ARMY M E DI CA L s E RVICE- ARM1.950117.018 RESEARCH PROGRESS REPORT THE INFORMATION CGNTAINED HEREIN IS UWCLASSlFlED BUT HAY NOT BE PUBLISKED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS PERMISSION OF THE CHAl RHAN. HEDlCbL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD, OFFICE OF THE SURGEON GENERAL. @VkRTMENT OF THE AMY. ANNUAL REPORT I JULY 1952 -30 JUNE 1953 MEDICAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD OFFICE OF THE SURGEON GENERAL U. S. ARMY Inveatigatar Project or Project &!e Title -Number Locatloo PJ. ybical Hfects of the ktanic Rcab..... .. .. ..&55)-'.)&(j3 BJUatlm ssd !Chcmd. Burna. e.. .. , . .6-53-0ti-o& RdiatiOn Them BW SwCand Medical kBptct6 Of IaliZing Radiation.. +. .6-59-0&-14 zftects of Irradiaticm mecto of lmizing Rdiatim Sfect of Irradlatim m SIngk-Cell Orgauisnre 1miurtiOn Effects Biologic and Medical mtsof ICaizlng Radiation ~ets-OBlmaDoee Ratio FP Surfaces Ccmtsminated with Piisicu Products matneut of Irrdiatiaa Sickness vith Spleen Emzgenate ard BQlc MrrOy Relative Biologic Effectiveness of 4 Mev G- Rays Imizatlon Effects . Wet of Rediatlaa m Irm Metabolism and Eca¶topoieEiE pathoiogic study of Central Barvous System Effecti of Ionizhg Rsdiatim m WythroCytes -si# uf Irdirect Bfiect of RwIiattFm BunrS.. ,, * . .. * * * m. .. .. .. .. , . .6-59-12-21 'Ibcrad Burns Cllaic~LStudies in lbarsL Injuries Ccllplications Butn Death6 Air EvsCUatiOIl Wiscellaneoua Clinid Studies wttabolic Chengea af3.er Inftpr DeterminatiOll of aLood Valtoe, Extracellulm Fluid Spece, and Hem Water Equilibration Times 5n Dcga Acutely Depleted cd 5 to 1%of Total gxcbange&le Ex4y Potasaim Bud Functico in chrcnic RdIiisewe before url after Dialysir via Artificial Kidney Effect of Des~iceteraaeACet8t.5 on the Electrolyte Cmeentraricas of HUmm Saliva -mer Rate6 d Idinatad Albrrmin in Burned Patients 5pid mctim in mrno IJriDary Peptides in the Urine of Burn Patient8 mrpenrent of tbe Rrrtes af Protern Anaboliam d catabolism by st CM Sj5-~sb~ledbtethlonhe Stdy of Protein Cst&Olam Rates by Use of I1jl- Labeled Hlmnan Albumin 1 Washington National Record Center Office of the Army Surgeon General Record Group 112 Accession #: 657 - ~C('>C< clJ -- External Counting of Rsdimctive dine as a B Measure Of AbCOlUtC Up%& Of 1. €31-~.ebeled Carpomds 49 Estimatiw of the Hean Llfe of the Red Blod Cell, uslng Radloectire Cbramium 49 Volmes of Distrlbuticm of Inulin, Sucrose, Thio- sulfate, Deuterltm -de, ard ~-1e24,aad of Total Exchangcsble sodlum sad Potasslun in the Nomal State and in 'ibernml hama 49 Changes in Vol-s Oi Distribution of Thiosulfate, Sucrose, Deuterium We, Sild Tutal Exchangeable Potaseim, and in Rate ai Equilibration of Heavy Water Re6ultm frm Potassium DepLetion 50 Burn Therapy WRAMC 51 Trentment of Bums Allen, H. 52 Burns Involving the Resplratcq Tract comoe 53 Thennal Bums Cope 56 Renal Dysfunctim follwing Thermal Iujq DeDeliey 62 Trmsplrcntetim of skin Greene, H. 64 ThedBurns HWQ, J- 65 Thed InJw Payne 72 Effects of Yesoactive Substances Schiller 74 Bmis Involving the Respire- Tract Schmidt 76 Sureical Applicatim of Bacterial Eazqnes WQYter, B. e2 Reversible El-trolyte Imbalance in Shock Walker, J. a5 Ilew Methoda of DentlPcnt of Tbherral Burns Walter 80 Extxwellular d T0te.l BW Water Exchange Rates following Thermal xury ard other 'isam Wilson ss PLRsm Vol- EwdwS., .. .. .....e.. .. ., . .. -6-59-12-24 98 Dcxtrm WRhEIC 105 Effect of Dextrrn lrQoD Liver Fmction, Renal Function E Inte-iazy Metabolism 105 Continuing F'rwm of Clinical Eveluetion 106 Dextren Beeson 107 Blood Plasm Expender6 BlOUt 109 Effect of PYP 011 Prot.eln Excretion Bredley 112 Polyvml b-rrolldone Eirich 114 Physiologic & Biocbmicel Stuiies with Plasma Expandms Elman 117 Plasma Substitutes Hem 321 Dextran murer 124 Effects of Plasm Eqanders Rousselot 125 Tissue Culture Stdie6 Szepsenwol 130 1 Plasma Colloid Expanhers VmS 133 Plasm Expders WeisaberE 136 Sterilization of Blood and Blood Derivatives.. .. ..6-59-U2-25 141 Serum Hepatitis Rnd Infectim Hepatitis mrw 145 Fat Ennrlsions for Intravenovs Nutrition.. .. .. .. .6-60-11-14 150 Fat Ehulsions USDA 154 Fat Emulaions far Intravenous Nutrition stare 156 Fat Emulsions for Intravencus tqutrition YOWnanS & Meng 15 8 Washington National Record Center Office of the Army Surgeon General Record Group 112 Accession #: 1)5 7 - )c k) Bldaud Blocd Derivatives.. .. .6-64-01-09 162 Blood Coagulation Alexander 168 Intravascular Clotting BlWWt 170 Blood Coagulation Brcmbel 172 Blood CoagUlatiaz Burbsck 176 Farmed Elements and Preservatiori of Blocd chanutin 178 Preservation of Bloui for Tre.nsfusion D&OWill 181 Blood Coagulrrtion MertZ a3 Isolation of Prothrcmibin, Prothrombin Activators, and Platelets Milstone 184 Preservation of Platelet Concentrates Minor 1e6 Intravascular Clotting OlWin 187 Measurement of Extracellular Space Peters 190 Fcolned Blocd ElmWt6 RtVrdin 191 Blocd Coafghtion Schnelder 1% Leucocytic Extracts Strumia 198 Blocd Coagulation Ware 201 Blood CoaguLetion Wawh 202 -Po-4 Prediction of Success in Medicel ResidencJ- Training.. ..6-64-11-03 203 Prediction of Success in Medical Reslfiency Training Strong 205 -Pod Strdy of Bssic Problems in Visual Perception ..... ......6-60-10-08 MiUer 206 Human Eagineering Studies.. .... .. .. ..... ... ,.. ... ..6-%-20-01 208 nunan Engineering Stulies AmL 212 Cantrol Co-ordination Problems 212 Relation betveen Optical Aids and Perception in Visual observation 21% Hearing adVibration Problems with Mechanized Equipment 214 Relation of Ptpical Trahing to Gperatiod Performance 214 Field Test Studies 215 H- E-eering Andrew6 216 speed d Precisian of Dperatar's Response sprag a8 Resuscitation.. ,. .. .6-59-09-01 219 Mechanical. Respiratms DriPpS 223 Mechanical Artificial Respiration Greene, D. 225 Mechenical Respirators Hitchcock 227 Oisaster Studies.. ., . , . -. .6-64-01-08 NAS & Others 228 Arctic Field Medicel Problems.. ,. -. .6-7&01-04 EDD 237 Wound Bdlistics.. .. .. *. .. .. .e.. .. .6-gpo2-01 cd C & AFIp 243 iii - ' '-Washington National Record Center Omre of the Army Surgeon General Record Group 112 Accession#: 457.- ?c[Sv(z_) Accidental ‘ira~......................................6-61-01-04 245 Psychiatric ard Social Background of Perscns : involved in Accidents Fitzsimons AH 250 Crash mury DeHaven 251 Causation of Accidents Dunlap 25 3 Visibility Safety King, B. 255 Accidental Trauma McFarland 256 Environmental Bgiene .. .. .. , . ;. .. .6-61-13-04 25 9 QtvFr-ntal Hygiene .mu 263 r Human Wastes in the Arctic and Subarctic hev Med Div 265 SLUviVCil of Cy6t.S Of -E. histolytica under Low Tmratures Charm- 260~. Viability-of Viruses Marston 271 Treatment of Water for Military Use Moore 274 Quality of Reconatituted Milk & Bulk Dispensed Olson Bulk Milk Dispenser6 Tied- Human Feces Exposed to Lw Tenperatures WBUace Military Shelters Yaglou Environmental Physiolow.. .. .. .6-64-1.2-28 Environmental Physiolow mL Phpiologic Effects of Cold on Men 297 Effect of Cold Exposure on Animals 298 Stdies on Foot Sweet Control 299 Neuro-endocrine Responses to Environmental Variables 299 Renal 4Body Fluid Responses to Environmental Variables 300 Gastrointestinal Responses to Environmental. Variables 300 Cold Injury Strdies 301 Effect of Stress on Phy3icochemical Behavior of alod pro:.em 301 Biochemical Aspects of Stress 302 Respiratory-Metabolic Responses to Environmental Variable6 303 Cardiovascular Responses to Environmental. Variables 304 Biophysical Studies of Skln 305 Quantitative Stulies of Severe IIypotherrda Adolph 306 Ucmograph on Environmental PlvsioloEy Lee 307 Gastric Secretory Responses to Thermal and Chemical Variables Rehm 308 -PO-14 Vision and Its Relatim to Accident3 and Erras in Jdpent.. .. , . I.. -5-59-03-03 PJAH 310 hansfusion React1ona.................................. o-5P.lF-08r 313 Traaafusion Reactions . mwc 315 iv Hereditary Nonspherocflic Hemolytic Disease 315 Hemoglob lnometry 315 Erythrocyte Metabolism 315 Changes in Red Cell Dimensions 315 Use of Wansfwion in Battle Casualties 315 Blood Volume Studies with Isotopic Tags 335 Transfusion Reactions due to Leukocyte Incornpat ibility 316 Production of Leukocyte Amlutinins in Animals 316 The Universal Donor, its Re-evalution 317 Histochemical Methods i.n Blod Morphologr 317 Sprue 318 I Alterations of the Blod Co&ation l!ecl;anism during Recovery from Severe Wounds Hemglob in Catab01 isn r Iron Metabolisn with Fe59 I Erythrocyte 14X Stuij. Hemolytic System of PNH Transfusion Freeze Dryins of L!mcdifie.-l !&ole Blod I *’ Acute and Chronic Diseases of the Liver.. .. , . , . .6-60-09-u Amy Hepatic end Metabolic Center WRAII: ACTH Therapy in Acute Vbai Hepatitis Clinical Studies vith Chronic Viral Hepatitis Portacaval Shunts in Pntients with Esophageal Varices 332 Bacteriolow of the Human Liver 333 Nitrogen Balance in Acute Hcpatitis 333 Comparison of Glucose and Fructose in Therapy of Liver Disease 334 Ethanol Metabolism 334 mania Metabolism 335 Iron Metabolism in Liver Disease 335 Metabolic Effects Of Modified Hum~nGlobin 335 Effects of Testosterone on Liver Function & Protein Metabolisn In Liver Disease 335 Amino Acid Tolerance 337 Metabolic Effects of Intravenous Co~@OundF 337 F’rotein & Cnlorle Requirements in Convalescence 338 Antibody Production in the Wounded 338 Plasma volume & Total Circulating Proteins in Liver Diseases & in the Malnourished 338 Albumin Turnover Studies in Patients with Liver Disease & those Showing Impaired Recovery from Injuries 338 Follow-up StUqv of Patients with Acute & Chronic Liver Disease 339 Cerbohyirate Metabolisn in Humans with Fatty Liver 339 Carbohydrate Metabolisn in Animds with Experiwntal Fatty Liver 339 Hepatic Bled
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