THE M W The Zip Code Your want ad for Linden is is easy to place * -Phone 686-7700 which be came a Suburban Publishing Corp. newspaper on July 2, 1964 0 7 0 3 6 An Official Newspaper For The City of.Linden Subscription Bate 89.50 Y e arly 25c p«r copy Published Eoch Thursday by Suburban Publishing Corp. LINDEN. N.J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1977 Second Class Hostage Paid at Linden. N J VOL. 24-NO. 4 218 Worth Wood ov»., Linden, N. J. 0 70 36 Senior housing start due before winter October Rehabilitation program bond sale starts in neighborhoods expected Housing and Community Development Housing inspections and preliminary for the repair and maintenance project. M uraw ski w ill ask interviews with homeowners have "Many of the homes need electrical, Act of 1974, will be available to qualified started for Linden's Neighborhood homeowners in the target area plumbing, masonry, painting and for city guarantee Preservation Program and today minor repair work. These are the moat Grants to homeowners for housing rehabilitation officials will meet with common problems,” explained rehabilitation are baaed on income For The Linden Housing Authority hopes local contractors in an effort to interest Maureen Saunders, coordinator of the instance, a two-person household with a to begin construction on its second them in the project Work on many city project. "Several senior citizena maximum income of $11,500 would be senior citizen apartment building—a homes could begin this fall are being helped under the win­ eligible to receive $2,000 for 150-unit structure adjacent to Peach Representatives of Planners terization program Union County is rehabilitation work; a two-person Orchard Towers on Dill avenue—before Diversified of Summit, which is ad running and we are coordinating our household with a maximum of $7,200 winter sets in. ministering the $113,000 program, said program with theirs so there will not be anjuai income would be able to receive City Council President Edward 151 homes in Census Tracts 353 and 354 a duplication of effort " a $4,000 grant Murawski. who has been active in the (an area bounded by S Wood avenue. Outright grants and low-interest Two loon programs will be available planning for the building, said he will 20th street and West Brook) are eligible loans, both funded through the U S. Three percent, loans financed by the call a special meeting next month at federal government may be obtained which time he will ask the governing by homeowners iir the target area body to "guarantee" about $6 million in These may be repaid over a 20-year construction bonds to be issued by the It's up to Linden again period wijfcsi’fhaxtmum loan of $17,400 Linden Housing Authority. Also available will be Federal Housing Frank Suplee. municipal auditor, Administration Title I home im said he would hope the bonds could be provement loans, with a 12-year sold in October or November. Suplee is to find racial plan for repayment program and a 12 percent "officially" estimating a six percent interest rate. However, a subsidy interest rate on the bonds, but said program will make possible a much market conditions will probably result lower effective interest rate in a lower rate “We expect to have more interest in Late this summer the U S Depart­ city's public schools the program than there is money ment of Housing and Urban Develop­ By STEVEN J.HERZ Criteria used for Selection of the available,'' said Fred C Michaeli. ment (HUD) approved a rent subsidy The proverbial “ball."" otherwise designated schools another Planners Diversified staff proposal for the building All tenants known as the racial balancing issue, is Why the imbalance at other schools member. ''If that is the case, we hope will be eligible to receive the federal back in Linden's court once again, isn't being addressed and when would it the county will allocate surplus ^•subsidies, in which the federal according to state Deputy Com be, Community Development money to our government pays the difference bet­ missioner of Education Dr Ralph Possible affects of feeder patterns on program in Linden. We also hope to ween 25 percent of the occupying receive additional federal money when FIELD INSPECTION.— Roy Droomon, loft, rehabilitation director for the Lataille. the two junior high schools; city s Neighborhood Preservation Program in the Wood avenue area, family’s income and the actual cost of Any plans to desegregate the A contingency plan to insure sue the new funding year begins next July, operating the apartment said Michaeli. "We had asked the and field inspectors Ed Sokolowski ond Joe DeLorenzo examine elementary schools in the city have cessful desegregation in the event open weakened porch structure as they begin survey of housing in the target Murawski said there is a great need been put off. possibly for as long as a enrollment doesn't achieve the desired county for close to 9200,000 in outright (or additional senior citizen housing grant money, but the county had to cut area. Grams and loans will be made available to homeowners for year This information was confirmed results; housing repairs. (Glosser Photo Service) units in the city Ever > since con­ by Lataille last week, who said. "'The Curricular changes and everybody back." There is an struction of Peach Orchard Towers was state will go through all necesaary modifications to fit the open enrollment “unlimited” amount of funds available announced in the 1960s. there has been a procedures to arrive at a reasonable policy. tn the three pare ant federal loon long waiting list of apartment-seekers plan for desegregating Linden schools A program of in-service training for "Whenever I visit Peach Orchard You Just don't take precipitative action staff and administrators geared toward The housing inspections began last Albanese will Towers, it’s a real pleasure to see in this type of situation ” 1) week in the target areas. The in people enjoying themselves there We Lataille added that all steps, legal specters examine each structure with have a real need for another building." and otherwise, will be taken to insure an eye both toward general im­ Last spring city and .housing that a workable racial balance plan is Rape suspect provements that can be made and pool report to board authority officials decided to float their violations of city and state codes The own bonds to pay for the building They eventually implemented in Linden The board, instead, instructed the The statement by the deputy com inspectors, explained Michaeli, "sit By RICH AKIM, CONGO could also have allowed a private is held in bail down with the homeowners and counsel George Albanese, county manager, is commission to build new pools in both contractor to construct the complex missioner that any action may not cities Although the commission is them.” expected to-'tell the Board of under an agreement with HLID come until next year marks yet another autonomous, the freeholders have in a string of postponements, delays of $100,000 Planners Diversified has established Freeholders tonight at its meeting the The advantage of building the project an office at 13 Knopf s t . around the approximate cost to construct new control over its capital budget through a private contractor is that it and extensions asked for by the Linden A 23-year-oki Elizabeth man was Albanese met with the commission Board of Education and grantod by the comar from City Hall, as its center of pools at Wheeler Park and at Rahway could be financed over a 40-year period, arrested by Linden police on Saturday two weeks ago to see that the allowing lower annual principal and state The latest state response to the with bail set at 9100,000 for allegedly operations. Homeowners will be River Park assisted in making applications for Albanese will receive a report some freeholders' policy was implemented interest payments board advised it and Schools raping an Elizabeth woman in high At that meeting, the panel was told that Superintendent A R Taranto that more loan* and grants at this office, and time today from the Union County Park However, the decision to finance the weeds off Pennsylvania avenue. Commission that is expected to include two brand new pools were to be built to building through a Linden Housing information, in the form of 10 specific Bienvenida Medina was identified by residents of the target area may call the costs to build a complete pool replace the 50-year-old ones in Linden Authority bond issue, with city questions or points, was needed for the the woman and her father at her the office at 862-8424 for information The consultants are now conducting complex in each city as well as the cost and in Rahway Albanese had also told guarantees, will permit a greater state to evaluate the recent revision of father's home in Linden as the alleged the commissioners that he wanted their the open enrollment policy. Under that confidential financial interviews with to build only a pool without such added savings on interest payments, even rapist amenities as locker rooms The com­ complete game plan and cost estimates though the repayment period will be revision of July 6, the board hoped to According to the police, at around homeowners in the target area to determine their eligibility for the mission might recommend upgrading for the construction of new pools, with . —only 2ft-years-.-------------------- —-— ------ make a dent in the racial balance 2:30 a m Saturday, the 22-year-old and without extras.
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