k n n w Oia0j N etPnai Roi Vor The Week fended The Weather. Fair, cooler tonight, low aBout AngiM* U, u n BO; fair and warm tomorrow, 14,508 high in upper 70s. Manche»ter— A CUy of ViUage Charm (Olnaeifled Adverttatnc en Pnge tl) PRICE SEVEN CENTS VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 273 (TWBNTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 1987 p Flees Court Two Young Men Die DAHBURT (AlP) — A young prisoner uwUttlng ar- City Under Control, raignmenlt eisoaped today from CSrouIt Court Podce mBd RSdiaind John­ ston, 18, of DanBury appai^ After Car Hits Tree eatly pidled wire mesh from ttie Bul^ien la the ‘ RoBert O. Idler, 20, and ned in the wreckage. Town Fire- cutting torch to free Richard, courtroom and fled out the New Haven Mayor Says Paul H. Richard, 21, were kiU- men used a hydraulic Jack to But it was not used Becaiue of front door. ed, early Saturday night when pry the car heavily-wrecked leaking gas from the car. He WHS awaVUng arraign­ the foreign sports car in which apart so (that firemen and po- Firemen used a pumper truck ment on a charge of theft they were riding ran off Porter lice could extricate him. Both to wash down the area. of a motor vehicle and pa­ St. near Highland St. and slam- victims were unconscious when Police were notified of the ac- role violation. 175 Arrested med into a tree. Patrolman Brooks arrived at cldent By telephone. .-Idler is the son of ICr. and the scene. Richard, a Marine recruiting Mrs. aiBson O. Miller of 62 Du- Miller and Richard, taken By sergeant in Meriden, returned In 2nd Night val St. Richard, of U Bigelow amBulance to Manchester Me- aBout seven months ago from Gallup Poll St., la the husBand of Jane niorlal Hospital, were pro- two year’s duty in Vietnam. Brookes Richard. He U a son „ounced dead there at 8:80, Dr. MUler was Bom in Manches- O f T rou B le qf Mr. and Mrs. Nonnand Rich- j^,B«rt Keeney, town medical ter, Aug. 28, 1946. the son of Has Romney ard o f 18 Cedar St. examiner said GiBson O. and Helen Donnelly NEM HAVEN (AP)— ' Manchester Patrolman Jo- „ \ j i , Miller and attended Manchester Mayor Rtehiard G. Lee or­ 2 Leading LBJ aqph Brooks, the first police- Police h^e not determine was a student at dered all police to remain man on the scene shortly after who was driving, But smd we central Connecticut College, PRINCB3TON, N.J. (AP)—The on duty today after two T:80 said Hillsr was thrown car was heading west when the Britain, and would have latest Gallup Poll has Gov. straicTht nights of disturt)- , <C) from I960 Porche, landing on accident occurred, entered his senior year ancee in New IRtven, But •eeial the road Behind the car. Brooks said he called the month. George Romney of Michigan >r. An Richard was discovered pin- Town Fire Department for a Survivors, Besides his parents, leading President Johnson in a said the "situation is now what were include a sister. Miss Mary-Bur- trial heat for the presidency. under control.” lunenta ton Miller, at home; and his Small Bands of Negro youths, ’ that Ihe American Institute of defying an emergency curfew, aces. paternal grandmother, Mrs. Mary-Burton Miller of Wethers­ PuBlic Opinion here reported to­ smashed -windows, hurled Bot­ field. day that the poll, the first one tles and set minor fires Sunday night. Ttvo Planes Missing The funeral will Be held to­ conducted since the aftermath of the recent race riots, shows By 6 a.m. today, police made morrow at 8:15 a.m. from the 176 arrests on a variety of John F. Tierney Funeral Home, M ay Be * in China 219 W. Center St., with a Mass »>y eight percentage ^ ln ^ 9 charges, Bringing to 228 toe to­ of requiem at St. James’ Church P«r cm t for Romney, to 41 per tal for toe two nights of scat­ tered incidents, which included ' WASHNG’TON (AP) — The Johnson admlnistraUon has au- at 9. Burial will Be in St. James’ ^ some looting —chiefly of liquor Pentagon said two Navy Jet at- thorlxed air strikes within 10 Cemetery. undecided, tack planiM inadvertently may miles of the North Vietnam- Friends may call at the "Survey evidence indicates stores. !' have crossed the Communist China Border erupted in contro- funeral home tonight from 7 to that the sharp shift in the trial At a staff meeting today, Lee Chinese Border early today in versy in Congress and Brought 9. The family suggests that those heat standings is due more to said police will remain on a their attempts to evade North charges the flights increased wishing to do so make memorial the President’s sagging popidar- douBle riilft, 24-hour alert Bas­ Vietnamese piohes and missiles, the risk of Chinese intervention, contriButions to the Instructors ity than to any particular surge is. Both planes are and "After encountering heavy an- of the Handicapped, 198 E. On- in popular support for Rom- Every availaBle policeman may have Been downed in Red tlalrcraft fire in the target area ter St. ney,’’ the Institute said. will Be held over on toe alert China, a spokesman Both and whUe under withdrawal Richard was Born in I" ^ survey taken in mid- he said. "It has Been a hectic and dif­ planes are missing and may route, the aircraft were at- Manchester Dec. 14, 1945, a Ro*«ney traUed the Presl- ficult weekend,” he sald.~'~ have Been downed in Red China, tacked By MIGs and surface- son of Normand and Mildred points. a spokesman said. to-air—SAM—missiles,’’ the Some minor injuries were re­ Ardls Richard, and was a The Institute said that the ported on Both nights of toe out­ A spokesman said Both Pentagon said, graduate of Manchester High proportion of the puBlic vriio ap- planes—A6As from the carrier It added that Both planes re- Bursts. School. He was a communicant prove of the way the President ’Ihe mayor said he felt there USS Constellation— are miss- ported navlgaUonal difficulties, is handling his JoB has declined were "no outside InfluenoM in­ ing. ’They had Been part of on pertiaps due to severe thunder- Besides hU 18 percentage points since the volved in toe ferment. What air strike early today on the storms to the south. i„ ^ gon mid-June survey—from 69 per happened here is part of urBan Due Nol railroad yards seven "During the course of their f cent to 89 per cent. ’This is the A m erica, 1967.” miles northeast of Hanoi. evasive maneuvera from the Matthew P. Richard, President’s lowest rating to date "We will review what has ’Hie spokesman, .sajd the tar- MIGs and SAMs, Both A6As are and the lowest for a President (See Page Twelve) Been done and what needs to get area is aBout 7B miles south Believed to have inadvertently since 1962, the Institute said. of the Oiinese Border. crossed the Chinese Border,” (AP Phototax) Be done at toe Base roots,” Lee In the current poll Romnej^ iBd <0) Disclosure last week that the the Pentagon added. Heavily armed memBerts of the New Haven Police Department watch Biientty said. A m agri- ___________________ ^-------------------- "It is proBaBle that one or leads Johnson in three of the Lee declared New Haven irround- Judge Refuses four major regions of the coun­ aa two <xf their coUeatrues m«)ke an arrest during raiotal trouBle m tlm city and re- ' Both of the aircraft were shot under a state of emergency .at volutioD down By MIGs, either By those try. In the East the race la neck ye^rday. Nearly 100 were in custody By the time the city .was quiet. - 7 p.m. Sunday and set an 8 p.m. m tech- Lower Bond for and neck. t tech- pursuing them or By Red curfew as crowds Began to grow 22 Are Dead Chinese aircraft across the Bor­ "Romney does Better against along Congress Avenue and the der,” it continued. “Each A6A H. Rap Brown Johnson than does Richard Nix­ so-called lU l section of the city. on, currently the top choice of Ini Mexican carried a crew of two. We have NEW YORK (AP) — A U.8. Saying he had no other couTM, no information on the crews.” the GOP rank and file for the Louisiana March toe mayor also colled for help Although there have Been pre- commissioner refused today to nomination. the Institute said. from state police, who sent al­ Gun Battle vlous reports of U.8. planes reduce $26,000 BaU for H. Rap “The Basic reason for this is most 200 troopers to assist city U crossing the CSilnese Border. Brown, national chairman of the (Bee Page Twelve) Amid Firebombs, Rallies poUce. Student Nonviolent <3oordlnatlng The reinforcement of police, A Mailng gun Battle Between Smith of Roodhouse^ lU.-^ias _ ... i a j ______ BA’TON ROUGE, La. (AP) — ton Rouge rally, remained Mon­ stand in an argument with a Ne­ carrying shotguns and equipped two rival facti<MU at the 25th an- Been reported captured. Oommlttcej who is in jail on a Dawn revealed an enforced day in toe Federal House of De­ gro minister. There were three with tear gas rerouted traffic niversary Banquet of a copra SmIUi was captured in 8ep- federal ^ charge. ' Marine to Get peacefulneu in a low-rent Ne­ tention, New York City, in lieu fireBomBlngs in Flint Saturday aitd Blocked off most of Con­ growers union 8unday left 22 temBer 1966 off the CSiineae is- OomnU^oner Earle N.
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