HDT WHAT? INDEX SEAGOING VESSELS SEAGOING VESSELS The Ship Achilles British Registry Built at Sunderland, England, 1854 578-ton displacement The Ship Admittance American Registry 501-ton displacement On the California coast, 1843-1845 The Ship Adventure Galley Captain Kidd’s ship in which he took the Quedah Merchant The Ship Alert American Registry Built at Boston in 1828 under the direction of master carpenter Noah Brooks 2 decks, 3 masts, 398 18/99-ton displacement 113 feet 4 inches X 28 feet X 14 feet Square stern, no galleries, billet head Owners, 1828: Alfred Richardson, Boston, and Theodore Lyman, Waltham MA Owners, 1830-1843: William Sturgis, John Bryant, and various associates, Boston Owners, 1843-1860: Henry P. Havens, Thomas W. Williams, and various associates, of New London CT Vessel was engaged in whaling Apparently bark rigged in 1856 Owner, 1862: C.H. Chapell, New London CT September 9, 1862: Captured and burned by CSS Alabama The Ship Ann McKim American Registry 1833: Built at Baltimore MD 494-ton displacement 1852: Dismantled at Valparaiso, Chile The Bark Architect American Registry 1855: Built at Rockland ME 399-ton displacement 127 feet X 28 feet X 12 feet The Armada de la Guarda de la Carrera de las Indias (Spanish Armada) This was the fleet which guarded the Spanish treasure fleet. A force of eight 600-ton galleons equipped with 40 to 50 cannon, and 3 smaller ships usually guarded the Central American convoy. A smaller convoy of two 600-ton galleons and two dispatch boats usually guarded the Mexico convoy. In 1595, the convoy increased to 20 warships when Sir Francis Drake was harassing the Caribbean. The Hermaphrodite Brig Avon American Registry 88-ton displacement 16-man crew John C. Jones, owner Made two or three trips from Honolulu to California in 1834- 1835 The Brig Ayacucho English Registry Displacement given in various customs house documents as 160, 204, 232, 300 tons Engaged in trade between California and Hawaii and California and Callao, Peru, 1830-1835 HDT WHAT? INDEX SEAGOING VESSELS SEAGOING VESSELS The Ship Barbara Believed to be the first English ship used to commit piracy in the Americas Under the command of John Phillips The Ship Batchelor’s Delight 26-gun Danish slave ship Was captured by John Cook in 1684 Cook plundered for 4 years with her and then sold her to merchants Ship once again was used to commit piracy during 1689 to 1691 The English Frigate HMS Blonde Built 1819 mounted a row of 46 guns and a row of 42 guns 1870: Renamed Calypso The Brig Bolivar American Registry Displacement given in various customs house documents as 224, 212, 202, 193, 180 tons Owned by Americans at Honolulu Engaged in trade between Hawaii and California and along the California coast, 1832-1844 The American Frigate USS Brandywine 1821-1825: Built at the Washington Navy Yard 1726-ton displacement, mounted 44 guns 1861: Burned at Norfolk Navy Yard 1867: Raised and sold The Ship Cabot American Registry Built at Duxbury MA, 1832 339-ton displacement The Ship Cacafuego She was originally named Nuestra Señora de la Concepción but was renamed “Fire-shitter” 120-ton merchant ship taken by Sir Francis Drake off northern Ecuador The Side-Wheel Steamer Cahawba American Registry 1854: Built at New York 1643-ton displacement 1861: Chartered by US War Department 1864: Purchased by US War Department 1865: Sold by US War Department 1867: Abandoned HDT WHAT? INDEX SEAGOING VESSELS SEAGOING VESSELS The Ship California American Registry Built at Medford MA in 1831 under the direction of master carpenter George Fuller 2 decks, 3 masts, 369 2/95-ton displacement 117 feet 6 inches X 26 feet 3 inches X 13 feet 1 1/2 inches Square stern, no galleries, figurehead Owners, 1831-1845: John Bryant, William Sturgis, and various associates On the California coast repeatedly 1831-1845 The Ship Castle of Comfort A 200-ton ship George Fenner’s flagship during his 1566 slaving expedition to West Africa Under different commanders she was used throughout the 1570’s in several pirating activities The Brig Catalina Mexican Registry Displacement given in various customs house documents as 161, 160, 138 tons 13-man crew 0n the California coast repeatedly 1831-1844 The Brig Clementine English Registry Displacement given in various customs house documents as 160, 93, 76 tons Engaged in trade between Hawaii and California 1835-1839 The American Frigate USS Constellation Built at Baltimore, 1797 1278-ton displacement mounted 36 guns Rebuilt 1805-1812 1853: Broken up at Norfolk (then other vessels would successively bear this famous name) The Brig Convoy American Registry 137-ton displacement, 13-man crew Engaged in trade along the California coast and to Hawaii, 1830-1836 The Ship Cortes American Registry 382-ton displacement July 20, 1834: 0n the voyage on which Pilgrim met her at Juan Fernandez, she departed New Bedford for the Pacific whaling grounds November 5, 1837: She returned to New Bedford with 2320 barrels of sperm oil The Ship Cygnet A 16-gun ship The Cygnet under the command of Charles Swan and Basil Ringrose took several small prizes off South America’s Pacific coast She was next used in the South China Sea and the Bay of Bengal by John Read She captured a rich prize near Ceylon in 1688 In May 1689, suffering from worms, she sank at Saint Augustine’s Bay, near Madagascar HDT WHAT? INDEX SEAGOING VESSELS SEAGOING VESSELS The American Sloop-of-War USS Decatur Built at New York Navy Yard, 1839 mounted 16 guns 1865: Sold at San Francisco The Brig Diana American Registry Displacement given in various customs house documents as 199, 170 tons Engaged in trade along the California coast, to Hawaii, the Columbia River, and Alaska, 1835-1838 1837: Renamed Kamamalu April 1838: Went aground near Santa Barbara The English Frigate HMS Dublin 1812: Built 1885: Sold The Bark Early Bird American Registry Built at Newcastle, Delaware, 1856 525-ton displacement The Brig Facio (also referred to as Fazio) Mexican Registry 11-man crew Owned by Johnson and Aguirre Engaged in trade along the California coast, 1833-1835 1835: Went aground at San Pedro (Pilgrim aided in getting her afloat) The Side-Wheel Steamer Golden Gate Built at New York, 1851 2067-ton displacement Owned by the Pacific Mail Steamship Company 1862: Burned off the Mexican coast The Ship Golden Hind Sir Francis Drake’s ship in which he took the Cacafuego The ship was originally named the Pelican The ship circumnavigated the globe arriving home in September 1580 Around 70 feet long and 18 to 24 feet wide After she was retired she was put up on dry land in a shed and there exhibited to the public She eventually rotted and was broken up in the 1660’s The American Receiving Ship USS Independence 1814: Built at the Boston Navy Yard as a 74-gun line-of-battle ship 1836: Altered to mount only 54 guns For many years after the Mexican War was a receiving ship at Mare Island 1914: Sold and burned The American Sloop-of-War USS John Adams Built at Norfolk Navy Yard, 1830 mounted 18 guns 1867: Sold at Boston HDT WHAT? INDEX SEAGOING VESSELS SEAGOING VESSELS The Ship Lagoda American Registry Built at Wanton MA, 1826 292-ton displacement Owned by Bryant, Sturgis and Company when she was engaged in trade along the California coast in 1833- 1835 Engaged in whaling 1841-1877 1890: Became a coal hulk at Yokohama 1899: Broken up at Kanagawa The Hermaphrodite Brig Loriot (Dana spelled her name Loriotte) American Registry Built at Plymouth MA in 1828 Displacement given in various customs house documents as 90, 76, 70 tons Engaged in trade along the California coast 1833-1837 The Carrack Madre de Dios Treasure ship At 1,600 tons and 165 feet long, she was one of the largest ships afloat She was captured by Captain Crosse who was in league with several others Her booty was the richest haul ever taken to an English port The Ship Mastiff American Registry Built by Donald McKay at East Boston, 1856 1030.70-ton displacement 168 feet 10 inches X 36 feet 6 inches X 22 feet 1859: Burned at sea The Ship New England American Registry Built 1834 375-ton displacement When spoken by Pilgrim she was on a whaling cruise in the South Atlantic grounds During June/July 1827 a ship named New England carried Frances Wright and Robert Dale Owen from New Orleans to La Havre, but this could not have been the same ship. June 7, 1834: Departed Poughkeepsie NY August 3, 1836: Returned with 800 barrels of sperm oil, 2000 barrels of whale oil. The ship Nuestra Señora de la Concepción She was renamed Cacafuego (Fire-shitter) 120-ton merchant ship taken by Sir Francis Drake off northern Ecuador The Side-wheel Steamer Persia Built 1856 by Napier, Glasgow 3300-ton displacement 376 feet X 45 feet Owned by British and North American Royal Mail Steam Packet Company (Cunard Line) 1868: Sold 1872: Engines removed and scrapped HDT WHAT? INDEX SEAGOING VESSELS SEAGOING VESSELS The Brig Pilgrim American Registry Built at Medford, Massachusetts in 1825 under the direction of Sprague J. James, master carpenter 2 decks, 2 masts, 180 56/95-ton displacement 86 feet 6 inches X 21 feet 7 1/2 inches X 10 feet 9 3/4 inches Square stern, no galleries, figurehead 1825: Joshua Blake, Francis Stanton, George Hallett of Boston, owners 1831: Charles Hill, Boston, owner 1832: William F. Weld, Boston, owner 1833: Arthur Lithgow, Jr., Boston, owner 1834: Samuel Hooper, John Bryant, William Sturgis, John Bryant, Jr., owners 1837: Nathan Godfrey, Portsmouth, owner 1837: William Sheafe, Edmund Q.
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