■ W e d n e s d a y , a u l y ’ s , i ^bs XF- i^AlSBTttiRTy.SIX iKanrl;rBt(r lEttcttittg Jl|(rali> Manchester Ddys-a Glorious- Time • - Values . • • ' -V ■ * ■ - • f Avenge Daily Net Pnas Rub Par the Wadh ■adaU. The Wasthcr. dair 4. lau PaiaeaBt af o : B. Waathar Bmaa H ALE'S W ,7 0 7 a m t, aeoiar hMUgkt. Pair, KtUa Sr e< tke AedM rkange la tiewpemtnre fVMay. M anehm Uer^A City of FlUoge C t u f r m Bring You These TOL. LXXII, NO. 237 (Cbaelfled AdvertWeg aa Papa 14) MANCHESTER, CONN.. THURSDAY. JULY 9. 1933 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE nV B CRNTB ‘ Values F or Dies Blasts ■ r, •? F in t Qaality 60 Gaore Shear Dark Clearance of Dresses HALE'S T exa s f o r NYLON HOSIERY SHEETS AND b IlettoitaeMew gemi—r ShadM- ai«M SV< *• >1* f t | O S O U R REGULAR STO CK OF $4.98 ^ Fin« Spun DRESSES REDUCED TO .... i . g . PILLOWGASES Police ■1 In tM* group are Chambray*. TiMue Olng- t hama. Broadcloth and Solid Nyiona. With the S” Hem CANNON FINE MUSLIN ALL SALES FINAL Wxghington, July8—</P)— 11.00 First QuaUty 61 Gau»e 15 Denier On Bath Ends af Sheet SHEETS and PILLOW CASES Shelton, July 9—< 4 V -A New'Haven detective ehot and A Texas Congressman accused wounded an employe of the Laurel Heighta Sanitarium here his home state government to­ NYLON HOSIERY REG. $2.98 — 721110 :. ...... e e e a • e . $2.29 REG. $2.98 72x108 ........... $2.29 today when the latter fled from three police officera who day of having failed even to Clearance of With reinforced h««U and toea for extra w«ar. REG. $3.29 — 81x110 ....... $2.49 REG. $3.29 — 81x108 .............. .... $2.49 aought to quaation him'. Chief William S. Donovan of the try to meet a crisia resulting AJl ntw munmor colora. Pair ................................... 59c Shelton Police Identified the vtctim f---------------------- ------------------ - ' ' from the prolonged drought in REG. 49e — 42x34 .............. : SSc REG. $2.49 — 43x99 ..............------------SK99 as Charles Robartaon, 27, of 2$ the Southwest. FAILLE DUSTERS/$6.79 Button . street. New Haven. H# ■tlw- Governor «f-'Taxss should- Wonderful Hale'i ahecti are back again. Raveralbit 3" hem on RIG. 49c — 42x36 PILLOWCASEl... S ic ivaa takiiti to GHtfHn' Hoapital ia Succe«d« Smbatli Regular $7.98. Navy and Black Only. All Sales Final. at least asaamMa the lagialatura Encoura|;enient □ U S . T r ™ Purpoqe both ends of sheets. Guaranteed for years of aenrict. Typa 130 thraad count. Derby. anq set an axampla to the rest of GOP Chiefs SIMUUTED PEARLS AND ' Dr. John J. Narowakl who at* the country that ws will try to help Clark Fails tended Robertson said his cohdi. eursalvaa,” daclarad flap. Martin CHALK WHITE BEADS C)learance of tion was not serious. He said a AS Dias iD-Texl. ■ Alao Rainbow Colora. NaekUeea, Earrln*a, A A COATS AND TOPPERS caliber revolver slug penetrated Dies spoke aa the House opened Seek M ore Stall Three On Support BraeolaU, etc. J for # l#WW Another Shipment _ ' ’Robertaon’a lower right lumbar debqte on an emtrgancy bill to pro­ Plua Tax region. vide loans to cattlemen and farm, Donovan said Robertson was HieHT waieuiAas o f $ f . i « era in the drought-devastated area. Red Drives Coats Reduced To $29.95 failed by a pistol tmllet fired by Ha said it was inconslatant for. Rhee Talks From Rhee AH White Regular values to $45.00. In this group-are Tweeds, Detective Gordon Konnor of the Texas and the South to "clamor] ------ - nXE QUAUTY CANNON JACQUARD New Haven Police who had gone Checks and Poodle Cloth. All Sales Final. about States' Rights " and to da-j ' W gshington, July 9— (/P)— S«oul, July 9— (/P)— Amer­ Seoul, Friday, July 10—(IP) SHEER NYLON GLOVES, 79e Pr. to the aanitarium with Frank Republican Seimtors ican infantrymen crushed With trim cuffa. HAND AND FACE SIZE TOWELS LAngo, also a New Haven detec­ Oft Btoppftd, And tnftn rom# lot ^ » — UN and Red truce teams LADY PEPPERELL TYPE 144 tive, ■ and Policeman Joseph Waahliiton seeking aid from the "Ought todsy to gain time for three bloody Communist as­ will hold their first full dress Wysowfki ef-Bhalton. They want­ tadarai govemmsnt. more U. S. discussions with saults today but failed in a ’session at Panmunjom today ed to talk to Rabertaon, Chief iJiM Everyoae Bise . | South Koresh President S.vng- daring counterattack with TOPPERS REDUCED SUPERFINE MUSLIN Donovan said, about burgiariea —second anniversary of the Regular $1.98 and 82.98 59* man Rhee by proposing that flame-throwers to buim the truce talks — since June 20, which ware committed in New RES. $19.95 and $25.00 VALUES N O W $18.00 REG. $3.29 — 72x108 ................... ......$2.59 Wondarful soft yarn in Jacquai-d pattams in yellow, petal pink, last Reds off Porkchop hill in seeking a truce which South SUMMER HANDBAGS Whitt, aqua, green, lilac, flamingo, huntar grten, roaa, brown and Haven last night. : r - * c "'- • f i y to western ^ re a . RES. $35.00 an d$39.95 VALUES N O W $25.00 The chief said Robertson ran farmers, our people, get Into trou-, any Korean trucc. Korea still opposes but which In All White and MulUColors. Pouch ft | A A and ft A A A REG. $3.49— 81x108 .................... $2.79 lime. Me we run down here like Sen*. Knowland <R-Callf.l and Tough Jfouth Korean troops! and Envelope atylea. ‘ Each # l»i®T RES. $45.00 VALUES ......... .. N O W $32.00 out of the saititarlum when the braved rockets, believed to bej Red China says may be in the REG. $3:49 — 90x108 • • .......... • • 83-09 three officers approached htm, and, everybody else." ■ ]H. Alexander Smith (R-NJ) aug; .................................... 1 Pll», Tax Dies caid ha would support the ' S'»tcd that new efforts b* made Russian-type "Katnihas", in! offing. REG. $49.95 VALU t________ _ _ N O W $35.00 _.waa _puraued..haJI * ■bii* through Early., .today the Polplnff Red REG: 75c — 42x34 ...... ............. .... 594 IRREGULARS o r 79c Tegleratlon becauae there wia lib *1- j *o .*”'‘*tlr thw Peiping regime oIR- smashing-a-fourth Rqd at ta ^ a(-‘ 'wood* Until Tie 'Sjraa'ahbt as ha Radio, quoting a dispatch from Its In this group are Fleece*. Check.*. Poodle and Tweeds. tamativ*--‘'since the state ha, 'Wally into any armistice signing. Arrowhead ridge! live miles from ; Regular 3 for $1.00 Fine Quality Finest quality muslin sheet made. Beautiful finish. emerged onto Montgomery street., Porkchop; I own advance truce base at Kao- • ALL SALES f i n a l CANNOK BATH TOWELS . The officers fired several ahoU* dona nothing about tt." ' United Nations negotiations to Texas, ha said, is in far better dste have been conducted with the The Korean battJefront crackled song; said" there now were 'Tiopes' Mercerized Cotton "Aiiklefs ever Robertaon’a head befbre aim­ with artillery barrages and hand- of an early realisation of an ing at him, Donovan said. flnanciai condition than the federal military commander* of the North In turn back cuff atylea or Engliah rib atralght up atyle. I government, and should at least, Korean and Chinese "Volunteer" to-hand fighting as U. S. units armlatice In Korea." . Police said the proprietor of one All white. Sixea to H. Mancherter Daya, 3 pair for w T fc j "fnake a bona fide attempt to meet forces. for the lirsf time In week* caught Today’s meeting was scheduled 'ef'aeverat New Haven restaurant* this critis." Knowland. who ha* supported the brunt of the Red charges. for 11 a_ m. (10 p. m. ejl.t. Thurs­ «« r** Good quality Cannon towala with alight irragularitiea. FlamUi. burglarised last night had identi­ Another Texan, Rep. Lyle, also S ' Rhee'* demand* for prompt unlAca- Repulse $.000 Red* day). Presumably It was arranged go, aquA, yallow ahdwr*«n. fied Roberteon aa a man be saw Jamea H Bowler, Shove, IT, of , Democrat, told the House the farm- j.Uon of Korea, told the Senate' ye*' The doughboy* hammeied back yesterday during a 15-minUt* asa- GREEN leaving his place of buaineaa. aion of liaison officers. RefiOable Perfect Writing OMeogo, w o. a spockU Oougres- era of Texas and other afflicted ; terday that the Chinese Cnmmun- | 3,000 to 5.000 Chinese who .Wed- . Arthur CSiappelle, operator of sIo m I Ngetioa July T to auoreod statea need credit now and have no-' lets, while supplying men and giiri* Pjcsday night slammed into U. S.- Bfeoo Holds Firm BALL POINT PENS, 25c Each DOUBLE STAMPS the Arena Dinette at State and Ike late dean of the Houae, Rep. where ela* to go. • | tn the North Korean*, would not | held position* at Outpost Berlin Announcement that ^th* true* UMITED QUANTITIES! Wall itraeta in that city, wa* s^d Adolph. J. Solmth. nho died iMt "Ha* the State of Texas changed ' guarantee any _ truce that waa ; and East Berlin in the far west. talks would resume tarn* a few Aaaorted eolora. by police also to have provided Nov. C JUBt twa daya after be It* poaitionT" asked Rep. Baylor signed. ROK Preeldeat Ryagmaa Rhee Ktm II Sung ridge in the ieast and hours after a top-laval UN dele­ FIRST QUALITY EXTRA HEAVY WEIGHT them with the license number of waa elected to hla tttti ronseeu- (R-Pai, recalling that the Governor Knowland. the acting Senate Re- reads a stack of letter* la Korea PorkeJiop hill. gation headed by Gen.
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