COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA 1Urgtnluttnr 3Jouruul WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1974 Session of 1974 IS8th of the General Assembly Vol. 1, No. 132 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES By Messrs. GEKAS, HARRIER, M. E. MILLER, JR., E. H. SMITH, LINCOLN, D. M. DAVIS, MORRIS The House convened at 1 p.m., e.d.t. and DININNI HOUSE BILL No_ 2149 THE SPEAKER (Kenneth B. Lee) IN THE CHAIR An Act amending "The Local Tax Enabling Act," ap­ proved December 31, 1965 (P. L. 1257, No. 511), increas­ Ing the amount of authorized exemptions from certain PRAYER taxes. REVEREND ALVIN J. SIMMONS, chaplain of the Referred to Committee on Local Government. House of Representatives and pastor of Bethel A.M.E. Church, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, offered the following By Messrs. BEREN, BLACKWELL, PITTS, prayer: SALVATORE, HILL, WILLIAMS, MYERS and R. W. WILT HOUSE BILL No. 2150 Let us pray: o Thou God of Abraham, Isaac and J aoob. Thou who An Act amending "The Vehicle Code," approved April 29, 1959 (P. 1.. 58, No. 32), further regulating revocation didst hear their prayers in the years past and gone. They of operating privileges of those operating or controlling lived and served Thee and they were victorious. They the operation of motorcycles. believed Thy word, obeyed Thy voice and did bidding. Referred to on Transportation. We beseech Thee to hear our prayer this afternoon 8S Committee we call upon Thy holy name. Bless these Thy servants. Help us to think clearly and honestly without self-decep­ By Messrs. BLACKWELL, BEREN, PITIS, tion. Help us to spenk without pretense or exaggeration. SALVATORE, HILL, WILUAMS, MYERS and that no one may be misled by our conversation. R. W. WILT HOUSE BILL No. 2151 Help us to act with such straightforward integrity that An Act amending the act of August 6, 1963 (P. L. 511, no deed or work of ours may appear other than what it No. 267), entitled. as amended, "An act authorjzing police in pursuit of felons or persons who have committed mis­ really is. Keep us strong to do the right, not lor our­ demeanors or surrunary offenses to arrest, with or without selves alone but for all whom our words, our deeds, our a warrant, such offenders beyond the territorial limits of services may affect. the political subdivision in which the offense occurred," Make clear to us, 0 Righteous Father, every flaw of limiting its application to arrest made in the same county falsehood, every subtle device of insincerity, and give where the offense occurred. us grace to overcome all deceit and fraud and indirec­ Referred to Committee on Law and Justice. tion with the unaffected reality of a christian character. In the name of the God of Abraham. Amen. By Messrs. BLACh.'WELL, BEREN, PITTS, SALVATORE, HILL, WlLUAMS and MYERS JOURNAL APPROVAL POSTPONED HOUSE BILL No. 2152 The SPEAKER. Without objection, approval of the An Act providing for furnishing of programs and proj­ Journal for Tuesday, April 16, 1974, will be postponed eds by college students in urban areas to alleviate juven­ ile unrest and for the earning of college credits therefor until printed. for administration by the Department of Community Af: fail's, and making an appropriation. HOUSE BILLS INTRODUCED AND REFERRED Referred to Committee on Law and Justice. By Mr. EARLY HOUSE BILL No. 2147 By Messrs. BEREN, BLACKWELL, PITIS, SALVATORE, HILL, Wll.LIAMS and MYERS An Act relating to travel agencies; providing for the licensing and bonding of travel agencies; and prescrib­ HOUSE BILL No. 2153 ing remedies and penalties. An Act establishing the Pennsylv:m.ia Council on Youth; Referred to Committee on Consumer Protection. imposing duties on the council to develop and coordinate the implementation of a comprehensive health, education. By Messrs. GEKAS, HARRIER, E. H. SMITH, D. M. recreation. employment, and rehabilitation program for the prevention of youth delinquency and related problems; DAVIS, MORRIS, LINCOLN and NOYE providing for emergency treatment; providing for treat­ HOUSE BILL No. 2148 ment and rehabilitation alternatives to the criminal pro­ cess for youth delinquency and making an appropriation. An Act amending "The Fourth to Eighth Class County Assessment Law," approved May 21, 1943 (P. L. 571, No. Referred to Committee on State Government. 254), increasing the amount of authorized exemptions from certain personal taxes. By Messrs. KENNEDY and KELLY Referred to Committee on Local Government. HOUSE BILL No. 2I54 4188 LEGISLATIVE ",OURNA(;.-HOUSE April 17, An Act regulating outdoor lighting 10r certain real prop­ By Messrs. ECKENSBERGER, RITTER, ZELLER and erty and prescribing penalties. ZWIKL HOUSE BILL No. 2161 Referred to Committee on Labor Relations. An Act amending "The County Code," approved August 9, 1955 (P. 1.. 323, No. 130), providing for expense allow­ By Messrs. KE..~EDY and ARTHURS ances for justices of the peace. HOUSE BILL No. 2155 Referred to Committee on Local Government. An Act amending the act of December 27, 1965 (P. 1.. 1237, No. 502). entitled "An act establishing regional cor­ By Messrs. KAHLE, FOOR, MEBUS, RlTrER and rectional facilities administered by the Bureau of Correc­ DeMEDIO BOUSE BILL No. 2162 tion as part of the State correctional system; establishing standards for county jails, and providing for inspection An Act amending the act of July 8, 1919 (P. 1.. 782, and classification of county jails and for commitment to No. 319), entitled, as amended, "An act providing that State correctional facilities and county jails. clerks. appraisers, investigators and other persons a9sist­ ing the registers of wills in the collection of inheritance Referred to Committee on Law and Justice. taxes. ••." providing for the payment 01 compensation and expenses by the Deparbnent of Revenue. By Messrs. ECKENSBERGER, RIITER, ZELLER and Referred to Cormnittee on Local Government. ZWIKL HOUSE BILL No. 2156 An Act amending the "Second Class County Code," ap­ By Messrs. WESTERBERG, PETRARCA, A. K. prove4 July 28, 1953 (P. 1.. 723, No. 230), providing for HUTCHINSON, DOMBROWSKI, DiCARLO, justices at the peace. HARRIER and R. O. DAVIS HOUSE BILL No. 2163 Referred to Cormnittee on Local Government. An Act amending "The Liquid Fuels Tax Act/' ap­ proved May 21, 1931 (P. 1.. 149, No. 105), exempting from taxation liquid fuels used in vehicles operated by mass By Messrs. PANCOAST, WILSON, GALLAGHER, transportation systems and school buses and further pro­ BENNETT, KOLTER, MALADY, Mffi TOL~ viding for refunds. Messrs. ROMANELLI, A. K. HUTCHINSON, HARRIER, CAPUTO, FEE, SHUPNIK, BONETTO, Referred to Committee on Transportation. EARLY, TRUSIO, SCHMITT, MUSTO, WARGO, By Messrs. WRIGHT, WEIDNER, BURNS and IRVIS, DeVERTER, RENNINGER, GALLEN, RENNINGER HOUSE BILL No. 2164 BURKARD'f, ZORD, ANDERSON, ZEARFOSS, An Act amending the "Pennsylvania Election Code," D. S. HAYES, BEREN and HALVERSON approved June 3, 1937 (P. L. 1333, No. 320), revising pro­ BOUSE BILL No. 2157 visions relating application for application to absentee An Act amending the "Public School Code 01 1949," voting and providing penalties. approved March 10, 1949 (P. 1.. 30, No. 14), providing that Referred to Committee on State Government. flags, belts, apparel and devices supplied to school safety patrols, senoal police officers. and special school police By Messrs. FRANKENBURG, NOYE and BYERLY be visible both day and night. BOUSE BILL No. 2165 Referred to Committee on Education. An Act making it a crime to publicly fail, under cer­ tain circumstances, to show respect for the flag of the By Messrs. THOMAS, McCUE, PITTS, HOPKINS, United States or the National Anthem of the United PANCOAST and ANDERSON States. BOUSE BILL No. 2158 Referred to Committee on Law and Justice. An Act amending the act of December 31, 1965 (P. 1.. 1257, No. 511), further providing for exemptions and By Messrs. FRANKENBURG and BYERLY occupational privilege taxes, changing the rate limitation BOUSE BILL No. 2166 on wage or income taxes and further providing for col­ lection at source of and forms for wage or income taxes, An Act regulating certain bousing of students on cam­ repealing occupation taxes based on a perceD'tage or mill­ puses of colleges and universities and providing penalties. age basis and per capita, poll or other similar head taxes. Referred to Committee on Law and Justice. Reterred to Committee on Local Government. By Messrs. KNEPPER, WEIDNER, BURKARDT, By Messrs. HARRIER, ZEARFOSS, RITTER, BONETTO, MALADY and PARKER ECKENSBERGER, BUTERA and W. W. WILT BOUSE BILL No. 216'7 HOUSE BILL No. 2159 An Act amending UThe First Class Township Code," approved June 24, 1931 (P. L. 1206, No. 331), changing An Act amending uTbe Vehicle Code," approved April the provisions relating to fixing the salary, compensa­ 29, 1959 (P. L. 58, No. 32), providing for facsimile signa­ tion and emoluments of elected officers of the township. tures on certain applications for renewal of vehicle regis­ trations and prescribing penalties. Referred to Committee on Local GovernmenL Referred to Committee on Transportation. By Messrs. DiCARLO, McMONAGLE, M. E. MILLER, JR., HASKEL~ HOPKINS, D. S. HAYES, VOLPE, By Messrs. HARRIER, PETRARCA, A. K. ZWIKL, BELLOMINI, PETRARCA, LINCOLN, HUTCHINSON, DOMBROWSKI and DiCARLO D.M.DAVIS,VIPOND,DOMBROWS~and BOUSE BILL No. 2160 LAUGHLIN BOUSE BILL No. 2168 An Act amendin,(i( the "Fuel Use Tax Act,'" approved An Act amending the ''Public School Code of 1949," January 14, 1952 (P. L. J965, No. 550), exempting from approved March 10, 1949 (P. L. 30), further providing for taxation the fuels used in vehicles operated by mass trans­ Commonwealth payments on account of pupil transporta­ portation systems and in school buses. tion. Rei:erred to Committee on Transportation. RefeI'Ted to Committee on Education. 1974. LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 4189 By Messrs. McCUE. GLEASON, SHANE, HALVERSON, sixty-five years and providing for payments from the L. E. SMlTH, ENGLEHART, ZWIKL, YAHNER and moneys in the General Fund in the State Treasury for losses of moneys due to tax exemptions granted by this BYERLY HOUSE BILL No.
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