Bulk Rate Return Address ISSN US Postage SAOIRSE PAID^ Box 1053 0791 - 0002 Hummel South Orange, Dist. Corp. N.J. 07079 DAlTHiOCONAILL 1938-1991 4-PAGE TRIBUTE UIMH.46 FEABHRA- FEBRUARY 1991 30p (USA $22 per year) see pages 5-8 • Pictured at the Dublin launch on January 21 (left to right) Ruairf 0 Bradaigh, uachtaran, Cathleen Knowles, Ard-Runai, Emmett Walsh and Des Long, Ard Chomhairle. proposals. By so doing, a new spirit of most anxious to respond to the proposals freedom would pervade the country and and would be studying them carefully. the Irish people could at long last, enter into a dialogue of genuine discussion to Also, Fr Des Wilson who has established fashion the Ireland of the future." credentials (none of them from church TSINN FEION POBLACHTAC PEACH $ a new Constitution in a Efederally The alternative is a continuation of the and state establishments) attended the launch of Towards A Peaceful Ire- structured Ireland. present hopelessness into the foreseeable launch in Belfast and expressed his good- land on January 21 last at simultan- future. "Failure to adopt these proposals will. eous press conferences in Dublin (Before the Assembly is set up the will prolong the current situation of fur- In addition, the editorial in the Ander- and Belfast represents a serious and British Government must declare ther loss of life, police harassment of the sonstown News (February 2) headed significant attempt to break the on- that it will withdraw its forces and people, hundreds languishing in jail and "The Peace-makers" called for a public going political impasse in Ireland. establishment from Ireland within thousands fleeing our shores because of debate of Sinn Fein Poblachtach's pro- 12 months of the adoption of a the lack of employment. Such conditions posals and argued that they could be a These proposals were drawn up by the new Constitution by the people of cannot be allowed to continue." possible way out of the political impasse. late DaithT 6 Conaill, Vice-President, Ireland. Sinn Fein Poblachtach intends to pro- The editorial went on to comment on Sinn Fein Poblachtach, shortly before his In this way Mr Brooke's state- mote these proposals at every available the silence from those "who usually death on New Year's Day last and ap- ment of November 9, 1990 that public forum of Irish people in the flaunt their *peace' credentials... proved by an Ard Chomhairle at its Jan- Britain has "no strategic or selfish coming weeks and months. The collapse their deafening silence gives weight to the uary meeting. interest" in Ireland is put to the of the Brooke initiative at the end of Jan- belief that their true objective is not "Towards a Peaceful Ireland" makes test of a British public commit- uary only serves to reinforce the Repub- peace but the violent destruction of their the following three proposals: ment to withdraw. lican argument that the restoration of enemies". democracy and self-determination is the I That a Constituent Assembly be es- )An amnesty for all political prison- key to a solution. WHAT YOU CAN DO tablished representative of the ers and people on the wanted list. "Towards a Peaceful Ireland" outlines There is something that every person whole people of Ireland and elected These releases to be completed one practical steps in the securing of that self- can do to assist in creating a public de- by the suffrage of the adult popu- month prior to the election for the determination and puts forward a cred- bate on these proposals: lation. The Assembly would have Constituent Assembly. ible timescale in which it could be imple- • Mention them to friends and acc- the sole function of drafting a new mented. quaintances and make them known to Constitution within a six-month NO NECESSITY persons in positions of influence: period. The agreed Constitution With the acceptance of these three RESPONSE • Write to the press, local and national, would be submitted to the people proposals it is clear that the political There has already been a response in to show your approval: in referendum for acceptance or stalemate in Ireland would be overcome certain areas. Dr John Robb (Bally- • Mention them on a radio/TV pro- rejection. and there would be no necessity for the money, Co. Antrim) of the New Ireland gramme: In such a free and open debate continuance of armed struggle. "All Group sent a message to the press • Propose support for them in your Sinn Fe*in Poblachtach has pre- elements, including the British, engaged conferences on January 21 (the 72nd trade union, tenants' or residents' assoc- pared a set of proposals — EIRE in such activities should cease action Anniversary of the first All-Ireland Dail iation, political party, local council or NUA — which outlines the basis for immediately on acceptance of these Eireann) saying that his group would be community association. BROOKE TALKS COLLAPSE THE STATEMENT by British Sec- When the so-called Brooke init- ment of July 5, 1990 was probably also objected to any early Dublin retary Peter Brooke on February 5 iative began a year ago the British a watershed, due to the reluctance involvement in the talks. that the time to ' put up the Secretary quickly adopted the role of the Dublin administration to cast shutters" on his talks about talks of " long-suffering referee" be- themselves in the role of Redmond, The failure of the Brooke talks may be approaching surely indi- tween the Unionists and the SDLP. with no tangible benefits on offer adds urgency and weight to Sinn cates that the whole affair has final- This age-old British ploy was of to allow them to drop the Hills- Fein Poblachtach's peace initiative ly collapsed for want of substance. course practised by Lloyd George borough Deal. in Towards a Peaceful Ireland". when negotiating with John Red- The document states that " an open While it is possible that he was mond in 1914 . That double-deal- In the period since last July the democratic forum (such as the Con- engaged in a last-ditch attempt to ing led to partition and the eclipse whole process has been foundering. stituent Assembly proposed) would pressurise the Dublin administra- of the constitutional nationalists by Brooke insisted in his July 5 state- oe more meaningful to the Irish tion or Unionist leaders into mak- a revolutionary Sinn Fein commit- ment that Unionists would only people today than meetings behind ing concessions it is more likely ted to a 32-county Irish Repub- talk to the Dublin administration as closed doors between politicians that he was preparing the ground lic. part of a British team, led by him- who have failed the people so for the latest British failure to make WATERSHED self, while Dublin insisted on talks often/' a two-state Ireland work. Peter Brooked unissued state- with Unionists alone. The Unionists No more British solutions! SAOIRSE -Feabhra/February 1991 Mick Hegarty, Ann Egan, James Connolly Egan and John Callaghan — braved the elements to raise funds for CABHAIR (Irish Republican Prisoners' Dependants Fund). Public demand was such that each swimmer was expected to cross the canal twice before clambering out and joining the festivities around the fire, where a far selection of "warm-ups' were available. REFUSED TO LEAVE However, despite repeated verbal "en- couragement" the lone Branchman Cabhaar refused to leave the confines of his car, "WE HAD TO break the ice ... ." not and he never ever ("Honest, Boss. .") quite; but it none the less took a brave made a donation — speaking of which, heart to strip off, change into the swim- more than £100 was collected on the gear and take the plunge into the cold morning itself, with at least several waters of the Grand Canal, Inchicore, times that amount still to come in. Dublin at 12 noon on an icy-cold Christ- CABHAIR would appreciate the swift mas Day. return of sponsorship cards and money — To the cheers of about thirty spect- please remember the funds are required ators, and much to the surprise of a lone to alleviate the hardships suffered by Some of the participants (left to right): John Callaghan, MickHegarty and Ann Egan. Special Branchman, four 'brave hearts' — the families of Republican prisoners. YEAR AGO: THE MAN IN THE CASTLE IN FEBRMRY 1941, the IRA' s "Using huge wire-clippers he had man in Dublin Castle — long-time smuggled into the Castle by strapping seat of British rule in Ireland and them to his back, Crofton opened a way in for the bomb squad. But he was on the up to recently the headquarters of outskirts of Dublin, establishing an alibi, the 26-county Special Branch — when the squad came in, and in his was finally unmasked and arrested. absence they missed the door and planted He had been, according to the bomb in the wrong room." In this Bowyer-Bell, a "most important way five members of the Special Branch addition to GHQ" and his existence were injured, although they were not tar- remained "a dead secret". His name geted. was Jim Crofton and he was in the Crofton also reported to GHQ on the tradition of Kavanagh, Broy, Nel- case of the QM of the Wexford Unit who igan and McNamara who worked as he said had "talked" in his cell in the Bridewell under heavy pressure from agents within the political "G" Div- Dinny O'Brien in late August of the same ision of the DMP at Dublin Castle year and was then released. According to for Michael Collins when he was Bell, Crofton "despised informers and Director of Intelligence, GHQ in insisted that something had to be done." 1919-21.
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