THE MORVIXG OREGONIAN, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1915. a posssible combination that "Conny" THREE HEADLINEBS WHO WILL APPEAR TONIGHT IX AMATEUR may put on the water this Spring to BOUTS OF NEW IMPERIAL ATHLETIC CLUB. LOOKS try once more for the Pacific Coast's AGGIE JOB OFFERED WASHINGTON premier honors. As soon as the warm weather comes in March Coach Conibear will move iis boats over to Lake Washington and CE HOCKEY! LIKE TITLE WINNER begin the hard grind for the coming TO FJIGK WILLIAMS season. At present the men work out PROFESSIONAL on Lake Union. Waller, whom "Conny" considers the best stroke that ever pulled No. 8 for Washington and' a former captain of the crew, is again a candidate for his Portland vs. Victoria, B. C. Leaguer Double Defeats of Oregon and old place. Among the other "W" men after their old Jobs are: Rus Callow, by to Aggies Give Great Lead in captain, who rowed twice at Pough-keepsl- e; Asked Dr. Stewart Brokaw. last year's bow; Tuesday, February 9 Contest. Heinle Zimmerman, for two years the Be Baseball Coach. Basketball varsity's stroke; Hal Schumacher, No. P. M. 4 on last year's eight; Brick Hill and 8:15 Ward Kumm, who served their first season in the first boat under Conibear AT ICE HIPPODROME last year. ANSWER DUE IN TEN DAYS WHITMAN IS WEAK SISTER Fancy Skating, Music ' 24 MEX IX VAXCOCVER SQUAD if y1- - W Xorthwestern League Team to Begin Tickets 50c, $1.00, $i.so former Manager or Portland Colts Idaho to Invade Coast Territory Training March (20. Qualified to Be Hummer as Col- Soon but Is Not Regarded as SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. 1 (Special.) ON SALE AT Contender for High Twenty-fou- r players, all sizes and all lege Mentor Dr. H. Thielman I Serious ages, will comprise the Vancouver HUNTLEY DRUG CO., SCHILLER CIGAR STORE, Squad. baseball squad, which will go into ' Honors Despite Big Washington Sta. s Eleventh and Washington Bta. Is Second Choice. f ' ' ' t'f It if 1' training March 20 in preparation for Fourth and the approaching Northwestern League campaign. ICE HIPPODROME, home recently from Twenty-fir- st and Marshall Sis. - Brown returned BY ROSCOE FAW'CETT. NorthwMt Conference Basketball. Seattle with the signed contracts of W. L. P.C.I W. L. P.C. Dode and Tony Brottem, and Nick Williams, blonde troglodyte and 0 lOOOiOregon .... u 000 Brinker Wash. State 5 .01)0 signed uauoway, win- sometimes baseball manager, learned Washington 4 o jutwur. Asrsieo. also has tticnard as the Weonat had been declared 3 2 . 0 .ouo southpaw from Washington State. ners to and wear high-wat- er Idaho .0Whltman of the circuit. drink cocktails Coming- - C. E. Bloomer, an Infielder, who was 10 12 years back at Game. SALEM SEEKS TITLE trousers some or Monday, Oregon versus Idaho, at Moscow. with the Tacoma team at one time, will The Christian Brothers Coller squad the University of California. Notwiths- Tuesday. Oregon versu Washington Stale, try out for a berth. He is a fast field arranged with Holmes Business heavy has the tanding-. Nicholas ts considering a at Pullman. ,..,. ( ing shortstop. R. E. Martin, a College tor a basketball game to be Wednesday, Oregon vor.u. iwi. hitting infielder, from Fort Casey, also played on former's floor tomorrow proposition to return to the uplifting Walla Walla. t the atmosphere of a college campus. Friday, wasningion vcr.u. TJ.fc will get a tryout. He batted .387 in night. A dance will be held immedi- MOSCOW. ball last season. Joe ately after the contest. To. Brer Nick has been offered the Haturday. wasningmn ttrub ,...i.fn Christiansen, Backer, played School Basket Tossers Oregon Agri- Pullman. the first High baseball coachship at the State, at several games here last Fall and looks rraender Is claiming the cultural College, and it is not alto- The University ot- Washington ap like a comer. Another player signeo. Beat Astoria, 34-1- 9. basketball championship of the city gether improbable that ho will accept. pears to Be on tne roaa i auumc. is Charles Hunter, a catcher, from for the Teninsula Park Midget as a The manager of the Portland (SI championship with Wnlrinnrt Or. He has had a lot cf ex result of their victory over the Chris- former Northwest college perience ball and Northwestern League club had been its veteran basketball crew. Already in tian Brothers Midgets. The ChrlstUn upon Spokane manage- gold quintet has dis- comes well recommended. Brothers College toam wss handicapped counting the the purple and The signed contract of Paul A. Swif by regular players, ment, so was in posed ot the Oregon Aggies and the SQUAD HOME the absence of Its left somewhat out the two games ka came to hand. This youngster halls JEFFERSON according to members ot the team. chill when Farr "crossed" him and University of Oregon in Casey. He is a portside old-tim- e sear.ua, unu, umcaa from Fort gave the Job to Bob Wicker, an apiece at good as a semi 1h tinltea down miserably on their twirler with a record Jefferson High School la leadlnc National League pitcher. fall to professional. Portland Intersrholastlc Leaaue with Williams is employed at the offices road trips, It will be a hard matter signed are concern, stop Among the other pitchers two victories and no defeat, while Lin- of a local dock however, and them. Harry Eddy, a Seattle youth, ana win Portland Players Win Two Games at coln High and Columbia University are also has several baseball offers in Gauged from tneir snowmB " flinger of Van di- games, conierence Brandt, the boss the University tied, with one victory and no tbark. view. Dr. E. J. Stewart, athletic first rnund of the couver Wholesale League last year. Tillamook Columbia game at Corvallis institution, was basketball squads will finish in the fol Jefferson High will play Its first rector the Washington, Ore- I111I Military Academy against the new Franklin High team a Portland visitor yesterday. He con- lowing order: first; and Manager gave 10 gon Aggies, second; Washington State CUBS ARE TO PLAY PHILLIES next Friday afternoon, but ferred with Nick and days in Will Sleet Tomorrow. haa unable to announce which to return an answer. By that nr Oree-nn- third: Idaho, fifth, and Maurice been Ante-Seaso- where the match will be held. time Williams thinks his affairs will be Whitman, aixth. Permission Granted for n fo adjusted as to permit a definite re- The Oregon Aggies already have lost ply. two games to Washington and a game Series in Florida. PL. WEISS SOON DUE IN CAMP Nick is one of the cleanest, most anieca to Washington state ana luniiu Coach Clancy and his Salem high wore ball However, Aggies gave Washington CHICAGO. Fe'3. 7. Permission has Port- popular fellows that ever a the been granted Chicago and Phila school basketball players were Exodus of Baseball Men From Pan suit, and the Aggies may well consider terrific battles and the games in the the yesterday, having Empire were close and hard delphla National League baseball clubs land visitors after themselves fortunate if he decides to Inland ante-seaso- n games team. Francisco Starts This Week. royal fought. to play a series of trimmed the Astoria high school follow in the footsteps of that Petersburg, Fla., ac metropolis Satur- 7. Special I of coaching ancestry numbering expected to Retrieve. lm Tamna and St S4 to '19, at the fish SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. line AKClen cording to an announcement made here day night. Salem were an of ballplay- Fuch headliners as Fielder Jones, "Mys- Washington won 1 in an The athletes There will be exodus Wil-ki- e State yesterday. The Chicago cluD will train they re- Chi- terious" Mitchell, Jess Garrett and time struggle, and laano won pleased with the treatment ers this week. Jim Scott, of the (1) Abe Gordon, (2) Valley Trambetui, Clever Boxer, extra at Tampa and the Phlladelphians at St tomorrow Clark. Wagner; 3) Wagner, One ot Cleverest Boya 18 to 13. Corvallis fans expect tne oaas Petersburg. ceived from the Astoria student. cago White Sox. will leave If Nick Williams does not accept the Who Will Meet Jack Jack to Inland ath- - manager going for the elate Hobles, where he will Join may In Ijocal Amateur Circles. be reversed when the Roger Bresnahan, of the "We are out for Paso proffer the position be tendered to lAtp cross the Cascades. Cubs, said that he had eight trades In basketball champion- Joe Bona. Dr. Harry (Todd) Thielman. Harry is will be first to Invade tne hoped to accomplish Oregon on a hunting Idaho the mind which he ship," said Coach Clancy. "We have "Itowdy" Elliott and "Hirf Pchaller in Southwestern exten- West. The Gem Staters are scheduled at the National League meeting in New played Boyes Tuesday and The series will mark the first et- - a strenuous schedule. We have start for bprlngs trio with Bill Rodders and Bill James. Dlav Washington, at Seattle, sagre-gatlo- n sive inter-cit- y golf series in Western to York this week. five contests and have won all but It Is possible others of the Seal Nick Williams has seen all sides of ruary 13; Oregon, at Eugene, February hands immediately the baseball, and, with his personality and BOW Oregon. to, one. The lone defeat was at the will settle at NEWCLUBISTO The first of the will be played 15; Willamette, at saiem. tveDruary of the University of Oregon squad and training quarters. adaptability, ought to be a hummer as series rrt th Orearon Aergies February 17.
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