WEEK03 NEW CMI SERVICE : SEMARANG - SURABAYA - MAKASSAR - BATANGAS - WENZHOU - SHANGHAI - XIAMEN - SHEKOU - NANSHA- HO CHI MINH ETD ETA ETA ETA ETA ETA ETA ETA ETA ETA VESSEL VOY SEMARANG SURABAYA MAKASSAR BATANGAS Wenzhou SHANGHAI XIAMEN SHEKOU NANSHA HOCHIMINH SITC SEMARANG 2103N 16‐Jan 17‐Jan 19‐Jan 23‐Jan SKIP 28‐Jan 31‐Jan 1‐Feb 2‐Feb 6‐Feb SITC ULSAN 2103N 22‐Jan 23‐Jan 25‐Jan 29‐Jan SKIP 3‐Feb 6‐Feb 7‐Feb 8‐Feb 12‐Feb SITC SHEKOU 2103N 29‐Jan 30‐Jan 1‐Feb 5‐Feb SKIP 10‐Feb 13‐Feb 14‐Feb 15‐Feb 19‐Feb SITC SURABAYA 2103N 5‐Feb 6‐Feb 8‐Feb 12‐Feb SKIP 17‐Feb 20‐Feb 21‐Feb 22‐Feb 26‐Feb SITC SEMARANG 2105N 12‐Feb 13‐Feb 15‐Feb 19‐Feb SKIP 24‐Feb 27‐Feb 28‐Feb 1‐Mar 5‐Mar ** Schedule, Estimated Connecting Vessel, and open closing time are subject to change with or without prior Notice ** WE ALSO ACCEPT CARGO EX : For Booking & Inquiries, Please Contact : Jayapura,Sorong,Bitung,Gorontalo,Pantoloan,Banjarmasin,Samarinda,Balikpapan Customer Service and Outbound Document: ***Transship MAKASSAR Panji / [email protected] / +62 85225501841 / PHONE: 024‐8316699 From Padang,Palembang,Panjang,Pontianak,Banjarmasin,Samarinda,Balikpapan Mey / [email protected] / +62 8222 6645 667 / PHONE : 024 8456433 ***Transship JAKARTA From Pontianak Marketing: ***Transship SEMARANG Lindu / [email protected] / +62 81325733413 / PHONE: 024‐8447797 Equipment & Inbound Document: ALSO ACCEPT CARGO TO DEST : Ganda / [email protected] /+62 81329124361 / Phone : 024‐8315599 Haikou/Fuzhou/Putian/Shantou TRANSSHIP XIAMEN BY FEEDER Keelung/Taichung/Kaohsiung TRANSSHIP SHANGHAI BY FEEDER Finance: Lianyungang, Zhapu Transship Ningbo BY FEEDER Tuti / [email protected] / Phone : 024‐8414150 Fangcheng/Qinzhou TRANSSHIP SHEKOU BY FEEDER HEAD OFFICE : SURABAYA BRANCH : SITE OFFICE : PONTIANAK AGENT Gama Tower, 36th Floor Unit A B C Jembatan Merah Arcade Building 2nd Floor Jln .Gorontalo 3 No.3‐5 PT. SINAR BARU LOGISTIK Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. C‐22, Kuningan, Jakarta 12940 , Indonesia. jl. Jembatan Merah No.2, Surabaya Jakarta Utara, Indonesia jl.H.Rais A .Rahman No 2C, Pontianak Phone (Hunting) : Phone : 021‐ 2520715 /2520712/2520718/22958937 Ari/ [email protected] / +62 8123288141 Email : [email protected] ; [email protected] Della / [email protected] Office : + 6231 352 5052 Phone (Hunting) : +62 21 4393 4992/4993 Zila / [email protected] Phone : +62561746957 / +6285245424124 SEMARANG BRANCH : PADANG AGENT : MAKASSAR BRANCH : JAYAPURA AGENT : WISMA HSBC, Suite 503, 5th Floor PT. Pendawalima Jayanthara Menara Bosowa , 14F, Unit A PT. Nusantara Terminal Services jl. Gajah Mada No.135, Semarang jl. Dr. Soetomo No 5D, Padang jl. Jend. Sudirman No.5, Makassar jl. H.I.A Saleh Dg.Tompo No.11, Makassar Office : +62 24 8447797 / +62 24 8316699 / +62 24 8456433 Dian / [email protected] Dwi/[email protected] / +62 852 9956 5964 Didin / [email protected] Lindu / [email protected] / +62 81325733413 Office : +62751812688 Aya / [email protected] / +62 411 3681165 Office : +624113624453 Panji / [email protected] / +62 85225501841 Phone : +62 812 ‐6904 3604 Mey / [email protected] / +62 8222 6645 667 PALEMBANG AGENT : PALU AGENT : BANJARMASIN AGENT : PT. Bahari Raharja Permai PT. Metta Maju Perkasa Windu Persada Cargo Logistics jl. Bambang Utoyo , Palembang Jl. Pramuka No 15 (SPBU Pramuka ), Palu‐ Sulteng Jl. Haryono MT No 105B, Banjarmasin Anna / [email protected] Rizal / [email protected] Ray / [email protected] Office : +62 711‐720207 Office : +62451‐411800 / +62451‐411880 Henny / [email protected] Phone : + 6282378000935 Mobile : +6282193266271 Phone : +625113356134 / + 62 812 2490 5134 BALIKPAPAN BRANCH : SAMARINDA AGENT : BINTUNG AGENT : Panin Tower, 15 Floor Unit 07 PT. Armada Samudera Raya Rahayu Perdana Trans jl. Jenderal Sudirman No.22, Klandasan ilir, Balikpapan jl. Arjuna No. 9, Samarinda jl. Aa Maramis No. 71, Bitung , Sulawesi Utara Widia / [email protected] / +62 853 32196100 Sarah / @[email protected] Tiwi / [email protected] Office : +62541748621 Phone : +6243834212 / +6282189868552 Phone : +6282227485557 WEEK 03 CHINA SERVICE CMI + CPX6 : SHANGHAI - QINGDAO ETD ETA CONNECTING ETD ETA VESSEL VOY VOY SEMARANG SHANGHAI VESSEL SHANGHAI QINGDAO SITC SEMARANG 2103N 16‐Jan 28‐Jan SITC GENSAN 2103N 31‐Jan 2‐Feb SITC ULSAN 2103N 22‐Jan 3‐Feb SITC PENANG 2105N 7‐Feb 9‐Feb SITC SHEKOU 2103N 29‐Jan 10‐Feb SITC PORT KLANG 2105N 14‐Feb 16‐Feb SITC SURABAYA 2103N 5‐Feb 17‐Feb SITC GENSAN 2105N 21‐Feb 23‐Feb SITC SEMARANG 2105N 12‐Feb 24‐Feb SITC PENANG 2107N 28‐Feb 2‐Mar CMI + CVX : SHANGHAI - NINGBO New Service ETD ETA CONNECTING ETD ETA VESSEL VOY VOY SEMARANG SHANGHAI VESSEL SHANGHAI NINGBO SITC SEMARANG 2103N 16‐Jan 28‐Jan SITC MACAO 2104S 2‐Feb 3‐Feb SITC ULSAN 2103N 22‐Jan 3‐Feb SITC SINGAPORE 2103N 9‐Feb 10‐Feb SITC SHEKOU 2103N 29‐Jan 10‐Feb 16‐Feb 17‐Feb SITC SURABAYA 2103N 5‐Feb 17‐FebTBA TBA 23‐Feb 24‐Feb SITC SEMARANG 2105N 12‐Feb 24‐Feb 2‐Mar 3‐Mar CMI + CPS : SHANGHAI - NINGBO New Service ETD ETA CONNECTING ETD ETA VESSEL VOY VOY SEMARANG SHANGHAI VESSEL SHANGHAI NINGBO SITC SEMARANG 2103N 16‐Jan 28‐Jan G. ACE 2103S 30‐Jan 30‐Jan SITC ULSAN 2103N 22‐Jan 3‐Feb MERATUS TOMINI 2103S 6‐Feb 6‐Feb SITC SHEKOU 2103N 29‐Jan 10‐Feb 13‐Feb 13‐Feb SITC SURABAYA 2103N 5‐Feb 17‐Feb TBA TBA 20‐Feb 20‐Feb SITC SEMARANG 2105N 12‐Feb 24‐Feb 27‐Feb 27‐Feb CMI + TPX : SHEKOU - QINZHOU New Service ETD ETA CONNECTING VOY ETD ETA VESSEL VOY SEMARANG CNSHK VESSEL CNSHK QINZHOU SITC SEMARANG 2103N 16‐Jan 1‐Feb SITC HAIPHONG 2103E 4‐Feb 7‐Feb SITC ULSAN 2103N 22‐Jan 7‐Feb BAOHANG 2103E 11‐Feb 14‐Feb SITC SHEKOU 2103N 29‐Jan 14‐Feb SITC PYEONGTAEK 2105E 18‐Feb 21‐Feb SITC SURABAYA 2103N 5‐Feb 21‐Feb 25‐Feb 28‐Feb TBA TBA SITC SEMARANG 2105N 12‐Feb 28‐Feb 4‐Mar 7‐Mar ** Schedule, Estimated Connecting Vessel, and open closing time are subject to change with or without prior Notice ** Customer Service and Outbound Document: Panji / [email protected] / +62 85225501841 / PHONE: 024‐8316699 WE ALSO ACCEPT CARGO EX : Mey / [email protected] / +62 8222 6645 667 / PHONE : 024 8456433 Jayapura,Sorong,Bitung,Gorontalo,Pantoloan,Banjarmasin,Samarinda,Balikpapan ***Transship MAKASSAR Marketing: From Padang,Palembang,Panjang,Pontianak,Banjarmasin,Samarinda,Balikpapan Lindu / [email protected] / +62 81325733413 / PHONE: 024‐8447797 ***Transship JAKARTA From Pontianak Equipment & Inbound Document: ***Transship SEMARANG Ganda / [email protected] /+62 81329124361 / Phone : 024‐8315599 Finance: ALSO ACCEPT CARGO TO DEST : Tuti / [email protected] / Phone : 024‐8414150 Haikou/Fuzhou/Putian/Shantou TRANSSHIP XIAMEN BY FEEDER Keelung/Taichung/Kaohsiung TRANSSHIP SHANGHAI BY FEEDER Lianyungang, Zhapu Transship Ningbo BY FEEDER Fangcheng/Qinzhou TRANSSHIP SHEKOU BY FEEDER HEAD OFFICE : SURABAYA BRANCH : SITE OFFICE : PONTIANAK AGENT : Gama Tower, 36th Floor Unit A B C Jembatan Merah Arcade Building 2nd Floor Jln .Gorontalo 3 No.3‐5 PT. SINAR BARU LOGISTIK Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. C‐22, Kuningan, Jakarta 12940 , Indonesia. jl. Jembatan Merah No.2, Surabaya Jakarta Utara, Indonesia jl.H.Rais A .Rahman No 2C, Pontianak Phone (Hunting) : Phone : 021‐ 2520715 /2520712/2520718/22958937 Ari/ [email protected] / +62 8123288141 Email : [email protected] ; [email protected] Della / [email protected] Office : + 6231 352 5052 Phone (Hunting) : +62 21 4393 4992/4993 Zila / [email protected] Phone : +62561746957 / +6285245424124 SEMARANG BRANCH : PADANG AGENT : MAKASSAR BRANCH : JAYAPURA AGENT : WISMA HSBC, Suite 503, 5th Floor PT. Pendawalima Jayanthara Menara Bosowa , 14F, Unit A PT. Nusantara Terminal Services jl. Gajah Mada No.135, Semarang jl. Dr. Soetomo No 5D, Padang jl. Jend. Sudirman No.5, Makassar jl. H.I.A Saleh Dg.Tompo No.11, Makassar Office : +62 24 8447797 / +62 24 8316699 / +62 24 8456433 Dian / [email protected] Dwi/[email protected] / +62 852 9956 5964 Didin / [email protected] Lindu / [email protected] / +62 81325733413 Office : +62751812688 Aya / [email protected] / +62 411 3681165 Office : +624113624453 Panji / [email protected] / +62 85225501841 Phone : +62 812 ‐6904 3604 Mey / [email protected] / +62 8222 6645 667 PALEMBANG AGENT : PALU AGENT : BANJARMASIN AGENT : PT. Bahari Raharja Permai PT. Metta Maju Perkasa Windu Persada Cargo Logistics jl. Bambang Utoyo , Palembang Jl. Pramuka No 15 (SPBU Pramuka ), Palu‐ Sulteng Jl. Haryono MT No 105B, Banjarmasin Anna / [email protected] Rizal / [email protected] Ray / [email protected] Office : +62 711‐720207 Office : +62451‐411800 / +62451‐411880 Henny / [email protected] Phone : + 6282378000935 Mobile : +6282193266271 Phone : +625113356134 / + 62 812 2490 5134 BALIKPAPAN BRANCH : SAMARINDA AGENT : BINTUNG AGENT : Panin Tower, 15 Floor Unit 07 PT. Armada Samudera Raya Rahayu Perdana Trans jl. Jenderal Sudirman No.22, Klandasan ilir, Balikpapan jl. Arjuna No. 9, Samarinda jl. Aa Maramis No. 71, Bitung , Sulawesi Utara Widia / [email protected] / +62 853 32196100 Sarah / @[email protected] Tiwi / [email protected] Office : +62541748621 Phone : +6243834212 / +6282189868552 Phone : +6282227485557 WEEK03 PHILIPPINES SERVICE CMI +CPS :SHANGHAI- MANILA ( N ) - MANILA (S) VESSEL VOY ETD ETA CONNECTING VOY ETD ETA ETA SEMARANG SHANGHAI VESSEL SHANGHAI MANILA (N) MANILA (S) SITC SEMARANG 2103N 16‐Jan 28‐Jan MERATUS TOMINI 2103S 30‐Jan 3‐Feb 4‐Feb SITC ULSAN 2103N 22‐Jan 3‐Feb G. ACE 2103S 6‐Feb 10‐Feb 11‐Feb SITC SHEKOU 2103N 29‐Jan 10‐Feb 13‐Feb 17‐Feb 18‐Feb SITC SURABAYA 2103N 5‐Feb 17‐Feb TBA TBA 20‐Feb 24‐Feb 25‐Feb SITC

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