THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, APRIL 11, 1897. 25 which has never been s-een in this Cityi first time here in an eccentric bar act. Manager Greenbaum that their efforts • — that has been selected lor presentation Harris and Walters, a German comedy have been appreciated. NEW TO-DAY—AMUSEMENTS. to-morrow niplit. and wiiich will be team, are among the new arrivals. Evans during entire offered• the first week of the and Vidocq complete the list of new peo- Dramatic Brevities. -ngagement. Its scenes are laia In rural ple. They will be heard in new quips §AN CAL. EsTAß;iaa7. England, and it lelis a story of English and topical o.tditie*. Barnes and Sisson Harry Mann willmanage the Knickerbocker &Tj&&L §VFRANCISCO. country life and a dual love story. remain another week. The other hold- Theater next season. overs are Lillie Laurel and Delmore and Ethel Barrymore will go abroad with the THE Qrarvd Opera-Jiouse. Lee. "Secret Service" company. There are to be a number of novelties the Chutes. fandow has made a hit in London at the !and sensations this week la "The Waifs of /tt Pavilion as the human dumbbell. ; New York," the play in The Chutes have a new which Kalie attraction for A report comes from abroad that Mrs. Henry scored a success t'c to Knimett during several this week in addition their zoolog- E. Abbey is about to be married again. i eaaons. Mollie Thompson play the of a family is to ical collection of coyotes. Walter, general. Ipart of Willie Rufus, the bootblack, and Since the agitation in the Legislature on Otis Skinner is a regular contributor to the Gustav yr director STAGE ! willintroduce a number of new coyote-scalp columns of some of the leading monthlies. O'Karrell St., bet. Stockton and Powell. j; sonps and the question the manaee- SAN j dar.css. Mile. Loretta, who was the prin- ment thought it a good plan to let people Albert Chevalier htis made his appenrance In FRANCISCO'S GREAT MUSIC HALL. in see the animals so much talked about, London a comic opera c.illed "Land of Nod." Vvools. ComxnoxLcixig IVEondLay, April and accordingly secured tnis interesting ~~~ 18. family of lamb-stealers. Z^nfreila Hroiii- Joseph Haworth has joined Margaret T[ ft-iz. TV 7*iW *m » Mather's company for balance of r WORLD-RENOWNED M !er9, perch artists, have been added to the the the VAUDEVILLE CELEBRITIES. W^ outdoor show, and senson. •J^O- with Montrose and DIRECT THE THEATER, Cox, Alarco Brothers and the rest, the Tom Taylor's comedy, "The Overland FROn F.TPIRE LONDON— THE vaudeville feature is strong. Markeburg Route," will shortly be produced at the Alca- makes another balloon ascension this zar Theater. afternoon. -:MERRILEES SISTERS:- i Crane will continue to keep Martha Mor- -1 SINGING AND DANCING ARTISTES. \u25a0:^U.v..;i* ton's comedy, "A Fool for Fortune," as his y\ Modem J^oliere. sole production. harriFaptowaZtbrs When Moliere was dying he insisted on Primrose A West have opened negotiations FAnOUS ECCENTRIC COIEDV DUO. acing to the last gasp, in order that his with James J. Corbott that nifty add him to their players might not be disappointed of their organization. KRONEMANH bread. Something of the same spirit was Louis James willbe one of the stars to reiire BROTHERS- EVANS ISFviDOCF ymnasts _.— -_^_£C?l"1ue G Ihe Comedy Conversationalists. shown in the recent death at the end of this season. Business has been of Giaclnto Gal- very bad with him. lina, the Venetian playwright™ Until the DIRECT FROM AUSTRALIA, last he was conscious that his end was Walter Pamrosch probably willbe offered a neer, and the only prayer place in the faculty of Yale College as head of he addressed to the department of music. FAUST his doctor was: "Make me liveuntil 1can THE : :PANTOMIME :COMPANY! finish my comedy, that my poor actors Mme. Brazzi, an American contralto now may not be disappointed." abroad, has been engaged by Maurice Grau for the Metropolitan Opera Company for next A correspondent says: "Poor Gallina season. never knew what ease and were. MLLE comfort Ivan .TITEIMIA I LILLIELAUREL Notwithstanding his rare was Caryl has written the music for "Mme. talent he Sans Gene," which will be produced as an always poor. This mattered little to him- opera by George Elwardes in London this BARNES & SISSON and WERNER & REIDER. self. Buihe tried to struggle against pov- autumn. for the THIS AND OF erty sake of those near and dear to The Fruit and Flower Mission be ten- AFTERNOON EVENINO-LAST APPEARANCES he lived, not Is to him. For them for himself. at THE RAYS-COHAN not dered a bent-fit the Baldwin Theater on FAMILY-3RICHARDS— VILONASISTERS He did even know how much he Wednesday afternoon. Otis Skinner and com- earned by his comedies. So long as ne pany willplay. MATINEE TO-DAY (SUNDAY), APRIL reckon on his 11. could daily brend that waa Parqu"t, any seat. '25c ; ISniconv. any M»:,10c: Children 10c. any Dart. all he a«ked from them. Few men, and Julia Marlowe will have a company of her no others in his position, live lrom day to own next season and is Insearch of a leading day as he At the man. Robert Taber willalso appear as a star did. last town ofVenice and ts lvsearch of a lending lady. allowed him 1000 francs a year ($lH)0) to keep him from starving and on that he The Odd Fellows \?ill take a benefit at the thought himself passim; rich. His funeral Alcazar Theater next Monday, Tuesday and was most imposing. He might nave been Wednesday evenings for the {purpose of in- a minister of state, an enibassador, a mil- creasing the relief fund of the order. iiona re, instead of a poor histrion. The An actor numed William Bouchier wai re- ported from Louisville last week to be begging his way eastward. The company of which he was a member stranded inColorado. •••rRICDLANDER,OOTTLOB^(S- U^ES&MANAOER6-- • Itis expected that Nat C. Goodwin, upon his return to the Baldwin Tneater, will produce a TWO WEEKS BEGINNING MONDAY, APRIL 12—LIMITEDENGAGEMENT OF new comely by Madeline Lucette Ryley, which he has uad ia preparation for some time past. MISS GEORGIA CAYVAN Otis Skinner's idea! of a play, writ- Emma Nevada, the American prlma donna, AND HER ADMIRABLECOMPANY, for himself, is to be is illat her I'ansiau residence, suffering from Presenting' for the first time here the fiimom Lvccum Theater Company's grtates: success— Robert ten by himself, Buchanan's b-autli'ui pastoral drama, wi:h a per- fever. Mine. NevudH wss competed to re- surrounded number of linquish her engagement at Madrid and to sonages familiar to grand opera, history return to Paris. KLATE!" drama, all are kept "S^TJI^LES: With MISs CaYVANIn Her Original Role. and the of whom Gerhardt Hauptmann's drama, "The Sunken :.: . busy during in creating possi- EVERY EVENING (INCLUDING SUNDAY). MATINEESATURDAY ONLY. four acts Bell," which has caused enthusiasm inBerlin, bilities for Fabian Torelli, Italian soldier has apparently been a tailure inParis. There "W~VT A\rT? I7TT MISS GEORGIA CAW aN and her company will Dresent "MaryPen- of fortune, a role which, needless to say, is too much mystery and obscurity in the play JLi^.V L it I1.. l\. iiiii^ttin,fpinster": "GoblinUistle" and \u25a0' lbe liittleJndlviduiU." Skinner plays himself. These personages to please the Parisians. Prlc».» During This >:ng-«g-m»nt «J1.50, J51.75, 50r, asc. either love nim hopelessly or they cling to When Daniel Frohman's Lyceum Theater faithful < mis aftbrxOom am> tu-niuhi; Mm with devotion, take sudden Compauy starts on its Western tour,'' the new l\/lADr\Cr*r^'C and violent fane es to him, apveai to his play, "The Mysterious Mr. Bugle, will be IVI 11 OV/\~J O J'erformancesof at Tue Lyceum rotection, lay wicked plots is produced the home theater. I of which he Company Isdue here in June. GRAND OPERA-HOUSE the victim and which he foils, or spurn THE STOWAWAY ! WALTER MOROBCO...S«a Lessee and Manager. | With Its Great Burglary and Yacht Scene*. hs love, to sue for it :n the last act. In "The Heart of Maryland" will begin a re- short, turn eugHgement in New York shortly. It he has lassoed some of the most COMMENOINQ MONDAY. APRIL IS, interesting that have in will be produced at the Academy of Music. characters lived Tn»- nex' regular season ot this Micress will Elaborate Scenic Production of the Interesting Sensational Comedy success history or on the mimic sta-e, and has begin on August ltiat the Baldwin Theater in tamed them into puppets for the glorifi- this City. WAIFS OF YORK!" cation of Fabian Toreili, "soldier of for- Theatrical London is in a itate of ex- "THE NEW Second WeVk of th* Clever Danclne and singing Soubrette, tune." pectancy over the rumor that several actors will be knighted at the Queen's Jubilee in OLIiIE THOMPSON. -\u25a0 —— "A Soldier of Fortune" cannot be taken -MA XV SPECIALTY ABTISTB 'ENGAGED FOrt THIS OCCASION. June. The names mentioned are Cnarles " with real seriousness except as an inter- \\ jrinlliKin, Beerbohm Tree, (Jeorge Alexan- The Greatest Hit of The VU The Boy Tenor der, HIIV I<iRFIT \ l' FilrjlFpiv KARA with the esting manifestation of th« inner ambi- J. I*loole aii'l dement h-cott, the critic. .'iLLi. liolllill.iProdigal Father" Co. rvIUF Wonderful Voice. timj rumor has arisen from the tact that the (ret ; yearnines talkfd in Macciaveih's pretty naucl Thy lire >conr'.
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