Lisa Botalico Fiesta Flamenca Street Garages and at me- and studio-based classes This celebration will be held tered parking along Wither- and workshops in a wide Join the Arts Council of at the Paul Robeson Center spoon Street and Paul Robe- range of media. For more Princeton for a special, fami- for the Arts, Princeton and son Place. ly-friendly cultural event on will feature a live Flamen- information please call (609) Saturday, January 6 at 3 pm. co dance performance led The Arts Council of Princ- 924-8777 or visit artscouncil- Fiesta del Día de Los Reyes by Lisa Botalico and have eton, founded in 1967, is ofprinceton.org Magos, or Three Kings Day, Rosca de Reyes (Three Kings a non-profit organization - 2 - TCNJ Exhibit Sarnoff Dear Friends, Collection (continued) Winter is upon us, and here in Mercer County we have an exciting array of cultural experiences to carry us through the season. imize efficiency -- in ways In this edition of our Culture & Heritage newsletter, you’ll find a rich as- that threaten to disrupt the sortment of cultural events, displays, tours and crafts happening across institutional order. the County this winter. Among them are a new exhibition at The College of On Wednesday, February New Jersey Art Gallery that combines contemporary art and the history of 7, 2018, there will be an 20th century broadcast and digital technology; a recital celebrating the 40th Opening Day Panel Discus- anniversary of the Youth Orchestra of Central Jersey; ice sculpture demon- sion featuring Imin Yeh and strations at Grounds for Sculpture in Hamilton; and a special presentation at Florencia Pierri from 4-5 the Old Barracks Museum in Trenton that highlights the numerous contribu- pm. Immediately follow- tions made by African American soldiers throughout American history. ing the Discussion will be the Opening Reception in Best wishes for a wonderful holiday season and for a winter filled with new the gallery from 5-7 pm. All experiences. events are free and open to the public. Sincerely, For updates about the ex- hibition, follow TCNJ Art Gallery on Instagram @tcn- jartgallery, Twitter @TCNJ_ Brian M. Hughes ArtGallery, like the Face- County Executive book page TCNJ Art Gallery, and visit the website tcnjart- gallery.tcnj.edu/. Don't Miss the Ice Sculpture Demonstrations at the Grounds For Sculpture! Plan your visit to the Grounds for Sculpture for Sunday, January 21 and see the chips fall where they may as master carvers turn huge blocks of ice into art. Using power saws, chisels, brawn, and grit, this tal- ented group of artists will amaze you with what and how they create! The carving begins at 11 am and is free with park ad- mission. Dress warmly; all demonstrations take place outdoors. For more information or to get tickets call (609) 586-0616 or visit groundsforsculp- ture.org org. Last year's Ice Sculpting at the Grounds For Sculpture. - 3 - Calendar of Events 1 Auditions dren's Chorus, 6pm. For more information visit princetonuni- ments to match. Sing old favor- information visit trentonchil- versityconcerts.org ites and learn new ones. No January 10 & 11, Pegasus drenchorus.org registration is required. For Theatre, Casting Call for Ba- February 24, Trenton Chil- February 8, Bach & Beyond dren's Chorus Black History more information visit mcl.org kersfield Mist, 7 - 10pm.West or call (609) 989-6922. Windsor Arts Center, 952 Alex- (Jennifer Koh, violin), 6pm & Month Celebration, 11am. Lo- ander Rd, Princeton Junction. 9pm. Princeton University cated at Christ Temple Minis- Dance To schedule your appointment Concerts. Richardson Audito- tries. For more information vis- or for more information visit rium in Alexander Hall, Princ- it trentonchildrenchorus.org Every Tuesday night, Interna- eton University.
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