tioi 1111,11111f11li • 1 T1 • JUNE/ JULY 199 2 BEYOND THE SALLYPORT A RICE DIPLOMA: THE COMPETITIVE EDGE Sophomore Kareem Streete-Thompson needs a 26- foot long jump in the June trials to represent the Cayman Islands in this year's Olympics. Six other Rice track stars, representing four other countries, are also hoping to go to Barcelona in July. For a profile of these Olympic hopefuls, see page 36. Cover photograph by Totruny LaVergne NAP URT FEATURES 111 Beyond the Sallyport Students graduating from college this summer face a difficult challenge: a stagnant economy and the toughest job market in 20 years. But a Rice education provides a competitive edge for the Class of 1992. by David D. Medina 72 Medicine and Moral Choices Staying alive may have become easier with medical technology, but it isn't any simpler. Each advance brings an attendant dilemma. Two departments at Rice, philosophy and religious studies, address the increasingly complex and expanding field of"bioethics." by D.J. Wilson Accolades for Alumni The 1992 Distinguished Alumni include two chemists who've done pioneering work with antibiotics and two banking professionals who have survived the banking crisis with success. Sallyport salutes Walter G. Hall, Charles M. Blair, Robert B. Morin and Robert L. Clarke. by Mag,gi Stewart June / July '92 1 DEPARTMENTS 4 Letters 6 Through the Sallyport "The Hunt" for a jeweled walking cane; our camera-shy founder; in search of Santa. 8 News German president Richard von Weiszacker's commencement address on "A New World Order"; women and gender studies major approved; alumni director named; new Owls basketball coach announced; Richard Smalley wins chemistry award; alumnus Ron Bozman wins an Oscar; engineering school ranked at top; and more. 14 Academia German president, page 8 The 15-year-old Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Administration hits a growth spurt; researchers at the Institute of Biosciences and Bioengineering collaborate to genetically engineer blood and protein. 32 Students Rice students can wake up and smell the coffee at the campus' newest institution, the Rice University Coffeehouse. 34 Books, Etc. Composer Samuel Jones creates in epic style; political scientist John Ambler describes the French welfare state; Lucie Fultz, assoc- iate professor of English, co-edits essays by black mothers and daugh ters; and historian John Boles writes a pocket-sized history of Rice. 36 Sports Seven Rice track stars vie for spots in this summer's Olympics. 38 Alumni Gazette A profile of Association of Rice Alumni President George Miner; meritorious service awardees; joint ventures for students and alumni. 40 Gifts and Giving Profile of Telefund chair Anne Baillio; a scholarship recipient intends to return the favor; endowed scholarship levels. 42 Sally Forth Professor of History Katherine Drew previews a cruise through the Mediterranean on the Golden Odyssey. 43 Classnotes 56 Yesteryear Ten-year retrospectives from the history of Rice. The Rice University Coffeehouse, page 32 57 Calendar Upcoming events on the Rice campus. 2 Sallyport FOREWOR D ccasionally readers question the kinds of stories the Sallyport carries. Of course there will always be debate about what is the proper mix of top- JUNE/JULY 1992, VOL. 48, NO.6 ics: serious articles and light pieces, articles on ................................ faculty and on alumni, reports of research in the Published by thc Office of External Affairs engineering, and essays on scholar- • ............................... sciences and shipO in the humanities and social sciences. Executive Director of News & Publications, purpose of the Sallyport Editorial Board is to Michael Berryhill One suggest topics, serve as a sounding board for ideas Consulting Editor, Gabrielle Cosgriff and ensure that, over the course of several issues, the Art Director, Jeff Cox Assistant Editor, Deborah Schmidt '89 Rice scene in all its variety and complexity is covered. The Sallyport is the university's primary means of Editorial Staff: Keith Matis, David D. Medina '83 and Maggi Stewart, staff writers; Kristen communicating to alumni and friends. Everything of Pauley '93 and Tom Sims '92, student writers. importance to the university—programs,faculty, new Design Staff: Michael Sawyers, seniorgraphic facilities, athletics, issues on campus—comes under the purview of designer; Tommy LaVergne, photographer; Sallyport. If there are important developments on campus or involving the Christine Minuto,graphic designer; Margaret Pharr '94, photographic assistant. university that Sallyport does not cover accurately, fairly and responsibly, • ............................... then it is failing its primary mission. such as The Rice University Board of Governors Ofcourse, even at Rice there are on occasion unhappy events, Trustees. Charles W. Duncan Jr., chair, the recent honor code violations, and controversial issues, such as the de- Josephine E. Abercrombie, vice chair, D. Kent Conference participation. These are real issues, and it Anderson, J. Evans Attwell, John L. Cox, Bur- bate over Southwest Ion J. J. Mem- keep the alumni informed. Rice is a strong bers McMurtry, Jack T. Trotter; Term is Sallyport's responsibility to :Bucicy Allshouse, E. William Barnett, institution, and its friends and alumni sufficiently sophisti- James W. Glanville, William P. Hobby, enough George R. Miner, James L. Pate, Louisa Snide, cated, to allow the truth to be told. Sallyport's task is never 'arofim, Thomas D. Smith, Selby W. Sullivan. to sensationalize issues but rather to report— Alumni Governors: Steve Shaper, T. Robert "Bo,„. b"Jones, Albert N. Kidd, G. Walter promptly, responsibly and as accurately as we igh- 'vacReynolds. ice. know how—the significant events Ad taking place on campus. P ministrative Officers resident, George Rupp; Provost, Neal Lane; It is that Vice President for External Affairs, Frank B. ItYao; Vice President for Finance and reponsibility to be hon- Ad P ministration, Dean W. Currie; Vice est with our readers that resident S for Student Affairs, Ronald F. tebbings; Vice President for Research and In- led Sallyport to cover in formation Systems, G. Anthony Gorry; some detail the recent Treasurer, Scott W. Wise. honor code violations, and .,8411 )port Editorial Board we will in the future report Asker '74, John Boles '65, Ryn Bowers '64, r-a,111 Burka '63, Sidney Burrus '57, Lynda Grist on the issue of athletics. The Mary McIntire Ph.D.'75, Bill Merriman Athletic Review Committee Ronny Wells '62. Ex officio: Frank B. Ryan one '38b , Vice President for External Affairs; Al has completed its report, 'ectman '56, Association of recommendations Rice President-elect, that makes no Alumni; Joseph Elias, President, Graduate on the major issues and attempts tStudent Association; John Shields '93, Presi- dent, Rice Student Association. to establish a baseline ofinforma- the tion about the academic preparation S4I/Yport(USPS 412950) is published bi- °_ntillY by Affairs of of student-athletes and the financial Rice the Office of External University and is sent to all university costs of athletics. The Faculty Council parents of students and friends. Eclito- ri.ali Offices: appointed a committee headed by history professor Thomas Haskell to re- or News & Publications, Allen Center Business Activities, Rice University, 6100 S. view that report and make recommendations. That faculty committee is r,ain_St., Houston, TX 77005. Mailing address: *". lsox 1892, Houston, TX 77251. Rice Uni- conducting a poll offaculty attitudes, and its report will be completed over ...vefsity is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Ac- Lion the summer. The students are also working on a poll. Once these reports Institution. are completed, Sallyport will publish a review of the entire issue, placing Voltunary subscriptions to Sallyport are events at Rice in a larger, national context. We are confident that is what available for a $15 suggested contribution. our readers expect of Sallyport. Postmaste Offi r• Send address changes to Sallyport, —The Sallyport Editorial Board ce of News & Publications, Rice University, .0. Box 1892, Houston, TX 77251. 61992 Rice University June July '92 3 LETTERS Rice Needs to insincere crooks, no such charge detrimental to a university, espe- Relearn Old Lesson against Billy Graham has ever been cially one as academically oriented seriously considered, much less as Rice. Their crusade is unbeliev- On a rare business trip to Houston, substantiated. Did Hardison read ably misguided in asserting that I stopped by the campus for a the book, or even the foreword? If sports do not enhance a school's visit and picked up a couple of re- not, read my lips: Billy Graham is image. How do they think the pro- cent Threshers to peruse. I came no charlatan, and Bill Martin is spective students here for Owl Day across some news items that gave nobody's fool. The title of Martin's felt on their first glimpse of Rice? me pause. book, A Prophet with Honor, says How could the Owls not get One item said that a new admin- it all. caught up in the electric atmo- istrative organization called the Of- sphere of the game,even without fice of Environmental Health and Galloway H. Hudson '60 knowing the Rice athletic history Safety had deemed that an upcom- Houston and all the pain the victory erased? ing Sid Rich college party would I would be willing to wager that require 101 security officials. An- more than a few who were at the other news item noted that Rice's For the Record game and in the process of choos- legal counsel had found it necessary ing between Rice and some other to change or clarify policy to allow I should like to make a correction top schools will come here because searches by Rice officials of stu- to the classnote feature on Ike of...[that] night. dents' rooms for drugs and alcohol. Sanders '17, which ran in the Oc- One of the best of Rice's pro- A third news article reported that tober 1991 issue of Sallyport.
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