638 23 and Me www.23andme.com 922 American Ancestors http://americanancestors.org 317 Ancestor Cloud https://ancestorcloud.com 1029 Ancestral Quest (Incline Software) www.ancquest.com 1125 Ancestral Systems LLC http://clooz.com 303 Ancestry www.ancestry.com 1740 Animoto www.animoto.com 133 Archives.com www.archives.com 230 ArkivDigital AD AB http://www.arkivdigital.net 1332 Association of Professional Genealogists www.apgen.org 829 Backblaze www.backblaze.com 1206 The Bead Farm http://Utahbeadfarm.com 828 Billion Graves https://billiongraves.com 1536 Branches http://familytree-branches.com 1245 BYU http://familyhistory.byu.edu 1643 By Land or By Sea none 1226 BYU-Idaho www.byui.edu 1640 CaptionCall www.captioncall.com 135 Cherokee Nation www.cherokee.org 1428 Church History Department http://churchhistorylibrary.org 1534 The Connections Games http://theconnectionsgames.com 1427 Crystall Inn Hotel & Suites http://www.crystalinnsaltlake.com 1227 DAR www.dar.org 1142 Day One http://dayoneapp.com 1118 Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) https://dp.la 338 Drouin Institute www.genealogiequebec.com 1222 e-ImageData Corporation www.e-imagedata.com 1117 E-Z Photo Scan http://ezphotoscan.com 1744 EasyFamilyHistory.com http://easyfamilyhistory.com 1441 Elk Meadow Designs www.TheTapestree.com 1105 Emberall.com http://emberall.com 1628 Epson America 1235 Evidentia Software http://evidentiasoftware.com 1835 Excelsior College https://genealogy.excelsior.edu 1324 Extreme Genes http://extremegenes.com 629 Famicity www.famicity.com 1043 Family ChartMasters http://familychartmasters.com 1127 Family Heritage Publishers 1232 The Family History Guide L3c http://www.thefhguide.com 1836 The Family Nexus http://thefamilynexus.com 1844 Family Tree and Me www.familytreeandme.com 636 Family Tree DNA www.familytreedna.com 1136 Family Tree Magazine www.familytreemagazine.com 225 Family Tree Maker www.familytreemaker.com 1326 Family Trees and Timelines www.familytreesandtimelines.com 515 Family.Me www.family.me 1007 FamilySearch Book Scanning 635 FamilySearch Coaches Corner www.familysearch.org 214 FamilySearch Missionary Recruitment Famrly www.famrly.com 702 Find My Past www.findmypast.com 142 Finland's Family History Association www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/index_eng.htm 1837 Fjor Films www.fjorfilms.com 224 Fold3 www.fold3.com 802 Forever www.forever.com 1930 Funtastic Wholesale 1025 The Game of Genealogy www.thegameofgenealogy.com 1204 Genealogists.com https://genealogists.com 1631 Genealogy Tours of Scotland www.genealogytoursofscotland.ca 333 Genealogy WallCharts 623 GenealogyBank.com www.genealogybank.com 1132 GenealogyDOTcoach http://genealogy.coach 539 Geneanet 1542 GenerationStory 1425 Genlighten.com http://genlighten.com 4123 Georgia Genealogical Society http://gagensociety.org 1333 GPS Origins https://gpsorigins.com 1126 Group National Publishing 1334 Heritage Genealogical College www.genealogy.edu 1831 Heritage of Heroes.com www.heritageofheroes.com Heirloom Show & Tell 1834 High 5 Communications http://GenealogyJr.com 232 Historic Journals https://hjournals.com 1841 HistoryLines http://historylines.com 1027 ICAPGen www.icapgen.org 1019 Iimage Retrieval Inc www.iiri.com 1842 The In-Depth Genealogist www.theindepthgenealogist.com 1735 Intelligent Image Management www.capturedata.com 336 International German Genealogy Partnership www.iggpartner.org 137 Irish Family History Centre www.irishfamilyhistorycentre.com JewishGen.org www.JewishGen.org 1335 JoyFLIPS www.joyflips.com 814 JRNL www.jrnl.com 1540 kidsHeritage www.myheritagebook.com 1532 Kindex http://kindex.org 415 Konica Minolta Bus Solutions USA www.countonkonicaminolta.com 1336 Larsen Digital Services www.larsendigital.com 1444 LDS Ancestral Families Assoc http://ldsafa.org 1023 Legacy Books www.legacybooks.com 1731 Legacy Family Tree www.legacyfamilytree.com 615 Legacy Republic www.legacyrepublic.com 1119 Legacy Tree Genealogists https://legacytree.com 1123 LifeBio www.lifebio.com 1138 Lisa Louise Cooke's Genealogy Gems www.genealogygems.com 1633 Maia's Genealogy & History Books www.maiasbooks.com 1144 Maureen Taylor https://maureentaylor.com 1524 Moorshead Magazines 523 MooseRoots http://mooseroots.com 1642 Mountain West Digital Library http://mwdl.org 330 Museu del Cognome www.museodelcognome.it 316 MyCanvas www.mycanvas.com 502 MyHeritage www.myheritage.com 519 National Genealogical Society www.ngsgenealogy.org 1322 New York Genealogical & Biographical Society www.newyorkfamilyhistory.org 222 Newspapers.com www.newspapers.com 1327 Our Family Storybook www.ourfamilystorybook.com 734 Pictures & Stories, Inc 1934 Pioneer Maps http://pioneermaps.com 1942 Publish Your Legacy Now http://publishyourlegacynow.com 235 Qidenus www.qidenus.com Qroma LLC http://qroma.net 1434 ResearchTies LLC http://researchties.com 1426 RootFinder www.rootsfinder.com 723 RootsMagic http://rootsmagic.com 1741 Salt Lake CC Continuing Education www.slccontinuinged.com/program/gen 1528 Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy http://slig.ugagenealogy.org 1437 Salt Lake Plaza Hotel at Temple Square www.plaza-hotel.com 133 Southern California Genealogical Society www.scgsgenealogy.com 1442 ST Imaging http://stimaging.com 1845 Story 2 Ink www.story2ink.com 1440 TapGenes http://tapgenes.com 1436 TMC Place Audio Video & Film Transfer www.transferduplication.com TSOLife www.tsolife.com 334 Twile www.twile.com 239 Ukranian Bar for Foreign Affairs http://ukrinur.com 1337 University of Dundee www.dundee.ac.uk/calis 1644 University of Strathclyde www.strath.ac.uk/genealogy 1445 Unlock the Past www.unlockthepast.com.au 1323 Utah Division of State History http://history.utah.gov 1429 Utah Genealogical Association http://ugagenealogy.org 1422 Utah State Archives http://archives.utah.gov 1229 WikiTree www.WikiTree.com 129 WordPress.com http://www.wordpress.com 1037 Your DNA Guide http://www.yourDNAguide.com.
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