Translating and the Computer 38 17-18 November 2016 One Birdcage Walk, London Proceedings ISBN 978-2-9701095-0-1 9 782970 109501 Editions Tradulex, Geneva c AsLing, The International Association for Advancement in Language Technology, 2016 Distribution without the authorisation from ASLING is not allowed. These proceedings are downloadable from www.tradulex.com These proceedings are downloadable from www.asling.org ii Acknowledgements AsLing wishes to thank and acknowledge the support of the sponsors of TC38 : Gold Sponsors Silver sponsor Exhibitor Bag Sponsor Media Sponsor iii Preface For the past 38 years the international conference Translating and the Computer has been a leading and distinctive forum for academics, users, developers and vendors of computer aids for translators and, increasingly, other translation technology tools. The event offers translators, interpreters, researchers and business people from translation companies, international organisations, universities and research labs, as well as freelance professionals the opportunity to discuss the latest developments and trends and exchange ideas. AsLing (International Association for Advancement in Language Technology), which took over the organisation of this conference in 2014, is proud to present the proceedings of Translating and the Computer 38 Conference (TC38), taking place in London on 17 and 18 November 2016. This year’s conference continues the tradition of hosting quality speakers and panellists on a wide range of topics related to technology for translators and terminologists, as well as for interpreters. These range from translation tools, through machine translation, translation workflow, hybrid translation technologies, subtitling, terminology, standards and quality assessment. This year we are proud to continue the focus on the new technologies concerning interpreting where revolutionary changes are under way. We are confident that the e-proceedings featuring these contributions, accepted after a competitive reviewing process, will be an important reference and stimulus for future work. We are delighted to present our keynote speakers: Dieter Rummel and Henry Liu, representing respectively the by far largest and most complex translation service, The Directorate-General for Translation of the European Commission, and the world’s premier professional organization for translators, FIT, the International Federation of Translators. We are also confident that you will find that all the presentations and posters, as well as the panels and workshops, will provide interesting user perspectives and opportunities for inspiring discussions. We would like to thank all those who submitted proposals to the conference and all the authors who produced full versions of accepted papers for the proceedings. A special thank-you also to all the delegates who have come from so many countries to attend this conference and thus provide a living acknowledgement of this distinctive event. We are also grateful to the members of the Programme Committee who carefully reviewed all the submissions: Juanjo Arevalillo, David Chambers, Gloria Corpas Pastor, Joanna Drugan, David Filip, Sarah Griffin-Mason, Bruno Pouliquen, Paola Valli, Nelson Verástegui and David Verhofstadt. Many thanks to our publication chair Ivelina Nikolova for producing these e proceedings. A big thank-you also goes to our Technical Advisor Jean-Marie Vande Walle. Last but not least, a big thanks to our sponsors. Conference Chairs João Esteves-Ferreira, Juliet Margaret Macan, Ruslan Mitkov, Olaf-Michael Stefanov London, November 2016 iv Conference Chairs and Editors of the Proceedings João Esteves-Ferreira, Tradulex - International Association for Quality Translation Juliet Macan, independent translation technology consultant Ruslan Mitkov, University of Wolverhampton Olaf-Michael Stefanov, JIAMCATT, United Nations (ret.) Programme Committee Juan José Arevalillo, Hermes Traducciònes David Chambers, World Intellectual Property Organization (ret) Gloria Corpas Pastor, University of Malaga Joanna Drugan, University of East Anglia David Filip, CNGL / ADAPT Sarah Griffin-Mason, Institute of Translation and Interpreting Bruno Pouliquen, World Intellectual Property Organization Paola Valli, TAUS and University of Trieste Nelson Verástegui, International Telecommunications Union (ret.) David Verhofstadt, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Conference Management Juliet Margaret Macan, Coordinator Olaf-Michael Stefanov, Conference management system and speaker coordinator Technical Advisor Jean-Marie Vande Walle Publication Chair Ivelina Nikolova, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences v Table of Contents Workshop: Lost for Words—Maximizing Terminological Quality and Value at an LSP David Calvert . .1 Potential Impact of QT21 Eleanor Cornelius. .10 From IATE to IATE 2 or When Technologies are Agents of Change and Means to Improve Users’ Satisfaction Denis Dechandon . 19 Translation Quality Evaluation of MWEs from French into English Using an SMT System Emmanuelle Esperanca-Rodier and Johan Didier. .33 InterpretBank: Redefining Computer-assisted Interpreting Tools Claudio Fantinuoli . 42 Why XLIFF and Why XLIFF 2? DavidFilip.............................................................................53 Can you Trust a TM? Results of an Experiment Conducted in November 2015 at CenTraS @ UCL Daniela Ford . 69 How Translators Can Improve Multilingual Terminology in a Link: Teaching Case Study Examples Carmen Gomez-Camarero and Rocio Palomares-Perraut . 81 Drawing a Route Map of Making a Small Domain-specific Parallel Corpus for Translators and Beyond Xiaotian Guo . 88 A Case Study of German into English by Machine Translation: to Evaluate Moses using Moses for Mere Mortals Roger Haycock . 100 The Annotation System Ronan Martin . 113 What’s in a Name? JonRiding............................................................................ 122 Interpreters’ Workflows and Fees in the Digital Era Anja Rütten . 133 How to Configure Statistical Machine Translation with Linked Open Data Resources Ankit Srivastava, Felix Sasaki, Peter Bourgonje, Julian Moreno Schneider, Jan Nehring and Georg Rehm . 138 From CATs to KATs Félix do Carmo, Luís Trigo and Belinda Maia . 149 Combining Different Tools to Build a Semi-supervised Data Collection Model to Increase MT Quality and Performance Mark Unitt, Simon Tite and Pejman Saeghe . 159 vii Automatic Calculation of Translator Productivity Improvement when Using Machine Translation Andrzej Zydron´ and Qun Liu . 164 viii At One Birdcage Walk, Westminster, London (UK) Day-1: T hursday, 17 November 2016 Morning Session 8:30 - 9:00 Registration in the Marble Hall and Gallery Lecture Theatre Education Room Ground level On Lower ground floor Morning Session Chair: Olaf-Michael Stefanov 9:00 - 9: 15 Introductions AsLing President – João Esteves-Ferreira TC38 Coordinator – Juliet Margaret Macan 9: 15 - 10:00 Sponsors’ Thought Leadership talks 9:15 - 9:30 Focusing on Tighter Integration of CAT Tools with Corpora Miloš Jakubíček, on behalf of our Gold Sponsor, Lexical Computing 9:3 0 - 9: 45 Selling Transl ation Online. A Path to Success Emanuele Caronia, on behalf of our Gold Sponsor, MateCat 9: 45 - 10:00 The Future of Translation Technology Massimo Ghislandi , on behalf of our Silver Sponsor, SDL 10:00 - 10: 45 KEYNOTE: “Will Curiosity Kill the CAT? – Thoughts on the Future of the Computer Assisted Translation Environment” Dieter Rummel , European Commission, DG Translation, Head of Unit – Informatics 10:45 - 11: 15 Break in the Marble Hall and Gallery 11:0 0 - 11:45 Workshop Calculating the Percentage 11:15 - 11:45 Automated Detection and Correction of Reduction in Translator Effort Errors in Real-time Speech -to-text: a when Using Machine Translation Research Approach Andrzej Zydroń Lindsay Bywood and Andrew Lambourne 11: 45 - 12: 15 Translation Quality Evaluation of MWE s 11:45 - 12:45 SDL - Silver Sponsor Workshop: from French into English Using an SMT Building your Ideal Translation System Environment with Apps and APIs Emmanuelle Esperança -Rodier from the SDL AppStore Clementine Tissier, SDL 12: 15 - 12: 45 What's in a Name? Jon Riding and Neil Boulton 12: 45 - 14: 10 Lunch 13:30 - 13:50 How Translators Can Improve in the Marble Hall and Gallery Poster Multilingual Terminology in a Link: Teaching Case Study Example s Rocio Palomares -Perraut and V18 Carmen Gomez -Camarero ix At One Birdcage Walk, Westminster, London (UK) Day-1: Thursday, 17 November 2016 Afternoon Session Lecture Theatre Education Room Energy Room Ground level Both rooms on Lower ground floor Afternoon Session Chair: Ruslan Mitkov 14:10 - 14:40 Drawing a Route Map of Making a 14:10 - 14:40 A Case Study of 14: 00 - 17: 00 Small, Domain-specific, Parallel German into English Corpus for Translators and Beyond by Machine MateCat - Gold Sponsor Xiaotian (Fred) Guo Translation: to Workshop Evaluate Moses Using Moses for Mere • Translated and Mortals MateCat Roger Haycock • What is MateCat? 14:40 –16 :15 Panel debate To Align or Not to Align? 14:45 - 15:25 Workshop • Translating with Is it Useful for a T ranslator to Use The Art of Subtitling MateCat: the fast way Alignment Tools? within the European • To create what? Corpora or TMs? Institutions Advanced features Ayten Dersan • Outsourcing with Panellists: Gloria Corpas Pastor, MateCat Miloš Jakubíček, Balazs Kis, 15:30 - 16:10 Workshop and Andrzej Zydroń The Annotation • Q&A Moderator: Juliet Macan System • Hands-on : practical Ronan Martin session on MateCat Workshop participants will
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