Presentation date: January, 2020 Date of acceptance: March, 2020 Publication date: May, 2020 DIGITAL MUSICAL INSTRUMENT AS A SOCIOCULTURAL PHENOMENON EL INSTRUMENTO MUSICAL DIGITAL COMO FENÓMENO SOCIOCULTURAL Irina B. Gorbunova1 E-mail: [email protected] ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4389-6719 15 1 Natalia N. Petrova E-mail: [email protected] ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7230-0326 1Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia. St. Petersburg. Russian Federation. Suggested citation (APA, seventh edition) Gorbunova, I. B., & Petrova, N. N. (2020). Digital musical instrument as a sociocultural phenomenon. Universidad y Sociedad, 12(3), 109-115. ABSTRACT EThe present study is focused on the cultural conformity of musical computer instruments in the context of relevant forms of socio-cultural functioning of new types of musical creativity. The authors conducted the analysis of pedagogi- cal use of digital musical instruments, namely, synthesizer keyboard, digital button or piano accordion for sociocultural activity. The results of the research were presented in the collections of materials of the annual International Research and Practical Conference “Contemporary Music Education” (St. Petersburg) and collections of articles “Digital Musical Instruments” and “Music Computer Technologies”. The authors insist on the implementation of music computer techno- logy and digital musical instruments for the modernization of music educational process at all stages, i.e., at schools, colleges, and universities. Keywords: Synthesizer keyboard, digital bayan/accordion, digital instruments, music computer technologies, socio- cultural activity, music education. RESUMEN El presente estudio se centra en la conformidad cultural de los instrumentos musicales informáticos en el contexto de formas relevantes de funcionamiento sociocultural de nuevos tipos de creatividad musical. Los autores realizaron el análisis del uso pedagógico de los instrumentos musicales digitales, a saber, el teclado sintetizador, el botón digital o el acordeón de piano para la actividad sociocultural. Los resultados de la investigación se presentaron en las colecciones de materiales de la Conferencia Internacional de Investigación y Práctica anual “Educación Musical Contemporánea” (San Petersburgo) y colecciones de artículos “Instrumentos musicales digitales” y “Tecnologías informáticas musi- cales”. Los autores insisten en la implementación de tecnología informática musical e instrumentos musicales digi- tales para la modernización del proceso educativo musical en todas las etapas, es decir, en las escuelas, colegios y universidades. Palabras clave: Teclado sintetizador, bayan/acordeón digital, instrumentos digitales, tecnologías informáticas de músi- ca, actividad sociocultural, educación musical. UNIVERSIDAD Y SOCIEDAD | Have Scientific of the University of Cienfuegos | ISSN: 2218-3620 Volume 12 | Number 3 | May-July, 2020 109 UNIVERSIDAD Y SOCIEDAD | Revista Científica de la Universidad de Cienfuegos | ISSN: 2218-3620 INTRODUCTION According to the curriculum, for the intermediate and up- per level of the ME, a synthesizer keyboard is taught as Digital age introduces new requirements for technologi- an additional tool. However, there are no clearly defined cal development. The study reveals the problem of the educational standards for EMI mastering. In universi- actualization of “demand” in the digital age. According ties MCT is studied mainly in the framework of “Acoustic to Sadovnichiy (2019), this phenomenon is called singu- Engineering” and “Teacher-musician” specializations. At larity, when “changes in technological and social reality the same time, EMI and MCT are introduced at a large are being accelerated and less predictable” “before our number of All-Russian and international musical contests. eyes…. the very philosophy and even the ideology of edu- cation are being changed: what to teach, why to teach. The most famous are the following: the All-Russian compe- After all, we do not even know what professional knowled- tition of electro acoustic music “DEMO” (St. Petersburg), ge or skills our future students will need. Generation Z is All-Russian contest-forum “CLARINI of the 21st Century” perfectly adapted to the modern technological environ- (St. Petersburg); International competition “Music and ment since childhood… And these are completely new Electronics” (Moscow); International Internet contest challenges in the field of education and career guidance”. “Electronic Keys” (Moscow), etc. (Sadovnichiy, 2019) Various aspects of musical art and MCT functioning in the Currently, a number of musicians and public figures digital era were studied in the dissertation research by discuss the approaches to music education develop- Gromadin (2010); Romanenko (2015), etc. Fundamental ment (hereinafter, ME) and the necessity of its moderni- work in the field of music digital technologies studying and zation. Nowadays, ME does not meet the sociocultural their implementation in educational process is being con- demands for new forms of cultural creation in the digital ducted in various research educational centers, among age. New ways of educational process development as which the work of the teaching and methodological labora- well as the integration of its results into the socio-cultural tory of “Music and Computer Technologies” of the Herzen space are being discussed by the scientific community State Pedagogical University of Russia (Gorbunova, and practicing teachers at all-Russian and international 2018; Gorbunova, 2019; Gorbunova & Kameris, 2019; conferences and forums. International Research and Gorbunova & Zalivadny, 2019; Gorbunova & Hiner, 2019; Practical Conference “Contemporary Music Education”, Gorbunova & Zalivandy, 2018) and Computer Music organized by the teaching and methodological labora- Department of Gnesin Russian Academy of Music (RAM) tory of “Music and Computer Technologies” of the Herzen is the most significant. State Pedagogical University of Russia and the Rimsky- Various aspects of digital performance and the pedagogi- Korsakov St. Petersburg State Conservatory is considered cal process using EMI and MCT in the framework of cultu- to be a striking example of such a collaboration. ral studies, musicology, art pedagogy, ethno-organology, Over the past decades, teaching the electronic synthe- philosophy, etc. were covered at all-Russian and inter- sizer keyboard and digital piano has become wides- national research, practical and theoretical conferences, pread in many children’s music schools and children’s such as: “Contemporary Music Education”, “A child in the art schools (CMS and CAS) in the Russian ME system. modern world”, “Communicative strategies of the infor- Besides, in recent years, the digital accordion/bayan clas- mation society”, “Music education today: traditions and ses have been opened. The issues of the development innovations”, “Music and digital technologies: education of performance on electronic musical instruments (EMI), - creativity - media”, “Music computer technologies in the methodological approaches, repertoire (adaptation for system modern education”, etc. particular models of instruments, transcription, etc.), and The analysis of the research and practical works presen- EMI functions mastering have been solved experimentally ted at the annual International Research and Practical by the teachers of EMI, whose main specialization was Conference “Contemporary Music Education” (López, piano, theory, accordion/bayan, etc. 2014), “Electronic Musical Instruments”, as well as the Music computer technologies (hereinafter, MCT) in the ini- materials devoted to various aspects of the EMI use con- tial stage of the ME are mainly used for multimedia sup- tributed to the conclusion that implementation of EMI and port of the educational process at the theoretical lessons. MCT in the educational process and concert activities, Computer adaptation and other innovative approaches in as long as used competently, provides great advantages the educational process that require a cognitive approach over traditional teaching methods. This is the opinion of are performed by CMS and CAS basing on their instru- area specialists closely involved in the development of a mental base and the personnel potential. new instrumental direction using EMI. Volumen 12 | Número 3 | Mayo - Junio, 2020 110 UNIVERSIDAD Y SOCIEDAD | Revista Científica de la Universidad de Cienfuegos | ISSN: 2218-3620 However, conservative musicians who are not aware of the career guidance, cultural and educational lectures in digital performance specifics are a priori confident that kindergartens and secondary schools. digital “quasi-art” cannot be regarded as academic one » The age category “adults” involves adult audience, and therefore there is no need in its professional develo- without age restrictions, namely: parents and relatives pment. Such a pseudoscientific predicate is introduced of the performers, spectators of musical and theatri- into the sociocultural space by conservative musicians, cal shows, etc. Musical awareness and musical expe- forming the paradigm of digital performance as “an ama- rience can vary from “not competent” to “competent teur music making”, which is undoubtedly extrapolated to amateur”. Gender characteristics were not taken into all types of MCT art and preclude the development of EMI account in this study. performance in the system of professional ME. » The category “expert musicians” involves professio-
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