COORDINATING COMMITTEE FOR GEOSCIENCE PROGRAMMES IN EAST AND SOUTHEAST ASIA (CCOP) PROCEEDINGS OF THE 41st CCOP ANNUAL SESSION (PART I) 15-18 NOVEMBER 2004 TSUKUBA, JAPAN CCOP Technical Secretariat 24th Floor, Suite 244-245, Thai CC Tower 889 Sathorn Tai Road, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120, Thailand Tel: (66) 0 2672 3080 Fax: (66) 0 2672 3082 E-mail: [email protected] Homepage: http://www.ccop.or.th August 2005 CONTENTS ATTENDANCE AND ORGANIZATION 1 OPENING CEREMONY OF THE 41st ANNUAL SESSION 2 ELECTION OF OFFICERS 2 AGENDA ITEM 1. Adoption of the Agenda 2 2. CCOP Progress Report 2 3. Member Countries’ Reports 2 4. Draft CCOP Workplan for 2005 4 5. Advisory Group Meeting 5 6. Cooperating Countries’ and Organizations’ Reports 5 6.1. Cooperating Countries’ Reports 5 6.2. Cooperating Organizations’ Reports 7 7. General Consultative Meeting 9 8. Date and Venue for the Next Annual Session 10 9. Other Matters 10 10. General Remarks from the Delegations 11 11. Adoption of the Report 16 CLOSING CEREMONY 16 ANNEX I : LIST OF PARTICIPANTS 17 ANNEX II : SPEECHES 31 ANNEX III : AGENDA 45 ANNEX IV : CCOP PROGRESS REPORT 47 ANNEX V : MEMBER COUNTRIES’ REPORTS 71 Country Report of CAMBODIA 73 Country Report of CHINA 81 Country Report of INDONESIA 99 Country Report of JAPAN 125 Country Report of THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA 155 Proceedings of the 41st CCOP Annual Session i CCOP Technical Secretariat Tsukuba, Japan, 15-18 November 2004 Country Report of MALAYSIA 169 Country Report of PAPUA NEW GUINEA 181 Country Report of THE PHILIPPINES 189 Country Report of THAILAND 205 Country Report of VIETNAM 217 ANNEX VI : DRAFT CCOP WORKPLAN FOR 2005 231 ANNEX VII : COOPERATING COUNTRIES’ AND ORGANIZATIONS’ REPORTS 239 Country Report of BELGIUM 241 Country Report of CANADA 245 Country Report of DENMARK 249 Country Report of GERMANY 255 Country Report of THE NETHERLANDS 263 Country Report of NORWAY 267 Country Report of RUSSIAN FEDERATION 273 Country Report of SWEDEN 281 Country Report of UNITED KINGDOM 287 Country Report of UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 297 Organization Report of ASCOPE 303 Organization Report of CIFEG 309 Organization Report of CPC 315 Organization Report of UN-ESCAP 321 Organization Report of GETECH 329 Organization Report of NOAA-Sea Grant 333 Organization Report of PETRAD 339 ANNEX VIII : REPORT OF THE ADVISORY GROUP MEETING 345 ANNEX IX : ASSISTANCE REQUESTED BY CCOP MEMBER COUNTRIES 351 Proceedings of the 41st CCOP Annual Session ii CCOP Technical Secretariat Tsukuba, Japan, 15-18 November 2004 st PROCEEDINGS OF THE 41 CCOP ANNUAL SESSION 15-18 November 2004 Tsukuba, Japan ATTENDANCE AND ORGANIZATION VENUE The 41st Annual Session of the Co-ordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia (CCOP) was held at the EPOCHAL Tsukuba International Congress Center from 15-18 November 2004, Tsukuba, Japan. The host facilities were provided by the Government of Japan through the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology/Geological Survey of Japan (AIST/GSJ). ATTENDANCE The Session was attended by representatives of the following Member Countries: CAMBODIA, CHINA, INDONESIA, JAPAN, THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA, MALAYSIA, PAPUA NEW GUINEA, THE PHILIPPINES, THAILAND, and VIETNAM. The Representatives of the Cooperating Countries, namely CANADA, DENMARK, GERMANY, JAPAN, THE NETHERLANDS, NORWAY, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, SWEDEN, THE UNITED KINGDOM, and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA were also in attendance. The following Cooperating and Corresponding Organizations were also represented: ASCOPE, CIFEG, CPC, GETECH, UNESCAP, and PETRAD. Also present at the Meeting were the Honorary Advisers of CCOP. LAO PDR and FINLAND were also in attendance as observers. The Staff of the CCOP Technical Secretariat (CCOP T/S) and those from the AIST/GSJ provided the necessary conference services. The List of Participants is appended to the report as ANNEX I. Proceedings of the 41st CCOP Annual Session 1 CCOP Technical Secretariat Tsukuba, Japan, 15-18 November 2004 OPENING CEREMONY OF THE 41st ANNUAL SESSION The opening ceremony commenced with the addresses delivered by: Mr. Somsak Potisat, CCOP Steering Committee Chairperson Mr. Katsumi Moriyasu, Principal Deputy Director of United Nations Administration Division, Global Issues Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) Mr. Hiroshi Hirota, Director-General for Technology Policy Coordination, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) Dr. Anthony J. Reedman, Senior Advisor, International Year of Planet Earth Dr. David Prior, Chairperson of CCOP Advisory Group Dr. Hiroyuki Yoshikawa, President, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) The speeches are attached in Annex II. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Dr. Eikichi Tsukuda, Head of the Delegation of Japan was elected Chairperson of the Session and Prof. Dr. Zhang Hongtao, Head of the Delegation of China, was elected Vice-Chairperson. The Representatives from United Kingdom, Japan and Korea were elected as General Rapporteurs. AGENDA ITEM 1. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA (documents CCOP-41AS/1-1, 1-2) The agenda as adopted by the meeting is given in ANNEX III. 2. CCOP PROGRESS REPORT (document CCOP-41AS/2-3) The CCOP T/S Director, Mr. Chen Shick Pei, presented the CCOP Progress Report (ANNEX IV) covering the period 01 July 2003 – 30 June 2004, with an update to October 2004. 3. MEMBER COUNTRIES’ REPORTS (documents CCOP-41AS/3-4 to 3-13) The reports submitted to the 41st CCOP Annual Session by Member Countries are shown in ANNEX V. The following comments were made during the discussions of the country reports: Proceedings of the 41st CCOP Annual Session 2 CCOP Technical Secretariat Tsukuba, Japan, 15-18 November 2004 Cambodia No comments or questions China No comments or questions Indonesia Denmark thanked the Indonesian delegation for the support in the Capacity Building Project: Enhancement of Cooperation and Sharing of Geoscientific Knowledge for the Sustainable Development of the Petroleum Resources in the CCOP Region (Phase I) and requested Indonesia to update their Country Report to include their request for support and their willingness to participate in the Project. Japan Canada asked how quickly they can update their webpage after a large earthquake event. Japan replied that routine posting of earthquake information is the responsibility of the Japan Meteorological Agency. The Geological Survey of Japan only posts information when there is a significant event that has a geological component, in which case the web site is updated daily. Director Chen thanked Japan for the presentation and in particular he thanked GSJ/AIST for their work on CCOP Metadata. He also thanked Japan for the substantial cooperation between CCOP and GSJ/AIST in the geo-information sector. As a result, CCOP has a meta-database of geological maps and is trying to develop a new project which encompasses all geoscience data types. He hoped Japan and the other Cooperating Countries would help develop a broader meta-database of geoscience information. The Director encouraged other Member Countries to participate in this important project for CCOP. Korea Director Chen thanked Korea for the presentation and on behalf of CCOP, expressed appreciation for the Assessment of Landslide Hazards Projects which has benefited the Member Countries. He felt, judging from the requests from Member Countries, that geohazards is one of the important fields to be emphasized. He also thanked Korea for its offer of new projects including a project on Sea Water Intrusion which is also very relevant to many of the Member Countries who are facing this challenge. The CCOP T/S is looking forward to having discussions with KIGAM and other Member Countries on the details of the project. Malaysia Referring to Malaysia’s support to the proposed Capacity-Building Project, Denmark added that an Inception Phase (IP) has been planned for the proposed Project. During the IP, the CCOP Member Countries participating in the selected “Case Studies” will be invited to discuss and finally define the details of the scientific and training programmes of the project. Proceedings of the 41st CCOP Annual Session 3 CCOP Technical Secretariat Tsukuba, Japan, 15-18 November 2004 Dr. Reedman (Honorary Adviser) thanked Malaysia for the interesting account of recent landslips in Malaysia and asked whether the CCOP/KIGAM project identifying and mapping areas of landslip susceptibility by remote sensing was proving useful in the context of Malaysia. Malaysia replied that the study indicates the hazards area on a macro scale and field checks have to be carried out on a more detailed scale. Germany enquired on the level of exploration activities carried out by Petronas Carigali and its concession partners during recent years. Malaysia replied that the level of exploration activities are constant at about 40 wells per year. Papua New Guinea Director Chen asked the Representative of PNG about the status of the newly created Mineral Resource Authority (MRA). PNG answered that when approved by their Government, the current Department of Mining (DOM) will be dissolved and most of its functions transferred to the MRA. Those roles not transferred will be Policy, and the Geophysical and Volcano Observatories. These will be under a new Department of Mineral Policy and Geohazards Management (DMPGM). Philippines No comments or questions Thailand No comments or questions Vietnam Denmark commented that the Country Report of Vietnam had not mentioned a new three-year ENRECA project entitled “The Mobilisation of Arsenic and the Relation to the Dynamic Interaction between Groundwater and Surface Water in the Red River Plain: Phase 1” which was approved by Danida’s ENRECA Programme in October 2003. The project is currently in its initiation phase and is implemented in close co-operation between GEUS, the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), the Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI), HUMG, HUS and the Northern Hydrogeological and Engineering Geological Division of Vietnam (NHEGD). 4. DRAFT CCOP WORKPLAN FOR 2005 (document CCOP-41AS/4-14) Mr. Chen Shick Pei, CCOP T/S Director presented the draft CCOP Workplan for 2005 (ANNEX VI).
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