SUBSCRIBER'S ADDRESS Cowl THE COWL Banquet PROVIDENCE Tonight I COLLEGE VOL. XXIX, No. 19 PROVIDENCE COLLEGE, PROVIDENCE, R. I., MAY 10, 1967 TEN PAGES PC Psychology Department Greg Smith Slated to Face To Move To Antoninus Hall Review Board Second Time The Providence College Psy• of the Psychology Departments Greg Smith will face the Dis• dence from their home in South chology Department will move ever, he has been offered as• heavy equipment. ciplinary Board again tomorrow Bend. into a home of its own next sistance by the Academic Free• According to Mr. Lacey Cor- to answer charges of being He was denied the assistance year, and the effects of this dom Committee of the Liberties bett of the Psychology Depart• "inimical" to the general wel• of the American Civil Liberties transfer will be felt by both the Union in Providence. ment, "Antoninus Hall was fin• fare of Providence College, of Union in New York City on the student body and many of the At the meeting tomorrow, the ally selected because it seems seeking to harm the image of grounds that the Union did not other departments. charges will be presented again best for both the immediate the College, and of disobeying want to interfere in any situa• Antoninus Hall will be the future and for most of the long a specific rule of the College re• tion that involved religious in• and Smith will be given the op• headquarters for P.C.'s youngest range plans of the department. garding appearance. stitutions and that they consid- portunity to reply to them. At department, forcing the trans• The charges were presented "While we regret to displace fer of the Business Department, to Smith early this week. They our fellow colleagues," con• longtime tenants in Antoninus, are the result of his first meet• tinues Mr. Corbett, "shifting our to the ground floor of Stephen ing with the Board last Thurs• department to Antoninus seems Hall . day. At that meeting, Fr. Ray• to the administration to be the mond St. George, O.P., Mr. Ar• Both buildings will have to be most expedient line of action. thur Newton, and Fr. Walter remodeled to satisfy their new Sound-proofing Stephen or re• Heath, O.P., refrained from functions. A psychology labora• building Donnelly would prob• voting on the Smith case be• tory containing much important ably entail so much expense as cause of their personal involve• and valuable equipment will be to make these alternatives com• ment in the issue. installed in Antoninus, along pletely impractical." with research spaces and offices At Thursday's meeting Smith for the department faculty. In moving the Business De• was asked if he preferred to Architects are now working on partment to Stephen Hall, it comply with the normal pro• the design for the psychology will be necessary to eliminate cedure or if he wanted counsel. lab and for a statistics lab, the Dillon Club lounge. Frank Before making his decision, which will contain computation• Esposito, president of the Dil• Smith asked to be read the al and statistical machines for lon Club, has petitioned the charges, for he was unaware of student and faculty use. The administration for a replace• what they would be until he two end classrooms will be the ment of this area, and plans entered the Board meeting. He which will be left unchanged. are now being made to renovate told The Cowl that the charges Donnelly Hall and install rec• were "so nebulous I found it Stephen Hall lounge will be reational facilities for the entire difficult to defend myself with• renovated to suit the needs of student body. out counsel." the Business Department. It will Smith was told to have his Smith Leaving Board Meeting be divided into several sections, According to the Rev. Robert hair cut within twenty four —COWLfoto by "Jake" Mafiulre at least one of which will be Morris, vice-president in charge hours or face suspension from used as a business "lab," for of community affairs, this will classes. He was given a one ered attendance at a Catholic this hearing, as far as can be case work. Office spaces for the serve as a kind of miniature week extension of his case so college "much like entering the determined, he will have the Business Department will also student union," until a full sized that he could secure legal coun• religious life" in that certain right of counsel provided by the be set up, while the classrooms union is built. It is planned to sel. The ambiguity of this ex• rules had to be followed. How- Liberties Union. already in Stephen will prob• include such facilities as pool tension while Smith was told to ably be left as they are. tables, table-tennis equipment, cut his hair was challenged by and a student lounge. the bill presented to the Stu• In looking for a place to set dent Congress on Friday morn• Fr. Haas: Catholic University up the Psychology Department, Although moving the Psy• ing. Smith cut his hair Monday the administration considered chology Department to Antonin• morning, at the request of his both Donnelly and Stephen us Hall will cause a lot of re• father who had come to Provi- Face "Crisis of Confidence" halls, as well as Antoninus. shuffling of many other facili• Fr. Haas, speaking at a spe• for academic affairs, and stated Stephen Hall was rejected be• ties, (including the offices now cial Convocation honoring Gio• in part: "As successor to His cause of the need for quiet in in Donnelly Hall,) and perhaps vanni Cardinal Colombo, Arch• Holiness Paul VI in that See (of psychological Study, and Don• some resentment among those bishop of Milan, Monday, stated Milan), Giovanni Cardinal Col• nelly Hall was disallowed be• Slevin Awarded that Catholic universities ombo brings to us in America cause of structural defects being moved, it seems that the throughout the world are under• an understanding of the same which could not be alleviated final result will be favorable to Senior Of Year going "a crisis of confidence" in complex problems we share." enough to allow the installation almost all involved. James Slevin, an English Ma• their own view and in the view "It is his academic experience jor and the first student of of the public. as teacher and administrator Providence College to be award• He went on to say that "the that ties him to us at Provi• ed a Danforth Fellowship, has right of the mind to explore will dence College in a special way. Friars Club Elections: William been named "Cowl Senior of the never be suppressed here" at In honoring you, Your Emin• Year." Hartley Chosen New President Providence College. He said ence, we are acknowledging the Some of the activities and that the visit of the Cardinal to serious responsibility men of education have in facing the Thomas Kramer, Secretary of that this award has been pre• programs James has participat• the campus was an opportunity critical problems of this age of the Friars Club, has announced sented and it was given to the ed in during his career at the to renew the College's pledge to revolution with scientific preci• that Mr. William Hanley '68 has senior who is not a member of College are: Dean's List (by sem• the essentials of an academic sion, deep vision and the warmth been elected President of the the Friars Club but who has esters) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; Arts Hon• atmosphere — "freedom to of Christian understanding." Club. shown the merit and the quali• ors; Literary Editor of the Ver• search" and "discipline of ties of a member of the Friars itas; President of the Arts and study." Among the other dignitaries Other officers of the Friars Club. Letters Society; Vice President who attended the special Con• Club who were elected last week These remarks prefaced the New members of the Club of DES; a member of the Friars vocation were the Most Rev. were Thomas Kramer '68, Vice- awarding of an honorary doctor were also selected last week. Club, Phi Sigma Tau; Chairman James L. Connelly, D.D., Bishop President; Robert De Bold '69, of laws degree to Cardinal Col• These new members are: (Class of the Student Congress Tutori• of Fall River; Very Rev. Robert Secretary" Donald Sauvigne '68, ombo, the successor of Cardinal of 1968) Thomas Becker, al Program and has been named L. Every, O.P., Prior Provincial Treasurer; and Peter Meade '68, Montini (Pope Paul VI) to the Stephen Malley, Stephen Bailey, to Who's Who. of the Province of St. Joseph; Sergeantat-Arms. post of Archbishop of Milan. the Most Rev. Bernard M. Kelly, John Champeau, Gregory Stev• Mr. Slevin plans to attend Fr. Haas also stated that once D.D., J.C.D., Auxiliary Bishop of The purpose of the Friars ens, Edward Dobbins, John Pel- graduate school in English at all the great universities in the Providence; Lt. Governor Joseph Club is to welcome and to as• rine. Theodore Lawler, Harry the University of Virginia and world were Catholic, those that O'Donnell, and Mayor Joseph sist all visiting athletic teams MacDonald, and Dennis Brewer hopes to immediately go on for are no longer great failed the A. Doorley, Jr. and to perform any other func• From the Class of 1969. the his doctorate with the goal of "crisis of confidence"; the pres• tion conducive to the production new members are: Anthony Cim- teaching on the college level. About 500 persons were in the of a spirit of amiability and con• ino, John Schumann, Richard ence of Cardinal Colombo reas• The present editorial board of Harkins Hall for the ceremo• geniality within the College.
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