MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KERALA (Abstract) Ph.D. Programme in Commerce - 2018 Admission - Registration for research - Granted - Orders issued. ACADEMIC A X SECTION U.O. No. 8696120181 AXI 1 I Academic Dated, Priyadarsini Hills, 15.12.2018 Read : (1 ) Regutations for research teading to the award of the degree of Doctor of phitosoph y, 2016. (2) U. O. No. 448/AX/3/2017lAcademic dated 24.01.2017. (3) U. O. No. 7038/2018/AX/Gen/Academic dated 04.09.2018. (4) U. O. No. 8210/2018/AX/2/Academic 21.11.2018. (5) Minutes of the DoctoralCommittee meeting hetd on 76.11.2018 and 27.11.2018. ORDER Sanction has been accorded by the Hon'bte Vice-Chancettor, vide paper read as (3) above, to the candidates who were recommended by the respective Doctoral Committees being granted registration for research. As such, the foltowing candidates, who were recommended by the Doctoral Committee in Commerce, vide paper read as (5) above, are granted registration teading to the award of ph.D. in Commerce, under the Facutty of Commerce. Regn. Name and address of the Name of the No. & Discipline Name of the Naturtture research scholar supervising Titte of research work Year teacher research centre of regn.reqr ANISH MON K. A" Kariyit (H), Patampra P. O, Pavanatma CONSUMER 272/2018 Commerce Dr. Kanjirappatly, B.Sindhu CoItege, PROTECTION AMONG Part ti Murickassery THE Kottayam District. TRIBALS IN KERALA PrN-686518 1 IMPACT OF REJITHA V. K" GOVERNMENT Thattet (H), Pavanatma Dr. MEASURES FOR IHE 273/2018 Manarcadu P. O, Commerce Cottege, REVITALIZATION B. Sindhu OF Futt tim Kottayam District. Murickassery HANDLOOM INDUSTRY PrN - 686019 IN CO.OPERATIVE SECTOR IN KERALA SHILDA THOMAS ROLE OF PROMOTIONAL Katarithara (H), Pavanatma AGENCIES Dr. IN THE 274t2018 Puthenvetikkara P. O, Commerce Cottege, INDUSTRIAL Part B. Sindhu ti Ernakutam District. Murickassery DEVELOPMENT OF PrN - 683594 KERALA SRUTHY ANILKUMAR Sasthamkunnet (H0), Pavanatma WORKING OF Vadakara P. O, Dr. 275/2018 Commerce Cottege, AKSHAYACENTRES IN Fu[[ timt B. Sindhu Thatayotaparambu, Murickassery KERALA Kottayam District. PrN - 686605 SAJAN N. THOMAS ENTREPRENEURIAL Nettikkunnet (H), COMPETENCIES AND Dr. Thoppippata P. O, Marian Cottege, BUSINESS 276/2018 Commerce Thomas K. V. Part time Swaraj, Kuttikanam. PERFORMANCE - A ldukki District. S:IUDY OF HOMESTAY OWNERS IN KERALA PrN - 685531 RANJU R. INFLUENCE OF H. No. 121206, GOVERNMENT KaithavatappiI Veedu, Dr. The Cochin MEASURES ON THE M. Geetha Cottege, Fut[ timi' 277 t2018 Koovappadam, Commerce PROMOTION OF Mattanchery P. O, Kochi HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY Ernakutam District. IN KERALA PrN - 682002 RENUKA K. K. BUYING BEHAVIOUR OF Konnanath (H), JUNK FOODS IN KERALA Dr. The Cochin Perumthiruthi, - A STUDY FROM THE 278/2018 Commerce M. Geetha Cottege, FutI timt Pazhanji, PERSPECTIVE OF Kochi YOUTH, PARENTS AND Thrissur District. MEDICAL EXPERTS PrN - 680542 VISHNU P. M. INFLUENCE OF Ayyanattu (H), Dr. The Cochin ORGANISATIONAL KoppanaliI Road, JUSTICE ON THE 279t7018 Commerce M. Geetha College, Fult timt Kumbatam P. O, PERFORMANCE OF Kochi Ernakutam District. EMPLOYEES IN THE IT SECTOR IN KERALA PrN - 682506 A STUDY ON THE ANJANA G" NAIR PERFORMANCE Cheruveti[ (H), Dr. Cathoticate EVALUATION OF 280t2018 Cheranettoor P. O, Commerce P. S. Ajith Cottege, INTEGRATED CHILD FuI tin,t Ernakutam District. Pathanamthitta DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (ICDS) PtN - 682034 PROGRAMME IN KERALA SATEESH CHANDRAN S. WORK LIFE BALANCE Sree Bhavan, Cathoiicate AMONG EMPLOYEES IN Dr. 281 t2018 Athirampuzha P. O, Commerce Cottege, PRIVATE SECTOR Fut[ timc' P. S. Ajith Kottayam District. Pathanamthitta INSURANCE COMPANIES IN KERALA PrN - 686562 BINIMOL MATHEW Kurichiyit Kizhakkayit (H), ROLE OF ENTREPRENEURSH I P Padimon P. O, Dr. CMS Cottege, 282/2018 Commerce AMONG ACRARIAN Part timc Jaya Jacob M. Kottayam Keezhvaipur, DEVELOPMENT OF Pathanamthitta District. KERALA PrN-689587 2 t/ JIKKU JAMES AN EMPIRICAL Azhakathu Chirayit (H), STUDY ON TECHNOLOGY Puttupuram P.O, Dr. 283/2018 CMS Coltege, STARTUPS WITH Commerce Part ti Ranni, Jaya Jacob M. Kottayam SPECIAL REFERENCE TO Pathanamthitta District. KERALA STARTUP PrN - 689674 ECOSYSTEM ANJU ANN ABRAHAM Kuthathayit (H), Dr. CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR Cathoticate Anickadu P. O, Kuriakose V. AND MARKETING 284/2018 Commerce Cottege, POTENTIAL Kayoori, Kocheril OF Fu[[ tim.- Kottayam District. Pathanamthitta ORGANIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES IN KERALA PrN - 686503 ANJU MARIA THOMAS A STUDY ON Kuthathayit (H), Dr. Cathoticate EMOTIONAL RESPONSES Anickadu P. O, 285/2018 Kuriakose V. OF CONSUMERS Commerce CoItege, Futt time Kayoori, KocheriI TOWARDS SELECTED Pathanamthitta Kottayam District. BRANDED PRODUCTS IN PrN - 686503 KERALA DIYA USMAN ROLE OF WOMEN Puthenpeedikayit (H), Dr. MANAGERS IN Attickat, Cathoticate 286t2018 Kuriakose V. ORGANISATIONAL AND Commerce Cottege, Fu[[ timc PonkunnamP. O, Kocheril. FAMILY DECISION Pathanamthitta Kottayam District. MAKING_ASTUDYON PrN - 686506 IT SECTOR IN KERALA SWATHY C. S. Vishnu Bhavan, FOREIGN DIRECT St. Berchman's Kudavechoor P. O, Dr. INVESTMENT IN RETAIL 287 t2018 Commerce Cottege, Vaikom, Antony Thomas SECTOR IN KERALA - Futt tinr<: Kottayam District. Changanassery CHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS PrN - 686144 ANU SAVIO Kavatavazhiyi[ (H), PRODUCTION AND Dr. Rajamudy P. O, St. Berchman's MARKETING OF COOL 288/2018 Commerce SanthimoI Upputhode, Cottege, SEASON FRUITS AND Part tin;c M. C. ldukki District. Changanassery VEGETABLES I IDUKKI DISTRICT PtN - 685604 OPERATIONAL COMPETENCY, JAMES JOSEPI-.I MOTIVATION AND Atappattu Medayit (H), Dr" St" Berchman's MORALE OF EMPLOYEES 289/2018 Kuravitangad P" O, Commerce Santhimol. Cottege, IN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE Part tinrc Kottayam District. M. C. Changanassery SECTOR BANKS IN PtN - 686633 KERALA-APRE-POST ANALYSIS OF GLOBALA FINANCIAL CRISIS 3 K..S. JWALINI Parakuzhi (H), ROLE OF GOVERNMENT Dr. Desom P.O, 5t. Berchman's AGENCIES IN WASTE 290t2018 Commerce Santhimol Aluva, Cottege, M,ANAGEMET OF URBAN Full timc M. C. HOUSEHOLDS IN Ernakulam District. Changanassery KERALA l PrN - 683102 . I FARZANA O. I. IMPACT OF CHANGING Otakkodu (H), 50cro-EcoNoMrc The H. No.13/142, Cochin ENVIRONMENT AND 291 t2018 Commerce Dr. Anu L. Cotlege, TECHNOLOGICAL FutI tirnc Panayappitty P. O, INNOVATION ON SMART Ernakutam District. Kochi PHONE INDUSTRY IN -682002 PrN KERALA SREETHAMOL P. 5. SuniI Bhavan, ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN The Cochin Poochakka[ P. O, FILM INDUSTRY IN 292t2018 Commerce Dr. Anu L. Coltege, KERALA - Cherthata, Futttime Kochi OPPORTUNITIES AND Atappuzha District. CHALLENGES PrN - 688526 SHAJI THOMAS TOTAL QUALITY Kamukummattathit (H), MANAGEMENT. A Pavanatma Perinchankutyy P.O, Dr. COMPARATIVE STUDY 293t2018 Commerce Cottege, AMONG SELECTED Part Murickassery, Johnson V. time HIGHER EDUCATION ldukki District. Murickassery INSTITUTIONS IN - PrN 685604 KERALA I I SUNOY M. S. Maruthukunne[ (H), Pavanatma Bethel P. o, Dr. GREEN MARKETING IN 294/2018 Commerce Cottege, THE MSMEs SECTOR lN Metechinnar, Johnson V. Part timi: KERALA ldukki District. Murickassery PrN -685514 ELIZABETH JOSEPH Etanjimattom (H), IMPACT OF Sacred Heart Kappadu P. O, Dr. IMPLEMENTATION OF 295/2018 Commerce Cottege, GST-ASTUDYFROM Fut[ Kanjirappatty, Joseph George timc THE PERSPECTIVE OF Kottayam District" Thevara STAKEHOLDERS PrN ,686508 I KRISHNA NAMBIAR i PSYCHOLOGICAL BIASES ManayitVatappit (H), AND INDIFFERENCES IN Atakkad, I The Cochin FINANCIAL DECISION Dr. l 296t2018 Kankol P. O, Commerce Cottege, MAKING OF HEALTH Part tinrr : Vineeth K. M. Payyannur, Kochi INSURANCE AMONG Kannur District. HOUSEHOLDS IN KERALA l PrN - 670337 l l 4 NEENA MERINA A STUDY ON 1 / 1756, SOCIO-ECONOMIC (H), The Cochin Poopadi Dr. IMPACT OF KOCHI Commerce Cottege, Par[ tir. 297 t2018 Chirattapatam, Vineeth K. M. MUZIRIS BIENNALE - A Fort Kochi, Kochi STAKEHOLDER Ernakutam District. PERSPECTIVE PrN - 682001 UNETHICAL BEHAVIOUR HYMA M. AND EMPLOYEE (H), Dr. Padinjarekuttu K. G. Cottege, SILENCE AT Gangadathan Fu[[ time 798/2018 Kumaranattor P. O, Commerce Pampady WORKPLACE: A STUDY Kottayam District. Nair D. ON IT INDUSTRY IN PtN -686016 KERALA TALENT MANAGEMENT LIZA ALEX PRACTICES AND (H), Dr. Kadiyamkutty K. G. Cottege, EMPLOYEE Commerce Gangadathan Part tinr.' 299/2018 Kadaptamattom P. O, Pampady ENGAGEMENT IN NEW Kottayam District. Nair D. GENERATION BANKS IN PtN - 686571 KERALA AN OCTAPACE P. ROHINIKRISHNA PROFILING APPROACH Puthuparambi[ (H), Dr. TO ORGANIZATIONAL Putickatkavata P. O, K. G. Cottege, Commerce Gangadathan CULTURE AND ITS Fu[t timr' 300/201 8 Pampady Vazhoor, Nair D. IMPACT ON EMPLOYEE Kottaym District. ENGAGEMENT OF IT PtN - 686515 INDUSTRY IN KERALA INFLUENCE OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTINC JOMOL P. J. STANDARDS ON THE Thoppit (H), Dr. St. Berchman's Patathinkat FINANCIAL Anitkumar Cottege, Futt timc' 301 /201 8 PakkiI P. O, Commerce PERFORMANCE OF Kottayam District. Changanassery SELECTED INDIAN PrN - 686012 COMPANIES - FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF STAKEHOLDERS RENr MATHEW i Kannakeril (H), A STUDY ON STRESS I Dr. St. Berchman's Puram AMONG BENEFECIARIES S. P. O, Anitkumar Cottege, Part timc 302/2018 I oo*rur." OF HIGHER EDUCATION Kurichy, Changanassery I LOAN IN KERALA Kottayam District" - I PtN 686532 I PERSONAL FINANCIAL RESHMA PTLLAIS. (H), i PLANNING AND Sooryakanthi I Dr" St. Berchman's FREEDOM AMONG Panayamcherry, WORKING WOMEN - A Part tinti,' 303/201 8 I aorn.',"r." Anitkumar Cottege, Anchal P. O, COMPARATIVE STUDY I Changanassery Kottam District. BETWEEN KERALA AND I - TAMILNADU PrN 691306 I 5 the 1't January of 2019 (if not a hotiday). be deemed to be from the date of commencement of the Course Work in the centre. date of registration witl be the date of joining the centre after obtaining the registration order. Standards and Procedure for Award of M.Phit./Ph.D. Degrees) Regutations, 2016. Orders are issued accordingty. sdi - Baiju N. Assistant Registrar lV (Acad) For Registrar Copy to : 1. The research scholars concerned 2. The research supervising teachers concerned 3. The heads of the institutions concerned 4. The Director of Research 5. EB XIV Section 6. JR ll (Admn)/DR I (Acad)/AR lV (Acad) 7 " Content Management Cett (to uptoad in the website) B. Records Section 9 " Stock Fite 10. Fite No. Ac AX/1 IDC-Z/Com/JRF/z018 Forwarded/By Order Section Officer 6.

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