I •• ' I .- .1 • ••• i " :« *W&#*~f,^$ ^ '.^V >v"'* * ->-^""'•"' • --'- '"-< - "V -Phone-7-06on- M -PAGE EIGHT " THE RAHWAY RECORD-The Foremost gami-Weekly of'Two'Counties -TUE'SDAY- SEPTEMBER 5,1933 ' " 7 We Do We Do News of Outstanding Events in Pictures Our Part Our Part !^- set THE PAST FACE TO -DAY • - Saved from Blazing Ship in Mid-Ocean Blasting His Way Out . Socked'Solon Sore | Home "After Foreign Tour" RAHWAY, N. J., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8,1933 PRICE THREE CENTS -Cereus Blooms After Cuban Dictatorship Five Moves Two Killed in WeU-Known Gdriductor Sees Period of 12 Years 3,075 Children Were Present To H^lt^Fbreign Intervention'• TruckWreck ? After a budless period of '12 By-Sped*! Wire from UnlveimlBqirtecf -feaprovemerif In years, the nigirt^blooming In One person was pf_Hany_Martin,.83^Cherry street, Sept._8=With.J!!no-American-in- r .-.-=== TT1 burst—into_a blaze^of— beautiful . •• 1 • 1. •• '.' 1 *-l V"»—» i-. ^i -Musician andband-Leadery whlte-and-rose-Unted-blooms-last he watchword, the~Cuban Communist In Perth Amboy hospital when sr tfooHERtififfles to wipe out light rnaflsMr carrying four pas- This plant which is more than cuse for a possible landing pi Amencaiutroops ortthe ^aciittcib uituhctl -lulu -Uie bade, ot Concert:in-UnwnCounty Park Last'jSight- 80 years old has been in Martin's High School and'Koosevelt SchooUJroivded tSeyoncL Kivmrf^tained-soil of-the-islam l-n>mihiif< =-—••'.' • a^tmclc on Route 25. between La- family for three generations and ^^i4£z^±r^rrf gd^te soil of- -repubiic: . fayptt<Sond Orwn Leaders of many bridge, • catly today. •nrm;TI^L j?-cxr mother, Mrs. Joseph S^Smith_antl parties :that have been at v way Elks-band-as^seen-by-Williaih,'Bartow, of West- St—Mar~y-s-SchooLto-Open-Monday swords' points .durinduri g the days that "followed the passengers in later to his mother. Mrs. Joseph Wcnnifall-of-the-Machado-regimerand the subsequent" lnJureCi? iildltlJbddtJidJJ Tt- Ving_nr;ly ""Ei^hth~a^ii'iNintfa"€ra-de~GlaBses-"oii~-Paftf Tinier Rahway outfit at the concert given in Union County seven times in its history and only overthrow on Tuesday, of the short-lived reign of The dead were: blooms "at approximately lOjVm. Lower Grades Show Decrease nTresTderrtrde-Cesperes,, gatheredin thePresidential _J. Eoseathal, 837 WesV^'orth pk^ St. George avenue, last night under the direc- and for only one night. avenue, Baltimore, Md. tion of Charles R. Melick. ^ •_. •':•'. ' . The flowers are of the cactus With every member of the-faculty reporting for <cs> lace and conferred with the dictatorship of five . Harry A. Bro(«ruui, 14 „ type and are pollen-laden" indes- Broad itwei, Baltimore, Md. cribably beautiful. In the center tluty-and-S-.OTS-children-registered-yesterday-morn— wA built^thei'foundation for a bold and united front . J. Roseatbal died instantly and field band, the Elizabeth Elks I bar and was warmly applauded against "foreign intervention." : is a pollen-laden pistil which is ing, another year of public school work will begin Brotman two hours later in theband and>was recently a guest- by the audience. • . commonly known as the "cradle J?erth Amboy^hospital-of-a-frac- conductor-at>the Goldman band I ^^.tt ""^' pi:°8ram of- ^ if -Rpfhlphptn heca'use of its closa tured skull.—Jenjr RuAeuUml. vl concert io New York City, told "resemblance to a miniature child's school vyill be held Lhis J I 111 Hit school uptsu- ia today. The cruiser Richmond from the Panama ththe same address as-his father. '•' ..." '•• ' Parti -..'• ' -• monnngTviT Mellci fcnd WlUiamxP. Weber, 1. March. National Emblem,"- cradle_— -- lal Zone last night joined the destroyer Macfarr suffered a iraciured left leg andchairman of the Elks pdal and ing for the term Monday, morning. Bagley: .2. Overture, "Light Cav- Today the plant will be flower- 1 W land, off the Malecon opposite the Maine monument Miss Matilda Engle. 20. 108 Balti- community welfare committee, alry," F. U. Suppe; 3. Tuba Solo; less again and for a period of from Yesterday, morning; was typical more street. Baltimore, received a that the band; was "doing Try Storm King," Rihgleber 10 to 12 years will be merely a for September. Long'before the nH National Hotel where American rpsirlpnts are laccrnted-llp.—She—w as-released y d^ -time arrived^-for tho- opening of 1 PanUsiaX by Anthony green cactus bush. Group o'neentrated. J- , , ' • — ., from the hospital following treat- improved" over last: year. 4. Excerpts from, ,'.The the doors of the respective school mentT Still professing Ignorance as to the Fortun r^HerbertrSrPar^Hb a gregated outside. For most of identftFof tho roan who socked him The destroyer Bainbridge, out of Norfolk, Vir- Middlesex County Coroner A. E.season turned" out' to hear this phrase l The Ueep -Cellar, at a Long Island party recently, concert: which •wjis,. the third Loveaberg. Clark Votes Beer- them it was a joyous occasion, al- _.,'followed fiie-Richmond to anchorage. A fourth Finn took charge of the bodies. though a few grumbled about • Senator Huey Long, Louisiana a The roadster driven by Harry Thursday night program in the -.._• - Part-n • series^ • _ _ • '•'• — • their return. ' •. i — "'i,"-leaves-the-auditorium^,Jlicbstl Strange, author, who In private life U Mr*,JUrrii«-Tw( nerican-war vessel, the destroyer Sturdevant, is at —I. March,-"Boston-^Command- T.ylerJE._ClarkJBickedLto :: 1 A.—Brotman—21f-14-South-Broad A'special feature of the con-i License Extension lt~was"~an~auspicrous~re-open ~ i yjjr^fc. i|i| if iJMi l( t,L I at Milwaukee, Wis— ^ wher' e hhee ad ad-- ,icturcjicturcdd witwith heher slaughterslaughter, DianDiana BarryroreBarryiaore, whMe-faUKt*rhose_faUi«-i.Ji i streetr-Baltlmorer-Marylahd^-and- ery." Carter: 2- "Hf v ? : v v A 1 cert was tne tuoa solo played Dy tasia," Tobani; 3. "Old ^Timers —Head-Rahway-Teacjier s ing—in—Rahway—as—wor-d^-oame- L fire at sea, tlie one tiling; a mariner dreads more the Dntch steamer Hercules, ^hicli resch'o'd the .'48 - t'S" *",%«JJ •^SBra^Hdr^" "l^. 5 . ^-<ar^ jl dressed the Tetcrans of. Foreign . Barrymore. movie star, former husband of ilr». Tvretd, aai they i owned by J. Rosenthal. 927 West Anthonynthony- 1Tn7*\m, Woodbridge from—other communities that "passengers and crcw~of~^he-doomed-£choonor-and- Mr> Sfoftfe- -BstRJnj •alsa- " II^VP; 4 March, "Lights MaSan any otner, is graphically snowshown mhi uuiUbla ppid-mei ; r v.j - V T<+,'^t,JWP\Bp^l^t» »* '•* '- ' ^-ggVl Wnra convention^ Tho S»w»"'' **- it Xtw York from K""T* TWfd tnurH RBH I Hhkfbra higghh scnooschool student. He present- Out" McCoy "'The star~Srjaneii5- Will Diaft 20-Mile Speed Association P05tponements had 6<itfn ordered of the American schooner Augusta Hilton, a landed them at San Joan, Porto Rico Top photo ; ; passenger, was almost completely ed "The Storm King" by Rihgle- Banner:" ^ Spangled because of the lack of finances. shows some of the rescued passengers soon after they 1 S-JWHHBB^^P ' -4 "> ^^^^^(1 John D.Bockehllcr and practically •••-. ; , . ,: demolished as It ran Into the from stem to stem in mid-Atlantic while en route to everything. • ,- oosevelt Mobilizes Warships ^Caw tb.'Protect Town- Tyler- E. Clark, head of' the The. Rahway teachers were all the Azores from Bermuda. The photo .was- made from had been taken aboard the Hercules, truck pparked at the. side of the Rahway high school commercial paid in full at the end of the last O-prjQtect. American lives rt i hThtThe—truckk ^ ship School Children J^ihitlSLRT Ai l ownemart dgoin byg Lazur.Pacun north, . 572 South p ^Cuba, President Roosevelt today had mobilized18th street. Newark, and driven PatrolmairMleT Le^Ton Delegates (Sptclarto The Record) of the Rahway Teachers' associa- Crowded Condition , "Miss New York" by Clifford Johnson. 39, of 151 Clark Townsh«>^Sept. 8—At the tion at its election of officers Gives Officials Problem force since the"\Vorld War. Every : -To.wnshipj_J^pmmitteg meeting Tlie condition^causing most'' CUikioCUk n ,^Nkl : ing towed' but had parked while Seeks State Office Leave for GonclayeTuesday- nightfra"""resoluftorJi" "was school. Other officers elected 'concern- "among™ scfiobl" officiattT Ton can almost hear the swish as Willie Goggin, San Francisco pro- yesterday was the' overcrowded d : fessional, sandblasts out of a trap in the Western open golf championship Jasbeeri ordered in readiness to proceed immediately repairs were made • to the truck adopted extending local beverage were:- first vice president;- Miss - 'Racketeers^ towing it. The latter machine, licenses, in accord with the condition of tt highg ' schoolo . A '] at Olympia Fields, 111. A sensational incident in the tourney was the — i Cuban: waters. Endorsed Yesterday—for Conimander-Elect Neuse- Jean Hays,— Grover ••-• Cleveland total of 830 pupilil s were registi - Bath With Her Golf arrest of a contestant, Jack JlcGurn, on a vagrancy charge. also owned by Pacun. was being sions of the state regulations,- to ^chooJ: second vice president, Su- Today found seven shjps already at the island or driven by Bernard Momlein. 27. First Vice-President at Novmeber 28. Consumer licenses ered. Many-more are expected to. 13 Techer terrace, Newark.- bauer _to -Be Presented sie F>Cowins, Washington school; enroll today and the first of the for the three months period will treasurer>-Mrs. Marjorie Wooster, [''route there; 14 vessels under steam at Key West, The first- truck had broken P. B. A. Convention WitlrGold be S25-and store licenses $15. A week. .-- • . ••'"•. -Roosevelt-schook—secretary,. Miss Thp rrnwripri p.nndit.inn nf the ^^erzoth gpy iirTdf x 'Dnanimous~-endorsement^ was Four'members of Rahwaylpbstr ^gs Lillian "^Roarke, Efanklin schlbol"' high" school~buildlng"'as~ well" the crews of both trucks Just prior given the candidacy of Patrolman temporary licenses for dances and the.crowded classrooms of Roose- dy to_leaveat .a moment's notice.
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