-? 1t AFRICANPROGRAMMEFoR ONCHOCERCIASISCONTROLI NATIOI\AL ONCHOCERCIASIS CONTROL PROGRAMME, NIGERTA BAUCHI STATE CDTI PROJECT SECOND YEAR TECHNICAL REPORT (MARCH 2001 TO FEBRUARY 2002) ABDULKAzuM D. DANJEBU PROJECT COORDINATOR For Aciion To: T&ls , CE.V coo!60 $ rrr Bfa A'a . " b"'o*'* I''' For !, rf*;,r.trc,iion To, &trL {-& 23Ao.,rzooz w'ffou I TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 BACKGROUND 3 IMPLEMENTATION OF CDTI YEAR 2 4TRAININGoFDIFFERENTLEVELSoFSTAFFINVoLVEDIN CDTI 5 TRAINING OBJECTIVES/ACHIEVEMENT 6 TRAINING IMPROVEMENT 7 MOBILIZATION AND EDUCATION OF TARGET COMMLINITIES 8 STATE TREATMENT FIGURES 2OO1 g STRENGTHSAMEAKNESSES OF THE PROJECT 10 COI.]NTERPARTCONTRIBUTIONS BauchiStateislocatedinthenortheastempartofthecountry.Ithasa populationof2,326,444basedonthelgglcensusandismadeup,of20LGAs. population of 609,911 out of which There are 13 CDTI LGAs with an endemic with Ivermectin started in the 517,2ilgare eligible persons. Mass distribution state in 1991 with the assistance of I'JNICEF' state was approved in Proposal for the implementation of GDTI in the in 1991' In 1999 December, 1999. Treatment started with 140 communities undergoing treatment when CDTI was introduced the number of communities rose to 633. their CDDs and most In the year under review 633 communities selected treatment' collected drugs and decided on their method/period of thus achieving a 8 SOCTs, 39 LOCTs and 1300 CDDs have been trained ll}%training achievement for all categories. 200 health facility staff from 13 CDTI LGAs were also trained on the management of adverse reactions' Mobilization was carried out in all 13 Oncho endemic LGAs with the use persons in of posters, radio jingles, and T.v. programme on oncho day.334,685 total sum of 633 endemic communities in the 13 CDTI LGAs were treated. A g28,338Mectizan tablets was used for the treatment' This gives al00% geographical coverage and 54.9Vo therapeutic coverage' LINICEF provided N452, 000.00, LGAs and communities also contributed The N1,300,000.00 and N50,000.00 respectively during the reporting period. released. State Government approved N3, 000,000.00 but nothing has been policy makers in Strengths of the programme include increasing support from the reduce some LGAs and more CDDs are being selected by the communities to workload per CDD. cDDs The weaknesses and constraints facing the project are lack of support for of by some endemic communities are not supporting their CDDs, payment and late community based workers by progammes like guinea wonn eradication' release of funds from APOC. Bauchi state is located in the north east of Nigeria. Kano and Jigawa Kaduna to the states bounded it to the north, to the east Gombe and Yobe states, west and Taraba and Plateau to the south. It has a population of 2,826,444 based on the 1991 census and is made up, of 20 LGAs. Some major rivers transverse the state, and these are River Hadeja, Jama'are, Gongola and Dindima. Most of the Oncho endemic LGAs lie along these rivers. There are 13 CDTI LGAs with an endemic population of 609,911 out of which 517,28g are eligible persons. Mass distribution with Ivermectin started in the state in 1991 with the assistance of LINICEF. Proposal for the implementation of CDTI in the state was approved in December, 1999. Funds were received in March, 2000 and the financial cycle was revised to start in March 2000 to February 2001. Even though the second financial year was supposed to start in March 2001, funds were not received until September,2001. Currently the 13 hyper/lVleso LGAs implementing CDTI are Alkaleri, Ningi, Kirfi, Warji, Dass, T/Balewa, Datazo, Shira, Toro, Zaki, Gamawa, Itas/Gadau and Jama'are. Treatment started with 140 communities in 1991. In 1999 when CDTI was introduced the number of communities undergoing treatment rose to 633. SECTION 2 YEAR TWO TMPLEMENTATION OF CDTI of No. of No. of Fo Of No. I Noof No of No. of rnl LGAs I Comm s. comm Comm s. Comm s. Comms. Comms. I rarget in I I with Paying Which Which Which I Which Comms. Cash/Kind on decided on trained Selected Collected decided Method of CDDs CDDs Drugs method of I Distribution I Treatment I 0 3l 31 83 UJ 83 2A 1 Alkaleri 73 73 31 73 33 73 2 Ningi 73 -78 -zg 28 28 28 28 J WarJi 28 25 28 0 28 25 25 4 Kirfi 28 7l 0 50 IL 7l ) Toro 7l 7l 39 25 39 25 25 B 6 ltas Gadau 39 'z-t 53 53 0 53 g 7 Shira 53 .ir 4 4l 54 0 8 Zaki 54 )4 23 0 z5 LY 23 T 9. Gamawa 23 38 38 0 JU 20 38 10 Darazo 38 38 0 IJ 20 11 Jama'are 38 JU T 30 30 46 t2 T/Balewa 46 46 20 36 0 34 34 36 13 Dass 36 36 442 440 633 U4 Total 633 05J 332 t TRAININGoFDIFFERENTLEVELSoFSTAFFINVOLVED ix corr IMPLEMENTATToN' Health of No. No. of To. of L.G.A. To. of Training No Staff S/N TOT LOCTs CDDs Centre Undertaken trained. Trained Trained Trained r28 15 1 3 1 1 Alkaleri 3 110 t7 ) Ningi I 1 104 15 -Warji 1 5 3, I 114 15 1 5 T. Kirfi 1 18 I 3 r24 5. Toro 1 104 15 1 5 6. Dass 1 83 15 1 J ffia-lewa 1 7. l5 t 3 80 8. larnaare I 1 15 t 3 t02 9. ita;GAAu | 1 15 1 3 r06 10. Zaki t 15 1 3 ll4 11 Shira I t 3 r18 15 t2. Duazo 1 I 3 104 15 13. Gamawa I 39 1300 200 Total 13 13 2.1 TRAINTNG OBJECTIVES/ACHIEVEMENT AC'I'UAL o/, S/N TffiN-NBt, a.NNU^q.r, TRAINING NUMBER ACHEIVEMENT TTRItr. TI\/ES TRAINED 100 8 8 1 SOCT 100 39 39 2 LOCT 200 200 r00 3 T--rerr 1300 100 4 OGGintngtretraining 1300 75 8 6 5 Sm@-mputer training) 80 (inter 100 80 6 @ct coordinators departmental worlcstrgql - 6 2.2 TRAINING IMPROVEMENT Theprojecthavetrainedl300CDDswhichtranslatesintohavingmore trained CDDs in the communities' 3gLoCTsweretrainedfromthe13CDTILGAs(3fromeachLGA).200 reactions' These include on management of adverse Health workers were trained health centers and other health maternities, dispensaries, Health staff in charge of posts.Duringtheworkshopthehealthfacilityinchargeswerealsotrainedon mode of like mode etiology of the disease' various aspect of onchocerciasis measure' transmission, and control AStatetechnicalworkshopwasconductedforHealthprogrammeofficers fromthestateMinistryofHealth,AgricultureandFinance.Theessenceofthe workshopwastoeducateandenlightentheprogrammeofficersononchocerciasis andalsoencouragethemtogivetheirsupporttowardsthecontrolofthediseasein their various dePartments' MOBILIZATION AND EDUCATION OF TARGET COMMUNITIES S/N L.G.A. No. Of No. Of No. Of Advocacy No. of MOH No. Of Comms. Comms. Visits to Staff NGDO staff Mobilized which state/LGA involved in involved in Received H/E Directors of Mobilization the on CDTI Health Mobilization I Alkaleri 83 83 4 4 2 2 Nlngl 73 73 3 4 2 J Warji 28 28 2 4 2 4 Kirfi 28 28 2 4 2 5 Dass 36 36 2 4 2 6 Shira 53 53 2 4 2 7 Z^ki 54 54 2 4 2 8 Gamawa 23 23 3 4 2 9 Darazo 38 38 2 4 2 10 Itas Gadau 39 39 2 4 2 11 Toro 71 7T 2 4 2 t2 Jama'are 38 38 3 4 2 l3 T/Balewa 46 46 2 4 2 Total 633 633 31 4 2 TABLE II siN L.G.As No of Health workers No of policy No of traditional mobilized makers /Religious leaders mobilized. mobilized I Alkaleri l5 4 123 2 Ningi l7 4 tt4 3 Warji l5 4 60 4 Kirfi 15 4 62 5 Toro l8 4 115 6 Dass 15 4 75 7 flBalewa 15 4 102 8 Jama'are 15 4 83 9 Itas/Gadau 15 4 90 10 Zakl 15 4 104 11 Shira 15 4 ll0 t2 Darazo 15 4 80 r3 Gamawa 15 4 70 TOTAL 200 62 I 188 Mobilization was carried out in all the 633 communities and a total of 1188 religious and community leaders were mobilized. Qut come of thp mohili?atio.n . The communities not only selected their CDDs but also tried to fulfill most of the responsibilities expected of them. Although only 84 communities supported their CDDs, the rest of the communities are now willing to support their CDDs in cash or in kind. Mediq usqd for the mqbilization For every programme conducted by the unit is being aired through the State Radio and Television and the National Television Authourity in the State. Moreover a television phone - in programme was conducted on Oncho Day this Year at the State Television (BATV). The mobilization team consists of members of the State Oncho team, the information officer of the State Ministry of Health, representatives of BATV (Bauchi State Television), BRC (Bauchi Radio Cooperation), NTA (Nigeria n Television Authority) and} staff front NOCP ZonalOffice representing IINICEF. The result of the mobilization is encouraging as there is an increase in the level of awareness of the control effort in all the endemic and non endemic communities to the extent that 7 non CDTI/ hypo endemic LGAs are requesting for inclusion into the CDTI progralnme. 10 rl U' IE z l> I lc CI (o @ CD Or 5 o) N lo N I:E (- g U) r + -t N o o o, x E 1 F.l !, o, o !, !, q, 0, x o o(D @ a, o = ;I = o, la !t gL 3 tt o c. ts 3 0, e. l-{ (D o { 0l N o, o 6 Ft oa |. g o, o eo, =. II E) o, o o= o lm rd A) c (D E l= t lm lo o op) l-{ {covzo o () gH= IF o JT- lz o (D l{ F! m= t, s) s, z-{ oa ot (l, (,r @ (D oa 5 OJ 6J cn o, N N N (D ot { 5 @ (rl (o o) @ CD o, (r, a.l C': @ o, I-{{mc) IE ll I VUrO l= ll lm CD (D rrfi=z lz o l(, o 5 5 5 {lN (, (r (., @ N o) ur I-l lo\ (t @ CD Nlo, c, q @ $ 5 I -(o lrrl @ N (o (,l5 (, C'I N o o, CD It, ro N (l'IN N $ @ { or l= stF'lor o) lt an (o (.tlc! tt I 6 @ { o Bl lo - (., m-t lc l6 X EO lv lm lo, o (,t (rt gE 5 5 A (,l J N orlN C') N (.) C'r la X o CD (,l o) rl@ o) N N o @ N o olo) (., o o f, h.r N (oo N N ot lJ (rJ (rl (rr N lct I @ o 6{ (ol5 N (o (o 8 lo o @ NI 5 N @ lr o 69=-l il o bP (, J 6 s (o (c, 5 N o)l{ Or @ + ol Ctt N (/, 5 mr *.lla N C,: (r) o, N N o) N o (no, (o (o N (o (o 5 io N olN t\, o (n @ 6 arr { s N (o lJ $ N q=qEB (., a, N (rt N N N N 5 (rt o) (,r 5 N (rt @ $ N @ (o (,r Ei'6 5 (rr (,r o () @ s E o, o) @ @ or 5 o { @ @ { { { o) { { o) o, o N(D q ol @ (o A o @ (r, ! o s C" @ $ ild ao $ a (l) gr 5 5 { o o) o) 5 ot { { (o o o o N (0 o o Or 5 Bi ot (rr o 5 o o (r) o o o o) o U' (,5 o (,r o o o o { o o o o o e ao e! CD o o o (o @ c! o o o {-{ E9(/, t0 J > o) N (, o, o, (' (n I c1 N (o q,s ro @ @ (o (o (n (., o) (I (r) ((' N (o o) (I @ o a Or (r!@ N (.) (o o or o (,t @ m t o ao (o (n I B (o N 6 o cD I N 6 o EH3 (, (r: (o (,r Or $l 5 &l-,, .D o @ N Or o ct (9 ol{ -lO td FT z.> (,t (^t =\ o o, (.) { (o CD(0 oEl o GO (n o) o o (,l o 5 o 5 ! cn o @ c, o lEElm lz { N N N N N N N N N N N N N rsl ACHIEVEMENT$ New Socrs appointed have been trained at the zonal level thus enhancing their technical and managerial skills.
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