Hairston leads men’s basketball past Oregon Tech | 5 An independent newspaper at the University of Oregon www.dailyemerald.com SINCE 1900 | Volume 107, Issue 60 | Wednesday, November 16, 2005 Memorials held for stabbing victim Friends and family remember the personality, hobbies and lifestyle stabbed. John Grillo stabbed his brother in the kitchen during an argument and then tried to re- of Paul Michael Grillo, 22, who died Nov. 7 in his Eugene home suscitate him, police said. Grillo’s memorial serv- ice will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday at St. Matthew’s Catholic Church in Hillsboro. Reese BY KATY GAGNON with Grillo since 10th grade. will deliver the eulogy. NEWS REPORTER A business major, Grillo was looking forward Grillo grew up in Hillsboro and graduated from Friends who knew University student Paul to graduating this spring and possibly pursuing a Glencoe High School in 2002. Later that year, he Michael Grillo say he was personable, generous, career in business. started at the University as a freshman. easygoing, cheerful, friendly and loving. He “He was definitely on his way to doing things,” Friends say he was a social person. would go out of his way to be nice to someone. Reese said. Even before kindergarten, Grillo had “the abili- He was also in love. “My life is never going to be the same without ty to relate to people of all walks of life,” said One friend said Grillo “had a certain charm him,” he said. “It’s just not.” Mary Ellen Ordall, Grillo’s mother. about him.” He had a lot of friends, and he would At about 6 p.m. on Nov. 7, Grillo, 22, died from He always preferred to talk with people face to ÇOURTESY do anything for them. a single stab wound in the chest. Eugene police face rather than calling them, Ordall said. Paul Michael Grillo, a business major, was planning to “He did everything in his power to be with his arrested his brother, John Andrew Grillo, 19, who He was a “really good person and he had graduate this spring. The Lundquist College of Business friends,” said Shane Reese, who has been friends called 9-1-1 to report that Grillo had been STABBING, page 3 will host a memorial service before winter break. IN BRIEF Rally protests AXE ‘game of seduction’ Study Abroad Fair informs about The video game, a promotional tool to sell men’s travel, internships, financial aid hygiene products, led to a student demonstration Students interested in studying abroad will be able to learn about foreign travel at the Study Abroad Fair today from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. in the BY EVA SYLWESTER combinations of five personality EMU Fir Room. SENIOR NEWS REPORTER types. There is Light Girl, the The fair will include information on more than A tent on campus that adver- “cute girl with a flower in her 100 study abroad programs offered in more than tised men’s hygiene products be- hair”; Ice Girl, the professional 70 countries. Information about international in- came encircled by chanting pro- and strictly business type; Shad- ternships will also be available. testers who objected to the ow Girl, who wears black and “It’s a day where we showcase all of the study portrayal of women in a promo- likes punk music; Fire Girl, who abroad programs that we offer,” said Shun Yanag- tional video game on Tuesday. is a flamboyant daredevil; and ishita, assistant coordinator for overseas study. The Mojo Master Tour is de- Earth Girl, “the girl that would There will also be an information booth regard- signed to promote AXE’s newest probably wear hemp clothes and ing financial aid and scholarships. A graduate fragrance, Unlimited. The compa- eat organic food,” Ferrara said. teaching fellow will be available to help answer ny’s main promotional tool is the The male player and the female questions about scholarships for foreign travel. character each have a “Mojo Me- video game “Mojo Master,” a Interested students will be able to talk with ex- ter,” and the goal is for the player “game of seduction” in which a change students studying at the University and to lower the female character’s male character using AXE prod- University students who have returned from meter by matching physical and ucts travels to various settings, study abroad programs. such as movie theaters and bars, mental pick-up techniques to the attempting to get female charac- female character’s type. The goal —Joe Bailey ters’ phone numbers, according to is to lower it before she lowers the Legislators hold town hall meeting the game’s Web site. male character’s meter. The University was the fourth- Ferrara said the game was cre- to hear community feedback to-last stop on a nationwide tour ated for AXE by WildTangent, a Local legislators will meet with the public of 25 universities. Most of the uni- Seattle-based software company. tonight to discuss the recent legislative session versities on the tour were selected “They created it just as a differ- and hear ideas about what needs to be done because they had strong football ent way of marketing, you know, in Oregon. teams, Mojo Master Tour a different way of marketing a new The Oregon State Legislature meets every two manager Nick Ferrara said. product,” Ferrara said. years and finished its 2005 session in August. At the University, several or- Ferrara said not very many Sen. Floyd Prozanski, D-Eugene, Rep. Paul ganizations staged a rally, students stopped by to play the Holvey, D-Eugene, and Labor Commissioner march and signature drive video game. Dan Gardner will be hosting the meeting. against the campaign. “Compared to other campuses, Tori Klein, legislative assistant for Prozanski, “The heavy majority has been it’s been a lot slower, but I don’t said the meeting is a good chance to let people a positive reaction,” Ferrara said. think we’ve ever been in this cold know where the legislature is going. “We hadn’t had any visible weather, either,” Ferrara said. “This meeting is a time during the interim to demonstrations as far as this Campus organizations such as talk to people and give a rundown of the legisla- one.” “Pretty much all I can say is the ASUO Women’s Center, the tive session and for people to give their input nothing like this ever happened University of Oregon Men’s KATE HORTON | PHOTOGRAPHER with legislative committee work coming up,” before,” Ferrara later said. Center, Alliance for Sexual Klein said. Several student groups protested AXE’s new “Mojo Master” video game outside the “Mojo Master” has 100 female Legislators recently received their appoint- AXE tent on the EMU lawn Tuesday afternoon. PROTEST, page 4 characters with different ments to interim committees, and Klein hopes the meeting will allow the legislators to hear concerns from their constituents before America Recycles Day the event, she said. committee work begins. “We put so many cups in the Klein also wants to remind people that inspires trash display garbage it’s not even funny,” legislators still work with the legislature The University celebrated Sweetman said. between sessions. America Recycles Day with a Sweetman said the campus collection of informative dis- coffee shops in Willamette Hall, “A lot of people feel that nothing happens plays and free local food in the the Knight Library, the EMU and during the interim,” Klein said, “but that’s just EMU Amphitheater on Tuesday. the Lillis Business Complex dis- not true.” “It’s a day to get the word out tribute a total of 7,649 dispos- The meeting has no specific agenda, which about reducing waste on cam- able coffee cups per week. Be- will allow people to bring up any issue of pus,” ASUO Environmental Co- cause only 10 to 15 percent of concern to them, Klein said. ordinator Rosie Sweetman said. the cups Sweetman found came Klein said she sees the people of Oregon as Sweetman, a senior majoring from campus shops, Sweetman feeling disconnected from the legislature and in environmental science, made estimated the number of cups hopes this meeting will start to give people a a visual display by collecting pa- thrown in the trash on campus sense of inclusion in the process. per coffee cups from campus every week to be much higher “It’s really important for people to come trash cans. None of those cups than the number distributed. and know how the process is working and to would have been in the trash if “There’s got to be like 30,000 influence policy in the state,” Klein said. people had been using reusable or more a week in the waste The meeting will be today at 7 p.m. at the coffee mugs, which the Campus stream,” Sweetman said. Eugene Water and Electric Board training center. Recycling Program distributed at — Eva Sylwester KATE HORTON| PHOTOGRAPHER —Chris Hagan CommentaryCommentary Wednesday, November 16, 2005 NEWS STAFF (541) 346-5511 I In my opinion I Editorial PARKER HOWELL EDITOR IN CHIEF SHADRA BEESLEY MANAGING EDITOR How manipulating words MEGHANN M. CUNIFF FDA biases JARED PABEN NEWS EDITORS EVA SYLWESTER SENIOR NEWS REPORTER KELLY BROWN rewrites history history history KATY GAGNON no reason to CHRISTOPHER HAGAN BRITTNI MCCLENAHAN During his speech last week, take ethics classes in which they NICHOLAS WILBUR George W. Bush finally lashed out at learned what is OK and not OK to NEWS REPORTERS those criticizing his decision to go to give the press. Apparently, if you JOE BAILEY block access EMILY SMITH war.
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